Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 138: The villain has something to Say!

"Damn it! How did you notice that I slipped away!" The Draconian Snake hissed as Marvin closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

"There is nowhere for you to run," Marvin said as he clutched the weakened Draconian Snake in one of his hands. "You've been killing humans since who knows when by using the continental's fruits and blood crown trees as baits. It must've been pretty enjoyable. But did you ever think that you'll die in the hands of every being you hunter? Let me ask you how does it feel like to become a prey of your prey?"

As soon as the draconian snake heard Marvin's voice, its bloodshot eyes radiated killing intent and its body trembled from rage.

"Hahaha, it feels pretty shitty. Your kind is just a part of mealtime, after all." The Draconian Snake made fun of humans as it then refused to utter another word.

Seeing that the Draconian Snake refused to say even a single word of apology, Marvin couldn't hold back his anger and dissatisfaction and decided to act.

''Guess you'll need to be disciplined," Marvin said while beaming a smile as magic power was rapidly consumed from his body.

At the same time, the draconian snake felt a hell of a lot of pain assaulting its senses as he tortured it by creating one thousand tiny blue needles made out of magic power tinged with a crimson hue that penetrated its body and ravaged its inside.

His anger was justified as a lot of humans have died under the jaws of this beast, becoming its source of nourishment.

How devastated the families of the soldiers and adventures must've felt when they found out that their loved ones have died in this place?

It must be painful. A kind of mental torture of a sort. Marvin could sympathize with the sentiments of the people who lost someone dear to them because of the magical beasts as he himself was a victim of such tragedy.

'There is no way I'll submit to humans, these critters are the worst of all, even beasts are better in comparison.' The Draconian Snake thought as it tried to resist.

However, it didn't have any power to resist as it was a "Newborn". It has just created this body, and although it was filled to the brim with the life force of its previous body, it still needed time to integrate with the life force before it could have any power to defend itself. Plus, it also needed to consume a huge amount of meat to grow to its previous height.

'Damn it all! I can't die here,' The Draconian snake thought as all its plans have failed in the worst possible way.

The snake planned to sneak back to its hiding before integrating with the life force present in its body. Furthermore, as it has killed a lot of beasts and stored their carcasses in its lair, it planned to devour them all to once again become as powerful as it was before meeting Marvin. However, Marvin has captured it before it could even realize its supreme plan.

Now, however, it tried to come with a plan to survive as it knew that death was imminent.

'I will die the moment this critter is satisfied with torturing me! I can't accept such an end.' The Draconian snake thought as life flashed before its eyes.

It was but a little snake that sneaked through the world connecting portals, arriving and ushering in this planet, a planet riddled with backstabbers and low lives.

The first thing it chanced upon reaching here, was the cruel and greedy nature of humans.

For a few magic herbs that the Draconian Snake truly considered a mysterious and supreme treasure at that time, a powerful human thrusts his dagger on the back of his companion. He killed his sword brother and stole all the magic herbs, and exclaimed about it to the love of his life. Then that very person was killed by his beloved by the means of life rending poison. While the girl died under the jaws of this predatory snake.

The magic herb and the flesh of the three humans were the start of its journey to lord hood. It found out that it possess the bloodline of the supreme and mysterious beings called dragons, albeit very diluted once it consumed the magic herbs and corpse of humans.

It found out that it grows by hunting down and devouring various creatures because of its draconian bloodline.

The dragons were born with an inborn spell matrix. One that allows them to automatically absorb the life force of other creatures and stabilize its chaotic nature so that they can use it to empower themselves.

The snake that contained the dragon's bloodline was able to do the same but the amount of life force it could purify for absorption purposes in an hour was only a few units.

It grew eating and absorbing the energy from other beasts and Magic Herbs over and over. Normally, the consumption of magic herbs was limited to humans like Fatty Liam as they would feel an overwhelming sensation of sickness as if they were already stuffed full, and eating any more would be dangerous if they tried to eat more than three or two pieces of the same fruits.

It was pretty happy with what it found but its happiness didn't last long as the insidious humans came to find out about its bloodline.

There were always numerous people exploring the wilderness at all times, and people from the otherworld happened to chance upon the rumors of the Draconian Snake. They wanted to silently kill it. Though it has grown pretty powerful at that time, and there was no chance for a few humans to slay it.

And so they spread the rumors about its existence, causing many powerful experts to band together and attack the Draconian Snake. In the end, its only choice was to flee.

Nevertheless, a lot of experts of the two worlds chased it. They were adamant about slaying the beast and obtaining its Draconian Bloodline.

However, In their greed, the humans kill their very kind as to reduce competition. While hiding in the shadows, it saw it all with its own two eyes.

The cruel nature of humanity.

And it profited from it.

It devoured the flesh and blood of the fallen ones, betrayed or killed for the sole purpose of reducing competition.

Its strength increasing continuously.

The situation continued until an old monster that was in seclusion, trying to preserve its remaining life span heard about the draconian snake and joined in on the chase. The dragon's blood has a godly effect of rejuvenation. The old man's purpose was to devour the snake's draconian bloodline so that it could once again become young and healthy, rather than remain as his old wrinkly self.

However, every single expert chased the draconian snake for its bloodline.

How could they allow an old man no matter how powerful to come in unannounced?

In the end, the old monster was cornered by his very race. He could probably fight a dozen or so at a time, but he couldn't win against hundreds of enemies.

In the fight, the old man killed a lot of peoples. But he was injured severely. And they keep on coming at him from all four sides.

Seeing that the humans were fighting each other, the Draconian snake took a huge gamble.

While the humans invested their all in internal conflict, it devoured the flesh of those who died under the blade of the old man, and at the same time, it continuously became powerful.

It unlocked all Its mana channels and created a mana circuit and ended up becoming a tiered beast comparable to Monster Lords the very moment the old man died.

Then, with a huge explosion, all the enemies around it turned to dust.

Ever since that day, it has never suffered the humiliation of being chased around like a dog, and it reigned supreme after settling in the blood fiend wilderness, never tasting the bitter taste of defeat.

Marvin's eyes widened as he stared into the Draconian Snake's eyes that were now glistening with tears.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing, and yet deep inside he knew that it was most likely the life of the draconian snake.

"Why did I see the story of its entire life. Noah, what's happening?" Marvin internally asked after he connected the dots and came to a conclusion that somehow he managed to witness

‹It's all related to your bloodline. The Draconian eyes that the gamer is in possession of are called the eyes of time. In the early stages, the eyes can see the gamer's past, present, and future. But it can also see the past, present, and future of other beings. It might have been triggered because of your intense emotions or some other reasons, and hence, you were able to witness its entire "Past".›

Noah replied as Marvin calmly nodded.

However, internally he wasn't calm at all.

Since everything he has seen is true, then one thing was for sure, he needed to guard against humans.

Till now, he was lucky enough to not be betrayal but the same couldn't be said for the future. The people surrounding him were those who he could trust and he wanted to keep it that way, and so he decided to use the powers of his eyes every time he makes someone his acquaintance.

"Your past is pitiful. Being chased around everywhere for your bloodline. But what you did was no different if not worse than what happened to you." Marvin said as he stopped torturing the beast.

He decided to kill the Draconian snake.

There is no way he could sympathize with a beast.

Besides, he was greedy for the ten thousand units of life force that'll net him 10000 experience points.

"Wait! Don't kill me, I can be extremely useful to you." The Draconian Snake shouted just as Marvin's dagger reached its throat.

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