Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 136: Solo Battle (c)

Although the bloodline of the draconian snake belonged to the race of water dragon, it was far too diluted and it couldn't compare to Marvin's bloodline. He was the descendant of the godly dragon of time.

Furthermore, the pure blood of that very dragon has merged with his body during the evolution process.

In truth, Marvin couldn't be suppressed by the pressure of any dragon kind as his bloodline itself was far superior to all the dragons.

"If this beast can use its draconian bloodline in such a way then I as well can use my dragon's bloodline to pressurize my enemies. Noah, am I right?" Marvin internally asked as he constantly thrusts his dagger in the flesh of the draconian snake.

The energy wave from each attack wreaked havoc inside its body and tore through dozens of ligaments with every successful penetration. While he was normally quite restrained in using abilities that consume a lot of magic power, right now he utilized one special ability after another, ruthlessness emitting from his very being.

‹You're indeed correct. Though the gamer will only be able to use draconian might once you consume and merge with another drop of your ancestor's pureblood. For now, the Gamer's bloodline is at the top of the pyramid, and although there's not a lot of it coursing through your veins, it's still enough to ignore the bloodline pressure emitted by creatures around the level of this draconian snake.› Noah replied.

"That's good to hear," Marvin said as he ravaged the draconian snake with a few more attacks. "Are you a snake or a cockroach? Just how strong is your regeneration?" He taunted the beast.

"Little bastard, you can enjoy all you want, but how long will you be able to keep on utilizing your cheap tricks. Sooner or later, you're gonna run out of your magic power, and at that time, I will kill you and then hunt down each member of your bloodline. Even those girls that I let go of. Hahaha," the draconian managed to keep calm as it was sure that Marvin will be the first one to run out of magic power.

Marvin's magic power was indeed decreasing rapidly. The consumption of his magic power was so fast that his magic power regeneration couldn't keep up. It can't be helped as he needed to utilize his special abilities quite often or else he'll be crushed to death.

To shake him off of itself, the draconian snake was twirling around and smashing its back on the ground. However, each time Marvin would teleport to a safe distance before getting on its back once again. The situation was similar to a bodybuilder with a big built trying to scratch an itch on his back but unable to do so as his hands couldn't reach that place. So he'll scratch his back against a surface.

But what happens if that itch can escape and then return out of nowhere?

It means endless torment!

The poor draconian snake couldn't do anything against this insidious practice as its body was too bid. Besides, its magical attacks weren't working against Marvin either. Swords-like beams made up of concentrated magic power present in the surrounding and some of his own were chopping off all the tentacles that came out of the ground and its scales in mere seconds, after all.

The sword technique wasn't named myriad-shaped for no reason, as it could really be changed to any shape as long as Marvin provides enough energy. By using the insights he gained from experiencing what it feels like to use a sword domain, Marvin was able to somewhat utilize the magic power present in the surroundings to aid in the utilization of this sword technique. Basically, the world was sharing the burden of the sword technique.

The sword beams turned as long and as sharp as he pleased. A single used caused sword energy to shatters its scales and penetrate inside its body.

"Oh, thanks for the head up," Marvin said to the draconian snake as he felt that this beast really deserved to be thanked.

The draconian snake didn't know that it has just helped sharpened the knives of the butcher. It believed that the human has gone crazy, and that victory will soon be his.

"Noah, utilize all the attribute points I have to increase my wisdom, and utilize all my skill development points to increase the level of my spatial step," Marvin said as he noticed his magic power was really decreasing quite rapidly.

‹Ten attribute points have been consumed to increase the gamer's wisdom›

‹Wisdom increased by 10 points: 11»21›

‹The gamer's Magic Power regeneration has been increased to 2.1 units per second.›

Marvin's lips thinned into a dry smile. Every ten points in wisdom were equal to 1 unit of magic regeneration in one second. Previously, his wisdom was only eleven points and so he was only able to regenerate 1.1 units of magic power per second. But now, the amount has almost doubled.

‹Four skill development points have been utilized.›

‹Spatial Step Lv:4 upgraded to mini teleportation (Ultimate)›

‹The Gamer can now teleport a short distance twice by using the skill [Mini Teleportation]›

‹The cost of mini teleportation is 2 units of magic power›

‹The cooldown of mini teleportation is 2 seconds›

"Since I increased my wisdom to 21 points, I'll be able to always spam mini teleportation right after the 2-second cooldown. Besides, I can teleport once every second. If I time it well, then the beast will never be able to hit me. That means that the draconian snake worse nightmare has come true, haha!" Marvin internally thought as he patted its flower ass with his dagger.

The draconian snake was waiting for Marvin to run out of magic power.

'After all, how many units of magic power can a person with only a single mana channel contain, anyway?' The beast thought with a insidious smile.

However, contrary to its expectations, not only did the regeneration of Marvin's magic power increased to a monstrous degree but he also gained the benefit of never running out of magic power as long as he only continuously utilizes spatial steps and immortal vanquishing sword slashes.

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