Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 131: Boss Battle (b)

He planned to force the swallowing snake out of the stream and end it on the ground without involving Bai Yue and Leilani. As the beast was very powerful and they could get hurt. He didn't want them to suffer even a single scratch. But now, they were in the range of danger, but it's because they didn't follow his words.

"What are you both doing here when I specifically told you to stay a safe distance away from the stream!" Marvin scolded while staring at them sternly.

Is it that his words not matter?!

"Please, don't be angry."

"We were worried."

The two beauties said with a pitiful face. Why were they being treated this way, when all they did was worry about him?

Marvin's anger melted faster than a cube of ice in the Sahara desert as he saw tears in their eyes. He instantly regretted it. He should not have raised his voice. He shouldn't have scolded them, also.

"Damn… Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Marvin gave both of them a pat on the head at the same time as water streamed down his enticing body, forming a small puddle beneath him. His wet hair covered his forehead, but his bright silver eyes and muscled yet slim figure standing under the soft moonlight were highly alluring.

He was bewitching handsome like a mesmerizing devil, and at the same time wild and eye-grabbing. Especially because after the evolution, Marvin had this discernible air of distinguished existence, that a conqueror would be born with.

"Apology accepted. Besides, you're so handsome. My heart is itching with lust." Bai Yue couldn't help but say out loud her thoughts.

Although they had touched him and ogled at his figure before, It still enticed their attention. Their eyes involuntarily opened up very wide, the love and affection in their eyes and the desire showing completely on their faces.

"This is free eye candy! I can ogle at you for days." Leilani said.

Marvin liked the attention he was getting but this was creeping him out.

Leilani placed her hands on his big and warm hand before saying, "I was so worried about you when the water turned bloody. What happened down there?"

Not just her, even Bai Yue's heart was shaken, and it was all because of the water turning bloody. They were so afraid that something happened to Marvin that traces of tears could be seen in their eyes.

"The treasure was being protected by a powerful beast. I have a suspicion that it is probably from the world of Camelot. Though I don't have much time to explain exactly what happened as it's going to come out any moment now. The situation is about to turn dangerous. It would be better if you both return to the camp." He replied while wearing his clothes. He wasn't Tarzan, after all.

Bai Yue's eyes twitched out of annoyance. She knew that he was worried about their safety but she wasn't a little girl. But she was also an ability user that could fight. Besides, she didn't want to be a burden but a helper, someone who can proudly stand by his side.

"Oh, common. Please let me fight with you."

"Me too. I won't leave you here to face a dangerous beast all along. It would be better if we fight it together."

It would actually be a really good idea to fight the beast together as killing it will be quicker. Bai Yue ice weapons packed a lot of power and Leilani was the only magical being among them. Marvin didn't know the extent of her powers, however. Besides, knowing their character, they wouldn't go away, also.

Marvin sighed.

"Alright, let's fight together."

The girls cheered in their hearts.

Meanwhile, Marvin's face turned stern. He could feel the vibration of the ground getting intense. That means the swallowing snake must be making its way out of the earth.

"It's coming!" He warned them before peeking into the future, and in the very moment, his eyes changed shape. His pupils changed to a vertical slit and the brightness in his silver eyes increased. Furthermore, his aura also changed.

Marvin has utilized «Dragon Eye!» to gain an upper hand.

It just happened that Bai Yue and Leilani were looking into his eyes, and they also saw what was going to happen shortly.

"What was that?"

After seeing the future, Bai Yue and Leilani showed shock in their eyes, and disbelief was written completely on their face.

"The future!" Marvin said. "What we saw is going to happen, and it will be exactly the same."

"We have an upper hand in this battle because we have seen the future!" The two beauties stood amazed. Their hubby dragon eye was insanely unique!

Just moments later, the ground trembled and green vine tore through the ground and lashed out at them. However, they were fully aware that it was going to happen. Furthermore, they had made appropriate preparations.

The vine tore through the wind and crashed on the gigantic mana hands that Leilani created to protect them.

Leilani smiled in disdain.

"These attacks aren't that powerful. I can keep up my defense for hours, and even then my shield made out of mana won't shatter."

"I will take aggro. You guys attack from inside the shield."

"All right, I will provide you cover."

Bai Yue icy weapons manifested and shoot out like arrows. They crashed with the broad leaves attached to the vine and shattered. The leaves were deeply condensed scales of the Bestial Tailed Swallowing Snake. It was far harder than her icy weapons, and only a dent was created by her attack. But when Marvin made his move, the green slimy blood of the victim of his attack dripped down, along with all the vines and the scales.

A few moments went by with nothing happening. Then a deafening roar shook the entire forest. Almost simultaneously, the surface of the stream fluttered increasingly violently before the Swallowing Snake burst out of the water.

Marvin and the two beauties were already facing the river as if they already predicted how it was gonna make its entrance. They glanced at the enormous beast.

It was an enormous magical beast that they have never seen in their entire life. Its body was completely covered in blue scales with white dots that looked harder than steel. It had three eyes and a triangular head and it was glaring at them with murderous intentions. 

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