Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 129: Continent's Fruit!

The surface of the clear stream reflected the moon, and from the looks of it, Marvin found no fish or other creatures present inside. His evolved eyes could even see the bottom of the stream. There was no chance of having missed any dangerous creatures even if they swum downstream to hide in order to lure him inside and feast on his flesh.

As he was looking through the seabed, five glinting lights suddenly caught Marvin's eye. Believing that is where the treasures lies, he focused on the origin of the lights. Then, he saw five multi-coloured fruits, each brimming with vitality and puffing blue vapors, hanging out from a vine-like flower, which protruded out of the floor of the stream.

«Destiny-Changing Continent's fruit»

[Description: It's a legend among the Gods and the Greatest of all races, once mystical energy seeps into a world, each continent begins to awaken, being able to form a soul. This continent has formed its soul, and has been creating natural continental treasure to create fate with ability users and raise them as the continent's finest warriors, as it is aware of the threat imposed by the invaders and the intention of the human race, which is to protect Earth. The Continent's fruit is a mystical treasure imbued with the purest energy of the continent's soul. It's extremely rare.

Effect: Consuming the fruit would grant mystical organs, and one to three mana channels will be formed in the human body. A being can only consume one continent fruit in his lifetime]

The mystical energy was none other than magic power. Besides, this continent has awakened and understood that the demons can very well be the ones to bring an end to the world, while humans can save Earth from doom. However, the Earthlings didn't have many excellent warriors, and although there were powerful experts that could go toe to toe with peak powers of the World of Camelot, they numbered too few and numbers mattered a lot. Thus, such treasures has appeared all over this continent to strengthen the Earthlings as fast and as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, Marvin wouldn't know about the existence of the Continental soul if not for Noah.

"This shit is rare!" Marvin internally exclaimed like a excited child while staring at the twinkling fruits.

The number of mana channels varied, and some might have only one mana channels while the others 2 or more. However, one thing was for sure, there is no way to create more mana channels.

But the continent's fruit defied this rule.

What does it mean?

It means he have stumbled upon a treasure trove!

‹However, it's useless to the Gamer›

His happiness didn't last long as just after he internally exclaimed, Noah poured a tub full of cold water over his head, and in a single moment, he was more sober and pissed off than ever.

"Huh, what do you mean?!!" He asked.

‹The Gamer already have ten mana channels in his body, and although nine of them are sealed, they are still within your body. A humanoid being can only have a maximum of ten mana channels, and it's only your sister that is exempt from this universal rule. Her body can contain an ultimated number of mana channels. Even if you were to eat it, you will only obtain less than one-tenth the benefit. Though it's beneficial to the Gamer's wives, as they were born with less than ten mana channels›

"I wanna ask, what are the benefits I can obtain from consuming this fruit?"

‹The Continental energy imbued within the fruits will open your mana channels, and if you were to eat this fruit when all your mana channels are opened, then it will instantly create a mana circuit in your body, which is the minimum requirement to become a magical being and summon your magic body. Besides that, you can also absorb this energy to further strengthen your physical body, and developing your magic body is also among the many possibilities› Noah replied.

The continent's fruit can increase the quality of his magic body permanently.

Magic Body!

He have seen it, and it was far impressive than his abilities. After all his mana channels are opened, Marvin can create a magic body, and it will be 10 meters tall.

Ten meters tall!

Just the thought of it send chills of excitement down his spine.

He licked his lips in a devilish manner as if he was possessed by Mammon, the god of greed, as he focused on the fruits.

There was no danger in this area, and the treasure was before his eyes.

'Great!' Marvin thought, diving downwards while holding his breath.

Not was he already a mana channel opening expert, but he was also approximately 29 times stronger than normal humans because of his stats, which had a tremendous increase because of evolution, he could easily hold his breath for half an hour. Above all, he was like a fish in the water.


He was faster than a fish.

A moment later, Marvin reached before the five fruit and just as he was about to loot the fruits one by one, the ground below suddenly shook and split open. A flower monster with razor-sharp teeth and a wide open mouth shoot out and snapped down on Marvin.

Everything happened in a split second.

In the face of such a deadly sneak attack, a normal ability user would surely die but the same can't be said for Marvin.

Marvin didn't panic despite being surprised attack. It's because he never believed that there will be a unguarded treasure in the wilderness. Besides, the wilderness are known as the most dangerous places in the world and the danger of death is everywhere. Marvin knew that everything including insidious humans are aiming to kill innocent lambs roaming in the wilderness.

So how could he be so lucky to encounter a treasure without a hint of danger?

As soon as he saw the flower beast, he used spatial step to teleport before the fruits and in a mere moment, he hastily plucked them as if plucking virgin flowers and stored them in his spatial treasure.

The big ass flower monster who swallow Marvin's afterimage: ".." Why can't I taste blood and flesh? Didn't I just ate the human in one gulp?

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