Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 127: Resonance

Fatty Liam told them the information he obtained from the virtual network. Meanwhile, Marvin read the information he received once he looked at the items. The details about the poisonous gland were very surprising.

"Not necessarily. We will be sharing it between us. The poisonous gland can be used to create a bundle of mythical immunity pills that will not only give us protection against a thousand poison but also strengthen our immune system each time it is consumed." Marvin said.

"Are you for real?"

"How can such a pill exist?"

They were doubtful of what he said. This time, Fatty Liam also felt doubtful. He had purchased all information about the Water Snake, but there was no mention of its poisonous gland being used to make pills.

"Yeah," Marvin nodded. "Believe it or not, these pills exist. I even got prove with me."

"Then, show us."

With the two beauties sticking close to him and staring at him with demanding eyes, the great silver-eyed man internally told Noah to purchase the pill recipe from the System's store.

‹The mythical immunity pill recipe has been stored in the gamer's inventory›

The store was unlocked when Marvin reached level 10. Moreover, just like he thought, the store contained treasures left behind by the great experts that were gathered by Night. He even saw books on alchemy written by Life Taker. However, it was only ranked 7 among the alchemy treasure. The number one alchemy treasure in the store was the knowledge of the Divine Alchemy King. While the numbers two and three were two pieces of the Philosopher stone created by Faceless.

Marvin pulled a jade scroll out of thin air and handed it over for the doubtful three to see.

"We just need to purchase the rest of the ingredients mentioned on it then I will be able to create the pills."

"You are so incredible."

They confirmed that the mythical immunity pill wasn't bullshit that Marvin pulled out of his ass, but a real divine treasure.

The eyes of the beauties sparkled. While Fatty Liam's mouth salivated. A pill that protects against a hundred poison is already a treasure but a pill that strengthens the immune system, it was comparable to something divine.

"We will make a lot of money by selling this pill."

"I do think that selling it is a good idea but we should first use it for ourselves, and we can obtain benefits from this pill a total of three times. We will sell these pills if there are leftovers."

Marvin obtained all information about this pill when he purchased the item from the store. A person could only consume three such pills before it becomes completely useless. Then, no matter how many times this pill is consumed, there will be no benefits.

"When the time comes to sell these pills, you can use the auction held by my mystic shop. No one will doubt the value of these pills and even the richest ones of the strongholds will easily be attracted." Leilani said with a smile.

"Ok," Marvin nodded.

Fatty Liam and Bai Yue were also fine with his decision. They felt that it was indeed better to use a treasure oneself until the benefits are maximized before selling the said treasure.

"Shall we eat?"

"Yeah, I am feeling famished."

They had set up a tent beneath the outcropping of green harmless vines and bushes while Marvin was undergoing the evolution process. The camp was situated a few miles away from the stream. They had to hide in this place to be safe, and luckily their cautiousness proved to be extremely useful. Twice they evaded dangerous encounters as powerful magical beasts as massive as the Mutated Water Snake passed by them.

"It is time for us to continue the hunt!" Marvin said once everyone ate their fill. "Did you guys kill the Blood Tree near the stream?"

"We didn't or rather, couldn't."

A person needs to be careful when destroying the roots of the blood tree otherwise they will not only damage the Blood Crown Leaves but also completely waste it. The medicinal essence of the blood crown leaves starts to discharges into the environment if it is even a little bit damaged. They all have powerful abilities, but none of them could destroy the remaining roots buried inside the ground to kill the blood tree without harming the blood crown leaves.

"From what I just found out, usually an Earth-type ability user is necessary to kill blood trees and collect their blood crown leaves but you did the same." Fatty Liam said.

"It's because of my ability. I can release energy beams and control them as I wish."

Marvin felt lucky to have the ability Myriad-shaped immortal vanquishing slash. It was so easy to kill a blood tree with this ability.

"Out of us three, only you have the abilities to kill the blood tree entirely. That's why we were waiting for you to wake up." Bai Yue said.

"Yeah, I understand. I will start the hunt from the blood tree at the stream. It's already weakened and I can take care of it by myself. You can rest at this place if you want to. But if you want to follow me, then you are most welcome to tag along." Marvin said once he was fully prepared to hunt.

"We will be coming with you."

Unsurprisingly, his wives chose to follow Marvin to the stream. While Fatty Liam remained seated.

"I will be resting here, but only for a while."

He had just returned from looting the corpse of the Water Snake and along the way, he had encountered magical beasts, and although they weren't powerful enough to be a threat, it still took a lot of stamina to take them down. Thus, Liam was feeling very tired.

"Liam Ball, I will come to pick you up once we are done."

"Take this with you." Fatty Liam handed over the magical herbs plucker to Marvin before they rushed towards the weakened blood tree.

A while later, they were at the same location where the Water Beast died. Surprisingly, they were attacked by the sharp roots of the blood tree. It has consumed ten blood crown leaves to regenerate itself to the peak but it was very angry and feeling regretful. It just needed to form 9 more Blood Crown Leaves to undergo evolution but these human bastards have completely shattered its plan. Enraged, the roots with blood veins whipped around, raising dust, cracking the ground, and chopping the trees. A normal person would be killed within a second but Marvin passed through its attack with incredible speed.

Leilani and Bai Yue helped him from far away, where the blood roots couldn't extend to, by decreasing the number of the blood roots.

‹The Gamer has killed Mutated Blood Tree›

‹Obtained 800 experience points and 80 credits›

‹Gained 3 essence of time›

A minute hasn't even passed before Marvin has successfully killed the blood tree and stored more than 80 blood crown leaves in the magical herb plucker.

Since Marvin had killed the blood tree and gotten the Blood Crown Leaves, there was nothing left for them to do here.

Marvin was walking towards his wives, when out of nowhere, a mystical feeling passed through his body, causing him to stop in his track.

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