Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 125: Evolution!

A large amount of pain assaulted Marvin's senses as the blood of his ancestor coursed through his veins. The pain was resulted due to the pressure emitting out of Kronos blood. It wasn't mortal blood, but the blood of a God after all. As the blood of Kronos circulated in his body, he felt a sharp spiking pain rising throughout his body. Suddenly, he felt immense pain in his eyes and head. Then, his vision turned blurry. He suffered a temporary loss of consciousness due to the pain.

Thus, Marvin dropped to the ground from the snake's head with a dull thud, alarming his wives and Fatty Liam.

They rushed towards him as fast as they could.

‹The Pure Blood of the 'Time God Kronos' has begun to blend in with your body. Your body is experiencing evolution›

Crackle~ Crackle~

The pressure emitting from the blood of Kronos tore his muscles apart. Even his skin crumbled apart. However, this misfortune came with a blessing. The same pressure expelled waste matters and impurities through his pores. Though misfortune always strike in pair. The pressure also peeled off his skin.

Such a gruesome scene would cause others feet to turn around, but Bai Yue embraced him. "What's going on.… he was just fine a moment ago, but now his body is completely tattered."

She cried. She felt desperate. She felt sad. She felt useless. She didn't know what was happening to her beloved. She also didn't know how to help him. She held him tightly in her embrace not giving a shit about the putrid smell emitted by the impurities or the smell of blood.

Everything was going well, but how did this happen?

Just what is this?

Leilani and Fatty Liam knew they have no way of helping Marvin. But not even for a single second did they want to stand before his dead body.

Fatty Liam pulled out the Hover Disk and looked at Bai Yue.

"Crying won't help. We need to get him to a hospital as soon as we can. Flying in the wilderness can be dangerous, but his life is more important!"

At this moment, Fatty Liam suppressed all form of cowardice.

So what if the Blood fiends notice them?

So what if they get chased by hundreds of magical beasts?

To save his brother, he was willing to embrace danger. Fatty Liam didn't have blood siblings, but he could assuredly say that Marvin was better than a brother.

Bai Yue clamped her lips tight and tried to stop her sobbing but tears streamed down her eyes, nevertheless. She said, "Yeah, I know."

"Let's hurry!" Leilani carried Marvin in her embrace after using the cleanse talisman to clean all the impurities and waste. It was partially because the putrid smell made her dizzy and mostly because such waste matter would harm him even more.

Marvin would have puked a liter of blood if he awake.

He was being princess carried by a princess!

"We can reach the nearest city in under an hour if we utilize all our magic power to accelerate the disk."

They were just about to take flight when Leilani eyes squinted as she looked at Marvin's pitiful state. 'Where on earth have I seen this." She thought while biting her thumb. 'When the leader of the twilight elves absorbed the blessing of the twilight God to become a Saintess, the same thing happened.'

Leilani noticed the similarities between Marvin's state and her mother state. Then, she saw the rapid healing of his wounds and stopped them from taking flight, and bringing needless trouble.



"Take a look at him again."

They stared at Marvin. One pair of eye contained sadness and the unwillingness to lose him. The other contained traces of worry and the will to save him. Then, these eyes reflected astonishment.

"This is amazing. How can he heal so quickly?"

"This... this is… weird!" Fatty Liam only had this one word for this situation.

"This isn't weird." Leilani eyes sparkled as she stroked her chin in thoughts. "If I am not wrong then he is mutating. Remember what I said about those born with special physiques?"

"That they can come to possess dragon eyes?"

"Yeah, I think it happened to Marvin, which resulted in his current state."

Bai Yue eyes twinkled as the tears streamed down her eyes, but this time, the tears were caused due to happiness.

"Phew~at least now we don't need to take a risk. He is healing rapidly and his skin has already reformed. We might as well wait near the stream for him to wake up." Fatty Liam breathed a sigh of relief.

"What soft and supple skin." Bai Yue found out that skin was soft and milky like a baby. "Oh, let me see." Leilani pinched his chin to feel his skin.

Meanwhile, Marvin regained somewhat of his conciousness. The blood of Kronos continuously pulsated and released enormous amount of godly essence of life in his body. The essence of life seeped between his bones and even reinforced all of his bones. It also recreated his skin. The essence of life and the pressure emitting by the blood was stimulating every corner of his body, causing his internal balance to collapse and restoring it at the same time. Nevertheless, after a few internal collapse and recreation Marvin's body had undergone an unbelievable change.

It has shed a lot of its mortal qualities to become a vessel that can uphold the power of time!

Marvin regained conciousness during the process. He felt a lot pain due to the pressure of the blood, but he didn't shout. Moreover, adrenaline pumped across his body like wildfire, assisting him in this battle. And at the same time, he felt a strong energy circulating through out his body. He felt very familiar with this energy.

It was the essence of life!

The purest one he have ever felt. And it was increasing his bodily strength at a rapid speed.

On top of all that, he found himself in the embrace of two beauties at the same time. Their plump breast hung above his face and released a sweet almost enticing scent, and their eyes filled with concerns didn't escape with attention.

What a wonderful life! Marvin almost exclaimed but he played death to enjoy their care for a while.

"This almost killed me. Noah, next time ask me before beginning the evolution process." Marvin internally complained with closed eyes.

‹The evolution commands are automated. They are set by Night – the one who encompasses all. I can't interfere unless I get upgraded to stage 2› Noah replied. ‹The evolution will bring you a lot of benefits. You should check out your new skills and the increase in your stats once you evolve›

Marvin didn't continue to wrongfully blame Noah. It was the fault of that bastard Night, after all. 'Oh, shit will I get struck by lightning? Well, nothing happened. I guess I can curse night in my mind.' Marvin thought.

The evolution process continued. Five minutes passed by.

‹'The Blood of Kronos' has blended with your body. Congratulations! The Gamer has successfully evolved into a, ''Kronos Noble"›

‹Affinity towards the element of time has increased tremendously. "Time Halt" skill cap has been removed. The Gamer can now upgrade Time Halt to Level 5›

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