Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 121: The Blood Valley (b)

Marvin drew his brows together. According to what Fatty said, staying in this valley for too long can very well be the end of them. They would be killed by the blood trees while enjoying the illusions.

"I can think of a better way." Marvin said, "Wait for a while."

"All right." It was gonna be a pain in the ass to chop one tree after another, hence they wished that Marvin would be able to come up with a better way. Fatty Liam rubbed his chin with his thumb while thinking that this location was really a downfall for his ability.

Oh, how he wished to breathe fire. But if the blood trees are set on flames, then there's a high chance for the Blood Crown leaves to also turn to ash.

Meanwhile, Marvin was certain there was a being that can provide a solution to this problem. It was none other Noah!

"Noah, is there a way to locate Blood trees residing in this valley?"

The blood trees were omnivores. They can grow by simply absorbing mana. But they hasten their growth process by harvesting blood and high-quality energy from humans and other beings, thus they target and try to kill everyone that seems like an easy target.

‹Apparently, the blood trees grow through absorbing magic power. I can track them down, but the Gamer will need to expunge some experience points so that I can activate the spell matrix. The cost of experience points will depend on the range›

Every single one of Noah's spell matrices required the essence of life to be activated. Experience points were the essence of life, and Marvin had no choice but to use some experience to safely get his hands on blood crown leaves. Besides, there is no limit to the number of times it can be used.

When Noah's mechanical rang beside his ears, Marvin was so happy that he smiled.

"Why did you suddenly become happy?"

"Did the gas get to his brain?"

"Is he hallucinating?"

"Stop making assumptions." Marvin said, "I found a way to differentiate the blood trees from the normal ones."


"Yup," Marvin nodded. Internally, he said,

"Hmm, help me track every blood tree within ten meters!"

‹There's one seven meters on your left. To be more exact, it is the one in between the towering green tree and hollow ash-like tree› Noah replied.

Marvin turned his face to the side and saw that there was a tree with a twisted branch between a hollow ash-like tree and a towering green tree.

It was the exact match.

This Blood tree had detected them the very movement they stepped into the valley. It has been silently releasing the hallucinating gas to show them the most beautiful illusions while ripping them limbs from limbs, but it didn't know that it was gonna experience a world of pain.

"Is it there?" Fatty asked pointing in the direction where Marvin stared at.

"Yeah, I will make the first move. You guys back me up." Marvin said before pointing his finger towards the Blood Tree.

A lot of Magic power concentrated at the tip of his right-hand forefinger. Then, it condensed into a small ball that packed a hell of a lot of power.

Marvin has used his ability development points to upgrade his best abilities. He upgraded spatial step and mana bullet. The cost of magic power halved as he upgraded spatial step to Lv:4. Meanwhile, he unlocked the rapid fire mode and a laser beam mode because of upgrading mana bullet. He wanted to upgrade Time Halt and Magic Empowered Martials arts to Lv:4; However, he wasn't able to as he didn't possess the requirements. And he won't be able to unless he reaches level 10 and evolves into the scion of time.

‹Laser Beam›

A beam made out of mana launched towards the Blood tree with incredible speed and force and ended up blasting its trunk into smithereens.

"Shiekya!" A pained roar resounded as the beam blasted its trunk into smithereens. The earth trembled as the upper body of the blood tree fell to the ground, and the roots remained buried in the ground. The earth once again trembled as tree roots with blood red veins came out of the soil. The Blood tree doesn't die until its roots are eradicated.




The blood trees sharp roots stretched like tentacles and fired straight to pierce Marvin's heart. If a person gets hit by its thorns, then they would suffer severe injuries and their blood will also contaminated. The thorns can even pierce the defenses of ability manipulators. 

"I got this!" Bai Yue voice came from behind Marvin, who pulled his dagger out.

Weapons made out of ice had materialized in midair and produced a chilling sensation in the dark, dismal surroundings.

The very next moment after Bai Yue said her words, sharp ice dagger moved through air and firmly chopped the roots, causing blood to gush out like a tide from the other ends of the roots. The blood tree shrieked resounded again, and the blood roots retreated.

"It's the end,"

Though Marvin didn't miss this chance. With an indifferent expression, Marvin teleported above the chopped tree, which was the location of the shriek. Then, he impaled his dagger into the ground. His dagger pulsated and released beams of swords that burrowed their way into the ground, chopping the blood veins and killing the blood tree.

This scene was similar to how Marvin's sensational rod pulsated and filled Bai Yue womb to the brim with thick and creamy milk some days ago.

Blood seeped out of the place where his dagger was impaled and created a small puddle.

‹The Gamer has killed a Young Blood Tree. Obtained 500 Experience points. Earned 100 Credits. 7 essence of time›

‹Lv:7: 7760/8000›

‹System Store's Credits: 5900›

‹Time Bank: 60/100›

Noah announced. Marvin thought, 'Now, I am just a short step away from level 10!'

"Did you get it?" His wives asked.

"I think he did." Fatty Liam said.

"I did!" Marvin replied before pulling back the inquisitor dagger from the ground.

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