
Chapter 480: A Demon Girl Smiling Brilliantly

Hey guys, Aidka's Here!

If you read my other novel, Fourth Prince, then you know that Science/Magic is going to resume again after a long hiatus now that Fourth Prince came to an end.

The plan is to post one daily chapter of Science/Magic and one of My Skills Are Weird (My newest novel. Check it if you have not) for the rest of the month. The side stories of Fourth Prince will be released once or twice every week.

Consider supporting me on P4TRE0N...!!!


After Bloed left Sara and Gina's room, he went to the tower's training floor.

Despite the side-effects of the virus, it was a fact that it strengthened his body greatly. However, Bloed still needed to get used to this new strength.

Even if he could not use his mana actively during the training, just testing the limits of his physical strength would be of great help for the next time he needs to fight. At the very least, he will know what his limits were.

At first, he planned to spar with Regina to adjust to his new strength, but the Valkyrie apologized and told him that she needed to do something else. Bloed was a bit startled, but he could only nod and go to the training floor alone.

But when he arrived at the training floor, he discovered that someone else was already there.

It was a white-haired girl with silver eyes, pointed ears, and stunning features.

The Princess of the Boerner Elves, Elwha Aerin.

Bloed was surprised to see her here, but when he was about to call out at her, he realized that the elf princess seemed dazed.

Moreover, through the link of their souls, Bloed could feel that she was feeling… guilty, apologetic, and ashamed.

Bloed's movements froze.

He quickly realized why she was like this. Most likely, she was feeling guilty about the attack on them a few days ago.

Among the attackers, there were people of the Church of Slaughter, and Elwha knew that the reason the Church of Slaughter was there was to get the thing she was protecting.

The Heart of the Forest.

Bloed let out a soft sigh.

His relationship with Elwha was not that close. Despite feeling the emotions of each other due to the link between their souls, Elwha had always tried to keep a distance from Bloed, and Bloed respected it.

Plus, recently, they had learned to control what the other could feel, so unless they were very close and the other was dazed like now, it was as though the link was inexistent.

But now that Bloed could feel her emotions so clearly, he could not leave her alone.

After hesitating briefly, Bloed finally decided to approach her.

When Bloed was about to call out at her, the elf princess finally noticed him.

"… Mr. Bloed?" She asked surprised and hurriedly adjusted her emotions. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to train. However, I did not expect to meet you her."

"I just finished training. Well, I will be going. Take care." The princess said quickly and walked past Bloed to leave the place.

Seeing that Elwha was really planning to leave, Bloed heaved a sigh. Then, he spoke to her.

"It's wrong to blame yourself for that."

The Elf princess froze.

Her silver eyes shook slightly and her lips formed a bitter smile.

"… You felt it?"

Bloed nodded.

Elwha bit her lips and looked at the ground.

She did not speak for a long time, as though she was thinking about how to reply. Bloed did not hurry her either and just waited patiently.

Finally, the elf princess opened her mouth.

"… It's just that… If I would have not been here, perhaps many people would have not died."

"That is not–"

"It is true," Elwha affirmed. "The Church of Slaughter only appeared to get the Heart of the Forest. Many people died due to them. In fact, you and the others could have died as well. That was due to me."


"If… If I would have not been here. If I don't protect the Heart of the Forest stubbornly, then, perhaps many of the people that died could have survived. It is my–"

"Stop." Bloed's cold voice interrupted her.

The elf princess was stunned. She looked at Bloed, only to be surprised when she saw an angry expression on his face.

"Princess, blaming yourself for the wrongdoings of others is wrong."

"But I–"

"Stop. I don't plan to continue listening to that bullshit. The people of the Church of Slaughter are psychopaths, murderers, and madmen. You think that they killed those people due to you, right? Hahaha, I saw them massacre countless innocent citizens in Diadel Duchy and you were not there."

Bloed stared at her without any trace of hesitation in his eyes.

"Listen carefully. It was not your fault."

Princess Elwha fell silent.

She then took a deep breath and looked at Bloed.

"… Perhaps you are right, but it's a fact that my actions put you and the others at risk. Moreover, now that the Church of Slaughter knows that I'm here, they will attack again before long. I… I should leave before one of you dies because of me."

"What about it?"


"I knew about the risks when we rescued you and decided to help you. So, what about it? Do you think I'm going to abandon you now?"

The Princess looked down and bit her lips.

"… It's dangerous."

"I agree. But we are not without options. I think we should tell the Headmistress about it. I was not sure if she was trustworthy before, but now, I'm sure we can trust her."

"… Will it work?"

"I'm not sure. But it's better than seeing you leave. I don't like that idea even a little bit."

The Princess did not reply. She just raised her head and used her silver eyes to look straight to Bloed's blue eyes.

In that instant, Bloed felt a surge of emotions rushing towards his mind.

Relief, thankfulness, happiness, and… liking.

Plus, a strong urge to express that liking in some way.

Before he could react to the sudden rush of emotions, he felt a pair of soft lips against his lips for a brief instant.

Bloed's eyes opened wide. He looked at the elf girl in front of him in surprise, only to see a slight blush on her cheeks and a touch of embarrassment and awkwardness in her silver eyes.

"… Don't tell anyone about this, okay?" She murmured softly.

But just at that moment, they heard someone cough.


Surprised, they turned around and saw a red-haired demon girl looking at them with a brilliant smile on her face.

"Okay, who is going to explain to me what is going on?" Liu Ying asked.

Bloed and Elwha froze completely.

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