School Transmigration: I, Chosen as the Saint by Dragons at the Start

Chapter 20: Genius? Freak!

Chapter 20: Genius? Freak!

Owen watched Berkeley almost cry, feeling a twitch in his heart.

A middle-aged man, yet so emotionally fragile.

Erin tugged at Owen's hand, whispering, "Master, let's go. It's better to have less contact with such scoundrels. It taints our souls."

Berkeley looked at Erin, his mouth twitching, but ultimately he refrained from cursing.

Owen shook his head slightly and took the initiative to ask, "Enough with the act. Tell me about arcanergy fluid."

Berkeley's tearful expression vanished in an instant, his shrewdness returning to his eyes.

Despite his disheveled and bruised appearance, he quickly reverted to his crafty merchant persona.

It was no wonder that merchants were known for their fickleness and cunning.

Berkeley realized that Owen had shown no interest in his previous story and had easily seen through the falsehood of the blood in his shop.

Owen must be a capable and rational individual.

Now that Owen was asking, there had to be a reason.

This was a business opportunity, and Berkeley was determined to seize it.

"Mr. Owen," Berkeley, unabashedly, suggested, "Shall we talk inside the shop?"

Owen, resigned, shook his head and walked towards Berkeley's rundown shop.

As they walked, he asked, "What is this arcanergy fluid you mentioned?"

"Sir, you don't know about arcanergy fluid? Are you perhaps from abroad?" Berkeley queried.

Given that Novalia Continent comprised five different kingdoms, each with its unique characteristics, his guess wasn't unreasonable.

Owen vaguely sidestepped Berkeley's speculation and encouraged him to continue.

Berkeley then explained, "Arcanergy fluid is a specialty of our country, produced by level 2 arraymancers who use arcanergy arrays to liquify the arcanergy in the air."

"What can it be used for?"

"It has two main effects: first, to enhance the arcanergy in one's body, and second, to increase affinity with various elemental arcanergy."

"That does sound like a valuable item."

Berkeley, with a smug expression, declared, "Otherwise, why would our little shop be stocked with such fine items?"

"Are you referring to those 'advanced race' blood samples?" Erin interjected mockingly from the side.

"Cough cough, that's the added value of the product. You're just a child, you wouldn't understand."

"Hmph, it's just deception," Erin retorted, rolling her eyes.

As they re-entered the shabby shop, Owen curiously asked, "How did that young man discover your blood was fake?"

Berkeley, looking somewhat sheepish, spoke in a subdued tone, "Just bad luck, who knew my buyer would be a genius?"

"Oh? Is there more to this story?"

"Normally, it takes three months for someone to fully absorb my arcanergy fluid. Even if a buyer comes back after that time, I can easily claim it was their misfortune not to assimilate with the blood."

"But that kid, he fully absorbed the fluid in just two days, so of course, he guessed there was something wrong with the blood!"

"I see..."

Berkeley once again took down the earth dragon blood and handed it to Owen.

"So, sir, would you like to support my business?"

Owen unscrewed the lid, and instantly, a pleasant fragrance filled the air.

"Heh, earth dragon blood doesn't smell like this at all. Even the imitation isn't accurate," Erin remarked disdainfully after smelling the fragrance.

Berkeley laughed in response, "As if you've ever smelled earth dragon blood."

But his laughter soon froze on his face.

If this master and servant duo hadn't smelled earth dragon blood before, how did they know right from the start that the earth dragon blood he was selling was fake?

Owen didn't dwell on this question and instead asked, "This arcanergy fluid... how is it used?"

"Just apply it to your skin," Berkeley said as he headed towards the back to change clothes.

"I'm going to change. Don't you run off with my arcanergy fluid while I'm gone."

Once Berkeley disappeared into the backyard, Owen dabbed some arcanergy fluid onto his palm.

Instantly, a cool sensation spread from his hand, with streams of arcanergy gently flowing into his bloodstream.

This experience was entirely different from absorbing arcanergy during his training with the dragon clan.

Typically, arcanergy in the air is like a petulant child, wildly darting around inside the body, and without a robust physique, it is impossible to control. freeweb .co m

In contrast, arcanergy fluid was the exact opposite.

Intrigued, Owen carefully applied the arcanergy fluid to his arm, his face filled with anticipation.

As the fluid made contact, his skin started to emit a faint glow, as if attracted by some mysterious force.

The arcanergy fluid flowed along his arm, like a lively stream, continually being absorbed into his body.

He could feel a powerful force surging within him, a sensation both intense and exhilarating, unlike anything he had experienced before.

Owen observed his arm, now with skin so translucent that the blood vessels and muscles underneath were visible.

He could see the arcanergy fluid moving inside him, like shimmering lines of light illuminating his body.

He felt his body growing increasingly stronger, as if an endless well of power was stirring within.

Owen's transformation triggered a frenzied reaction from the arcanergy in the air.

Around his body, a powerful current emerged, as if an invisible force was drawing in the surrounding arcanergy.

Particles of arcanergy in the air began to swirl around him, creating dazzling streams of light.

These lights grew brighter and denser, eventually forming an energy vortex the size of a finger.

At the center of this vortex was Owen's arm, acting like a black hole, voraciously absorbing the surrounding arcanergy.

"Such a transformation? This must be the effect of increased affinity," Owen mused with a smile, signaling Erin to bring another jar.

Erin complied, and Owen, with a sparkle in his eyes, poured the arcanergy fluid over his other arm.

The same transformation occurred in his other arm and hand.

Owen felt a deep craving within his body for more arcanergy fluid.

"More, I need more," he said excitedly to Erin. "You too, absorb more arcanergy fluid."

Erin followed suit. Berkeley, emerging from the backyard, suddenly halted, his gaze fixated ahead.

His eyes fell upon Owen, witnessing the incredible transformation of the familiar figure.

Owen was surrounded by a powerful arcanergy fluctuation, as if an unseen force was altering his form.

His muscles swelled and contracted, emitting deep, rumbling sounds.

"Arcanergy siphoning? Can it be real?" Berkeley stood agape, astonished by the spectacle.

His eyes drifted to the counter where more than a dozen empty jars of arcanergy fluid lay.

He had never witnessed such potent arcanergy force and never imagined Owen could withstand the terrifying phenomenon of arcanergy siphoning.

The arcanergy fluid, which ordinarily takes a normal person three months to absorb completely, was consumed by Owen in mere moments, consuming more than a dozen jars.

This was no longer the realm of genius; it was utterly monstrous.

"You're going to pay for this!" Berkeley approached with a sense of entitlement.

Owen, still relishing the rush of energy, casually agreed, "Of course, at twenty thousand a jar."

"That's more like it," Berkeley said, readjusting his shoulders and retrieving more arcanergy fluid from under the counter.

"Just don't make too much of a scene. If you lose control, my shop will go down with you."

"Pour another jar on me," Owen commanded.

Berkeley, eyeing Erin who had also turned neon-like from the absorption, muttered, "Both of you are freaks."

Although Erin's reaction wasn't as dramatic as Owen's, her body too emitted light, and an arcanergy vortex tore at the violent arcanergy in the air.

Berkeley slowly poured the fluid over Owen's arm.

Suddenly, Berkeley's actions halted, and his demeanor turned unexpectedly serious, a familiar aura emanating from his eyes—murderous intent!

The normally money-obsessed Berkeley now bore a deadly seriousness.

Owen's expression instantly turned grave.

He didn't feel threatened by Berkeley, which meant the murderous intent was directed outward.

He carefully sensed the arcanergy around them.

His eyelids twitched frantically as he felt the surrounding arcanergy being drawn by a mysterious force, wildly weaving through the air.

Owen should have noticed it earlier, but the arcanergy siphoning effect had altered the local arcanergy field, obscuring his perception.

Amidst the chaotic arcanergy field, it was Berkeley who noticed this abrupt change.


Berkeley suddenly pushed Owen and Erin, his expression distorted with urgency.

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