Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 44

Chapter 43: Crop Tower

The several agricultural towers here are independent of each other, but not far from each other.

Standing in the park, you can feel the oppression of the steel forest on human beings.

Ruan Yu looked up and found that the sky was covered by this huge tower.

Luo: “The crops of all-flower lattice stars, as long as you want, we have them here.”

Speaking of tower technology, he puffed out his chest and was very proud of Iris City.

Ruan Yu feels that this “tower technology” is actually the future technology of the three-dimensional planting extension that Yinweixing is currently researching.

The current three-dimensional planting of the silver tail star mostly adopts the time difference and space difference to reasonably assemble and allocate various crops, so as to maximize the economic benefits. [1]

For example, planting strawberries in a grape field, and then changing to vegetables when the strawberries are ripe and harvested. There are also fish in the reservoir and so on. [1]

At the same time, the sheep will not bite the line without their upper incisors, which protects the photovoltaic panels, which not only increases the vegetation coverage, but also helps the herdsmen.

But in the end, these are only a few layers of space.

This crop tower in front of Ruan Yu is not.

This should be that hundreds of layers of planting space are covered by the raw land, which greatly reduces the occupation of cultivated land.

Good, Ruan Yu thought.

Through the glass exterior wall, she saw the green permeating inside.

There are many people at the door, each in a hurry.

There are also children with small things in their hands talking to their parents. It can be seen that there are two tender seedlings planted in the silver carton.

Entering the building, there is a simple indoor sightseeing car not far away.

Ruan Yu looked down and stepped on the deep floor under his feet, with a light and bright design.

It looks like a track, but the ground is flat and there are no protrusions.

Luo immediately introduced: “It’s a new technology. You can rest assured that the on-board system will avoid it in time. Although there is no external track, there is actually an identification device on the ground.”

These lines are actually the default identification devices.

Two rows of four-seat cars, no sheds, like the roller coaster that Ruan Yu used to play in Lanjing.

The largest is the six-row position.

Luo went to swipe the identity information on his wrist, a car started slowly, and drove from the parking lot not far away.

It is obviously unrealistic to walk on human feet for a 600-story crop tower.

There is an introduction video on the car, and you can search by yourself.

Luo: “What do you want to know, Miss? Do you have a preference?”

Ruan Yu didn’t know how different the crops here were from the silver-tailed star, but just looking at the text, it wasn’t that small anyway.

She really wants to see rice and wheat, but the question is, is there any flower star?

“The world’s crops are all here?” she asked.

Luo grinned: “Of course! This is the world’s largest crop tower, covering all crop types, and the gene database is also the world’s largest.”

He said: “Even if you want to buy seeds, we have them here.”

Ruan Yu looked at the time, she estimated that she would stay here for three and a half days.

She was really interested in this tower.

Zhuo Yan is the same as Nie Yun.

“Then go around the building first, I’ll be fine.”

Ruan Yu’s fingers brushed against her ear, and the next moment, the new identity and savings account created by the system for her immediately appeared on her wrist.

The usage method also informed Ruan Yu.

Luo Yi thought: “Then let’s start from the third floor, right? There is a whole layer of wind wave grass planted there, which is very beautiful.”

Ruan Yu smiled: “Of course.”

She casually stretched out her right hand, with a delicate indigo fine-grained ore bracelet on it: “I have delayed you for so long, and I have not thanked you yet.”

Luo: “!!”

He diligently placed his wrist ten centimeters below Ruan Yu.

The next moment, a light green light appeared and landed on Luo’s wrist ID card.

He glanced at it and found that it was a huge number, and the smile on his face became more sincere.

“Thank you, my lady.”

Ruan Yu: “No, you deserve it.”

The system follows a serious process. The money given to Ruan Yu is not generated out of thin air, but is a part of the circulation itself on this planet.

As for the way, there are many more.

The crops planted in the crop tower are all crops, mainly wind wave grass. This is the staple food of Iris City.

Speaking of buildings, as far as Ruan Yu is concerned, it is more like a paradise for plants.

She reached the third floor, sat in the car, and passed along the air track, with the endless “wind and waves” below.

It is the green stage, which is not yet mature. There are machinery and equipment on the ground. Irrigation, fertilization, monitoring, pest control, inspection, early warning… The whole process is carried out by machines, and one person can manage an entire floor.

Luo was lying on the railing: “It looks best when harvested, and there will be the fragrance of wind and waves in the air.”

He described this taste to Ruan Yu: “I was hungry when I was a child, when I came home, my mother would always give a bowl of fragrant wave seedlings. In my impression, I saw the wind and waves. Grass, it’s like seeing my mother.”

Ruan Yu: “The taste of home.”

Luo nodded heavily: “Yes!”

The crop tower is not only for soil cultivation, but also for hydroponic greenhouse.

So there is this colorful agricultural tower.

The crop tower has carried out data management according to the needs of crops and in strict accordance with the research data over the years.

Sunlight, moisture, microorganisms… Even if plants can’t speak, they can analyze what they want through ubiquitous equipment, so as to give crops what they need in a timely manner.

Manpower is liberated, the efficiency is high, and the price can be reduced to a minimum, so that people in Huagexing can eat.

Luo: “After the apocalypse, everyone cherishes food more, and the research on agricultural towers continues to deepen. It is precisely to reduce the demand for arable land and to better input and output.”

Ruan Yu wanted this.

A crop tower that looks great.

System: [I have it, but it’s expensive]

It is so expensive that Ruan Yu must not be able to afford it. The current technology level of this detached silver-tailed star is too much!

Even where she crossed for the first time, the system exchanged an aircraft for Ruan Yu at that time, that object was not taken away by Ruan Yu, and was finally recovered by the system.

Because Ruan Yu’s points are not enough to “get”, they can only “rent and use”, and the period is three and a half days.

People at the base also made multi-directional repeated editing and viewing of the video, and enlarged the picture of the aircraft to study and try to find a production method.

But nothing seems to work.

Ruan Yu suddenly stopped.

System: [? ? ? 】

She turned around and looked at Zhuo Yan with bright eyes.

Zhuo Yan: “???”

Luo is sighing at the new version of the agricultural tower, muttering about “integrated system”, “water purification”, “unified management”.

Ruan Yu leaned over and whispered: “You said, if I go and find the information about the agricultural tower and bring it back, can we copy it?”

Even if it doesn’t work at first, what about the follow-up?

After one year, five years, and ten years, there are ready-made materials there, which is equivalent to putting a step in the silver tail star. One day, someone will be able to walk up and pass the This step leads to a higher place.

“However, the level of technology is different, the language used is different, and the basic knowledge is also very different, right?” Zhuo Yan was happy and worried.

Nie Yun thought more practically: “The question is, how to obtain the information?”

Can I take the stuff here?

Ruan Yu is not too sure, but she and Lian Shuo didn’t bring back all the items that Lian Shuo planned to take last time.

They tried.

But when Ruan Yu first arrived at the doomsday, all the dirt she got on went back with her.

Ruan Yu: “Anyway, it was recorded by the system, so it definitely works.”

The video is just for them to see.

However, in this case, three and a half days will not be able to get much information.

At this time, Ruan Yu and others have moved to a new floor, which is to be viewed from outside the glass wall.

Luo: “It is a precise nutrient solution cultivation, the roots are exposed in the air, and each room is equipped with a different nutrient solution.”

Just as I was talking, I saw that the daily regular spraying began.

Ruan Yu watched carefully.

Three layers of racks, roughly estimated, the height of each layer is about 80 cm, the thin pipes are intertwined, there will be a spout at a fixed distance, keep the pipes ready The nutrient solution, the water droplets are delicate and light when sprayed, and the water mist is misty.

Luo pointed to the explanation screen on the car: “The air is also different from the outside world, and the water mist will also supplement the air with trace elements.”

So there is no way for tourists to enter and watch, only through thick glass.

Ruan Yu wanted more and more.

She couldn’t hold back, and asked nonsense again: “Can I really not be gold?”

Even if the Ruan family is not enough, Canglanzhou is also possible.

System: [I’m really, really, really not that kind! 】

Ruan Yu: “You really really can be that traditional.”

She figured it out, and felt that in the three and a half days, there were more than two days left.

The rest of the floors were not visited. Ruan Yu took all the promotional materials of the crop tower, added Luo’s Iris account, and then took Zhuo Yan and Nie Yun to find a place to stay .

The hotel was magnificent, and Ruan Yu unceremoniously asked for the best suite.

When I got to the house, the system determined that there was no monitoring and everything was normal.

Ruan Yu pulled Zhuo Yan to sit down and greeted Nie Yun to come too.

The materials you get back are on the table, both in paper and electronic.

Zhuo Yan: “What does this say?”

She has been confused all day, can’t understand or understand, can only guess.

Ruan Yu gave them a brief summary.

Zhuo Yan: “Agricultural tower? You mean…?”

Ruan Yu: “If you can’t get confidential information, maybe you can get it.”

The information of the thirteenth generation of agricultural towers must be kept confidential, so what about the tenth generation or the first three generations?

Ruan Yu: “You can use tower technology even in residences. I think maybe this thing has already been made public.”

Obviously, this is the most common civilian product, and it is impossible to have a high degree of secrecy.

She also asked for the pamphlets of Baiyuhua Tower and Lanjin Tower on the way.

Zhuo Yan looked at the table, in fact, except for the floor height, the types of plants planted, and the purpose, the garden tower was the same as the crop tower they were looking at.

Zhuo Yan nodded, she thought it was feasible.

Nie Yun is only responsible for protecting Ruan Yu, and nothing else.

Ruan Yu is a little regretful: “In fact, in your state, it’s actually the most suitable place to sneak into a laboratory or something. It’s the most convenient to steal a teacher and learn art.”

Invisible people, machines can’t detect them, but they can still touch objects, so it’s convenient to take something.

What happened just now let Ruan Yu know that even here, Zhuo Yan and the two could not be detected by the machine.

Lian Shuo couldn’t even enter through a sensor door on his own before the end of the silver tail star – he couldn’t recognize him.

Zhuo Yan: “…you made my heart flutter.”

Slightly disgraceful behavior, but really want to do it.

Ruan Yu touched her dog’s head: “Forget it, the risk factor is too high, and it is easy to achieve the achievement of the two of you being wiped out.”

She can’t keep up with her, and the system can’t do without her, so it can’t take care of the two of them. Once in danger, it’s really over.

“Think about how to formulate a plan and set of materials. It’s best to do it before tomorrow, in this case, I’ll do it together.”

Time is running out, they have to break it apart and smash it, and the three of them don’t even have a chance to come back.

Ruan Yu rubbed his hands: “It’s the first time I think crossing is a good thing.”

Zhuo Yan laughed.

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