Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 107

Chapter 106: Undercurrent

Ruan Yu broke the news of the “aircraft carrier under construction” when she got the 42nd trophy in her life.

How to say, there is a sense of peace of mind that the dust has settled.

Mountains and rivers map has a wide range of utility, especially the setting of “the building cannot be identified, so it can only be displayed empty” In terms of construction, it is very convenient.

Relevant workers in the Department of History have received many instructions from their superiors over the years, indicating where there are ancient tombs that need simple exploration and protection, and the general shape is drawn. , accurate and comprehensive.

All the research and development data of the aircraft carrier, from the first generation to the second generation and the third generation, have all been recovered.

For a while, the upper floors of Canglanzhou shook because a military base was opened, and a lot of things were brought back from it.

Since then, a thorough internal investigation has been carried out, and many corrupt officials, spies, and secret agents have been found out. Otherwise, the secret construction of the aircraft carrier in Mingyuewu has long been known by other continents.

According to the current situation, in terms of counter-espionage, everyone’s work has achieved remarkable results, which is worth a great credit.

The system doesn’t feel anything about this, it prefers to see the sparkling crystal cup in Ruan Yu’s hand.

【Hey, hey, another prize】

Ruan Yu threw this exquisite wholesale trophy more than 20 centimeters high to the system: “Go play.”

The system quickly opened the storage compartment, digitized it in the moment of contact, and then appeared in its hands, and the system loved to play with it.

Ruan Yu chatted with Zhuo Yan while nibbling on the seeds: “Why is it bursting now? If it’s all built, then go directly to Haila to show off, wouldn’t it be even more shocking to their big teeth?”

Zhuo Yan knocked her head angrily: “Of course it’s because of the situation.”

Silver-tailed star is stable, the sea area is no longer as chaotic as before, most of those mutant creatures died in the uninterrupted seabed disaster, few survived, still They all shrunk in the deep sea and did not go to the shallow sea, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

In the past, it was not these marine creatures that restricted shipping, but unpredictable storms, tsunamis, lightning strikes, etc. Although there were pirates in some sea areas, in total, the shipwreck caused by nature was far away Much more than a human accident.

The number of several stable shipping routes that have been opened at present is too small, and it is completely insufficient.

Now is not the same, Silvertail is quiet.

Zhuo Yan: “The global power may have to undergo a major reshuffle.”

The territorial waters, high seas, canals, routes, and resources need to be re-divided.

As for the basis, it is who has the bigger fist.

The location of Canglanzhou is good, but the coastline is not dominant, and there are three or four continents around it, which are annoying.

In the past six months, there have been no less than a hundred small conflicts along the border, and coastal residents have also been harassed a lot.

Especially the fishermen of their own family go out to sea to fish, thinking that now they can run farther and catch more fish, but it turns out that it was clearly in their own territorial waters, and the shameless neighbor next door directly robbed them and detained them Their fishing boats even robbed them of their belongings.

The marine police rescued them in time. Although people were all right, property damage was unavoidable, and it was especially heart-stopping.

Fisherman: Sorry, old dry forest!

If it wasn’t for the coast guard to stop them, they would even beat up the group of cowards squatting on the ground.

Extradition depends on the contact between the two governments, and the follow-up matters depend on how the local government resolves it.

Ying Falcon Island, which is a rogue and robber, also has no good intentions. Relying on its most powerful fleet and the most advanced technology, it is secretly negotiating how to divide the resources of the continent.

Canglanzhou threw out the bamboo jacaranda to make friends and win over neutrals;

The purpose of giving the aircraft carrier again is to deter the governments of all continents, let them weigh them carefully, and don’t come down and do things to them in Canglanzhou.

The system held the trophy, flew to Ruan Yu, and said happily: [Cub, according to the speed of your receiving resources and winning awards, I think in another ten years, we will task can be completed! 】

Ruan Yu didn’t have the energy to deal with it, and waved his hands perfunctorily, um ah ah, staring at Zhuo Yan, and let her continue the analysis.

System: [Humph! 】

It ran away angrily holding the trophy.

Ruan Yu gave it a look and greeted: “Don’t run away, I won’t look for you if you get lost.”

She has really good resources now, one play for three months, and all the best teams are given, which is even better than the two plays when she first debuted.

Cang Lanzhou is determined to support, the funds are strong, the team is rich, the director is talented, the crew is harmonious, the actors have plays, and even the follow-up departmental approval gave Ruan Yu the green light.

The film she participated in was filmed for three months and edited in two months. As long as the content is not serious, it will be sent for review and approved immediately. If you want to finalize the file, please contact the major theaters for full support.

Not to mention TV dramas, Ruan Yu is now a typical example of investment promotion. With her, selling dramas is not a problem at all. The follow-up approval was simpler. Someone wanted to ask her for money, but the next day, they were taken away by the internal and self-correction department of the same building.

Ruan Yu didn’t press drama before, but it was inevitable that it would drag on for two or three months. He has long been known as a “mascot” in the industry. After all, no matter how popular the artist may be, it may also suppress the two or three dramas shot in the earlier years at the bottom of the box, and there is no time to see the light of day.

Ruan Yu has a magical physique.

It’s better now, it’s even better, once and for all.

People in the industry don’t know how much they envy her, the cooperation team finalized her role, and the director directly said that the show is no problem, just waiting for the broadcast to explode.

The system feels that it has been deceived, because it has not seen such a smooth process, and is deeply ashamed of itself for the previous three or four years – it actually thought that was the peak of Ruan Yu? Too retarded it!

Of course Ruan Yu also knew that everyone had made do with each other before, saying that they were serious about their career, but in fact it only took two parts.

At that time, I was still guarding the system, and I didn’t understand its truth, so I took a step by step, and I really didn’t take it seriously.

According to what Ruan Yu said, just having two parents as her background is enough to cause a certain impact on the entertainment industry.

Mom can afford it.

The system is no longer a first-level factory setting, it is now a mature third-level.

Thinking about this, it cried all day.

It happened that Ruan Yu was going to shoot a tragic advertisement that day, and with the sound effect of the system, the mood was particularly good.

After crying, the system thought about it.

When people think about it, they are happy.

The same is true for the system.

It counted Ruan Yu’s current situation, looked forward to her future, and waited heartlessly for Ruan Yu to complete the entire task.

In this case, maybe it can be upgraded to level four?

System: Tongsheng still needs a little dream.

Ruan Yu watched the system pass through the wall, turned her head and urged Zhuo Yan to continue: “Come on, let’s chat for a while.”

Although Zhuo Yan doesn’t know much, she has a keen sense of smell, and immediately chatted with Ruan Yu while eating melon seeds.

After Hua Gexing returned, those few were hidden.

Considering the future operational needs, due to the unstable geological environment of Yinwei Star, most areas are quite harsh, it is difficult for personnel to enter, and the transportation pressure is also great. Therefore, they took aim at the flying car of Fage Star.

The first thing to do is the drone.

Although later, Ruan Yu had brought back the stone and she was a silver-tailed star. These truths surfaced one by one, and the silver-tailed star also became peaceful and stable, but this did not prevent the drone of continued development.

It just so happens that the combination of the first and only engine drawings exchanged from the system can achieve a strong alliance.

The drawbacks of the existing Thunderbolt series UAVs are obvious – the flight strike capability of complex airspace is still lacking, and the ceiling is within 5,000 meters, and in some plateau areas, UAVs cannot even ascend null.

After two years of research, the results are very significant.

At present, there are three new types of drones, which belong to three series, and will continue to research in these three directions in the future.

The large-scale UAVs of the Pingce series jumped directly to the take-off weight of more than 10 tons, focusing on the reconnaissance function, and the main task is the reconnaissance mission. Equipped with countless sensors, it can perform topographic survey tasks of more than 100,000 kilometers per day.

When necessary, it can be upgraded remotely to provide target indication and relay guidance for Canglanzhou’s existing surveillance and combat drones. Follow-up can also be deformed, equipped with a certain amount of weapons, accurately distinguish comrades and friendly forces on the battlefield, and provide them with protection.

The night capture series of UAVs, stealth is its biggest feature, it has achieved the ultimate in anti-reconnaissance, adapt to different environments, can choose freely for take-off and landing, and has the ability to strike accurately, equipped with High-precision weapons are the strongest in Canglanzhou at present.

In addition, this system is truly “unmanned” and is allowed to choose the target to kill.

The Wuyi series of UAVs are more inclined to fighter jets, can perform intercontinental flight missions, carry a large number of weapons at the same time, have a battery life of nearly 50 hours, can deploy laser-guided bombs, and can also use air-to-air missile. If necessary, it is no problem to mount several anti-ship missiles to perform maritime combat missions.

Automatic and manual, this series of drones supports all, it is a huge mobile ammunition arsenal.

“No grief” means no grief for one’s own side. As for the enemy, it is mourning everywhere.

At present, the number of three types of UAVs is rare, there are two for Pingce, only one for Night Catch, and only one for No Sorrow.

It’s not that I don’t want to produce more, but I don’t have enough time. This is the result of manufacturing while researching and developing.

Half a month after the launch of the first generation, the progress of the second generation has also been pushed forward by one third, and the research speed is flying like a rocket.

It is also a coincidence that on the fourth day after the first test of Wuyi was completed and it was confirmed that it was in line with expectations, there was news of war on the border.

The most handsome, silver-white streamlined Wuyi was released from the hangar, slipped around the border, returned obediently with the smell of gunpowder all over her body, and was automatically put into the warehouse.

The dugout smelled of urine.

If Canglanzhou hadn’t been too shy to provoke a war, they would have been bombed all the way to their capital.

Bamboo couplets are jujubes, aircraft carriers and drones are fists, in the face of powerful force, only ‘speaking well and friendly cooperation”, otherwise it is all empty.

Half a month later, a video on the border appeared on the military official’s WeChat, and solemnly announced to everyone that our family is rich.

The island next door, who was wanton, was finally born, and he didn’t dare to put a fart.

The behind-the-scenes black hand, Ying Falcon, saw this and cursed incessantly, and turned to implement another plan, intending to take the neck of other industries in Canglanzhou.

Globalization has destined different continents to have shortcomings and strengths, and Canglanzhou also has many weaknesses.

Ying Falcon Island believes that there must be better things hidden in Canglanzhou, and the cards have to be played one by one. Get up and hold back, what if they have two kings?

Canglanzhou: I’m sorry, we have four, two or four sharps, but only one king, but if you can’t stand it, we won’t be willing.

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