Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 105

Chapter 104: The Promotion Of Bamboo Jacaranda

Zhuo Yan and the others also hesitated, the world is changing too fast, they feel very unfamiliar and don’t know how to face Ruan Yu.

She was originally a cute and loving little girl, but she suddenly turned into a silver-tailed star.

This transformation is like one day your domestic cat can talk and seriously tell you that it is your mother.

It’s so exciting and desperate.

Especially Zhuo Yan. In the past, Ruan Yu was suddenly dragged away to travel through time and space, and he might face a desperate situation. Zhuo Yan scolded the mastermind behind the scenes.

Now, the truth is revealed, it turns out that the “mastermind behind the scenes” is Ruan Yu herself.

Zhuo Yan: I cracked.

But seeing Ruan Yu who was sitting on the pony bar and stealing a second ice cream, Zhuo Yan calmed down again.

Oh yes, it’s that silly girl from her family.

Everyone understands that Ruan Yu must be hiding something. She never told what the previous system was like, why the Lord God existed, the source of the galaxy’s energy, and other things.

Ruan Yu’s brief explanation also let them know, there are many things they still can’t know.

Choosing to fully trust Ruan Yu is the result of a long discussion among the top think tanks. Once the decision is made, the plan comes out very fast, and the implementation is swift and fast. You can also take out the things you are wearing and show them to the world.

As for how to maintain their mentality in the face of this magical Ruan Yu, it can only be adjusted by those in the know.

No way, everyone is a victim, who is stronger than the other?

Ruan Yu said it well: “Oh, I’ve made myself a lot of trouble.”

But then she reconciled with herself.

“It doesn’t matter, life is short, it will be gone soon.” She said.

Everyone: “!!”

Not comforted at all!

For a period of time after Ruan Yu told the truth, he was always stared at by strange eyes, and people around were pulling their hair and hitting the wall in distress.

Including Zhuo Yan, she was also uncomfortable for several days, but then she got used to it and returned to her previous appearance.

After four or five months, it has completely changed to the attitude before knowing the truth, Zhuo Yan no longer has any anxiety about Ruan Yu.

Ruan Yu looked at the announcement that she was about to be buried, and sighed deeply: “You can’t do this, I’ll be tired.”

Zhuo Yan: “It’s good to be busy for a while. The new drama will be released to promote it, and it is really difficult to arrange the time.”

Xiaonan brought the pork ribs soup to Ruan Yu, she happily put aside the process planning, took it over with joy, and began to enjoy the unbearable joy in life.

Ruan Yu: “By the way, didn’t you say that the official launch of bamboo jacaranda? Why is there no news?”

Zhuo Yan said uncertainly: “Maybe it hasn’t been negotiated yet? Let’s focus on the details.”

Ruan Yu began to eat the white radish in the pork ribs soup: “Oh, that’s it.”

Canglanzhou currently holds the largest card on the Silver Tail Star, and has unpredictable card faces on other continents. Oh no.

The global disaster of the silver-tailed star suddenly disappeared, from the Changruo plate to all the continents, and even the ocean became quiet a lot in the next two months (Ruan Yu rolled away and found the broken core and came back ), the routes of freighters have suddenly increased by more than ten times, which has greatly relieved the global freight pressure.

For intercontinental trade, everyone no longer has to queue up for two shipping lines. In addition to expensive air freight, shipping has returned to the range of options for ocean-going trade, which can save a lot of money .

Businessmen rejoice, and capitalists revel.

Seeing that the commercial trade of all continents on the entire planet will be shuffled because of this, the first group of people who smell it have already gone to plan future commercial development.

These people don’t care about the reasons, they only look at the present, they can make money, and the rest doesn’t matter.

But experts are not good, the government is not good, and people who like to explore the truth are not happy.

As a result, the popularity of exploration programs and videos has increased again, and it has become more and more intense.

Even some stocks in the technology sector have gone up, and the GEM is really red, which is very gratifying.

As for the continuous global seminars, lectures, forums, etc., I used to have no money in the past, but now there are many sponsors, and more than a dozen companies are competing for the broadcast rights of the live broadcast.

, PhD students, master students, there are a lot of subsidies.

Organizer: We have money!

They are starting to compete for a limited number of academic bigwigs, with a strong reputation, a good school, and a lot of journals. It is really a family with a hundred women seeking (bushi), and invitations are constantly flying around, only Thinking of holding a high-quality academic seminar that can be broadcast live to the outside world.

Even many research projects that scholars have never been interested in in the past can attract investment.

Geology-related disciplines are the most popular.

Canglanzhou sent people to participate, and secretly pushed the progress of the research, and began to grow wildly.

First of all, the ‘special genetic species brought back by the expert team from deep into the dangerous area” has finally been “bred” in “two years” after “five years” New species”—that is, jacaranda and its derivatives.

The paper has been written, and the data in it is real. They say that new species are only cultivated in two years, that is, two years, and time does not advance at all.

A professor from the Bamboo Ying Group brought this topic to a world forum. Once the topic was given, the audience was chaotic and full of exclamations.

Can absorb radiation! It can promote the recovery of polluted areas as soon as possible!

If this is true, how amazing!

Some people doubt the authenticity of this new species, they think that the professor is grandstanding, and do not believe that such a thing really exists.

—Of course, there are many ways to deal with radiation, but they are all expensive. At present, even Eagle Island, which is recognized as the most advanced technology, cannot completely eliminate the polluted area.

So, Canglanzhou, the fifth in the world, how is that possible?

What new species, ahhh, it’s all nonsense!

Professor smiled and said: “It’s okay, the doubt is reasonable. But can you please listen to my report first?”

Hey, we not only have the No. 1 bamboo, but also No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, as well as supporting treatment equipment, even the soil that has been discarded can use the cultivation solution to restore soil strength, I did not expect Bar? We are all full-fledged research!

The plan to release this is, firstly, the danger of plants is not so strong and easy for everyone to accept; secondly, it can be sold to earn foreign exchange; finally, it will contribute to the improvement of the global ecological environment.

Bamboo jacaranda and small yellow flower have obvious advantages and obvious disadvantages, but there are solutions. Moreover, Canglanzhou has been experimenting for many years, and its safety can be fully guaranteed.

If you want to discuss it together, that’s fine, you’re most welcome.

If you want to buy directly, that’s fine. Our team brings diplomatic experts, and there are also many experts in financial law. The custody is properly arranged for you.

From seeds to planting methods to follow-up treatment to professional teaching, a full range of services ensures that this high price is worth it.

In the evening, the news of “New Species” at the Intercontinental Symposium appeared on the news pages of 12 continents, from newspapers, websites to TV, and none of them fell.

The Canglanzhou delegation has received no less than five representatives.

Monkey has already negotiated a verbal agreement in a hurry, as long as the details are followed up, the two parties will formally negotiate and sign the contract.

In Canglanzhou, this news also set off a hurricane.

People eagerly talked about what the “new species” was like, ran to the professor’s alma mater to inquire on WeChat, and called the school.

At this time, an official account released news in a timely manner, saying that a long program about this species will be broadcast tomorrow, and interested audiences remember to watch it.

I’m angry]

In a certain internet celebrity live broadcast room, I will not sing today, and I will translate the professor’s PPT recording video.

This move is absolutely amazing. Once the announcement was made, fans dispersed. When it came time, hundreds of thousands of people poured into her live broadcast room, waiting to listen.

The internet celebrity was startled, looking at the real number of people online in the background, her teeth came out of laughter.

“Don’t worry, I really can. I have taken over this kind of translation before. I’m not very good at simultaneous interpretation, but it’s not a big problem to share it with you in private.”

The sister played the professor’s video with a smile. After clicking to play, she translated it for the audience one by one, and led everyone to discuss it.

“Really? It’s amazing. It’s said that this one grows very fast, and it will heal in a few days.”

“Oh, speaking of the drawbacks, too much nutrition is needed to grow quickly, so the plunder of the soil is wild.”

“Mmmm, this little yellow flower is so cute.”

The barrage is also harmonious. The anchor and the audience slowly finished the 40-minute explanation and Q&A video together.

Ruan Yu heard about this interesting thing, and took advantage of the time to find the fish. After all, it was a live broadcast of Ginkgo biloba. The opponent sends traffic.

Look at it, she gave the anchor the highest level of reward.

—It is worth mentioning that this account was given by the third uncle, and the balance in it is all the numbers changed by the programmer in the background. If Ruan Yu really gave the anchor a reward, he will pay the bill at that time. It’s the third uncle himself.

She was not polite at all and gave ten in one go.

Miss Anchor thanked her repeatedly, read Ruan Yu’s ID of “Anchor has worked hard”, and replied that she was not working hard after finishing.

Ruan Yu’s action awakened everyone, and the rewards continued for a while.

The news of Bamboo couplets was vigorous, which overwhelmed the enthusiasm of the first official artist assessment a few days ago.

and many more.

This time, the reports compiled by professionals are concise and clear at a glance. The scattered test results that were originally covered by legal coffee have appeared in front of the public again.

Netizen: It’s so cool!

Bamboo jacaranda attracted the attention of the public, and a few standing up stars who were being ridiculed for their flawless body let out a long sigh of relief.

It’s over!

Their agents said: “Look, I said don’t worry, there will always be new hot spots that will suppress your black material.”

They participated in this exam without much seriousness, but just to perfunctory.

Ruan Yu is right, what about watching online classes, the staff can help, where is it their turn to watch it in person?

The shoelaces were opened while walking on the road, so the assistant had to kneel down to tie them.

Don’t talk about this kind of brain-consuming course, it’s not enough to delay them making money, even if they run an announcement on the 18th line, they can earn 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

As a result, the relevant departments are really playing with them.

The 200-page report slapped them directly in the face.

The new Xiaohua Ou Chang, who established a serious personality, overturned. She didn’t even study the online class well and was judged to be ineligible several times.

Not long ago, in an interview, she said that even a single word of the script was wrong, and she had to ask the screenwriter to change it.

“I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I am serious about studying.” She once said.

The new top class Minhan Banquet set up by Li Xueba was even worse. Not only was he unable to take online classes, but he almost handed in blanks in the exam and ranked last in the first game.

Fans also boasted that he was the first in two art exams, and his cultural class scores far exceeded the first grade, but the results were all fake. His school was actually a joint venture.

“Ah? My test scores have always been very good. I’m strong.” He once said.

There are also piles of stars, and there are really many overturned.

Someone immediately apologized and said that he didn’t have time to study hard and pay attention to the next test;

There are also complaints that this exam is really boring and annoying.

The latter was deleted by the manager by the neck, and changed to something positive and determined to be serious next time.

Netizens are having fun eating melons.

As a result, the bamboo couplet incident has dissipated the heat of the entertainment industry assessment, and everyone’s focus has also shifted.

After all, they will pay attention and care about the homeland under their feet.

Panruo Galaxy is such a beautiful planet of life, it must be cherished.

Canglanzhou took advantage of the slogan of “caring for the environment together”, and prepared to carry out cooperation and mutual assistance agreements with several surrounding continents.

Yu Yu said that Yinweixing doesn’t care whether humans are demons or not, but they do.

Fortunately, after the apocalypse, everyone’s awareness of environmental protection has increased a lot, and this appeal was quickly accepted.

The planting and expansion of jacaranda has also become a symbol of this cooperative initiative.

In Canglanzhou, the first batch of jacaranda planted in Zone C was broadcast live.

Three uncles happily followed the team and had the only two live broadcast rights—the other one belonged to mainstream media.

The polluted area is temporarily closed, it is not good for people’s health.

But the experiment has been done thousands of times, and the Bamboo couplet team does not know how many drones have been scrapped.

If it is officially promoted, it will naturally require people to participate together. After careful consideration, they have set a C-level region and directly open the participation quota in the local area.

In this regard, people from AB districts said: We also want to go! We fly over very fast!

For the first time, however, they are not eligible.

People from AB: hum.

Planting in polluted areas of D and below will use remote machinery for planting. Very convenient.

“We will use drones to broadcast live!” At the beginning, the host announced the good news.

People who were squatting before the live broadcast: Damn! Isn’t this one more expectation!

Ruan Yu’s new announcement is to come here to be an ambassador. She wears sports clothes and holds a shovel in her hand, looking like she is ready to go.

The other two with her have achieved excellent results in the previous artist assessment. The official handed over the olive branch conveniently, and the other party was also very knowledgeable and sensible, so he agreed immediately.

This is an event in cooperation with the official, rounding up is a relationship!

The author has something to say:  Something happened at home last night, so I didn’t finish writing.

I haven’t written a small theater for a long time—

“Did you watch the live broadcast of planting trees in District C today? I didn’t expect the first fruit of the artist assessment to be such an official event! 》

lz: ry, xh, psj really earned

1L: The fish farming is so beautiful! She digs holes so neatly, I’m dying of laughter

2L: xh didn’t dig out for a long time, ry came out three while eating, psj was leaning on the shovel next door and couldn’t straighten his waist

3L: Speaking of which, who would have thought that this assessment would be really useful, it was the first time for Zhu Ying to appear in front of people! My God, this has to be recorded in the history books, right?

4L: If you want to record, it is also an expert record. The actors go to the camera to show off. Are they worthy?

5L: The upstairs is sour, right? Your brother failed the test, and he complained on the trumpet, and was turned out of the circle to be on the hot search. I will see what you will do in the future. If you are not sure, you will be wearing small shoes.

—6L (4L): My mouth stinks to death. Did you rinse it with toilet water? This exam is inherently ill. I haven’t seen other industry exams. What’s wrong with the artist, so I’m lower than others?

7L: Why didn’t you see them complaining about a lot of money when they were getting high salaries? This is only one exam, it is only taken once a year, and there are fewer other industry exams? There are so many vocational exams, and the money they get is not as much as a fraction of their stars.

8L: Hey, hurdles and hurdles, don’t care about the brains. Let’s continue to talk about bamboo jacaranda, sisters, do you think this thing is really useful? Why did I listen to that professor’s report, so exaggerated?

9L: I believe the official, they never bark

10L: I believe it too, I dared to take it out, maybe there is something No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 hidden underneath.

11L: I agree with the view upstairs

12L: +1

13L: Well, there are always earthquakes around my house, but the relocation is too expensive, and we are not qualified. I used to be nervous about sleeping, but now I am better and I can have a peaceful sleep. If this grass can restore the polluted area to area A, I think the merit is infinite, this professor is too powerful

14L: But will it take a long time? I don’t know if I can see it in my lifetime

15L: You can wait as long as possible, hope is the most important

16L: Yes! Hundreds of years have come, are you afraid of coming back for hundreds of years?

17L: Wish to see within ten years

18L: Make a wish for twenty years!

19L: Hey, I’m greedy, I make a wish for five years!

2718L: Who dug up this building? Hey, this date was six years ago.

2719L: Looking at the previous discussions, I think it is very interesting. Who would have thought that it will be almost restored now, and the D area can be lived in, and a lot of wasteland has been reclaimed. With the cultivation liquid, No worries about soil fertility

2720L: I hope all areas can return to normal in the next twenty years!

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