Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 102

Chapter 101: Go Back

This was originally a space-time rift that could no longer be broken. When Ruan Yu was too broken to form, he could drag it around to find a space-time suitable for his own recovery. So now, her strength has recovered more than half, and it is no problem to solve such a scum.

The system silently watched her fix this rift, not knowing what to say for a while.

I’m your plug-in?

Why are you now my golden thigh?

Today’s system is also a day of doubt.

Ruan Yutuan, let’s go, put it away in the palm of your hand, waiting to turn around and take time to devour it. Anyway, it’s a little bit of energy, goose plucking, don’t do it in vain.

The system said dryly: [Don’t you want to use it to cross? 】

Ruan Yu made an “oh”, without raising his head, he was touching the toilet paper in his pocket: “No, the galaxy is here, just ask it for two doors.”

There is someone on her now!

It’s not that lonely little pity anymore!

Take out a small stack, Ruan Yu removed one from the inside, collected the rest, and stuffed it into a big strawberry – these two strawberries are two pockets.

She blew her nose and stomped her feet in midair: “I’m a little cold.”

Mom said she would catch a cold if she didn’t wear socks, she finally knew the meaning of this sentence.

System: [… give you a warm air]

It silently hugged Ruan Yu’s thighs tightly and circled her around her to control a comfortable temperature.

Ruan Yu: “The children can be taught.”

This is where things get easier.

Ruan Yu stretched and felt the power of the galaxy, although it was not her own energy, but it was given to her by the galaxy, and it could be used for her.

Ruan Yu: “It’s a bit like a young man who has just entered the arena, and suddenly got the strong and true energy instilled by his predecessors.”

System: […]

I can chat with you for three days and three nights about martial arts novels and TV series!

Glancing at the direction of Xinghe from afar, Ruan Yu thanked him, then tore apart the layered time and space and returned to Silvertail Star.

The moment she landed, she noticed something was wrong.

The atmosphere here is not very good, there is caution and alertness in the deserted air, and there is an unusual smell in the air.

Somewhat like the gunpowder she smelled on the Zerg planet.

“Who!” Someone appeared at the door with a gun immediately.

Ruan Yu stood by the bed, blinked, and waved to him hesitantly: “Hi?”

This dress, you are right?

Partner: “…”

He glanced at Ruan Yu, looked to the right after three seconds, and instructed the team members to inform others that the missing Ruan Yu had returned.

Ruan Yu: “???”

She doesn’t seem to have seen this little brother.

Lian Shuo’s team has a shift system, not everyone will appear in front of Ruan Yu, but she can feel who is a team member, anyway, she probably has some intuition.

She did not think that the current armed soldier with a gun was once a member of the Lianshuo team.

A change again? Or expanded again?

“Well, where’s Zhuo Yan?” Ruan Yu asked casually.

He: “Please wait, someone will come to communicate with you.”

Ruan Yu was stunned, she immediately thought of something: “What time is it now?”

The system went to the Internet and answered her: [You disappeared for five months and 13 days… Yuyu, have we been in that rift for so long? 】

Ruan Yu’s first reaction was: Fortunately, it’s not five hundred years, otherwise everyone on this ball will be finished.

Ruan Yu thought about whether to reveal his “truth”.

Am I a ball, or am I a being that you always call a mother—how can I be so sick?

Up to now, Ruan Yu has been receiving “faith” from all directions, not only for her Ruan Yu, but also for Yinweixing.

Many people are praying that Silver Tail will continue to be stable and give mankind a beautiful home.

Some people are also grateful, thank you for the tranquility here, thank the plants growing on the land, so that they can have enough to eat.

Many, many more…

At the end of the day, most of the prayers to the silver tail star are the desire for no more disasters here, and that time is the yearning for the future. There are too many “Silver Tail Star, you must be good”, “Silver Tail Star, you have to stand up”, such a rich and unified mass of emotions, for Ruan Yu, who was about to be broken at that time, it was really a big deal. help.

Of course, there are also a lot of insults, scolding that the planet is over, that human beings are going extinct, and that this world is unfair.

Ruan Yu didn’t need these, so she ignored it.

This is also why, after becoming a human, the system mentioned that she should be a public figure when binding her, and Ruan Yu subconsciously refuted and disliked it.

She has been scolded for thousands of years, from primitive tribes to feudal society, “Blind God”, “Bastard God”, “Black Sky”, “Dead Land”… Probably all the gods, It was her in the end.

She scolded too much, and her ears grew calluses. It was not a big problem to ignore, but she was not happy.

Who wants to be scolded? Even if ten slurs are accompanied by two thousand compliments, that’s not enough.

If you can avoid it, you will naturally not come forward, but it is not unacceptable if you have to stand out.

There is divine will in the dark, and her calculations about the future hundreds of millions of years ago are still very accurate.

Zhuo Yan hugged Ruan Yu and cried, and then someone came to pick Ruan Yu.

Ruan Yu thought about it and rejected Zhuo Yan’s suggestion to inform her family.

“I have other arrangements.” Ruan Yu said vaguely.

Although Zhuo Yan was puzzled, she listened to Ruan Yu’s words, temporarily suppressed the news, and did not immediately inform Fang Miao and others.

Standing in this isolation room, Ruan Yu sighed with emotion, turned around, and finally returned to the original point.

It’s fun too.

She looked at the cautious crowd, thought for a while, and decided to tell the truth.

“Let’s start with the appearance of the silver-tailed star in the Panorama Galaxy.” Ruan Yu said after drinking half a glass of water.

Group of people behind glass wall: “…”

Sister, why don’t you start with the Big Bang?

At this time, all the people were indifferent, and their thoughts on Ruan Yu were “I don’t know what happened this time, look, the children are stupid”, there are many people who feel bad for her , there are many helpless.

However, as they talked, they changed their somewhat careless attitude, and instead sat upright, staring at Ruan Yu in front of them.

She talked about the life of the silver-tailed star, cyanobacteria, single-celled organisms, cetaceans, humans…and why doomsday appeared.

Until the end, Ruan Yu said apologetically that she was a silver-tailed star.

Planet anthropomorphism, this is a plot setting that only exists in novels, how is it possible in reality?

The planet has become a human, so what is the planet?

The species are different, and the composition is different!

Hearing this truth, everyone present was tantamount to encountering a series of thunderbolts, splitting the basic cognition of all of them in the past few decades.

Ruan Yu snickered when he saw their split expressions.

The existence of the galaxy has been simplified into a special energy in the universe. The silver tail star was a part of the galaxy at the beginning.

As for the system and the main god, Ruan Yu couldn’t tell the specific details.

In fact, she doesn’t know anything about the current origin space change. What she knows is the past hidden in her memory, and that has passed for an unknown amount of time.

Even if the time flow rate at the origin is different from that of the silver tail star, it must be greatly changed.

At the end, after she had almost finished what she could say, she said apologetically, “I can only give you three hours to digest this truth.”

Someone wondered: “Why?”

Ruan Yu: “I’m going back to find my mother, they should be very worried about me.”

She was talking about Fang Miaochuchu and others.

Chen Mianran frowned: “We…”

Ruan Yu shook his head and stopped his words: “Three hours later, I will turn the time back to the moment I disappeared more than five months ago. So, you only have three hours. Come and experience this bizarrely short life.”

Chen Mianran: “Time?”

Several scholars also looked at her.

Ruan Yu: “After disappearing for so long, the impact on the outside world is too great, and more than five months ago, Xinghe sent me a burst of energy, and some of them stayed at that time, I want to Go back and get it.”

This is the main skill of others, engraved into DNA – although there is no such thing in the space-time rift.

Xinghe was also worried about this, so she left a mark to prevent Ruan Yu from getting lost and missing her plan.

Chen Mianran: “Then you tell us now, isn’t it a waste of effort?”

Ruan Yu smiled: “Why is it in vain? You have been worrying for so long and have waited for me for so long, so I have to tell you.”

They have different emotions and give Ruan Yu different energy, which she can perceive.

“Even if you in the past did not have this experience in the future, but now you have the right to obtain the truth.” She said.

Someone is keenly aware: “Do you mean that after the timeline is tampered with, there will be branches in the future development?”

Ruan Yu: “The decisions that everyone makes now will have an impact on the future, which is natural.”

The person: “Is that a parallel space-time?”

Ruan Yu said firmly: “No, there is only me in the silver tail star, and there is no parallel time and space.”

Other planets may have, but not Silvertail.

Such a special planet, only this one, there is no repetition.

Chen Mianran and the others thought twice and agreed to Ruan Yu’s plan to return to the past. It was mainly Ruan Yu who said that she would tell the truth to the base again. In this case, the base would still take the initiative and be able to do a lot of things.

At this moment, it is unnecessary to let Ruan Yu stay here, they let her go to Fang Miao.

It was two hours after returning home, Ruan Yu saw Fang Miao and Ruan Chenjun, who were haggard, Ju Chuchu was on a business trip, and Ruan Xu was also busy.

The third uncle and the third aunt got the news and rushed back from the outside immediately.

Fang Miao hugged Ruan Yu, crying and scolding the child, she was really worried, she worried for a long time, and thought that something had happened to Ruan Yu.

Ruan Yu comforted in a soft voice: “Well, it’s my fault. Yes, I shouldn’t be like this. Mommy, don’t cry, your eyes are swollen.”

In fact, there is no need for her to come back, because soon, the entire Silvertail Star will go back to the past.

But, as she said to the people at the base, who have worried about her for so long, they should and must get an answer.

Although they will not remember going to the future and many, many things have happened soon, but now they have the right to put an end to their experience during this time.

And this period is all related to Ruan Yu.

She logged on to the Internet and posted a video that was just recorded. It was not long, only more than 40 seconds, mainly to tell everyone that she had come back without an accident.

Ruan Yu can switch the time at the moment of returning to the silver tail star, and return to the high-dimensional coordinate point left by the galaxy, in that case, she needs to pay only a small amount of energy part.

But now, after every second, the changes of the entire silver-tailed star are billions, and the sand grains gradually form a desert, and finally it will be a vast expanse.

Ruan Yu: “I’m happy.”

The system shut up.

Ruan Yu laughed: “I know you are worried about me, the result is important, but the process cannot be ignored.”

She will remember everything, if she doesn’t, Ruan Yu will feel uneasy.

“You think I’m thinking for yourself.”

The system muttered: [It’s up to you]

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