Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 61: Specializing

Name : Sofia Aphenoreth

Age : 20

Class : [Saintomancer] ♢

Level : 100

Health : 5500 / 5500

Stamina : 1500 / 1500

Mana : 44500 / 44500(-10000)

Active Skills (6 / 6)

  • [Holy Skeleton] - Level 93 (Lv. 99)
  • [Heal Undead] - Level 56
  • [Summon Blood] - Level 17
  • [Angel’s bolt] - Level 100
  • [Maiden Banshee] - Level 100 (Lv.99)
  • [Graveyard of the righteous] - Level 1

Passive Skills (5 / 6)

  • [Blessing of the Deep] - Level 19
  • [Armor of Bones] - Level 100
  • [Pristine essence]
  • [Vakariazrehafin of Sorrow] ♢
  • [Holy Wings of undeath] ♢

Classless Skills (6 / 6)

  • [Menial chores] - Level 7
  • [Sprint] - Level 3
  • [Fast reading] - Level 19
  • [Way of the Fool] - Level 3
  • [Poker Face] - Level 9
  • [Identify] - Level 1

Summoned heroes (2 / 4)

  • Lv.99 Pareth (Dormant Soul)
  • Lv.99 Alith (Maiden Banshee)

Hmm, might as well use the other things before going out.

[Class Skill level up points (2) are being used on ‘Graveyard of the righteous’ and ‘Blessing of the Deep’, are you sure?]

[Class Skill level up point * 2 have been used]

‘[Graveyard of the righteous] reached level 100’

‘[Blessing of the Deep] reached level 100’

That leaves me with only three skills that can receive the last point… [Holy Skeleton] is almost at 100 and [Heal Undead] will level up on its own, it’s strong enough already either way. Could use the point on [Summon Blood] I suppose but that really feels wasteful… I’ll keep it for later. Who knows. In case of emergency.

And finally the active skill specialization point.

Active Skills (6 / 6)

  • [Holy Skeleton] - Level 93(Lv. 99)
  • [Heal Undead] - Level 56
  • [Summon Blood] - Level 17
  • [Angel’s bolt] - Level 100
  • [Maiden Banshee] - Level 100 (Lv.99)
  • [Graveyard of the righteous] - Level 100

It would be interesting to use it on Alith’s skill but I don’t think she’d appreciate that. Haven’t tried my new skill yet but I don’t feel like it’s good enough to become my specialty. This has to be the reward for downing Orvod, can’t waste it. Maybe I’m overthinking this…

Can I get more detail on specialization?

A new system message appeared.

No way I actually can? Hey, that's an identify window isn’t it?

[Skill specialization point (Active)] : This reward for an exceptional trial performance is not to be used lightly. Use it to permanently imprint a known active skill in your spiritual body, allowing you to eventually unlock its full potential. The chosen specialization will influence all future skill acquisitions and development.

Item level : -1. Grade : Virtual

Restriction : user must be Sofia Aphenoreth. Soulbound. Active skill only. Single use.

Hmm… Pareth or angel bolt then. Or I could wait. Sofia thought back to her fight with Orvod, Specialized in stone cubes I would guess. There’s probably big benefits in getting a specialization early, or it wouldn’t be that hard toget.

Using it on [Angel’s bolt] is really tempting… but I need to go with Pareth. As far as I can tell from the trial, all that’s in store for this skill is more and more destructive power… I don’t want all my skills to be like that, summoning cool skeletons to fight for me on the other hand… Thinking like this, she remembered about the armies of undead she imagined she would eventually control back at the orphanage, now was the time to make these dreams a reality!

I missed the real necromancer class once. Not twice!

[Skill understanding sufficient. Skill specialization point ‘(Active)’ has been used]

[As part of the imprinting, skill has been leveled up to 100, please select a skill path, you may enter a cumulative one level debt to be offered new paths (previously unlocked paths may still be selected)]

[Path of the Destroyer :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has killed three or more bystanders in a single blow by accident.
  • Has destroyed a magical item by accident.
  • Has destroyed numerous habitations.
  • Has destroyed a dungeon.
  • Has destroyed a wall by running into it.
  • Has destroyed a vehicle.
  • Has destroyed itself.

Description : You destroy like you breathe, and all under your command shall destroy too. The skeleton on the path of the destroyer knows little else than hitting things with his fists, but he does it extremely well, nothing shall stand in its way.]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : none)]

“Debt… that’s not something I expected right now…”

Sofia walked circles around the table debating with herself.

“It has so many requirements, it can’t be bad.”

“But also it’s too attack oriented.”

“One level to get a new one is quite expensive though…”

“Well, no choice but to go until I get something really good. Better to have a huge debt than a bad specialization. Debt is temporary.”

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Lich :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has revived once.
  • Has experienced physical and spiritual body separation.
  • Has experienced living in a factice, substitute or artificial body.
  • Has a wealth of knowledge about the undead.
  • Knows at least five death related skills.
  • Owns an item suitable to be used as a phylactery.

Description : The lich is a higher undead. Your skeleton will become a lich of high intellect, with control over lower undead and devastating spells. Death is not the end for a lich, shall their physical form succumb, their spiritual body will keep fighting.]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 1 level)]

“Interesting but also weird. Pareth is already technically unkillable… And it’s still very much attack oriented. Next…”

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Assassin :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has performed a surprise kill.
  • Has killed a human of higher level.
  • Has escaped from an enemy unnoticed.
  • Has used stealth to gain an advantage.
  • Has a skill related to speed.

Description : The Assassin is a silent killer. Your skeleton shall go unnoticed by all. A master at seeking the perfect opportunity. The Assassin accomplishes their task quickly and efficiently. No one is safe from the shadows.]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 2 levels)]

I don’t like the sound of this one. What a waste of a level.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Strategist :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has evolved the ‘Shenanigans’ skill.
  • Has an above average intellect.
  • Looks good with glasses.

Description : What does a good skeleton strategist do? He strategizes. Especially competent at organizing and leading a skeleton army, should you own one, however, any army will do. Is also a decent business advisor, just don’t let anyone know what’s hiding in your closet.]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 3 levels)]

“Woah calm down buddy, these unlocking requirements are way too impressive… I’ll take the compliment, but I don’t need glasses. That wasn’t worth a full level either!” Sofia said out loud as if waiting for an answer. She was starting to really feel the sting. Her hands clenched on the table, she asked again for a new path.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Bone Lord :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has seen many bones.
  • Has handled many bones.
  • Is carrying a lot of bones.
  • Has broken bones.
  • Has eaten bones.
  • Has polished bones.
  • Has attacked with bones.
  • Has defended with bones.
  • Has taken part in bone related rituals.
  • Has crushed bones under their feet.
  • Has had deviant thoughts about bones.
  • Feels at home surrounded by bones.
  • Isn’t an undead.

Description : You and your skeleton are one. He is the bone of your bones. Prithee, let the world know, the Bone Lord has cometh, atop his bone castle, riding his bone steed, let his lonesome start a bony reign eternal.]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 4 levels)]

This is what I get for complaining about the requirements being too weak isn’t it… This… “Only a crazy person would pick this. It sounds dumb as hell. Your mom wants to be the skeleton! Give me back my levels!“

Thinking back at how long every level from 90 to 99 had taken to get, Sofia was starting to really regret not taking Destroyer. But she was already too deep to stop before getting something really good. Surely. Surely the next one! She had trouble containing her shaking as she read through the next path.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Little Sister :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has an older sibling.
  • Knows how to take care of children.
  • Is keen on a good squabble.
  • Isn’t a very good cook.
  • Is female.

Description : This makes your skeleton look and act like a helpful little sister. Expect warm family moments, delicious meals and a lifetime of love. For those who dare harm her beloved big sis however, they court a fate worse than death.]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 5 levels)]

This has to be a joke.

Slouching lower and lower on her chair, she kept asking for new paths, lifeless and defeated. Everything looked weak compared to Destroyer. Some of the choices even had her roll her eyes.

[Path of the Banker : ...]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 6 levels)]

[Path of the Scourge of Stones : ...]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 7 levels)]

[Path of the Sandworm : ...]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 8 levels)]

[Path of the Eclipse : …]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 9 levels)]

Sofia was about to reflexively spend a level again, but her expression changed as she glossed over the requirements for the Eclipse. She straightened up in her chair.

[Path of the Eclipse :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has encountered extra-systemic beings.
  • Has expanded the systemic range.
  • Is acknowledged by a moderator.
  • Hosts a tier 1 scribe or higher.
  • Has either 100 000 mana and above or advanced mana senses.
  • Is stronger than this skill’s summon.
  • This skill’s summon is willing to protect the summoner at any cost.
  • Wields magic of the opposite element than this skill’s summon.

Description : How a small moon can hide a giant. The Eclipse skeleton wields holy light as a weapon and armor, fitted with a diverse array of utility and defensive spells, nothing will get past him. Those reaching for the Sun will find themselves ensnared in the Eclipse’s shadow.]

Sofia read this last path’s window multiple times, she had many questions, but also one certainty, be it the difficulty of the requirements or the power she could expect while reading the description, it was on another level compared to everything else until now. A sound only Sofia could hear resounded.


[Congratulations, you have unlocked the specialized skill : Eclipse Skeleton!]

First relayed by the group of hunters who had been passing through the mountain, a new folk tale took shape. It was a story of a madly laughing golden shadow, flying over and through the giant pine trees at breakneck speed, loudly crashing into the trunks and scaring even the toughest Runebears into hiding.

The hunters never took this path again.

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