Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 59: Level: 100

I could certainly use new clothes right now, but it better be magic items or I swear I’m never doing a damned bonus task again. Well. It wasn’t the hard part of the trial but still.

Sofia closed the blinds and locked the door. The night was cold in the cabin, she fed two more logs to the fireplace, it was the only source of heat and light.

“Should I get naked?” she wondered out loud, reminiscing over what Drakron’s guildmaster had taught them. The process of leveling up through a filter was very painful as it involved the system forcing your whole body to upgrade at once. Usually a level up was a simple gradual tempering of the body, when this reached its limit the system would be unable to upgrade you anymore without a complete and intricate overhaul of your body. No matter if you were a Human or a Dragon, everyone would need to go through it.

This whole thing sounded a lot like it would go better without clothes getting in the way. Also she only had that one set of pajamas and she actually liked them. Wouldn’t want to ruin them, it’s already kinda tight, they might rip if I move too much.

There was no one to see her here anyway.

She waited on the bed.

Everything’s going to be alright. Can’t be worse than a demonic rebirth. For sure.

[Initiating level up past filter 2, please do your best to stay still]

[As an affiliated Saint, you have access to the customizable upgrade sub-system]

[You may not divulge any information about this sub-system or its existence]

[Calculating optimal path…]

[No class evolution available…]

[No race evolution available…]

[Trial evaluation for upgrade potential : Max]

[Your allocated upgrade score is : 6000 stat points]

[You may now allocate your points]

Hoy didn’t Kuli say we get around three thousand points evenly split between all stats?! Being a Saint isn’t all that bad in times like this, uh. Now how to split that.

Obviously not a single point goes to my mana. Three thousand each for Health and Stam? Do I need that much stamina? I’m just throwing lightning and controlling Pareth in fights… Ah but the emergency demon form would be better with more Stam I guess. Orvod’s cubes hit me for six thousand back then so I’d feel safer if I could survive at least one and not be incapacitated. Don’t want to end up like Fox... But I'm missing a little bit for that unless I go all in with HP. I suppose five thousand to Health and one thousand to Stamina should be good enough.

If I compare it to another class I know well… A level 100 paladin’s base health should be 5000 if I counted correctly, plus a third of about 3000 points from this. So this means a level 100 paladin normally has around 6000 health?

I'm about as tough as a paladin now!

[Allocation complete, closing sub-system]

[WARNING: due to the ‘Pristine essence’ passive, you will not receive any pain reduction]

Great, exactly what I needed… That's already the second time this happens...

As she laid still on the bed, mana gathered around her. The mist of mana that her new skill barely allowed her to see roused up, more mana gathered by the second, becoming thicker and denser. The air was so heavy and charged in mana in a tight sphere around her, it reminded her of being underwater. Using the feel of her own 44000 mana points as a reference, what gathered around her was numbering in the hundreds of millions of mana points. That was much more than what the Angel's last attack in the trial had gathered, so seeing such an amount was worrying. The ‘no pain reduction’ warning was starting to look very scary.

The mana density in the air was so thick that it was hard to breathe, move, or see. It was already hurting. The ambient mana tried its best to find its way inside her, through every inch of her skin, forcefully pushing aside anything in its way.

A small price to pay for a longer life.

She believed in these words with all of her being, no matter how strong the pain got.

The ambient mana froze. It was conglomerating in bright ethereal lumps of magic. One of the hundreds of lumps sprang up and hit her in the stomach. Before she could even scream, Sofia fainted from the unbearable pain. Multiple times during the process, she would be awoken by the pain only to lose consciousness again the next instant. Her world became one of nothing but pain.

‘You gained a level!’

[Congratulations, your Saintomancer class reached level 100, +1 Passive Skill Slot!]

[New Active Skills are available!]

[New Passive Skills are available!]

Wah! Uh. Oh it’s over…

This was so much worse than dying. As someone who had carved out her own heart Sofia thought herself pretty tough. That was nothing in comparison to what she had just been through.

She stared at the ceiling like a dead fish. The fire in the chimney was long gone when she mustered the strength to move again.

The bed was ruined, it had been covered in a terrible mixture of a pungent black liquid, sweat and blood, as well as some other rather unsavory things. Her retching at the scent of this only added to the mix. These remains were thrown outside to be burned later.

Sofia felt terrible, but she was also stronger than before, much stronger. The bonus statistics had had a huge impact on her physical strength.

Name : Sofia Aphenoreth

Age : 20

Class : [Saintomancer] ♢

Level : 100

Health : 5500 / 5500

Stamina : 1500 / 1500

Mana : 44500 / 44500(-10000)

I feel like that’s very high numbers for my level. Life is good. I need to take care of the rest now…

“That will have to wait until I get another bath. And another meal,” she grumbled.

It was already morning when Sofia finished her feast. She barely felt the need to sleep. In part thanks to her [Saint’s indolence] bracelet that was one of the few things that had survived the whole ordeal.

The first order now was the easiest thing on her to-do list, checking the clothing set she received.

She found it silly but out of all things, she was anticipating this the most. All her life she had only owned terrible or practical clothing. The content of this box would be proof of her new status.

It had appeared on the table at some point, a cubic wooden box labeled ‘Aurelia’s serene scenery’. It contained a long pastel light green robe with matching underwear, a pair of long gloves that reached up to her biceps, and fancy city style boots. As the name implied, it was worthy of a Princess, and if you looked hard enough, you could make out the barely visible scene of a lush forest sewn in the fabric. One of Aurelia’s paintings, Sofia recognized her signature style. The pieces were all comfortable and perfectly fitted to her size.

Is it some kind of silk? she wondered, it was without a doubt the softest and most luxurious fabric she had ever worn, unblemished and crease-less, almost weightless. She wanted to properly savor the result of her efforts, this was what she had earned. She twirled around. Unable to contain her excitement any longer, she blasted some [Identify]s.

[Serene Painter’s Robe] : This robe was designed after Aurelia Grandcourt’s last painting. It offers little to no protection, and no real benefits unless you wear the whole set. One should always look at the full picture.

Item level : 100.

Grade : Flawless.

Restriction : wearer must be Sofia Aphenoreth. Soulbound.

[Serene Opera Gloves] : These long gloves allow for a good grip and a slightly enhanced sense of touch. They cannot fall off by themselves.

Item level : 100.

Grade : Flawless.

Restriction : wearer must be Sofia Aphenoreth. Soulbound.

[Serene Princess Boots] : These fancy boots prevent feet pain as long as you wear them. A princess has a duty to go places.

Item level : 100.

Grade : Flawless.

Restriction : wearer must be Sofia Aphenoreth. Soulbound.

[Serene Royal Privates] : Though unassuming, these articles of clothing are both extremely comfortable, and most resilient. When all else fails, a royal shall at least preserve their dignity.

Item level : 100.

Grade : Flawless.

Restriction : wearer must be Sofia Aphenoreth. Soulbound.

Current set effect (4): The weather doesn’t faze you, temperature is but a number, be it in the desert or the icy plains, these clothes will make you feel as if you’re taking a stroll in the most serene of forests, up to a certain point.

These clothes cannot be fully destroyed.

These clothes will consume the wearer's mana to self clean, repair and repel both fire and water.

Okay I like it, though it is weird to think that I will only be wearing this at all times in the future. But unless I find better… Either way, it’s all great effects. No heat, no cold, no cleaning! And they repair themselves even? I’d probably find it hard to go back to wearing anything else after using that! Well, it already feels weird to wear anything at all now after going around as a naked demon for a while. Arguably the demon form is better than these clothes. I’m back to the human race now anyway, not doing the ritual again.

That was absolutely worth the trouble of doing the extra task. Ten times over.

“Now! The skills!”

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