Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 65: Demon's Corruption

Inside the main room, there were four people.

Princess Alisera, Prince Harold, Prince Julio, and Edora.

Due to the incident four days ago, Edora was forbidden to leave Princess Alisera's side. Meanwhile, the two princes' guards were outside the main room.

This, they don't have any complaints.

With a dejected look, Prince Harold said to Princess Alisera, "Princess Alisera, since this is your first day, it is fine if you just observe and learn. But, you can still join and the discussion and make a vote."

Princess Alisera nodded.

"Princess" Edora called with a low shush voice, "Your manners."

Hearing this, it was as if Princess Alisera remembered something, "Yes, Prince Harold." she said with a respectful but confident tone.

None of the two princes was bothered by this.

Being adorable in the eyes, Prince Harold let go of the earlier matters.

"Then let's begin." he said.

Prince Julio nodded and stood up. He went to one of the shelves and took a stack of paper.

He then placed them on the table, distributing the copies, and held one, "During this past week, the changes of sales and trade were insignificant. Meanwhile, Hansheles Kingdom had a spike in their gem trade. Rianzares Kingdom had caught a lively Scarfar, a Rank Bih Water and Wind Elemental Beast. Meanwhile, the Karan Kingdom had another increase in the percentage of its economic growth. All these factors should take effect in the next month or so. Gem merchants in the capital would temporarily decrease in the next few weeks to visit Hansheles Kingdom. Nobles all over Haliviana would want to see the Scarfar while it is alive. Independent towns were getting absorbed by Karan Kingdom..."

With an eloquent voice, Prince Julio stood up and reported every significant detail that happened in the last week. He summarized clear and concise that even Princess Alisera who was new was able to understand the correlation between factors. Her jaw dropped as she listened.

Since Trading-Hills Capital is the trading center of the three kingdoms, the first report was filled with the financial and business state and updates of the capital. There are a lot of numbers on each paper.

After the report, Prince Julio sat down. He was attending the Crown Council Meeting a week after Prince Harold joined. Both he and Prince Harold were already accustomed to the job.

As he sat down, Prince Julio saw the princess and noticed her conspicuous shocked face.

'Is there something so shocking on the report?' he thought, 'Maybe she's shocked because of Scarfar. Truly, if that beast were to be tamed, Rianzares' strength would significantly increase. But that's near impossible.'

"I think you made a mistake here." Prince Harold then said with his voice loud and clear for Princess Alisera to hear, "On page sixteen, equation four."

The three of them had their own copies to look at.

"Ah, yes, that should be a thirty percent increase, not thirty-two." Prince Julio nodded and kept the paper for later adjustments.

"Whew" hearing this, Princess Alisera sighed in relief.

'Eh? Was she just suddenly relieved?' Prince Julio caught Princess Alisera sighing.

"However, if we consider the effects of travel fees, then you could say that we are underestimating the profit." Prince Julio then said and subconsciously glanced at Princess Alisera.

At first, she was calm as she looked at the papers on hand but when Prince Harold said;


She had an expression of shock again.

"But this data are incorrect, the coachmen would register that travelers sometimes add more 'tip' than the travel fee. In turn, there is less profit for the capital."

Her face turned to normal.

"Then we should reprocess this next time. If there are still miscalculations, we will remove the tipping system and remove corruption." Prince Julio then suggested.

"That's a great idea. I approve of that."

Princess Alisera was shocked again. Her jaw dropped once more in disbelief as she looked at Prince Julio. Her hand with a white thin glove covered her mouth.

To this, realization struck Prince Julio, 'I'm seeing a pattern here I'm not sure I like!'

The meeting continued while the discussion was always between the two princes. Meanwhile, Princess Alisera's frank expression was endlessly stabbing Prince Julio's pride.

Prince Harold was oblivious to this while Prince Julio was about to cry, 'Is women this scary? Is my image that low to others? From now on, I will change.'

Prince Harold stood up as he was the one to make a report, "It seemed like the Vario Family, a former noble family has infiltrated the capital."

Upon hearing this, Prince Julio had a surprised face, "You mean the banished noble family who used an Immoral Physique Elesp back in warring time?"

Prince Harold nodded and continued on his report, "This is only a speculation since there is a rise of both crimes in the past month and also, the rise of strength in the Capital Reserved Army."

The room became heavy as even Edora listened with opened ears.

However, Princess Alisera secretly yawned.

After Prince Harold's report and all things discussed and approved, he then looked at Princess Alisera and said, "Princess Alisera, we are handing you the marquis's job. You are to observe, analyze, and summarize the matters of land first. Don't worry, many will help you as this is your first job. In the end, we will increase your work as your efficiency increases as well."

With half-closed eyes, Princess Alisera was looking at the papers. None knowing if she was listening to Prince Harold or not.

"Before that, Prince Harold, I have a suggestion." she said with a solemn voice.

"Oh, what is that suggestion, Princess?" Prince Harold was pleasantly surprised.

After flipping a paper, Princess Alisera placed down a paper and said, "Why is the tax so low? We should increase it!" she then formed a calm smile as if she did not say something ridiculous.

'You've become corrupt this fast!?' both the princes were stupefied.

"But princess, we have to think of the big picture. If the normal people were to fall into poverty, Trading-Halls Capital's business will fall." Prince Harold said.

"No, since I'm new, you don't want to listen to me?"


"Let's experiment on it!"


"Huh!?" Prince Julio who was not worried since it should take two out of three votes to approve a decision was shocked.

"And also, we should put bounties on wanted people. Add this to the guild!"

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