Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 66: Greedy Anna

Charlotte didn't continue to inquire. In the Abyss, everyone had secrets they didn't want others to touch.

If you ask too much, who knows if the other person might kill you to prevent the secrets from being revealed?

Bald guys are generally not easy to provoke.

Opening the door to the clinic, Vivian had already cleaned everything up.

"This is breakfast, eat up." Charlotte casually placed the bread and book on the counter, took ten silver coins, and went out to settle the bill with the bald uncle.

After finishing the transaction and returning, Vivian was eating the bread and flipped through a manga.

"Oh!" Charlotte was shocked and quickly stepped forward to close the book.

"Boss, this artbook is so interesting, the drawings are so good." Vivian looked up excitedly. "Let me see it!"

"Didn't you see the small words on the cover saying it's not suitable for minors?" Charlotte pointed at the line of text written on the cover.

"But I'm already an adult, I've even had my coming-of-age ceremony at sixteen." Vivian puffed out her rather sizeable chest, speaking seriously.

Her confident appearance momentarily left Charlotte unable to find a reason to refuse.

However, the fact that a young lady like her would enjoy reading these kinds of things was surprising.

Upon further thought, it was quite reasonable.

In ancient times, how many banned books were beloved by young girls in noble families?

"Fine, if you like it, go ahead and read it." Charlotte threw the book on the table, sat down, and started eating breakfast.

We're all adults here, why would I bother stopping someone from reading a little adult manga?

"Thank you." Vivian happily reopened the manga.

This manga wasn't all explicit, it had a storyline as well. It told the story of a noble youth born in Calva who fell into the Abyss, resenting the unfairness of fate. From there, he descended into corruption and relied on his handsome appearance to encounter and know various beautiful women on Anman Street, indulging in intimate and passionate stories.

Charlotte glanced at it briefly. This volume unfolded the story of the protagonist's encounter with Miss Ruth.

This kind of niche manga, limited by the lack of widespread printing technology, was hand-drawn by the artist, resulting in generally higher prices.

To increase its appeal and value, including real-life figures in the illustrations was a common practice.

"Is this Miss Ruth the same one we know?" Vivian asked curiously.

"If this were in a different place, they would be sued for defamation," Charlotte replied without looking up.

"Boss, I think the protagonist looks a bit like you."

"Hmm?" Charlotte carefully examined the manga and gradually wore a peculiar expression.

Well, you know what, that protagonist did have some resemblance to his previous appearance.

Tall and slim, with a melancholic gaze and a somewhat unapproachable aura.

Now, he couldn't bring himself to directly look at this manga anymore.

"How does he look like me? Look at my muscular chest, my firm biceps, my washboard abs. Is there any resemblance?" Charlotte vehemently defended himself, refusing to acknowledge it.

As a rising medical giant of this generation,

How could he be the protagonist of an adult manga?!

He couldn't accept it.

Vivian looked at Charlotte, then back at the manga, carefully comparing them, and said, "The face looks similar."

"Does he have my level of handsomeness?" Suddenly, Charlotte leaned in close, staring into Vivian's eyes.

Look at me, woman!

The scorching breath that almost sprayed onto her face made Vivian blush, and she muttered, "Didn't you say you look like the protagonist of this manga that goes well with meals? Is it necessary to be so excited..."

"Calling this a meal?" Charlotte glanced at the girl in front of him with a complex gaze, then sat back down in his seat.

The morals of this world are deteriorating, and people's hearts are no longer virtuous.

What has led a young girl in the bloom of youth to consider adult manga as a meal accompaniment?!

Behind all of this, is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morals?

Vivian continued flipping through the manga, savoring the soft bread with delight.

The beautiful and romantic encounter between the protagonist and Ruth, with a brief heroic rescue interspersed, then... the plot gradually shifted into indescribable territory.

"Ah, this..." Vivian's eyes gradually widened, and the smile on her face froze. A blush crawled up her cheeks, and the bread in her hand didn't seem as appetizing anymore.

Her hand, flipping through the pages, came to a stop, unable to turn to the next page.

"Why did you stop reading?"

"I... I'm full!" Vivian closed the manga abruptly, hastily stood up, and before leaving, she couldn't help but give Charlotte a look that said, "I didn't expect this from you."

Charlotte: "???"

You were the one who wanted to read it in the first place!

Charlotte took the manga from her and continued reading. The art style remained consistent, but looking at that face that resembled his about seventy to eighty percent...

The sense of identification became even stronger.

The noble youth who fell into the Abyss, lingering in Anman Street as a beautiful young boy, you see, the sense of identification is here.

He deeply suspected now that the author of this manga used him as a reference for the main character.

So, who is the author of this manga?

Next time he meets them, he should give them some feedback.

Ruth's figure was depicted conservatively, but clearly...

No, the main point is to find out which pervert is hiding in the shadows, observing his life!


The morning consultations went smoothly, without encountering any difficult cases, and Carol's people didn't cause any trouble.

However, because of the morning incident, Vivian didn't actively engage with Charlotte during the meal. She simply ate her food quietly with her head down.

"Why are you just eating? Don't you want something to accompany your meal?" Charlotte asked with a smile.

Vivian's face turned red, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed loudly, "I was deceived! I am not that kind of person. I never read those kinds of manga! Not!"

Charlotte smiled and didn't tease her further.

After a simple lunch, Charlotte entered the alchemy room and prepared four more bottles of the antidote for magic potion aversion, following the formula from earlier.

As he looked at the dark brown wicked liquid in the glass bottles, Charlotte fell into contemplation.

According to Vivian, the Abyss is full of magic potion addicts, so it would be easiest to find a few test subjects at random.

But doing so would be highly risky and not very scientific.

When the fat shopkeeper of the jewelry store took the potion, he was fine initially, but died two days later, indicating that taking the potion had certain risks.

In this case, a control group experiment must be conducted.

It wouldn't be humane to use people for experiments, and it would be difficult to handle later.

That's when the little white mouse became the best choice.

Charlotte opened the cabinet, and a chubby white mouse was sleeping soundly on a pile of cotton.

It's him, our experimental hero, Jerry!

Anna hopped onto the counter with a thud, sticking her head out and peering at the little mouse inside the cabinet.

Seemingly sensing the danger, Jerry opened his eyes, and a large cat's head appeared before him, scaring him so much that he immediately splayed out his limbs and played dead.

"A cat is useful for a thousand days, but only in a moment. Anna, go and catch nine more mice like this for me. I'll give you an extra chicken leg tonight," Charlotte said, patting Anna's head.

Anna looked up at him, unmoved.

"Two," Charlotte raised the stakes.

Anna remained motionless.

"Three," Charlotte gritted his teeth and raised the bid.

Anna immediately jumped onto the small window and was about to leave.

"Remember, I want them alive. Dead ones don't count," Charlotte reminded.


A meow came in response, though it's uncertain whether it remembered or not.

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