Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 64: He's Truly Touching

The potency of this potion exceeded Charlotte's expectations. Ivan, who was already weak, vomited until he was exhausted. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have fallen into the trash can.

He continued dry heaving for quite a while even after there was nothing left to vomit until there was nothing but bile.

"This potion is too... too intense..." Ivan sat on the ground, his gaze unfocused, already in a semi-conscious state.

Charlotte checked his condition and realized it wasn't looking good. He quickly took a bottle of stamina potion from the cabinet and pulled Vivian aside, whispering, "I'll give him the stamina potion later. You cast a recovery spell on him to keep him alive. Be mindful of the angle, don't let him notice."

"Okay, okay," Vivian nodded excitedly.


The boss finally allowed her to use magic!

As an accomplished medical student, it had been so agonizing to see so many patients come in and only be able to do menial tasks like serving tea.

Charlotte helped Ivan back onto his feet and slowly poured the stamina potion into his mouth.

Initially, he was worried that Ivan would continue to vomit, which would make the situation even worse.

However, he quickly realized that his concerns were unfounded. Ivan was like a thirsty traveler in the desert. As soon as his lips touched the stamina potion, he willingly swallowed it, finishing the bottle in no time.

Charlotte looked back at Vivian and gave her a meaningful glance.

Understanding his intention, Vivian held her magic wand and silently recited an incantation, causing a blue light to emerge from behind her and enter Ivan's body.

Ivan's short breaths gradually became steady, and a hint of color returned to his pale face.

After a while, Ivan opened his eyes, looking somewhat dazed as he glanced around. His gaze settled on Charlotte, and he weakly asked, "I... am I not dead yet?"

Charlotte nodded and said, "No, you're not dead. I just gave you a bottle of stamina potion. Check if there are any other discomforts in your body."

Ivan steadied himself with the chair and slowly stood up, looking down at his hands. A joyful expression appeared on his face. "The gnawing sensation has disappeared, completely gone."

"Is it really that effective?" Charlotte was also astonished by the news. It meant that the side effects during a drug craving episode could be neutralized.

However, the process of Ivan taking the medication was equally dangerous. If they hadn't taken precautions and had him take the medication in the clinic, using the stamina potion and recovery magic in time to save his life, he would have likely succumbed to the side effects by now.

"Don't rush to thank me. I'm not entirely sure about the effectiveness of this potion, but I'm certain that a drug craving cannot be controlled by just half a bottle of the potion. Will there be a relapse after the effect wears off? Are there other side effects? These are still unknown," Charlotte helped Ivan up, his expression serious.

"I'm already satisfied that it has come this far..." Ivan wiped away his tears and tremblingly reached into his pocket, pulling out a small purse. He rummaged inside, flipped it over in his hand, and only three copper coins fell out.

"This..." Ivan stared blankly at the three copper coins in his hand, lowered his head in shame, and said, "You saved me, but all I have are these three copper coins. How can I repay your kindness?"

"Put the money on credit for now, and you can pay it back later," Charlotte said as she placed two silver coins in Ivan's hand. "Use it to buy some food for the child. There's a bakery next door. You need to fill your stomach first to get through this challenge."

"I can't accept this money..."

"As a father, what you need is to take responsibility for your child, not worry about your pride. Go home, take good rest, and once you recover, start earning money again so you can repay me." Charlotte interrupted Ivan.

Ivan looked at the silver coins in his hand, biting his lip tightly. After a moment of silence, he looked up at Charlotte and said solemnly, "I will stand up again, for Dora and your kindness today."

"These three bottles are Anti-Addiction Elixir, and these three bottles are Stamina Potion. If the addiction relapses, drink one bottle, but make sure your child is by your side. Once you experience severe vomiting, have her feed you the Stamina Potion after it subsides." Charlotte handed a small bag to Ivan and instructed, "Come back to the clinic in three days. I'll reassess your condition then."

"Anti-Addiction Elixir!" Vivian, who had been confused all this time, covered her mouth upon hearing Charlotte's words.

Could it be?

Is the boss treating this orc for magical drug addiction?!

How is that possible?

Magical drug addiction has been prevalent on the continent of Isor for many years, with variations in different regions in terms of addictive nature, harm, and side effects.

But they all share a common characteristic: once addicted, it is extremely difficult to quit.

Except for those with exceptional willpower, most people need to enter specialized institutions for long-term care and rehabilitation.

And this is limited to individuals with relatively low addiction and a voluntary will to quit.

For patients with deep addiction, there is no cure.

Forced withdrawal often leads to suicide, madness, loss of control, or even possession of dark magic.

So-called "magical drugs" are not magical potions, but dreadful concoctions that can addict and corrupt people.

When she was at the Imperial Medical Academy, the teachers repeatedly warned the students not to touch addictive magical drugs precisely because there was no cure.

But now, the boss is concocting the medicine and helping a severely addicted patient quit magical drugs?

Is the boss just trying to make money?

But the boss, who has always been stingy and never lets patients owe money, didn't accept his payment. He even gave him two silver coins from his pocket.


Moreover, this patient, after taking the potion, claimed that his addiction had been alleviated and expressed gratitude towards the boss. He didn't seem like someone who had been deceived.

Could it be that the boss has developed an Anti-Addiction Elixir?!

This could be a discovery that would shake the entire world!

Vivian's gaze towards Charlotte had transformed from affectionate to admiration.

Could it be that during these three years, he had been secretly developing an Anti-Addiction Elixir?!

Even though he had fallen into the abyss, been expelled from the Physicians' Association, and even lost his magical source, he persisted in his efforts to eliminate magical drug addiction.

Such spirit, such actions, and such achievements would be enough to make everyone in the Physicians' Association feel ashamed!

He truly...

I'm moved to tears!

He's so great!

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