Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 61: A Chance

At the second shop which was attacked by Arwen and his group, a group was lying on the ground without moving. Arwen was pulling out the bloodied arrows from their bodies. The same scene was happening at the third shop as Stodemar was wiping the blood off his battle-ax before a pool of blood.

"Me king we are ready"

"Don it's over"

"We are ready too"

Just when they said the bright light beam appeared from the sky and disappeared.

However, the three of them heard a loud roar before they teleported away with the slaves.


"Welcome to your new home"

Nearly six hundred slaves were standing in a huge spacious hall. Before them, they could see a black-robed youth sitting on the throne. One group of slaves recognized the black-hooded man with a bow in his hand while another group recognized the dwarf with a battle-ax in his hand and finally the rest of them identified the woman with a sword.

The three of them were standing beside Don when he welcomed the slaves to the hall. The slaves looked very worried and confused as Don could see the green goblins, the beastmen, and humans in chains around their neck and hands.

"Let me make one thing clear, here you won't be treated as slaves but as people of this kingdom"

When the words came out of Don's mouth some slaves looked happy as their lips curved a genuine smile but many of them still furrowed their brows and looked at Don without believing what he just said.

"I know it's hard to trust someone you just met but believe me if I wanted I could have just bought all of you without all this trouble"

Many of them saw the point in his words, just by looking at the hall and the throne he was sitting on the slaves could see he wasn't lacking wealth and he could have bought them simply because they were not expensive as elves or other rarer races.

"What do you want from us?"

The young man stepped forward had a hank of dirty blonde hair. He was broad-shouldered and had fair skin under the dirt and mud on his body.

Don could see the young man was beaten by a whip and tortured just by looking at the wounds on his body. He looked very weak and malnourished but his eyes had some kind of fire in them.

"It's more like what I can give you"

The slaves looked at Don without batting an eye as he continued

"I can give you the chance to get your revenge and to buy your freedom back"

Small yelps and squeaks could be heard when Don said this and the youth looked at Don with slightly opened mouth

"I know some of you have a family while others don't, some of you want revenge some of you just want to get back to your family"

The slaves nodded their heads while the goblins tried to push through the crowd to get a better look at the human on the throne

"You couldn't have done anything but spending the rest of your lives as slaves somewhere however here you can change that"

The youth could see he is not telling what he is expecting from them but the youth understood he can do anything to them with people like the ones standing beside him.


As Don called, the slaves saw a beautiful elf girl in a green dress walking towards them with a stack of paper in her hand. Amaryll grabbed one notice and gave it to the youth first and continued to distribute among the slaves.

The moment the youth laid his eyes on the paper his eyes went wide in surprise and shock. The paper was a notice with works and wages written on it in beautiful handwriting. There were many works such as farming, construction, alchemy and of course the military, etc.

However, what shocked the youth more was the wages written beside the work; not only the youth the slaves standing behind him also stood there holding the notice trembling.

"The price of your freedom is forty gold coins but of course if you want to settle here as a citizen of this kingdom you will be granted freedom without a dime"

Amaryll said while standing beside Don. Don let Amaryll and Uncle Dior and Dhursir figure out a plan to get the slaves working for him without being forced because he knew forcing them would not earn their loyalty or trust and an army or citizens without trust or loyalty to their ruler would only lead to one thing, failure.

And when the three of them came up with this idea, Don and Knight could see this plan would work and they lose nothing by trying it.

Obviously the wage for joining the army was much better than the other jobs and let them pay for their freedom quickly but getting forty gold coins by doing other jobs was not impossible too.

Don knew no one would choose to settle here just like that but he wanted to let them know they can do that too.

"How can we trust you?"

After seeing the notice the youth knew if the man on the throne telling him the truth he could buy back his freedom or at least he will have the chance to do so unlike in the slave traders.

"Do you have any better options?"

Even though Don answered the youth's question he looked at everyone when he said.

"Take a day to think about this, Gael"

Gael stepped forward with a group of elves and dwarves to lead the slaves away from the hall towards another hall.

"Don what if they don't want to be here?"

After seeing Gael taking the slaves away Arrora asked Don as he turd to look at Arrora

"Kill them"

Arrora's heart skipped a beat when she heard Don even Stodemar has slightly trembled when he heard him

"If they don't want to take this chance to be free they deserve to be slaves and there's no place for slaves here"

Before Arrora could say anything she saw Knight walking towards them

"Do you think they had any hope of freedom like this before today?"

Knight heard Arrora's question and Don's answer when he entered the hall and he agreed with Don like always. Arrora, Arwen and Stodemar had no answer to Knight's question because they knew the slaves would not have a chance like this to be free. If Don didn't send the three of them to rescue the slaves they would have been sold to someone like Bryan or worse at least Don would never treat them cruelly.

"But don't worry no one is that stupid"

Knight said as Don nodded and looked at the three of them before speaking

"Good job"

The three of them saw Don's figure disappearing from their view with Knight leaving them behind in the hall. Arrora felt powerful and proud after she saved the slaves while Arwen looked forward to feeling the adrenaline rush again as Stodemar couldn't wait for another battle.

"Did you two hear a roar before we get teleported?"

Arwen was sure that he heard a loud roar and had a doubt that it was his imagination but seeing the two of them nodding their head Arwen knew it was real.


"Miss Rosaline"

Currently, a man was waiting outside a hall and waiting for Rosaline's answer

"Come in"

Rosaline didn't even look up at the man as she was busy studying a scroll

"Miss Rosaline its... it's the slave city"

"What about it?"

She was still studying the scroll without looking at him because she had no business there in the slave city anymore as Minister Bryan was already dead and she was busy with her cultivation to face the killer. Rosaline could already feel the barrier between her current level and the grandmaster level and she wanted to reach the grandmaster level before her brother Hayden.

"The city was destroyed last night"

The moment Rosaline heard the man she finally looked up and see him shivering

"How could a city be destroyed in a night? Where did you get this news?"

She couldn't believe that someone could destroy a city without the capital knowing or the Cold moon mansion Aqualis.

"It's true Miss Rosaline and they say they sa"

"Say what?"

Rosaline stood up from her chair as she heard the man blabbering

"They say a dragon destroyed the city"

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