Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 54: The face of the past

The interior of the thousand arms was just as fancy as outside, the marble floor reflected the light like spotless mirrors and the walls were decorated with many drawings.

When Don and Arrora entered the building just like Yuki a girl welcomed them with a happy smile showing her white teeth.

"Welcome to the thousand arms auction house, my lord"

The girl looked at hooded Arrora but she didn't greet her as she did Don

"I'm looking to buy an oath-taker you have one right? "

When the girl heard Don her eyes went wide in surprise but her shocked face was replaced with an excited smile after a moment

"Yes yes my lord even though it was extremely rare we do have them"

She gestured towards a room on the left side of the building and started to walk as Don and Arrora followed her

The girl took out a card like object and placed it on a device beside the door then she put her thumb on the device as the door slid open.

"Please follow me inside my lord"

Don nodded and stepped inside the room with Arrora, the room had many shelves filled with items lined along the walls however the items were covered with some kind of light. While entering the room Don noticed three people looking at a sword and when Don and Arrora entered the room they turned their heads and looked at them.

When Don saw the three of them, Don slowed his steps and turned to look at Arrora, even with a hood on Don was able to see Arrora's eyes turning red and her knuckled fist. Arrora was shaking a bit in anger and Don felt the killing intent radiating from her, Don didn't blame her because one of the three people was the Whtehoney Amara who sold Arrora at the auction in the slave city.

Arrora still clearly remembers the day she was put into a cage and auctioned like an animal. The woman before her was referred to her as 'creature' without giving a shred of respect or even a little bit of sympathy, she was trying her best to not take out her sword but at that moment she felt her clenched fist is grabbed by a rough hand and she looked at Don

"It's not the time nor the place don't do anything stupid"

The girl saw the youth whispering something to the woman beside him and waited for them patiently.

Even though she heard Don she still couldn't restrain her anger however she understood the situation and let out a heavy sigh as she gently nodded her head towards Don. Seeing Arrora calming a bit Don let go of Arrora's hand and walked towards the girl

After seeing the youth coming at her, the girl walked to the shelf at her right and gently grabbed a hand-sized mirror from the shelf. The mirror before Don looked nothing special but just an everyday mirror yet it was one the powerful and ancient artifacts, that's going to help Don immensely.

"My lord this oath-taker can take a thousand oaths but if you want we also have the five thousand one"

Don had no idea to buy a bigger one so he was quite happy with this mirror

"It's enough I'll buy this one"

The girl's eyes sparkled when she heard Don but before she could tell the price Amara came towards them followed by two men.

"Mari you look excited"

Don saw the smile on Amara's face as well as Arrora trying to control her anger when Amara greeted the sale's girl.

When Amara noticed the mirror in Mari's hand her eyebrows were raised slightly in surprise as she looked at Don

The youth before her was not mind-blowingly handsome or anything but had the face of the next door guy. However, Amara knew only powerful and wealthy people buy an oath-taker to ensure the loyalty of their subordinates so she guessed the youth must be either a young lord of a small kingdom or coming from a powerful place and the woman standing behind him like a bodyguard confirmed her thought.

"I didn't know brother is a young lord?"

Amara tilted her head and asked Don. Don knew she was trying to look cute and get him to spill out some information. If she used this trick on others she would have probably got the youths to drool all over the place but Don felt disgusted seeing her

"I'm not and who are you again?"

Arrora had a smirk on her face seeing Don nose cutting her as Amara's face showed some weird expression but Arrora was sure she didn't expect Don's answer.

It was clear the two men behind Amara were startled and angry when they heard Don but Amara quickly let out a giggle and hid her embarrassment and slight anger beneath her fake giggle.

"How rude of me, I'm Amara just a core student in Cold Moon Mansion"

Don felt the tinge of arrogance in her voice as he still kept his calm face without showing any surprise or shock that Amara probably expected from him.

Arrora saw Don not saying anything as he just nods his head

"Its two hundred thousand LQ stones my lord"

Don was glad he met Reghys when he heard the price because if he didn't he would have to give the medium quality or high-quality stones that Dragon King left behind and probably got some unwanted attention to him

"You should buy the slave bond instead, it's more reliable than the oath-taker"

Arrora gritted her teeth and clenched her fist so tightly that her nails started to penetrate her palm

However, Don didn't say anything but just flicked his wrist as a neatly arranged magical stones stack appeared before Mari. Don could see Mari drawing some kind of symbol on the layer of light covering the mirror and held the mirror facing the stack of stones. A light beam came from the mirror and covered the stacks and in a moment '200000' appeared on top of the stacks as the light layer covered the mirror faded away.

Amara furrowed her brows when she saw the youth ignoring her however she didn't show any of thoughts or feelings n her face but stood there with a small smile

"Here you go my lord, it's a pleasure doing business with you"

Mari handed over the mirror to Don as a light beam came from his rings and disappeared with the mirror and Don turned his look towards Amara

"I'd rather have one loyal subordinate with me than an army of slaves"

Amara was slightly shocked to hear such a saying from the youth but before she could speak the youth turned and started to walk towards the door to leave the room with the woman following him behind.

"I hope we meet again in Acheron brother"

Don heard Amara's voice before he left the room and Arrora looked at Amara for a second before leaving with Don.

"And making you my slave"

The two men behind Amara saw the evil grin on her face when she said after seeing the youth leaving.

After stepping outside the building Don didn't know what's going on in the head of Amara at the moment.

"Don what was she talking about?"

Arrora asked Don thinking about what Amara said when they were leaving

"It's the Archeron competitions I think she thought I'm going to participate"

"Are you?"

She heard Don saying he is when they were traveling with the old man however she couldn't guess why

"WE are"

Arrora was startled and shocked to hear Don, she had no idea about this competition

"Do you want to buy anything?"

Even before she could come out of the shock Don asked her another question. Arrora took a moment before answering

"No why?"

Don stretched his arms like he was tired

"Because we are going to be very busy"

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