Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 51: Merciless Beating

The man had enough as he went to punch Don in the face but the youth before him dodged it easily. Don didn't give much time for the gray-haired man, he punched the man in his chest with just using his raw strength.

Seeing the fight start, the crowd had excited smiles on their face and cleared the middle of the room and went to stand in corners to see the fight clearly without getting hit by the debris.

The crowd expected Bear would be the one to land the punch but instead Bear was the one who flew away due to the force of Don's punch.

The old woman was shocked to see her teammate get hit by the youth however without wasting a second she leaped towards Don but she was grabbed by her hair just like she grabbed the waitress a moment ago.

Arrora was now a great master and also because of the training she got from Don made her physical strength increase by folds as she hit the table near her repeatedly with the Oldwoman's head.

"Grandma" the young girl in Bear's group heard a bone-cracking sound while she saw her grandmother's head hitting the table. Everything happened so quickly that she couldn't even react till now.

Don saw the two men leaping towards him carrying a wooden bat as well as the young girl with the dagger. Arrora was busy hitting the old woman's head on the table. Until now Don didn't use any battle energy but his raw strength, seeing the two men Don swinging their wooden bats at him Don didn't dodge them but grabbed each bat with each hand and kicked the one in his right on the chest.

Bear could still feel the pain in his chest as he saw another one of his men fly across the room and hit a pillar and followed by another one.

The young girl had not expected they would be beaten just like that but before she could do anything she was grabbed by her hand.

Arrora let go of the Old woman, the Old woman's face was painted red with her own blood. Even though she was bleeding and had a broken nose she was a peak level master so she still had the strength to fight back and when she wanted to fight back she saw a figure hitting the ceiling and falling down.

However, she could find who is the figure she was punched in the face again.the crowd didn't expect the black-robed man would hit a young girl like that without even thinking of her as a woman. They saw the man throwing the girl up like she was a ball to the ceiling.

Don saw the gray-haired man running towards him like a mad dog but when he got closer the crowd saw Bear sent flying again with a spinning whip kick to his face. Don grabbed two beer bottles on the nearby table and walked towards the two men running at him.

On the other side near the bartender, Arrora and the Old woman were fighting but in the view of the bartender, it was not a fight but a one-sided beating. While dodging the old woman's attacks Arrora heard a bottle breaking sound but she couldn't turn her head away from her fight. The bartender saw the old woman taking out a knife from her belt but the woman wearing a cloak grabbed the old woman's hand simply and twisted her wrist.

Arrora caught the knife in the middle way and without giving any time to react she grabbed the old woman's other hand and put the knife through her palm and nailed it to the bar counter.


The girl Don threw to the ceiling was just a low-level master so she still couldn't get herself up as she saw her grandma shouting in pain at the bar counter. Bear was hit hard in the head, he was struggling to stand up.

The two men before Don were clutching their heads and bleeding thick blood all over the place beside them the broken pieces of glasses laid there. The crowd clearly saw the victor of the fight but when they thought the fight was over the crowd saw the blacked robed man taking another bottle and hitting the men before him with it.

"Let the fun begin shall we?"

The young man who gave his table to Bear couldn't hold his joy however even he was shocked to hear the black-robed man.

Don walked towards the wooden bats and grabbed them.

Arrora had enough of the Old woman's shout and cry as she picked up a chair beside them and hit the old woman with all her might.

"Grandma" the girl seeing her Grandma falling on the ground could only shout for her but when her grandma's shout ended she heard the cries of her brothers. The young girl couldn't hold her tears when she saw the black-robed man hitting both of them with their own wooden bats without stopping.

"Bastard stop it" Bear couldn't guess how many bones in his teammate's body were broken. Hearing the gray-haired man Don didn't stop beating the duo as he hit them repeatedly targeting their hands, legs and their ribs. Don could already tell they fainted in pain but he still hit them with the wooden bat.

"Hey man stop it it's clear you won" an old man stepped forward to stop Don but when he saw the black-robed man turning his gaze towards him, the old man was pushed back by an invisible force.

"It's your turn" Don stepped on the body of the man he beat and walked towards the gray-haired(Bear) man with blood dripping wooden bat in his hand.

However, before Don reaches the gray-haired man the young girl leaped towards him. Don turned to face the girl and grabbed her by the neck when she came closer. Don lifted her up off the ground by her neck while she was twitching but Don slightly loosened his grip so she wouldn't die.

Bear mustered his all strength and stood up when he saw the girl in the black-robed man's clutch.

"I'm going to kill you" Arrora saw the gray-haired man running towards Don as she picked up a chair and threw at him. The girl in Don's clutch saw a chair come out of nowhere hitting Bear and knocking him out again.

The crowd couldn't believe anything that happened. In their mind, Bear could even fight with a low-level great master but if he's taking this much of a beating, they realized his opponent is at least a mid-level great master.

"Help me please let us go" the girl could barely speak as another man from the crowd stepped forward when he saw the poor girl begging for help

"My lord you've already beat them this much please let the girl go"

"Yes my lord she's just a girl "

"Yeah, she is a girl, how can you hurt her like this?"

Even a woman standing among the crowd before stepped forward and shouted at Don.

Don turned his head toward the woman shouting at him

"I believe in gender equality" as he said he sent the girl flying towards the wooden wall with a simple throw. The woman who had shouted at Don couldn't close her mouth when she saw the girl hit the wall and fall down, the crowd couldn't tell the girl was dead or alive as she laid on the ground without moving.

Even Arrora looking at the scene was shocked, she never thought Don would throw the girl like that as she saw him walking towards the gray-haired man.

"The half-elf man you attacked yesterday said hi" Don whispered into Bear's ears as his eyes went wide in shock but when he opened his mouth to say something everything went dark.

The force of the attack on Bear's head almost broke the wooden bat in half. A moment ago the black-robed man and the woman looked like saviors in the waitress's eyes but now they seemed like devils walking on earth.

"What's happening here?" a group of soldiers suddenly opened the front door and entered the room. However, Don recognized the guard leading the group he was the same man Don gave a gold coin to at the gate.

The guard looked angry and shocked at the scene but when he laid his eyes on Don a wide grin appeared on his face

"My lord, what happened?" the guard asked and walked towards Don.

"Nothing big, just a small fight here" the crowd almost coughed up blood when they heard him saying a small fight. It was not a bar fight, it was a beating to death. The guard walking at Don saw a coin flying towards him as he caught it with one hand.

"You have someone to clean this place right?" the man couldn't believe his eyes, on his palm he had another gold coin. Seeing the gold coin he forgot about everything that he should so in a situation like this but looked at Don with an ear to ear grin and nodded his head enthusiastically

"Yes yes my lord" as he said the guard saw the youth taking another small pouch from his ring

"Here it'll help you with the damages" Don threw the pouch containing some silver coins to the bartender as he started to walk towards the exit followed by Arrora.

After leaving the tavern and stepping outside

"Don who are they? " Arrora asked because she knew it was not a random bar fight as she saw Don beating them like they did something to him. It was clearly an act of revenge

"They are the one attacked Uncle Dior yesterday"

Hearing Don everything that happened made sense to her

"I should have beaten that old bat more "

Don didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard Arrora but he was a little happy in his mind thinking that Arrora was learning from him.

"Come on let's go and find a room to take a rest"

As he said Don and Arrora walked away from the tavern looking for another Inn to stay.

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