Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 67: Spirit World

Kai is standing on the ground while looking at the unfamiliar surroundings.

This place is really weird for him. At the sky there is no moon or stars forget about that sky is not even black it was colourful with many different colours mixed together forming a beautiful scene.

In contrast to that land is completely opposite it is black and full of cracks with groups of dried up trees that can be found everywhere in dense amounts and Kai from time to time is feeling that someone is looking at him constantly.

Kai wanted to use his magic sense to find that person but on trying that Kai found that he cannot use magic.

"Just what is going on, why can't I use any magic?"

Then Kai was thinking about that.

He heard the sound of an explosion coming from the sky.


On looking at the sky he finds three vortices forming in the sky and three glows of light coming out of it and with high speed falls on the ground some distance away from him.

Seeing this Kai becomes curious and runs towards the direction where three lights have fallen.

After covering a distance of 100 meters Kai reached the place where the three lights had fallen.

Before Kai's eyes there were three glowing balls of light.

Seeing this Kai bend down and reach out his hand to hold a glowing ball of light.

But suddenly a small branch of a tree hit his hand.

"Ah"sound comes out of Kai mouth as he takes his hand back and found his hand has a tiny scar on it; which is a little confusing for Kai as he knows my body intensity and endurance a small branch of wood should not be able to hurt him and look towards the direction from where branch was thrown from.

"Show yourself, whoever you are? don't you know it cowardly to attack while hiding"

Hearing Kai words a small figure comes out.

"Who are you calling Coward? you should be thankful to me if you have touched it you would have died"

Seeing the small figure Kai is full of astonishment, if Kai is asked to describe him in one word,it will be round. Completely white body with round head, round belly, round hand and round leg with two small round eyes with straight eyebrows, his nose was non existing with a small mouth and with height nearly of 30cm.

Kai rubs his eyes to make sure that his eyes don't have any problem but still the white round figure is there.

"Why are you so surprised?Is this your first time seeing a handsome spirit like me, human"says the white figure.

Hearing the word spirit, Kai is surprised because Kai has heard from Daoma that Spirit can only live in the world and again looks around him and gets confused because Daoma also said the Spirit world is a very beautiful place but the place where Kai is currently completing is the opposite of beautiful.

And again look at the white figure"may be this guy can help me find out where i am"mutters Kai and asks

"Why do you say i would have died if i touch them"while pointing at the three glowing balls.

"Just wait a little and you will find out,"says White figure.

Hearing that Kai waits a little and finally glows around the balls becomes dim and roots start to grow from it and before Kai's eyes it turns into a dried up tree, no different from the trees around him.

"These glowing balls of light are bodies of dead spirits and if you would have touched them you would have become food for the growth of that tree before you"says the white figure with a serious expression.

"Dead body of spirit?"repeated Kai as he looked at the new grown tree before him.

"Yes, this place is the land of the spirit dying. Whenever a spirit dies he ends up here where he waits for billions of years to be reborn after absorbing sufficient spiritual energy"say White figure while looking at Kai.

"Land of spirit dying?spiritual energy? Is this place a spirit world?"asked Kai to white figure curiously.

Listening to Kai, he looks at Kai as he is seeing a dumb and foolish person.

"Did your master tell you that the land of the spirit dying is forbidden in the spirit world?

No magic user or living spirit dare to visit this place because this place will fed upon your magic power first then your spiritual energy and then your life force until he dies"

Hearing such words coming out of White figure's mouth Kai got scared but then he looked at the white figure.

"When, what about you? How are you here"ask Kai looking at white figure eyes.

"I have always been here and I don't know why i am able to live here but can't leave this place

unlike other spirit who are able to leave this after their rebirth"

When the white figure was saying that Kai could feel sadness and aloneness from his tone.

"You don't have to worry about dying through, your real body is not here. Just your soul body is here and this land does not affect soul body"

Hearing that Kai felt relief and looked at the lonely white spirit.

"So what is your name? My name is Kai"says Kai.

"Name?I don't have any name. Nobody ever gave me one"says White spirit while looking at Kai with sadness in his eyes.

Seeing this Kai is troubled. looks like he had touch some sensitive topic

"How about I give you a name? how about Shiro as you are so white"says Kai

"Shiro, Shiro i like this name. From now on I am Shiro then HAHAHAHA I finally finally have a name"Shiro says with joy while launching and dancing.

Kai who is seeing him dance finds it a little funny seeing his round figure bouncing around"This guy really is pure and innocent. Becoming so happy just because of a name"thought Kai but for Shiro name is a very precious thing. For every spirit name is the most precious thing to them because for spirit it is the proof of their existence and every spirit has a unique name which cannot be taken by another spirit.

"So what is the way to leave this place then?"asked Kai.

Hearing Kai question. Shiro stopped dancing around and turned around to look at him"do you want to leave so quickly"with a sad tone.

"Yes, there are people waiting for me,"says Kai.

Hearing that Shiro looked at Kai for sometime

"Then take me with you"says Shiro


"If you want to leave this place the only way is to summon the spirit world gate and it will only appear if you form a contract with a spirit or already have a spirit"says Shiro.

listening to Shiro, Kai is troubled because he had promised Daoma that he will not use any attribute magic before attaining mind state of


"Is there no other solution? Who do other magic users enter and leave the spirit world when they first enter the spirit world?"asks Kai.

"They enter their physical body after their magic gets fully consumed. They are throughout spirit world laws but if they want to leave from here they have to use the spirit gate,"says Shiro.

Seeing there no other way Kai look at Shiro and said ok"Forgive me master but i don't have any other way"as he looks at Shiro"guide me how can i form the contact"

Hearing that Shiro felt happy and explained to him about the progress of contact.

Hearing it Kai nod. The process was similar to Teacher and student ritual only difference was that it has a choice either to form a master and servants contact or equal contact. Shiro and Kai agree to form equal contact and started the ritual and after it got finished Kai find a magic Circle on top of his right hand with shiro figure drawn on it and before his eyes it's become invisible but Kai can still feel that it is their and a special bond has been established between shiro and him.

"Now summon the spirit gate"says Shiro with excitement as he can finally leave this place and see the outside world.

Kai nods and the magic Circle on his hand appears again and a rainbow colours door appears and with shiro he enters it and the gate disappears.

After Kai left a shockwave rises and is felt by every spirit as they bow down on their knee and said together"May your journey be full of happiness our lord"

But Kai and Shiro don't know anything about it.

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