Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 60: Seeds and Equipments

One week after 300 employees left with village heads and town lords, they finally send a report about the concentration of magic power in

agricultural fields throughout the libra region.

Employees complete their work two days before their given time and spend one day systematically organizing all information, with details of landowners and their land magic concentration grade.

They also suggested different points where water pumps can be set up and water purifier orb can be set up to irrigate crop fields.

Currently, they are teaching farmers about new ways to grow crops and also how to manage them.

Kaya who was going through the daily report of employees is also surprised by the process speed of their plan.

These guys when left were complaining but now she can't find any feeling of unwillingness or discomfort in these reports. Every information is well organized with full details and analysis.

The report also talks about how farmers are eagerly waiting for new farming equipment and seeds so that they can finally start cultivating their land.

"What do guys think?" says Kaya to Richard and Maya.

Seeing the report Maya says"I think we should progress with our plan, now that survey is done, I will go and provide them with equipment and tools and have them set up"

"Ok Maya, we will go as per our plan" reply Kaya and look at Richard.

"The report is well written, with full details of lands, we have 8 grade B lands and all of them are in the same village located at Southern zone of Libra Region and same can be seen through the entire Libra region, it seems southern zone has more condition of magic while as we move upwards it's get reduced as we see from the report"reply Richard.

Listening to Richard's observation, Kaya and Maya again go through the report.

"It looks like it's true, let's mark this village which has such a high concentration of magic in its soil. Maybe some hidden treasure might be present here. I will contact Bolt to check that place out later when comes to this region" says Kaya

One of the objectives of testing the concentration of magic level is also is to look for hidden treasure and resources inside the lands and it seems they have just found the first spot, which has a possibility.

Maya and Richard nod

Finishing their discussion. Maya chooses to leave Libra City and go to different towns and villages to supply them with rune tools and magic equipment to begin farming.

Ten minutes after her departure, Maya finally reached her first location Tita town, one of ten towns of Libra region located at northwestern of Libra region.

Town lord Kal Noland was waiting eagerly for the arrival of seeds and equipment. He has already given up all his other works and is completely focusing on this one.

Just when a guard came running with a blonde beauty following him.

Seeing Maya, Kal felt like great pressure was finally gone which has been pressing him down these days. Village heads will come often these two days and will ask the same questions again and again to him and employees which are assigned by Almon city when equipment and seeds will arrive.

"Miss Maya you are finally here," says Kal with tears of joy.

Seeing such an extreme reaction from Kal because of her visit, Maya was bewildered.

When Kal was greeting her. The thirty employees assigned here also arrived. Having finished their work, all of them returned to Tita town and were waiting for further orders.

Seeing these 30 men Maya smiled.

"How have you been, guys, "ask Maya in her soft voice.

"We have been doing well, Miss Maya because of the potion made by Miss Ellie. We are both physically and mentally healthy. Sorry, we have never been more healthy, even after tiring work of going around the field and explaining to villagers about new farming equipment and methods, we don't feel any tiredness. All is thanks to those potion"reply employees.

Listening to them, Maya finally understands why these guys are looking so happy and refreshed. All of this is due to Ellie's potion.

Even Maya was curious about the health potion made by Ellie but later she put aside those thoughts and looked at 30 employees.

"I have new work for you guys. Equipment, tools, and seeds have been brought with me. It's now your job to bring them to villages and to provide them with seeds and tools according to the grade of land. Do you guys understand?"Maya asks them in her soft and gentle voice.

"YES WE UNDERSTAND" shouted employees in union.

"Good, now equipment, which needs to be set up like water pumps with a water purifier.

Kaya and Richard with me have decided that we will give you guys complete freedom on the choice of location for their setup. Water pumps are the most important equipment and complicated equipment for this project so don't place them randomly. Your department head is trusting you guys and thinks you guys can do it" says Maya brings out magic space rings and gives them to employees.

Everyone was given 7 rings

Seeing so many magic rings, Employees are shocked and nervous because they all have heard how expensive a magic ring can be and if they lose it, they may not be able to pay back even if they work their entire lifetime.

Without wasting her time for employees to calm themselves down Kaya says"These magic rings all have seeds of different grades with tools in them separately, on top of them their grade is mentioned and the last one has water pumps be extra careful to not lose them"warned Maya.

On hearing Maya command, they nod

Seeing this Maya smiles and turn around to look at Town lord Kal who was also standing there with a dumbfounded expression and came back to his senses after Maya looks at him

"I will be taking my leave now, I have already completed my delivery here, so I am leaving," says Maya in her soft voice.

Listening to Maya. Kal replied in a hurry"Take care to miss Maya. Hope we meet again"

Maya nodded and left his office room.

After that Maya went to other towns to deliver equipment, and seeds to employees.

Late Afternoon Maya finally returned to Libra City and after taking a bath and eating lunch fell asleep.

This morning was tiring for her.

While Kaya and Richard were receiving reports from employees and were making plans about their next step.

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