Remnants of Filth

Chapter 30 - Inescapable desire

Mo quenches his heartbeat quickly, a buzz in his head, and his backhand is going to restrain him, but before he meets Gu Mang, he is wrapped around his neck.

In the darkness, Gu Mang almost collapsed and shivered, and huskyly murmured during the kiss: “You. Hold me …”

When Gu Mang once fought, people said that he had the brutal nature of fierce wolf, fierce, alert, brave, and very commanding. He was beyond the reach of the Zhonghua Empire as a general in the altar, so he got so A name, called “Altar of the Gods.”

But no one knows his wildness elsewhere.

Only Mo Xiu knew what Gu Mang looked like in bed. He had strong and tight muscles, a sharp waist, and tension between his neck. In the past, when the two were entangled, Mo Xi had been kissed by him many times, and then he was deeply trapped in warmth and could not extricate himself.

Not now.

It has been so long now, separated from betrayal and life and death, national revenge and private hatred, and suddenly he is resisted again and a strong kiss. Mo Xi’s heart fell into flames, burning desires, and his ears were buzzing. But he still tried hard to hold back, and Gu Mang was backhanded. He couldn’t help but bury his fingers in the opponent’s hair bun, and **** blood spread between his lips and teeth.

Mo bite his teeth and said, “… don’t provoke me.”

The palm of my hand lit up the fireball, lighting up the side of the bedroom-still in the memory of Mo Xi, a slave hut with no windows, things in a mess, a small jar on the bedside, a bedside table There is a fat belly bottle with wild flowers in it.

Gu Mang ’s intellect seemed to have completely disintegrated. He stared blankly and eagerly at Mo Xi for a while, as if he did n’t understand a word of Mo Xi ’s words. After a while, he went to want to kiss him. Lips.

Mo Xi’s heart was annoying and hot, angrily: “Don’t touch me!”

But the ghost did not know what Gu Mang had taken to see the ghost medicine, and his physique recovered very well, and he could hardly restrain it with a little slackness.

The two were fighting so fiercely that Gu Mang stumbled on one foot and took Mo Xi to the bed together. The wooden bed gave out a dangerous squeak, and Mo Que pressed heavily on Gu Mang. Gu Mang made a hoarse groan at the same time-the movement of grinding contact with another man made his eyes more confused. His body was hot after taking the medicine, and his blue eyes were also burning with a moist luster, as if the river surface was burning with fire, and he wanted to devour the spirit of Mo Que.

Mo Xi looked down at the man lying under him. His blood was also very hot. He abstinence for so many years. In addition, he had a strong desire for Gu Mang. Act of.

However, the behavior can be controlled, but the response is uncontrollable. Mo Xi’s breathing became heavy, hot and full of male tension. He whispered Gu Man to move, but the air flow was blowing on Gu Man’s ear. Aroused a shudder.

Gu Mang’s throat rolled, his wet eyes looked at him for a while, and he said hoarsely, “Uncomfortable …”


“It’s hot……”

Mo breathed lowly, and saw his reflection in his blue eyes, shrouded in the blurred **.

“I’m very hot……”

It’s not just you who are very hot-but in this case, Mo Xi can’t say anything. His arm is firmly suppressing Gu Mang, but Gu Mang has been struggling under him for a while. How could the ink go out and not respond? Between limbs, Mo Xi whispered angrily, “Don’t move anymore!”

But Gu Man felt it, the man pressed him firmly, across the robe, just an unintentional sting, the hardness was like evoking a certain memory buried in his skull, and he shuddered all over Then, a deep moan and groan leaked from the throat.

When he was not so close to any beautiful cricket, He hummed so gently that he felt hard and mad. It’s too hard … not to mention Gu Mang is lying in bed at this time, his clothes are messy, his eyes are empty, his chest is panting together.

His expression was very sad, as if he was blaming Mo Xi for not wanting to touch him, and it seemed that he was simply feeling pain and emptiness.

“I’m uncomfortable……”

Mo bite his teeth and said, “Patience.”

“You …” Gu Mang couldn’t understand, “You hit me again …”

This red, naked, straightforward, simple but ashamed statement was uttered by Gu Mang, causing Mo to burst into flames in his chest. He closed his eyes narrowly, cursing, and did not want to visit Gu Mang’s face.

But this kind of thing is not negligible, Gu Man raised his hand to touch his face, trembling and trying to hold his lips. Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

Dark eyes flow deep.

Obviously he had accumulated such a fierce desire, but when Gu Mang was about to kiss him, he raised his hand to cover Gu Mang’s face, and Mo Xi angrily rushed, “I will never … touch you again!”

Gu Mang apparently understood. He opened his eyes slightly, as if he was aggrieved or miserable. The water vapor in his blue eyes grew deeper and deeper.

Mo Xi could not give him any response, otherwise it would resonate with Gu Mang, and this illusion would become more and more difficult to break.

But he also couldn’t relieve Gu Mang’s love at this moment.

Gu Mang’s forehead was sweating slightly. In the chaos, he seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, struggling under Mo Xi: “… uncomfortable …”


The pupil contracted under the stimulation of the medicine, and Gu Mang couldn’t bear it. It was Wan Ant eating his heart and choking his throat, “… don’t … don’t do this …”

Mo stopped him, the people in his arms shook more and more violently, and in the end, almost cramped.

“So sad……”

Later, Gu Mang almost collapsed, like a dying fish, panting heavily, his face flushed with strange flushes, struggling and choking, a chaotic and violent disorder.

“You … might as well … kill me …”

Mo Xi suffocated in his heart: “Gu Mang …”

“You kill me, just … kill me …”


Mo Xi knew that it would never work again. He clenched his molars, while suppressing Gu Mang’s struggles, and at the same time anxiously thinking about the solution-suddenly a bright light-if … if Gu Mang was unconscious for a while, could it be dragged on for a while?

Although I don’t know if it is useful, I can only try it like this.

He thought about it, took a breath, got up stunned, and struck the back of Gu Mang’s neck with a single blow, right in the middle of a coma. Gu Meng passed out.

After the split, Mo extinguished and said, “Frank! Call!”

The soft whip came out at the call, and Mo extinguished the binding of Gu Mang, the **** Wu, to prevent him from making any unexpected behavior when he was awake. But just then, he suddenly heard footsteps from the door.



There are only three people in the illusion. he himself. Gu Mang. And there is …

That ghost picks a flower thief.

Mo Xie’s eyes sank violently, blocking Gu Mang behind him, and plum blossoming darts condensed on his fingertips. He was so angry that he only waited for the man to come in and shattered his body.

Stop. The door opened.

Under the moonlight, a man with a bayonet stood at the door. The bright brilliance illuminated his face—

Slender eyes, blue eyes, a tube of Zheng Zheng nose straight and soft. He tied his sharp braids, his prisoner was slightly open, exposing a small piece of muscular chest, his shoulders were covered with the black and gold nephew left to him before the ink extinguished, and there was no expression on his face.

Mo Xi’s look changed: “Gu Mang ?!”

Well, this one on the bed is …

He looked back, as if responding to his sorrow, and suddenly a black smoke rolled up, and the man on the bedside was suddenly ashes!

A burst of sharp and crazy laughter suddenly burst from the walls, everywhere: “haha … hahahaha …”

That ghost is talking again!

The ghost smirked enough, and said, “He and Jun, just the one in your bed is a hallucination born in a dream.”


“Do you know how he was born?” Ghost Shadow said involuntarily. “It was you who listened to me and was led by me to Gu Mang in the place where I was in love medicine. You thought you didn’t have peace with The illusion echoes, but when you infer it, you have unknowingly delivered your thoughts to it! “

The ghosts became more and more arrogant, and the flames went wild.

“Do you think it ’s all over to keep your mind still? You do n’t think you have no flaws if you do n’t believe it? In the past, you only touched the people in the dreams created by ordinary warlocks in the country. How can I compare with what I created! In my illusion, unless you do n’t even think about it and abandon all your thoughts, even if your mind is moving, a guess, I can still use it, hahahaha! “

Laughter echoed, and the chill was overcast.

“Come on, look at this Gu Man in front of you, he’s going to kill you soon. Is he a fantasy or real? Can you tell the difference?” The laughter was full of teasing pleasure “Do you want to believe that he is an illusion and break him? Or do you not believe that he is an illusion and be merciful?”

Mo Xi’s side eyes looked at Gu Man standing at the door. The Gu Mang stood against the light, and the North Border Army emblem on the black coat was flowing with shining golden light in the moonlight.

“The real warlock in the dream will make it difficult for you to distinguish between reality and reality. You must guess. If you guess correctly, you will die. If you guess wrong, you will die … Do you dare to do it?”

In words, Gu Mang had taken off the black robe on his shoulders, and suddenly came with a blade. The blade edged, the bayonet collided with Ranran, and instantly sparked several clusters of golden red sparks!

The ghost’s words lingered on his ears, and Mo Xi’s men and Gu Mang quickly and quickly removed more than ten moves-Gu Mang’s face had no expression, and his expression was cold, just like the treasonous general after treason. Identities are like that when they appear in front of Chonghua Army. Without any old feelings.

He was entangled with the black blade of the bayonet, but was picked by the blade’s tip, stabbed the stream of spirits, and backhand attacked Mo. The blade of light reflected Gu Mang’s face, like a band, just passing in front of his eyes.

Mo Xi cursed, backhand swept back, and yelled, “Huayan!”

Swiming back to his palm with a whipping, the red light flashed into a blood-colored sword, and “heavy” hit the bayonet again.

Mo gritted his teeth, and across the edge of the sword, looked at the cold face.

Is it a virtual image of the person in the dream?

Gu Meng who was actually sent …

The ghost laughed wildly and indulgently: “Come, with your ability, if you really want to put him to death, it’s not impossible, according to his chest, you stab … ha ha ha ha ha, you stab In case he is real, he will die too–isn’t it just what you want? “

“A traitor, a national thief … come on Hehe, what are you still hesitating about?”

“Kill him! Hahaha !!!”

Kill him, he is a traitor.

Killing so many people and killing so many soldiers has caused those who once believed in him to fall to the bottom.

Rebellion against motherland and return to Laos-

But is n’t the first master of Chonghua now brought out by him? With his own blood and tears, or even his life … take those people out of the smoke hell.

It was Gu Mang who came out with his brothers and returned with the dead corpses. He saw life and the future, so he shouted and insisted that come, okay, you call me Gu Shuai, I must Take you home.

I take you home …

A group of dirty monks, some fatherless motherless slaves, with iron blood and loyalty, wanted to exchange a famous tombstone for the deceased robe brothers, a decent burial.

But Chonghua didn’t give it.

The old clans do not give.

In order to return to Hell, they dragged the remaining bodies out of their arms. Then the attitude of the man on the throne seemed to be saying, eh? Shouldn’t you all die in hell? Why did I come back and what did I do? I can’t always put an army formed by slaves and commanded by slaves, dead buried in the soul mountain, and the living reward is on par with the aristocracy?

Hell is the home of a cheap seed, a barren grave, no need for a gravestone.

So Gu Mang was betrayed, Gu Mang was gone, and Mo Xi was not incomprehensible or forgivable.

——But why is Laos.

Almost all the people in Laos are lunatics. Every time they conquer a country, they slaughter, eat people, drink blood … They are obsessed with domination, and they do nothing to destroy the mountains and rivers. Why did you choose Laos? The country that killed his father! That man cannibalize, and by **** art to kill the puppet kingdom of the world! why? !!

For revenge? Because hate?

It is also because only Lao Country is one of the few big countries that can compete with Zhonghua. Only by entering the magic cave, damaging good thoughts, and offering sacrifices to the heart, can one day come to the city and emerge from the heart of the King, and use these things that once practiced them Dear friends, step on your brain and blood? !!

Flashing in his mind, Gu Ran was shot down by Gu Mang in his hand.

Brushing the floor, bayonet is already in front of Mo Xi chest.

Gu Mang didn’t say a word, and didn’t move next. He just looked at him lightly and said:

“you lose.”

Mo did not speak, but he smiled, almost sighing: “He and Jun, I reminded you, but you still did not have the heart to fight him seriously.”


“For your infatuation, I tell you.” He paused and said with amusement, “Gu Mang in front of you is true.”

“Thank you for not willing to hurt him, otherwise he should not be your opponent. But …” He smiled, “You are affectionate, but he is already meaningless. Gu Mang was urged by evil spirits at this time and only listened to me If I want him to kill you, he will not hesitate. “

The voice was lingering: “It is hard to make a choice. This is the real usage of the people in your dreams. Have you learned it? Unfortunately, even if you have learned it, it is too late.”

Ghostly smiled with a final order:

“Go and kill him.”

As soon as Gu Mang’s azure eyes were dark, he raised his hand and waved his blade, but in this flash of light, the lotus scar on the neck of the ink suddenly appeared, and dozens of red swords burst out!

Gu Mang was slightly startled, and immediately turned around to dodge, raising his hands and slamming apart several flying swords that came at him! At the time when he was fully focused on retreating the sword formation, his feet were tied by the ropes that were suddenly turned into whip. Looking towards the ink goes out.

“You. Pretend to lose.” He said.

Mo Xi waved the sword array, his complexion was extremely complex. He walked in front of Gu Mang, and a rush of spirit flowed in his palm, so that he could wind Gu Mang more tightly, and then lifted his chin with the two fingers, removing the magic from his trembling hand.

Mo Xi stared at his clear blue eyes, with a hazy expression, and said coldly: “… Yeah. If I would be so easy to capture, wouldn’t I disappoint my brother’s previous hard work?”

“…” Gu Mang didn’t have any expression and couldn’t understand him at all.

Mo Xi raised his eyes and said, “What other tricks do you have, why not?”

The ghost sneered: “I am naturally–” But the words haven’t finished, but the surrounding illusion is suddenly shocked!

The ghost shadow was startled, Mo Mo heard the low cursing sound lingering around the illusion, and continued to retreat, and said arbitrarily, “Mo Mo, the outcome is uncertain, you can’t catch me at all Don’t be too proud of it! “

Mo Xi’s face is in perfect condition, and it seems that the helper sent by Jun Shang finally arrived.

But when they saw the bricks and tiles starting to fall, they couldn’t hit them. Someone started attacking from the outside, and the dreamer could no longer maintain it, and the scene in front of him was twisted and coiled. Suddenly, with a bang, Wangshu’s house scattered thousands of powders, and everything disappeared.

“Hehe! Hehe!” The reinforcements that broke the enchantment from the outside were two people, one was Yue Chenqing, and he hurried over, seeing Mo Xi, relieved, seeing Gu Mang, and scared again A hop.

“You … uh, are you all right?”

Mo Xi returned to the foothills of the War Soul, dragging Gu Man’s hair bun in his hand, restraining the restless man at this moment. The red lotus mark on his neck disappeared, and slowly disappeared.

Before Mo can stop speaking, another helping hand spoke—Mun Shang actually sent Murong Mercy.

Mu Rongli leaned on the tree. It ’s irrelevant whether you are dead or alive. You are alive and I am resurrected. When you die, I set off firecrackers to collect the dead body. I still hold a hookah in my hand and take a casual breath. Dream, exhale thin smoke.

“What can they do? Aren’t they here?”

What else did Yue Chenqing want to say? Mu Rongci interrupted again. He glanced at Gu Mang and sneered, “This traitor is really capable. All that I had tortured before was a breath. Suddenly, I was born alive again, and escaped from prison. . “


“Oh and Jun, my King can’t help but doubt, he recovered so fast, isn’t it that you’re touching him secretly?” Murong pity Yin and Yang strangely.

Mo Xi didn’t want to ignore this abnormality and turned to Yue Chenqing: “Why are you here too?”

“Jun Shang said that I’ve been your deputy commander for two years, and have experience with the magic of the kingdom, forcing me to come.” Yue Chenqing opened his eyes wide, “He and Jun, have you found the flower picker?”

Mo glanced at the front, and there was a cave in front of him. The layout of the people in the dream required a strong aura, and he could not be too far away from the caster.

He said, “It’s inside.”

It’s not too late, so the three went to the cave together. Yue Chenqing looked back and forth curiously at Gu Mang several times, and suddenly said, “He and Jun, you tied him up, and when you met the flower picker, what did you use? hit?”

“… I’m more than just a weapon.”

“But you like to use rashness, so let me find something else to suppress him …” Yue Chenqing scratched her head, rummaged through Qiankun’s pocket, and found out a golden glittering amulet.

“Use this! This is what my family makes, can-“

“Take back your dad’s stuff,” Mo Xi said. “Spiritual power is violent, not easy to use.”

“… not my father, I did it with my uncle.”

Seeing Mo Xi no longer making a noise, Yue Chenqing presented his treasure like a treasure, happily came to Gu Mang.

Gu Mong stared at him.

“… Oh, a little hairy, these eyes are as blue as a wolf.” Yue Chenqing scratched his neck, dare not look at Mangong’s eyes, and made a slap, “Brother Wolf, offend.”

Gu Man stared at him fiercely, his eyes moving uneasily, as if to say, “Dare you?” !!

Yue Chenqing’s technique was low-hearted, and he banged, and directly affixed his four-pin charm to Gu Mang’s forehead.

The author has something to say: Dear friends, my editor thinks that the name of Yuzhu is not bright enough, and I suggest that I change it to a **** name! !! But I’m a nameless person, you know! !! !! Even if I want to break my head, I can’t think of anything more flying! !! !! Can you give me some suggestions! !! !! I beg you guys! !! !! Otherwise, if you give me freedom, and let me play freely, I might change it to a name like “Beep Beep” ==

Gu Mang: Are you a pig! How could I be so tortured and want to die! Only you will believe it! The eldest husband easily finds no life, understands! Even if my brain is broken, I am still a man! You pig!

Mo Xi: But you used to hang death on your mouth.

Gu Mang 😕 ? ? such as?

Mo Xi: Isn’t you the person who said that I would be killed every time I went to bed.

Big Dog: Thank you “Dill”, “Moi Huai bites a handkerchief and other meat bags” mines x3 “Gu Sanhuai Huai Huai Huai” “Frost Snow” “Xie Su” “Meat bag softener” mines x6 “Brother Let’s put water together “” Kurosawa Sora “” false “” Gongzi Mo. “Mine x3” Little sweet sports class “Mine x2” Neglected by you “” Shimata Narumon “” Xuncang “” cms “” North Luan, “Basket”, “Xuncang”, “Box Jun”, “He Zizi” mines x3 “Salty Yan” “Jiangcha Teaer” mines x2 “Mai” “His Royal Highness is pregnant with the grandson of the dragon” “Xie Wanmiao” “Three Dons”, “Red Chlorella” mines x3 “Did you pack the meat today?” Mines x2 “Outlanders” “Smoke warm rain harvest” mines x2 “Pudding heaven” “Red flower ink leaf” “Ah Zinc drink pulsating “” Hua Han “throw mines ~~

“Bamboo”, “adan1919”, “Witch name wow”, “Sinan small burrito”, “Aya want to eat the fence” throwing grenades x4, “Pear Flower Umbrella” “Here Ziyu” “This cloud” throwing grenades ~

“Downtobed.” Rocket Launcher x3, “Chu Wanning” Rocket Launcher x2, “This Cloud” Throw Rocket Launcher ~~

“C” Throwing Deepwater Torpedo ~

Gu Mangmang: Crab Crab “u Le”, “Jin Se”, “San Wu”, “echo”, “Mu Qingfeng c”, “Cactus is not a long ball”, “Mo Li Hui”, “Hong Hua Mo Ye”, “Weilan under the moon”, “Ama”, “rainbow”, “Xuncang”, “Xie Su”, “Long smoke and thousands of miles”, “youre”, “Shapoti potato”, “Floating wood”, “Oh “Orange”, “Don’t like to be named”, “Little Red Chicken”, “Thousand Lanterns”, “Lin Yuan”, “Account has been cancelled”, “Deep Sea Whale Blue”, “Schrödinger’s Aling”, “nati Nanti”, “Desperate”, “Zaijiu”, “Longevity”, “Dubi Dubi dupa papa”, “Brothers put water together”, “Hug my late cat”, “Ten bowls of copycat”, “Oriental Such as the moon “,” black sky “,” buying medicine “,” Xue Duxiu “,” to you “,” mango coconut milk jelly “,” confuse “,” free chess pieces “,” small sweet sports class representative “,” The nickname is not important “,” Back to time “,” Rolling tea “,” Yu Liujun cherry blossoms “,” Mo Lin “,” Gu Sanhuai Huai Huai Huai “,” Night without clothes “,” Huayuan “,” Rhodococcus spp. “,” Yi Yichen “,” cloud has no heart to make a sacrifice “,” I am super awesome “,” pudding style Heaven “and” out of state guest “,” rule of kite madman, “” Xunxun smoked smoked, “irrigation nutrient solution ~

Thank you for your daily companion ~~~

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