Remnants of Filth

Chapter 3 - Sexy Gu Mang, **** online

Shortly after Mo Xi received the secret letter from the imperial capital, the news that Gu Mang was about to return to the city was finally made public by the reigning monarch. At the same time, the disposal of Gu Mang was also announced–

Let Wang Shujun take full control.

The news spread quickly throughout the country of heavy China. Although Mo Xi’s army was far north, he also learned about it on the third day.

The North Border Army exploded.

They were still cold and quiet on the bright side, but as soon as the rotation took place, almost everyone talked about it. Mo looks out in his eyes, and it is rare that he has no control.

He felt that they would be uncomfortable and could not be more normal—because the predecessor of the Northern Border Army was the invincible Gu Jiajun. Most of the soldiers in the army were born and died with Gu Mang. They are undoubtedly faithful and obedient, but long ago, they really supported their coach Gu Mang-although Gu Mang’s bugle for them was “Wang Bajun”.

This is not a joke, it is serious. Before Mo Xi took over, the military record of this army was like this:

Wang Dajun Soldier Liu Dazhuang

Wang Bajun, Chief Wu and Big Eyes

So yunyun.

Headed by “Wang Bajun coach Gu Mang.”

It stands to reason that no one wants to enter a formation with such a bad name. But this is not the case. Gu Mang was the most prominent general in Chonghua at that time. Most of the celebrity coaches had constraints, ties, and shelving.

But Gu Mang is different. He was born of a slave, without father and mother, without concern, without face, without skin, and without fear of death.

If the leaders of Chonghua were undressed and fighting in a row, Gu Mang may not be the strongest man, but he must be the man with the most scars.

He is a well-deserved “Altar of Beasts” of the Chonghua Empire.

At that time, Gu Mang’s deputy always looked at his injuries and blamed him: “How can you, as a coach, run to the front every time and don’t know to hide?”

Gu Mang would laugh. His dark eyes are very bright, his lips are soft, and his voice is more silky texture. He coaxed his angry friend with a good temper: “I have been forced to run fast with long legs. “

As long as he is on the battlefield, it doesn’t seem to be all cold and blood, but also laughter and nectar.

He will remember every day of the arc of the same robe. When the war ended, he often led the monks in the camp to drink and drink in the small villages and towns. Sometimes when they met the resident villagers, they asked for prices, and Gu Shuai was not angry. With a smile, he took all the money and put all the money on the case to change his soldiers’ wine and meat.

At the end he yelled loudly: “Eat and drink! I’ll open my belly to eat! Everyone is my baby’s heart, I’m not enough to give you something else!”

Gu Mang had to do what he said. Once he took off his robe and armor and threw it on the wine cabinet to change the pear white, but the soldiers laughed and coaxed: “Gu Shuai, we want beef, you still have Can anything else be taken off? “

He had only one white coat left at the time, but smiled and ordered, “Give me this.”

“No! Gu Shuai, don’t you really want to take your pants off!”

“That’s not worth much money …”

Gu Mang didn’t plan to be a pants, but he did not have a long body. In the surprised and funny eyes of everyone, he made a kiss and kissed the witty widow who laughed.

The soldiers were silent, and the pretty widow stopped, and the wine spoon leaked down, and after a while, they suddenly reacted and began to hold Gu Manda with a wine spoon—

“Shameless! Slim lady!”

Make a laugh.

Gu Mang was chased by the widow in the laughter and hiss, and begged for mercy while running: “Sincerely! Sincerely! You are beautiful! You are beautiful!”

“My mother knows my mother’s beauty! Your kid is also handsome! But you are too shy and embarrassed, won’t you just sneak in to me at night? You have to be in front of so many people!”

Deng apprentice made a chicken and a dog jump, but he still shouted, “Yeah, yes, I will come to you tomorrow night, and stay tonight, as long as we reward our two pounds of beef, please Please good girl. “

“Well! Since camping here, you have asked your mother to credit the beef three times. This is the fourth time! Each time you say that you are asking me late, to lie to you!”

The widow choked, and the fist smashed on the wooden board, and the wooden board e cracked a crack.

The soldiers bit down with a smile. But after all, Gu Mang finally asked his brethren for two pounds of beef sauce from his widow with his good-looking skin and the promise of “Ask You Tomorrow”.

“Gu Shuai, you can really coax …”

“That’s a must.” Gu Mang proudly fluttered, “I’ve been in the flowers, and the world smells.”

With such a coach, it’s no wonder that a young man at the time said arrogantly: “Don’t call it Wang Bajun, even if they’re called the Chicken / Bajun, I will vote for Gu Shuai!”

The friend next to him abandoned and said, “Oh, you read such a sage book, you are so vulgar.”

“So what are you talking about?”

“It’s better to call the halberd than to call the chicken / eight, but to stop and conquer.”

The teenager wows and exclaims: “Good name, I like it.”

“… You won’t, I just talked casually, who would like the name” Jiba “, wouldn’t it be shameful to call it out? If you don’t believe it, try it. Your name is dog, and dogs are in a hurry with you . “

The young man laughed: “The greatness of the world is not strange. Now it does not mean that there will be no future. Our Wang Shi can be called Wang Ba, and I think it is not impossible to name something else.”

Fortunately, these remarks were not heard by Gu Mang, otherwise who knows if he will smash the case and change himself to “Gu Mang’s strike coach Gu Mang”, and all his officers and men will suffer together.

The war is too harsh. Only a little lunatic like Gu Mang will be ingenious and keen to joke with the fire. He not only drafted the bugle of the “Eight King Army” in one hand, he even set out to draw the flag himself. The bi-colored flag was cut into a tortoise shape ingeniously, and a small tail was kept alive. He cast a spell on the flag, so that the turtle yelled at every incense: “The king and the king, the majesty and the hair, the perseverance of Changhong, the majestic world!”

It can be said to be very ashamed.

When he first entered the battle with this flag, he was smirked to death by the enemy’s general, but it didn’t take long before the army of one hundred thousand monks was chased by Gu Mang’s crying father. After this battle, Gu Mang has played many battles, big and small, and he can win every time.

This directly led to the change in the years when he was the leader, those countries that opposed Chonghua’s smell of turtles, and the scenes that the hostile monks least wanted to see, I’m afraid-a small turtle flag was set up on the smoke field, Gu Shuaizhang The horse came out, cleared his throat, and reported himself solemnly:

“Ah, Xiongtai is good. Gu Mang, the commander of the Eighth Army of the Lower Kings, specially came to teach Xiongtai a trick.”

It is shameful not to win this young monk, and it is even more shameful to go back and report to his monarch, “Oh, my subordinates are really incompetent, and they are incapable of fighting Wang Bajun!”

It’s a nightmare.

For Chonghua soldiers, Gu Mang was attractive despite his bad luck. At that time, there were many people who admired him, and some even regarded Gu Mang’s set of “low-quality names to feed” as the Guiyi. Many of the children born at the time were unfortunately named by their fathers and mothers. of:

Chu Gen Zhuang.

Xue Tiezhu.

Ginger eggs hurt.

So after Mo Xi took over Wang Bajun, the first thing was to change the name of Wang Bajun who saw the ghost.

He will never allow his military record to become “Wang Bajun’s coach Mo Xi”. Never!

So Wang Bajun changed his name to the Northern Border Army and was placed under Mo Xi, and the black joke that was not succumbed to blood gunpowder ended like Gu Mang’s Ying Ming.

And those little turtles who screamed and shouted “Wang Bawang Ba, Xiongziyingfa” are like a ridiculous joke in the mirror, and will never appear in the vast field.

Everything becomes sombre again, there will be no flowers, no honey, no one will try to remember even the most insignificant name, no one will lead the soldiers to fight and make trouble, except to change the shirt and change the muddy wine .

The war restored absolute cold blood and grimness.

Winter is coming.

Probably for this reason, although most of the Northern Frontiers hate Gu Mang now, when they mentioned Gu Mang, their mood was not the same as ordinary people.

Especially those “Wang Bajun” veterans who went into and out of the war with Gu Shuai, every time they heard the name Gu Mang, their eyes would show a little bit of shame.

“Well, I can’t think of it, he will end up like this in the end.”

“Wang Shujun is a well-known cool official. The king gave Gu Mang his disposal. I’m afraid it’s more fierce and less fortunate.”

“It must be dead without a body …”

It’s not necessary to be aggressive, but traitors must be everyone’s favor. Only when the old veterans of the Eighth Army and the Eighth Army came together, they would whisper something that had nothing to do with “hate.”

At the end of the day, some elderly people suddenly became confused: “Well, what a wonderful person … if that thing hadn’t happened that year, he wouldn’t have–“

“Shhhhhh! You whisper! Don’t dare to mention this old thing!”

The veteran “Oh,” stunned God, thinking of what he had just said, and the drunkenness of the stars in his eyes immediately dissipated, and he couldn’t help hitting an excitement.

The soldier next to him still reminded him: “Now we are working under Mo Shuai. Mo Shuai’s most hated person is Gu Mang. You are not ignorant of his temper. You really want to hear him. You and I will eat tonight. Can’t walk around! “

“Oh, oh, you’re right, look at me, this drink is confused …”

The soldiers and soldiers sitting around the fire pond were silent, watching the flames blankly, each with their own minds. After a long time, who murmured and said, “However, people will change. I can only say that this is Gu Shuai’s life.”

“How many years have it been, why did you call him Gu Shuai?”

“Oh, yes, Gu Mang, Gu Mang.”

The night at the frontier was quiet, the campfire crackled, and a burst of gold was more dazzling than the starlight.

The vaguely veteran lay down on the ground, his arms resting under his head, he looked at the sky, Ziwei star flickered, his throat knot rolled, and issued a string of grunts that only he could hear: “Oh, to be honest, At that time, I came from Rong and came to Gu Mang. I also drank with him around a campfire. He didn’t have any shelf. At that time … I looked at him and laughed at that time, I thought If one day he could fight for him, it would be a good death. Who knows that he would be … “

It would be such a fate.

As many birds as possible, horn bow hidden.

After using Gu Mang, the enemy nation returned him to Zhonghua State as one of the gifts of peace. This man finally went through the ups and downs, watching the wind and the moon, and once the chess was mistakenly a traitor, but he had no regrets, no circuit.

So what is called cocoon self-binding? What is called multi-line injustice?

But having said that, although his fate is miserable, he also blame himself. If he falls into these two unpleasant situations, it is also pleasing. For a time, almost everyone in Chonghua was looking forward to Gu Mang’s ending.

Captivated, Ling Chi, went to Tangying, thousands of knives, five horses divided into corpses, and even the little girl Huang Mao who just talked knew that she had rolled her soft tongue, and vaguely followed the adults and said, “Let ’s not pass the referral. Don’t miss it. “

Then, Gu Mang Gu Shuai, the former heroic leader of Huahua Kingdom, Mo Xi hit his old enemy. This legendary man was once known as the “Altar of Beasts”.

Finally live up to expectations and became one-“don’t miss the top.” 2k novel reading network

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