Remnants of Filth

Chapter 23 - Grab people

The main hall was brightly lit, and the pangshuo’s charcoal basin was burning with fire. On both sides of the basin are two magpie beasts, both of which have been cast mantras, exhaling into the charcoal basin with one mouth open, yelling, “King on the Megatron Kyushu!” The flame was made even more fierce. The other one also opened his mouth and shouted, “Jun Shang Hong Fu Qi Tian!” But he sucked all the scorched smoke into his stomach.

These two golden beasts who love to make fun of each other were devoted to Murong and won the favor of the king. But Mo Xi felt that only mentally retarded people would like this shit. At this time, the two horse-sucking spirits just finished the action of exhaling and inhaling, each hitting a metal-sounding cymbal, no longer moving around the charcoal basin.

Mo Xi glanced inside the temple, almost the entire Shennongtai medicine repair was there, and Gu Mang was detained in the center of the main hall, surrounded by the most prominent monks in the palace guarding him. Someone hypnotized him, and he was already asleep past.

Today, the monarch leans on the throne covered with soft-colored lilacs, wears a crown of soap, his face is like a crown jade, and his eyebrows are very unruly. Now he is closing his eyes and raising his soul.

Hearing his ragged clothes and hurried pace, he opened his eyes and glanced down.

“Are you all here?”

The waiter replied: “Upon returning to Junjun, Elder Yu from Chengtiantai has not yet come.”

Jun Shang sneered: “The old things are also old, and Chuan Yinxue also told him to stay awake. I think his position to take charge of the rooftop platform can be retired and let him be virtuous.”

“Jun Shangxi is angry …”

“What ’s so lonely about loneliness.” Jun rolled his eyes and sat upright, waving his wide-sleeve sleeves, “The princes are seated.”

The mansion answered: “Xie Jun.”

“It was passed to you in the middle of the night, and you know that you are upset in your heart, and maybe you are secretly scolding the lonely dog ​​blood.”

An old aristocrat had just hit his **** on a stool, and when he heard this, he rushed to his knees and said, “Where’s this from Jun Shang?”

“Okay, don’t kneel, I have a bunch of Kings and Kings, and I’m annoyed. Scold and scold, just don’t let Gu Gu hear it, just scold.”

Several old nobles looked at each other.

As a young monk, their temperament is very strange and confusing.

Although he clearly stood in the aristocratic old camp, he even took off the general who was the largest slave of Chonghua not long after he succeeded, but he did not behave in any way at all. He was always “solitary” To make a secluded world. “

“I know you want to go back to sleep, you want to go back to coax a woman, and a hostess.” Jun went up to the ground, “then make a long story short.”

Everyone: “…”

It’s ridiculous. In the 28 countries of Kyushu, I don’t know which country’s monarch will be like this.

“Elder Shennongtai.”

“The minister is here!”

“You report Gu Mang’s condition tonight, and the symptoms you have been sentenced to, all to the solitary report.”


The chief monk at Shennongtai stepped forward and made a ritual, and said tonight that Gu Mang suddenly lost his spiritual power, and said, “The spiritual core in Gu Mang’s body has indeed been damaged. There is no spiritual power all over, but … … “

The Lord asked, “But what?”

The drug Xiu bowed his head and said, “There is a strong evil in the chest.”

“The evil spirit …”

“Yes, Xiaguan judged that Gu Mang went away because of this evil spirit. Unfortunately, Zhonghua has always cultivated the right path and never touched those crooked paths. So Shennongtai knows very little about this. The only thing I know is Guo must have manipulated his heart, but if you want to argue, I’m afraid … “He showed difficulty and his voice gradually softened.

Jun Shang said: “You don’t have to be afraid, but it doesn’t matter.”

Yao Xiu made another ritual, saying: “I’m afraid to wait for Gu Mang’s death and cut his chest to check his heart.”

“You mean, if we want to know immediately what’s wrong with him, we must kill him right away?”


King Shang suddenly scolded: “Waste!”

Elder Shennongtai was so frightened that he knelt on his knees: “Upper monarch, incompetent officials …”

“You are incompetent! What do you want a dead person to do? There are so many traces of puppet spells on him that can be studied alive. What use can you make when you die? Are you buried?”

“King, King …”

“Think of another way!”

The elder of Shennongtai said, “Ke, Ke Mang is already stupid. Those spell traces are minimal, I’m afraid–“

At this moment, Murong Qing suddenly snorted lazily.

“Elder, Gu Mang is he stupid, but it’s not known yet.” Said San San, his eyes squinted, seemingly glanced at Mo Xi.

“Yun Hejun, do you mean?”

Mo Ju: “…”

The elder knot of Shennongtai rolled. It was horrible to be called “waste” by the monarch, and then interrupted by Wang Shujun. Now it is even more terrible. Even the iron-clad crickets and monarchs were involved.

He just felt like he was going unconscious.

After stumbling for a long time, I reluctantly said, “However, Fang and Fang Xia’s officials have been diagnosed and judged many times. Gu Mang … It really does not remember anything. The whole person also tends to beastly. He and Jun … Why do you think he is not stupid? “

Mo Xi said: “Gu Mang just summoned the demons.”

Upon hearing this, the elder Shennongtai breathed a sigh of relief and busyly said, “He and Jun have misunderstood. Although the summoning of the martial arts and the magical martial arts requires secret spelling. But this is not absolute, and the host’s mind fluctuates greatly, or In a very critical situation, weapons can be summoned even without mantras. So this … doesn’t tell much. “

Mo listened silently, his face frosty and cold, but his eyes kept staring at Gu Man in a coma.

He looked calm, but no one found that the red sandalwood armrest he was wearing had been cracked with a dark pattern …

At this time, someone else in the nobles spoke, and he said, “Sir, no matter what, Gu Mang is too dangerous. If it is not for the guards to go in time, I am afraid someone will kill him!”

“That is, think about the iniquity he made, why is the Lord softened! Why not kill him!”

Like Mu Rongci, the people who believe that “live torture is only interesting” are only a few people after all. Most people still believe in the original dogma of “tooth for tooth, for life”. Many of you have blood debts with Gu Mang Today, I got the opportunity and I didn’t want to let go.

The call for “immediate execution of Gu Mang” was frantic.

He turned the jade jewelry string on his hand, and suddenly smashed the treasure string into the rosewood case, and said fiercely, “What is that noisy?”

The crowd was silent immediately.

“Oh, quarrel before the harem is over, lonely heads are big!”


Master Shang pointed at the elder of Shennongtai and said, “You are a waste! If Jiang Fuli did not want to sit in your position, I would have evacuated you many times!”

The elder of Shennongtai wanted to cry without tears, and said to himself that this position would have been difficult and unpleasant. If Jiang Fuli did not want to sit in this position, he would not know how many times he should resign.

After the monarch had lost his breath, he turned his head and asked the waiter, “When will Jiang Fuli come back?”

The waiter also threw himself to his knees: “… up to the king, the lower officer is also waste, and the lower officer does not know where Jiang Yaoshi is …”

“Okay, get up.” Jun Shang waved his hand impatiently. “You’re not a waste. Jiang Fuli would have been hard to follow. You don’t know if you don’t know.”

The waiter almost cried: “Thank you very much.”

Jun Shang raised his eyes and said to the ministers, “Gu Mang, if you want to kill this traitor, you can kill him two years ago. If you stay today, you are alone.”

Seeing a few aristocrats sulking, Jun Shang impatiently said, “You don’t have to be sloppy, listen to Gu and finish your speech first.”

“You are clear. Many of your relatives and friends have been unfortunately lost to Gu Mang’s hands. Hate can’t be eliminated soon. In this way, although the hatred is revenge, except for revenge, Chonghua does not grow a little bit. So Gu Gu has a living Gu Mang. Although his imprints are shallow, Shennongtai cannot get any useful information about magic spells. However, Jiang Fuli may not be able to do what Shennongtai cannot do. Jiang Fuli now does If you do n’t, you may not be able to do it in the future. You can wait alone. “

Pausing for a while, then solemnly: “Gu Mang’s lost memory is useful. The spell on Gu Mang’s body is useful. Gu Mang’s life is much more useful than death!”

“Although Chonghua has never cultivated the magic path, and has only used orthodoxy as the basis for practice for a hundred years, if he does not even know it, he is so self-contained that he does not know how the enemies of the country are.” He sneered, “So lonely, Chonghua Sooner or later, it will not be Lao’s opponent! “

Does King Shang want to study the Taoism? !! Various expressions appeared on each face.


“How can Chonghua dabble in dark mana? Even if it’s for knowing one another, it’s too dangerous.”

One of the dears present was the eldest brother of Junshang’s concubine, who was so stupid that he couldn’t help asking: “Sir, want to find out the power of the black demon of Laos, and catch the captives later?” Why does it have to be this? “

Jun rolled his eyes: “Because he has poured a lot of hard work into his country, he is different from others. Why haven’t you stupidly died?”

There was a moment of silence.

After a while, Murong Qing suddenly got up and gave a gift to the throne, saying: “Since the king and the officials have said it clearly, the officials and others will naturally have no objections. But …”

“You speak.”

Murong said, “This kind of thing happened in Luomei Bieyuan today, which shows that Gu Mang’s evil spirit is overbearing. He can actually break through the protective enclave outside Bieyuan and keep him there. It is no longer perfect.”

He paused: “If the monarch is trustworthy, it would be better for Yunchen to take him directly to the custody of the house, and he should be strictly watched, which can also be regarded as atonement for today’s disaster.”

He thought for a while and thought, “Well … this is also a way …”

Murong said, “Thank you, Mr. Jun, then …”

He didn’t finish talking, but was interrupted by another low voice.


Keeping her eyes closed and silent, Mo silent finally spoke on his rosewood supreme chair at this time.

He looked up, looked at Wang Shujun, and repeated the veto just before: “No. You can’t take him away.”

Jun Shang stunned for a moment, then touched his chin with surprise and interest, and looked back and forth between Wang Shujun and Xun Hejun.

Murong was stiff, and a sneer opened into the corners of his mouth: “What’s your opinion of Xun Hejun? Didn’t you think Gu Man was the one who remembered you?”

“I said that.” Mo went out, his height was as oppressive as the expression on his face at this time, “so I took him away.”

Mu Rongci narrowed his eyes: “Why?”

Mo said succinctly: “You can’t beat him.”


Mo Xi turned to look at the throne, and said, “On the king, Gu Mang has lost all his force on weekdays, but if he is violent again, his strength will not be lower than today.”

“makes sense……”

“You know his fighting power. On the single fight alone, it is difficult for anyone to control the entire Chonghua.” Mo Xishen said coldly, “I would like to admit General Gu Mang to Xunhe House. I must strictly control it. , Will not allow him to hurt any more of the monarch and the heavy China. “

“…” Mu Rongci was silent for a moment, then suddenly sneered, “Xi Hejun said well on his mouth, but I want to see, where do you want to protect Zhonghua and protect King?”

Mo Xi said: “What do you mean.”

“What do I mean?” Mu Rong’s pale face looked up, his eyes narrowed. “What do I mean, isn’t He and Jun clear?” He leaned his chin and signaled Gu Mang’s direction, “You take him back Isn’t it selfish to protect him? “

“What are you talking about?” Mo Xi’s face sank suddenly. “Gu Mang almost died in my hand. I protect him?”

“Isn’t that almost?” Murong Pian glazed coldly. “Isn’t she dead? Besides, I asked outside the hall whether He Hejun really wanted to kill Gu Mang himself, did He Hejun not answer?”

Mo Xi suppressed his anger and said, “Why do I want to know it if I want it?”

“Yes, do you want to know if you want to do it or not? Why do you have any relationship with him and how do you need to tell outsiders about things? Oh, the other colleagues here are forgetful. It ’s big, let me remind you. ”

Murong paused for a moment, his pupils glanced out, “Isn’t He and Jun in the past, wasn’t Gu Shuai’s car?”

When he said this, the others were not surprised, but rather speechless.

Mo Xi and Gu Mang used to be intimate, everyone knew. However, Gu Mang almost extinguished the ink to death after treason, which was even more known to everyone. The relationship between the two of them, as long as that stabbing, can never look back.

Everyone was embarrassed, and some of them smiled without embarrassment, and did not respond.

Others said, “Wang Shujun, it’s all over, there’s nothing to mention …”

Murong Lian seems to have anticipated their response. He just snorted lazily, and the arc of the corner of his mouth became more dangerous: “Okay, I don’t mention this.”

He sneered at Shang Mo again, sneer: “Then I would ask Ji Hejun, you have always been unsatisfactory and never infected those places of wind and moon … Then I dare ask you to go to Luomeibeiyuan alone, in private What does Gu Mang do? “

Mo Xi murmured in his heart, and said that he went to Luomei Bieyuan to visit Gu Mang and it was really said by that little sister.

But he did not intend to deny, glanced at the black eyes and said.

“Revenge, what else can you do.”

“Because of revenge, why do you feed him with water and feed him with food?” The words were soaked in Murong’s lips and teeth, and then spit out, like a serpent, “Is it possible to see your Gu Mang My brother suffers—distressed? “

If it was not in Zhonghua Palace, King Shang was still watching, Mo Xi must have burned seventeen or eight fireballs and smashed his head.

“What’s wrong with you?” Mo quenched. “You follow me?”

Murong Lian sneered, “Luomei Bieyuan was originally my place. What is there to follow or not to follow. Besides what you have done yourself, are you afraid that others will not know it?”

Some friends and relatives saw that they were quarreling fiercely, and could not help but persuade them: “Forget it, Xi Hejun has always been cold and kind, he just gave a sip of water to those who are thirsty. Wang Shujun, why not Aggressive … “

“A sip of water?” Murong said with cold eyes, “It’s ridiculous. It’s rare that ordinary people don’t fall into the rocks, but Xi and Jun still send charcoal in the snow. This high wind festival is really eye-opening.”

He said that he owed himself to the throne: “Master, today Gu Mang can’t help but I can take it away, but he can never be brought back to the house by Xun He.”

Jun Shang rarely saw Mu Rongci and Mo Xi arguing like this in court, but he didn’t even feel a headache. Suddenly, at this moment, Mu Rongci asked in such a way, and for a moment, he was still indecisive, and groaned, “What is this …”

Seeing He hesitate, Mu Rongci continued: “Gu Mang was in Luomei Bieyuan, and He and Jun could take a sip of water. If he was really led into the door, who knows where He and Jun would control him. ? “

These words were seven-pointed, three-pointed, ambiguous, and some aristocrats in the presence felt that they were overdone, and they were looking at Murong Mercy to let him stop talking.

In Chonghua, it is not a big deal to visit a male prostitute in a kiln, but men are never allowed to fall in love, especially a pure-blooded relative like Mo Xi-the bloodlines and spiritual power of such people are too precious. The right way, so Zhong Huaming ordered them to ban any unscrupulous love trip.

Besides, how could a man of such high esteem and grandeur like He and Jun be associated with such a cheap kind of dirty goods like Gu Mang? Everyone thought it was ridiculous, but only felt that Mu Rongci, as a competitor of Mo Xi, wanted to spit dirty water into Mo and wanted to go crazy.

Only Mo Xi, who was “spoiled with dirty water,” knew that he was really poked in the pain.

Murong lazily said: “He and Jun, avoid suspicion, you don’t care about it.”

With a little silence, Mo Xi turned to his side, staring hard at him, staring at Murong Mercy, and said, “If I can’t stand still, what do you do?”

The author has something to say: Every little crab crab is cute ~~ Mody! !! !! Thank you very much, I really do n’t need to throw thunder ~ 噜噜 噜噜 ~~~

Everyone Has a Dream

Suppression of sister’s dream: Gu Mang never left home.

Gu Mang’s dream: Run away from home again.

A Lian’s dream: Successfully seize the black dots that Mo extinguishes, and pass through the dark! Let the ink go out and never be able to look up and sit with him on an equal footing!

Xiaoyueyue’s Dream: Become an excellent man like the four concubines!

Jiang Yexue’s dream: Not only living in a small theater (Mei Hanxue: Little brother, bear with me, I think I was also a character who could only live in the talk)

The dream of the four concubines: not only living in the trailer

The dream of meat buns: … when I woke up, a girl with snails typed a 100,000-word archive for me …

Big Dog: Thank you “vivi” “Meat bag softener” mines x10 “Muchunli” mines x2 “Yi Yichen” “dill” “waizhouke” mines x2 “Kong Songzhi” “Liu Liujun Sakura opened “” Qing Yin “” Azin drink pulse “mines x2” 29668628 “” Shechuan “mines x3” Lost to you “mines x3” Xie Su “mines x8” Mohuai come late today, meat pack can “” Smoke, Warm and Rainy Harvesting, “Crossing the Moon”, “Ming” Mine x2, “Dill”, “Late Night Yuheng” Mine x2 “Solo”, “Tracing”, “Pinglu Chengjiang”, “Eye King”, “Red Coccus” mine x2 “Ice Blue” “Did you pack the meat today?” “Mo Yan” “Witch Name Wow” mine x3, “You don’t want to be too arrogant”, “Back to time” “Gongzi Mo” “Wenzhu” Throw mines ~

“Shimada Naruto Vol.” “It’s Witch Name Wow” throw grenade x5, “Midland’s Xilian” throws grenade ~

“Junnan” Rocket Launcher x2 “Kurosawa Sora” “Did you smash the meat today?” “Kikiko” “downtobed.” Throw rocket launchers ~

“Honghua Moye” Throwing Deep-water Torpedo ~

Gu Mangmang: Crab Crab is “dried”, “Cheese milk cap”, “Buy medicine”, “Wei Ying”, “Rolling tea”, “Do something and do something!”, “Peak loop”, “Fool” , “Orange cat”, “nickname is unimportant”, “Azin drinking pulse”, “zizhang”, “kite mania”, “raw wood”, irrigation nutrient solution ~~

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