Remnants of Filth

Chapter 21 - Gu Mang Runs Away

Standing in front of the department was a very low-ranking female nun who was in her forties, and was usually not very quiet on weekdays.

Mo Xi was somewhat surprised and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I … just learned to come to the palace, saying that my girl was beaten by Chang Fengjun’s money, and I was a little hurt. I can’t rest assured and want to see it. But I still have a lot of files unorganized …”

She said, her face awkward and worried.

“I and I asked for several colleagues. They all had something to do. Even the father-in-law and his friend had an appointment in Dongshi … so I wonder if I can bother you …”

Mo Xi frowned slightly.

He didn’t care to help her, but the name Chang Fengjun has been silent for several years. It seems to have appeared too frequently recently.

“Are you badly hurt?”

“I heard that I twisted my arms,” ​​said the nun. “Although it didn’t matter, she kept crying and the elders couldn’t help it.”

“Then you go. Be careful on the way.”

Nu Xiu didn’t give much hope to this cold leader. I didn’t expect to ask for so many people. In the end, he agreed, opened his eyes, and finally some cheeks appeared on his cheeks.

“Thank you Auntie and Jun. All the files in the file basket are over there …” She was agitated, and her words were a little stubborn. “I, I have already sorted out most of them, I’m really sorry, but I’m sorry to ask you to do this Trivia … “

“Anyway, Lingyuan matters.”

The female Xiu thanked her three or four times, and left in a hurry. Mo Xi left in the Military Aircraft Agency to sort out the past files.

He has a high weight and has never taken care of such trivial matters before, but at this time he realized that it was not easy. There are many dossiers. To classify them by year and rank, it is important to put a seal spell on them, and useless ones to be destroyed. He was a novice and was very slow. When all the files were sorted out, the night was already dark.

There is one last box left.

Inside this dusty basket was the dossier of the monks in the department. Mo glanced at it and saw a familiar name on the far side. He looked up for a while, still couldn’t help but reached for the scroll of the case related to Gu Mang, the dust accumulated on the axis and spread out slowly.

There are many things in it.

Gu Mang’s origins, slavery, martial arts, and customary moves.

Mo turned off page by page, looking at it thickly. He stood like this, looking back slowly from the beginning. Suddenly a piece of silk was dropped from those military records.

The silk industry has been withered, and the front of the scroll is marked with a few dignified characters, “The Cultivation of Bingshen Years in the School of Cultivation of Buddhism”.

Mo went out for a moment. This is Gu Mang’s answer sheet for Xiu Xue Xue Gong?

Looking down, it turned out to be familiar handwriting. Long Feifeng danced in a mess, and the content made Mo silent for a while.

——A Study of the Morality of Bingshen Year

Answer monk: Gu Mang

Question: “I will save myself in three provinces. Disciples are asked to reflect on their defects and answer them truthfully.”

Answer: “I lack money.”

Question: “What are the three things that Brother Chonghua needs to avoid when he removes demons and demons? How to avoid them?”

Answer: “One, beware of the client’s lack of money. Two, beware of the client’s escape. Three, beware of the client’s roll of money and escape. Avoidance method: first drop the bag for security before removing the magic, and do not credit.

Question: “The book reiterates the three ancestors of the most benevolent and sincere since the founding of the country.”

Answer: “I don’t know. But the three shameless ones are–“

Later, three holes were burned out by the angry elders of the scoring year, so Mo Xi couldn’t know which three people’s names Gu Man wrote at the time.

Mo Xi looked at the answer sheet, and the familiar handwriting was still innocent, and his heart was funny and dull, so he looked at it so long for a long time, and suddenly heard a noise from outside.

“not good!!”

“Come on! Something happened in Luomei Bieyuan !!!”

Luomei Bieyuan? !!

Mo is shocked-Gu Mang? !!

Suddenly, when he rushed over, the guard on the night only reached more than twenty people, and he was posing as a hunting devil array, staring alertly at the far-falling gate of Luomeibeiyuan. Each of them was colored, and the bluestone road beneath them was torn apart because of the previous fighting, and the surrounding streets were not much better. Several shops were collapsed, the bricks were scattered, and the broken wood was scorching. .

As soon as the head monk saw Mo extinguished, he immediately shouted, “Mo Shuai!”

“what happened?”

“It’s Gu Mang! Gu Mang doesn’t know what’s going on. Suddenly a strong evil erupts on his body, and the whole person is furious!”

“What about others?”

“Just wounded by us, we are hiding behind the heavy gate of Luomeiyuan. We dare not fight again, so are we, waiting for reinforcements!”

Mo Xi looked at the creaky door, and when the shadow behind the door was vaguely stabbed, a pair of eyes glowed in the darkness.

Gu Mang was clearly watching every move outside.

Mo Xi stared at the wolf eyes and asked, “Isn’t his spirit core already abolished? Why can he fight again suddenly?”

“We don’t know!” The leading monk was about to cry. “This man’s body is really terrible. If he had wiped that clean with a knife, why bother keeping a tiger in this Luomei Garden?” Ugh!”

The little monk next to him angrily said, “I think he’s pretending to be stupid! What spiritual core is destroyed by the waste brain? Seeing him just like that, is he a chicken-less person?”

“That’s it! If he’s really out of spirit, who hit this scar on my face?”

“Why does he still have a life for him!”

He was complaining loudly, and suddenly he heard a complicated horseshoe from far away. Mo turned his head back, and saw the twelve riding high-ranking monks clinging to a gold-carriage carriage, galloping from thin snow.

“Wang Shujun arrives!”

The warm curtain of the carved gold car was opened, and the attendant stepped on the feet, the umbrella, and the smoker were ready. After a while, the sickly and thin face was slowly exposed inside.

“Yo, it’s so lively.” Mu Rongci glanced at Mo Xi, “He and Jun are here again.”

Mo Xi doesn’t plan to smash his body and smash him with him!

Murong mercifully sneered: “I naturally know this, and I came for exactly this.”

He said, walking slowly a few steps forward, standing right in front of the red paint door, and then meditating on the spell, the burning blue light from the palm of his left hand.

“Go. Look for evil animals.”

With his order, the blue light turned into a chain and swam toward the door, only to hear a “bang”! A full five-inch-thick door panel was penetrated and fell abruptly. Gu Mang, who was hiding behind the door, was caught off guard and immediately locked by the blue light spirit chain.

Mu Rongci shouted again, “Come back.”

The chain slammed suddenly, only to hear the crackling noise, Gu Mangyu knelt on the ground, and was soon dragged by Mu Rongci.

“It’s just a crazy dog.”

A satin wide-mouth shoe embroidered with the moon’s hidden patterns stepped on Gu Mang’s face.

Murong said lightly, “Why bother Mo Shuai in person?”

Gu Mang was bound by him, his eyes were chaotic, the whole body was violent and crooked.

“let me go……”

“Let you go?” Murong sneered, “when is it your turn to give me orders?” With a tight palm, the chain snapped into his palms, pulling Gu Mang together. Mu Rongci grabbed his hair and forced him to look at himself.

Two equally pale faces were facing each other, with the tip of the nose almost touching the tip of the nose.

Murong said, “I’m the Lord, you’re a slave. Gu Shuai, why are you hungry for a month, do you still have a long memory?”

Gu Mang: “… Release …”

There was a kind of almost perverted luster flashing on Murong’s face that was clear. He just wanted to speak, but suddenly Gu Gu narrowed his eyes. Mu Rongci snorted, and the vigilance of the monk instinctively let him loose Gu Man. Quickly gallop back!

Almost at the same time, Gu Mang’s whole body burst into a bright sword array again. This time the battle was much more shocking than before. Each one of the lightsaber swords was several feet tall. The one closest to Mu Rongci broke away from the sword formation in an instant, and fell straight towards Mu Rongci’s heart!

“Be careful, Lord!”

“Wang Shujun beware!”

The servants around were exclaimed. Although Murong’s mercy was poor, she had some precautions. He immediately raised his hand, and an ice wall condensed in front of him. The sword hit the wall, and the ice crystals shattered and exploded into powder. Mu Rongci was able to take this buffer and flashed to the side. The lightsaber eventually did not stab him, but just wiped a hole in his robe …

Murong Merci fell to the ground and stared at Gu Mang.

Gu Mong gasped, tearing off Murong’s chain on his neck and thumping to the ground with a bang. Then he swallowed his head and swallowed his throat, his hands clenched into fists, and powerful spirits continued to surge from under his feet, which forced several young monks with low spiritual power to kneel on the spot without vomiting. Blood!

“No! He’s going to be violent again!” The lead monk was startled, “stop him!”

“Fight! Fight, fight!”

However, the spiritual flow around Gu Mang was too powerful. Not only could the physical body not approach, even the magic spell could not break through the areas surrounded by lightsabers.

Seeing that Gu Mang was about to run away again, a blue-light spell was condensed in Murong’s hands, and he tossed out, “Water ghost, get up!”

At first glance, more than a dozen water-blue ghosts crawled out of the ground, screaming towards Gu Man’s sword array. A water ghost was cut into pieces by a lightsaber, and soon another water ghost joined it. He followed the others and kept rolling. Although it was difficult, it gradually approached Gu Mang’s body.

Murong sternly said, “Take me down!”

The water ghosts roared, screaming at Gu Mang, wrapped in snow and snow, who knew that Gu Mang just raised his hand, and a burst of sword light burst out of his fingertips, and he suddenly saw these dozen ghosts in a blink of an eye. Shred to pieces!

Then he looked up stunned, blue eyes stared at Murong Merci, and walked in the thick snow.

Murong Pian was taken aback, subconsciously took a half step back, and drank, “What are you doing ?!”

Gu Mang didn’t answer, but suddenly a phantom of a lone wolf rose up behind him. Youlan was like an electric fire, and his momentum was extremely shocked.

When Mo Xi saw this, he shouted sharply, “Murong, be back!”

Mu Rongci also wanted to step back, but some evil spirit he had never felt nailed him in place, making him unable to move. Gu Mang had come slowly from the snow step by step, and Murong looked at him suddenly, and suddenly felt that Gu Mang at this moment was like a wolf king about to be slain, and it was very cold and creepy.

“… Gu Mang! … Dare you! What do you want to do? You are so brave!”

Of course, Gu Mang was “daring”. He raised his hand stupidly, lit a bunch of fireballs in his palm, and smashed directly towards Murong Pity!

I could only hear a few bursts of banging and banging, each fireball smashed a deep hole in the ground, and all of the bricks splattered all over the ground, and they had to stand up to the wind to avoid his attack in the air.

Mu Rongci’s complexion became more and more sinister, and an extremely red face appeared extremely ill-white on the use of hallucinogens. He stood in the air and gritted his teeth toward Gu Mang: “You, the unkind bit of repentance … … “

By what he said, Gu Mang was expressionless. With a wave of his hand, five fingertips jumped into five clusters of flames this time.

“I just hit you because you stepped on my head.”


“I hit you now because I’m hungry.”

Murong Pian couldn’t agree: “For what?”

“You won’t let me eat.” Gu Mang said swiftly, “I. Hungry. Now!”

The flames suddenly started, Gu Mang waved and dropped the curse-Mu Rongci’s pupils suddenly closed! 2k novel reading network

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