Remnants of Filth

Chapter 18 - Dirty water

Li Wei froze: “What?”

Mo Xi still hasn’t raised his eyes, the deep eyebrows are in the shadow of the hand overwhelming, the low voice with a nasal voice: “Maybe he still remembers some things, his mind was not completely damaged at all. He installed it.”

“How is this possible?” Li Weida opened his eyes. “Gu Mang’s condition was diagnosed by Shennongtai. Doctor Chonghua’s best doctor also came to diagnose him. His spirit core was broken and his soul lost two. , His mind is broken, he feels like a wolf— “

“Have you ever seen a wolf who would rather hurt than hurt himself ?!”

Li Wei was stunned.

Is it his illusion? Xuan Hejun’s eyes were actually wet red.

“Oh, Lord, what is this saying …”

Mo closed his eyes, and his anger was not directed at Li Wei. He just didn’t want to hear words like “Gu Mang doesn’t remember anything”.

“At Wangshu Mansion. Mu Rongci gave him two choices, whether to break my arm or scratch his own face.” Mo Xi turned his head and looked at the tree shadow Capricorn, half a moment, murmured, “After he chose By.”

Li Wei: “…”

“You tell me what wolf would make such a choice.”

Li Wei said, tell you? What can I tell you! Look at your bad temper. I want to say that Gu Mang may not understand Wang Shujun at all. You must not jump up and choke me? ? ?

From the day of the fight, Mo Xi was a bit of a sorrow.

Although Li Wei later expressed his euphemism similarly to him while his mood was okay, “Gu Mang’s mind is really bad now, he doesn’t understand many words, and communicates with him just like a three-year-old child. One sentence has to be repeated several times “, but Mo Xi couldn’t let go of this faint hope.

In the end, Li Wei couldn’t help but said, “Will you go to Shennongtai to verify it?”


There are many people in Shennongtai who care about pity, and Mo Xi doesn’t want to go.

Li Wei made another suggestion: “Go to the Royal Medicine Museum and ask Jiang Yaoshi.”

Pharmacist Jiang is a cold and mean person, and Mo Xi did not have a good impression on him. But in the end, I couldn’t bear the suffering, and went to visit. Outside of the royal palace where rich and extravagant teeth were pecked, the child honestly said, “Hehe, my **** shopkeeper went out to collect medicine.”

“When will he come back?”

“The shopkeeper has an indefinite period, or three or five days, or three or five months.”

“He said where did he go?”

“The shopkeeper collects medicine, and runs everywhere.”

Mo Xi was very speechless. Seeing that the child shook his head and replied, he nodded and turned to the house.

Maybe it was because the obsession was too deep, and he was pondering Gu Man’s things all day. After that night, after Mo went to sleep, he had a dream.

In the dream, he went back to vaguely many years ago, he finally understood his mind, and can’t wait for the day to confess.

It was silent night, and it was closed outside the stop.

He is very young, less than twenty. At that time, he wasn’t the grandmother of the world, and Gu Mang was still under the name of Murong.

They fought fiercely with the country, and many people died. When Mo Xi packed his relics, he saw a blood-stained Hongyan love letter. He held the letter that he could send in the future, and looked at it for a long time.

Mo Xi ’s family was unfortunate, and all he had seen since childhood was betrayal and betrayal.

This was the first time he had seen a hot, real love.

The monk who died in the war is a rough man who usually does n’t even read books, but he wrote such a long letter in the flames of smoke, verbatim and verbatim. He did n’t talk about the hardships of war, or about his achievements. A mole on the girl’s eyebrow, a new seedling planted in the court.

When the flowers bloom next year, Xiao Yan sings my blowjob.

——Awkward, not even neat poem, but gentle as if it can drip water.

It was actually written by such a stupid guy.

When he wrote, there really appeared before him the triumph of the coming year, playing with the girl named Xiao Yan in front of the flowers planted by the hands.

In the end, only this dried blood letter was left.

Mo Xi couldn’t express his feelings at that time. He sat on the couch for a long time, holding the letter in his hand.

When the flowers bloom next year, Xiao Yan sings my blowjob.

If the person who died today is him, is there anyone he can’t let go?

He soon thought of a familiar figure. But he didn’t take it seriously, and it was not until a long time before he reacted suddenly—he froze for a moment, his vest was cold and sweaty—there seemed to be a burst of fire in his chest, and everything he took was transparent. But it seemed as if the fire had always been silently lighting up in his heart, licking him, tormenting him.

It was just that he didn’t realize it before, and didn’t understand what his depressed feelings were.

He sat there idly, but the wildfire in his heart was getting hotter and hotter, something collapsed, and something stood up again.

Outside the camp, the dead brother’s monk was crying, and there were faint snoring and silent wind.

He held the tissue paper in his hand. Who will die tomorrow?

Whose mind will become bloodstained tomorrow.

Suddenly he could no longer restrain the impulse in his heart, and suddenly slammed the curtain, colliding with the medicine repair that came in to heal him. The medicine repair was startled: “Mr. Mo?”

Mo Xi couldn’t answer. He strode out of the account, stepping faster and faster, and put the **** letter in his robe, and he would take it back to the “Xiaoyan” mentioned in that letter, but He was anxious to find someone now, and suddenly he became so anxious that if he didn’t say it, he would never have a chance to speak again tomorrow, and death would be imminent.

“Mr. Moh!”

The healing monk in a white robe with wide sleeves chased out of the camp village and shouted at him, “Mr. Mo, the sore on your arm–“

But he didn’t bother, and didn’t want to care about the little insignificant injuries. He ran out of the camp alone, called the spirit horse, and rode the horse forward.

Hu Fengsuoxue rushed forward, and behind him was the flock of pigeons in the defensive camp. The thin voice was thrown farther and farther by him. There was a rush of blood in his heart, and Gu Manqing, who wanted to find the night, said. He could feel his heartbeat, his heart burning and smoky, and his palms were slightly moist.

“What about Gu Mang?”

When he arrived at the northern army camp, he gasped and asked the monks of the puppet army before he got off the horse.

“I’m looking for someone else, where is he?”

The monk was shocked when he saw him in a rage: “Mr. Mo, have any urgent reports?”

“What urgent report, do I have to have an urgent report when I see a person?” The hot white mist exhaled in his mouth, his tone became more anxious.

“Then you …”

The monk scratched Mo Xi ’s injured arm, hesitated for a moment, and did n’t ask any more, but Mo Xi already understood what he meant—then you do n’t have any problems, take a good rest and raise your wounds. What to do with an unknown little pawn?

The ink is too anxious.

Too impulsive.

He had just figured out one thing, a very important thing that had troubled him for a long time. He had to find Gu Mang, if he didn’t find Gu Mang immediately, it seemed as if the blood in his mouth would be burned out tonight.

His temperament had been said in the first place, and he had to hold in his hands what he wanted. He was young and did not experience the bitterness of love at all.

He didn’t even consider the consequences at all, didn’t think about human morality, didn’t think about whether he would be rejected.

He didn’t understand anything, so he took a sincere heart and came out of Gu Mang’s camp impulse, standing in front of the military tent, his fingers trembling slightly, his blood was getting hotter, and his heart beat Faster. At last the throat twitched, took a deep breath, and opened the curtain door with a rush.

“Gu Mang–“

An attacking monk who looked like Zhou Zheng turned around, was Gu Mang’s then friend Lu Zhanxing.

Lu Zhanxing was also Mu Rongci’s assistant. He grew up with Gu Mang from an early age and was very perverse. At this moment, he was stabbing fruit in the camp while looking at the sword score. After seeing Mo Xi, he froze for a moment: “Mr. Mo?”


“How did you come?”

“What about Gu Mang?”

“You’re looking for him.” Lu Zhanxing sang the juicy pear, and suddenly burst into a frown, “Why are you looking for him one or two tonight?”

“… Who is looking for him?”

“Oh, no one, just a few of our friends, find him out to play in the nearby village, you don’t know Mo Gong. I was going there too, but I didn’t bother to run because my legs were not good …”

Lu Zhanxing was agitated, and Mo’s heart was even more agitated. He slightly bit his lower lip and asked, “Where has he gone?”

Lu Zhanxing smiled and began to answer his question.

But when Mo Xi was about to dream the answer of that year, he felt a pain.

——It seems that the heart instinctively wants to protect itself from letting it hurt again, so the heavy darkness suddenly overwhelms and crushes the answer. The dream was blown away like the most fragile dust.

Black became deeper and darker, and no more sounds were heard.

In the end the world is empty.

Everything is quiet.

On the second day, Mo woke up in the snore of the garden bird, slowly blinking his eyes, gradually regaining his consciousness, as if he was going ashore from a broken mirror, flowering water and moon.

“… Gu Mang …”

He was trapped in the aftermath of the dream, raised his hand, only felt that the palm was slightly hot, and there was still a fine sweat, and the burning mood in his youth seemed to be clearly remembered, but the content of the dream has gradually Blurred.

“Lord.” Seeing him awake, Li Minwei approached and bowed, “Chang Fengjun sent someone some gifts early in the morning and was temporarily sitting in the flower hall. Lord, do you want to receive it? ? “

“Changfeng Jun?”

Just waking up, and dreaming about the past that made him stingy, Rao is a wise and martial arts monk and the monarch was also a bit slow. It took a while before rubbing his frontal bones and frowning slightly, remembering–

It was a dismal old aristocrat, and although his status is now in place, it is dead. Changfeng Jun has not dealt with other people for many, many years.

Mo Xi got a little upset, pressing his forehead and asked, “What did he give me as a gift?”

“No details.”

Mo Xi is a person who is used to being righteous. He paused and said, “Then you can return it to him, and say that I have received my heart.


After the clothes were washed and dressed, I went to the flower hall to see: it was an exaggeration, pearl jade, silk brocade, magic potion and other big and small boxes. He saw his brows frown, and he was busy Li Wei Call over.

“Did Changfeng Jun commit a crime?”

“Ah?” Li Wei froze. “No.”

“Then what does he mean?”

“This …” Li Wei said, Chang Fengjun recently seems to have sinned because of his daughter’s affairs. Many of the nobles in the Xiu Xue Academy, some of them are still big families. At this time, giving gifts to Xun Hejun obviously wanted to explore the situation and see if he could stop the big commander who had just returned to the city and knew nothing.

But Mr. Li is still very clever. He knows that things in several families should not be involved, so he said, “I don’t even know about the Lord, then I don’t even know.”

The value of ink is urgent, and the deputy of the child is thinking. Let ’s talk to the Huanghuang Fuyuan. The sacrifice of yarn. The horror of love. Sophora chinensis

“Oh …” Li Wei answered, but couldn’t help raising his eyes and secretly squinting Mo.

The Lord is not right these days.

It seems that after returning from Wangshu Mansion, even if there is no military service in Chaohui, they run outside every day, sometimes for half a day, sometimes for one day, sometimes they just come back late at night. Not let the attendants follow.

Seeing this, how can you be like a private meeting with a beautiful lady …

With this thought, Li slightly scared himself into a cold sweat–

No no no!

How is it possible?

There was Mengze in the front, and Yanping in the back, not to mention the other famous Shushuyuan’s glamorous and cheap goods. All have tried to melt the high and cold male goddess of He and Jun, but no one has been able to do so far.

Li Wei secretly wondered, if He and Jun can really do the kind of thing that keeps everyone from dating the girl, then what other way should the other side be a great evil.

Mo set his face down at the tea stand on the street corner and asked for a pot of Yangxian tea. The tea was served soon, accompanied by some dried fruit preserves, and the ink was slowly drunk. The eyes of Xiu Chang’s eyes sometimes turned to look across the street.

Across the street is the backyard lotus pond of Luomei Bieyuan.

And the dirty “blight” has not appeared for a long time.

A few days ago, Gu Mang was in a daze here almost every day and did nothing. He stood alone on the pontoon, stood silently, and stared at the fish in the lotus pond.

The face was blank, like the next heavy snowfall.

At first Mo Xi didn’t know what these fish were good-looking. Until one time, he found that Gu Mang was trying to reach out to catch a fish—the fish did not catch it, of course, so the man squatted by the shore, watching the koi sway As he went away, his throat rolled, his throat was swallowed, and his eyes gradually straightened.

Mo went out to understand that he was hungry.

Mu Rongci said that day he would deduct his food for a month. Now it has been more than ten days. So the aggrieved Gu Meng actually wanted to catch the fish himself …

But I do n’t know what happened. Since that day, Gu Mang has never appeared. Mo Xi has come every day, but he has never seen his squatting fish again.

Today is no exception.

Slowly, the tea was drunk to the bottom, and the stall owner added a new pot and sat for a long time, but Gu Mang was not seen.

This person hasn’t been out for five days in a row. What happened in Luomeibeiyuan?

Mo Xi thought about it this way, although his face was still faint, but his heart began to burn. He reluctantly drank the last bit of Yangxian tea in the cup, but could not quench the fire. Finally got up and walked across the street-2k novel reading network

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