Relife System: The Unholy Mage

Chapter 74: The Night of Mischief 2

Guess who's back?!


In the last decade, the Edeners were one of the most successful movements of the Liberation Revolutionary Front, digging their roots deep as far as society goes.

Eden Newman, the founder of the ideology of the Free Youth Movement, who are unofficially known as the Edeners, was one of the most wanted and highly disturbing political influencers in Amber.

Once the people started calling the young men following him the Edeners, those young men embraced the name which was used to criticize them and pushed their presence even further. They were peaceful in all aspects as they revolted, protested, and demanded attention from the ruling regime but that wasn't entirely successful.

Their demands were, in a way, absurd.

The hierarchy of society worked in a systematic yet effective way. Those with no power followed those with power and that was it.

To lay this down in that magical world, those born with Magic gained power, those with power protected those with no power, those with power became lords and rulers while those with no power became serfs and commoners.

Simple history.

If a lowborn shows an aptitude to Magic, he's risen from the low status to a higher one. No one was unhappy about it. People lived like that for hundreds of years.

Every once in a while, a few bad apples would appear in the upper branches of society and harm the system but once they are cured (or culled), everything goes back to normal.

But the root which is the lowest part is still the most essential, without it society would collapse. Without the low class, the upper class would be upper class to none. Eden Newman understood that very concept to a frightening degree.

A philosopher, a poet, a thinker, an author, and most definitely a politician; Eden Newman began his movement in his early 40s after working as an official in the system. He saw everything and met everyone, he knew the men more than they knew themselves even when he was just a nobody in the shadows of giants.

But from the shadows, Eden came to the light when the revolts started with a terrifying idea.


Eden Newman gathered the youth around him, the poor and desperate youth and he inspired them. He explained to them and taught them how history started and where it is heading. He explained the primitive societies in which acted as a unit against the material scarcity and how they survived other groups, he explained Slavery and the conflict between masters and slaves, he explained feudalism and the conflict between lords and serfs, he then explained the current times of the revolution and the struggle between the rich and the poor. Everyone is either an owner or being owned, and being owned is what everyone should fight until they one day own.

He simplified the image to a degree that suited the minds of those young people and once they were on board with his logic, he gave them the objective.

A Community of Equality which is a definitive evolution of the progress the people have achieved so far rich and poor. A society where one works gets rewarded based on a system of the common ownership of the means of production. He also called for the cancellation of the classism among the people and the localization of essential goods not by money but by work.

But where does Magic stand in all that? The actual power which scares those who don't own it.

Eden called for the licensing of magic use and criminalizing and use of Magic without a license issued by a board of examiners who assess the mental abilities of magic casters and deem them fit or unfit for magic-wielding and serving the public by dedicating their magic to public service.

The reaction of the upper society was, as to be expected, not a friendly one. Eden was imprisoned for some time before getting released and banished from Karanberg. The struggle continued and it seemed that banishing Eden was the wrong move since wherever the man went, he flourished as the poor were just everywhere ready to hear his words and dreams of equality and freedom.

That is until he met the Archduchess of Godfrey, Lady Eleanor.

It was said that the two met in the Arcane University of Merlin and debated for hours before arriving at a terrifying point of understanding. No one knows what exactly was said in the meeting but after it, the Archduchess passed a law of Magic Use licensing in her territory while Eden Newman never entered the Eastern Lands even again.

Today and in the weakest the Revolution has ever been, Leon Dark presented the Poor Man's Bomb to Eden Newman and his followers, something to spark their angry revolution once again and set the Capital City aflame.



Leon sat on the roof of a building watching the night sky and contemplating. His short meditation was for comfort and stillness of mind yet alas it was short-lived, Jordi called from under the roof.

Leon opened his eyes which were directed towards the Honey Saloon that was just a block away. He leaned his body to the side and looked down.


"The Edeners have come to take the crate of fire bottles, I can hear their protest coming down from that avenue." Jordi said.


"Also, Zal has come and dropped the painting case in the spot you agreed on. He said he will go back to his workshop and collect the things you left over there along with his other tools."


Just as Jordi finished his report, the sound of footsteps entered the alley.

"Leo, I am here." Jessica spoke, "Judy's with me."

"Oh hey, Judy." Leon smiled as he turned to the girl.

The girls looked up to see Leon sitting two stories high and peeking down at them.

"Mr. Leo, I am glad you're alright." Judy said.

"Oh thank you, dear." Leon smiled and with his eyes, he peeked at something more important.


[ Judy ]

- Affinity: ♥♥♥

- Mood: Happy, Worried

- Likes: Dry Humping, Drugs

- Dislikes: Anal, Bondage, Smelliness


In his heart, Leon knew something is going on with Judy but 3 hearts? Hot damn!

But if she likes snuggling, touching, and all that innocent play then he can remember that she saved him once when he dropped in a mental lag after reading the Arcane Theory and when they ran into each other and stuck together to a wall.

She may be easy but at least she has some more quality compared to Jessica.

"Have you located all the Saloon Guards spots I asked you to locate?" Leon asked.


"And the girls, they are in their rooms?"

"Yes, sir. After last night, Madam Ruth closed the Saloon and started packing a lot of stuff." Judy replied.

"Molly said that Ruth wants to move to another place. Jessica's escape and the death of two guards yesterday has scared her." Jordi added.

"Too late." Leon laughed, "Alright, Judy, I want you to start listing the guards' spots from the front to the back and front down to up."

"Alright." She nodded, "Two at the front door, one behind the counter, one above the stairs near the window, one looking through the corner, four patrolling the place from outside but they are split into two groups, one stands by a small fire and switch with the other two every now and then."

"That's nine of them."

"The other two went to bring an extra wagon to transport some stuff since one disappeared this morning."

"What about the ones in the cafe shops?"

"Spread around three surrounding shops, there are twenty in each."

"Are any of them someone we know?"

"No, just some wild dogs. Oh!" Judy said but remembered one last thing, "The scary lady is with Madam Ruth in her room, they don't get out."

"Even better." Leon smiled, "Alright, now I am going to go back and you repeat what you just said in the same order when I say Go."

Everyone narrowed their eyes at Leon's weird request.

"Jordi, keep an eye on the Edeners' protest."

"Seven blocks away."

Above the roof, Leon found himself an old chair and started to line some items on it. Everything was in order as he thought it would be.

His plan was a little bit fragile but it can be fixed by a little improvisation.

"Six blocks." Jordi said.


"Five blocks… four blocks…"

"I can hear the noises. So many people." Judy said as she held tightly on Jessica's hand.

"Three Blocks… Two… they're getting closer." Jordi said.

"Go!" Leon spoke.

"Al- Alright…" Judy calmed herself, "Two at the front door…"

*Click* *Swoosh* *Click* *Swoosh*

"What was that?" Judy heard something and stopped to look up.

"Keep going." Jessica rushed her.

"… one behind the counter…"

*Click* *Swoosh*

"… one above the stairs near the window…"

*Click* *Swoosh*

"… one looking through the corner…"

*Click* *Swoosh*

"… four patrolling the place from outside but they are split into two groups, the first stands by a small fire and switches with the other every now and then…"

*Click* *Swoosh* *Click* *Swoosh*

"… and the scary lady…"

"That's enough." Before she could continue, Leon jumped off the roof and landed right in front of her. He grabbed her by her face and smiled, "You have done well."

As he said so, the protest of the Edeners started to pass by the building as they were holding torches and flags while singing and chanting to rally the public. At the same time, a fire spark came from the Honey Saloon with a very high-pitched shrill making a line of luminous smoke before disappearing midair.

Not a few seconds after, a fight started in the street between the Dogs, who were rushing from all the places surrounding the Saloon, and the Edeners, who found themselves being attacked for nothing.

Leon could only watch this and that mischievously as he walked through the crowd towards the Saloon.


*A few seconds earlier*

"Miss Furra, I am telling you time and time again, we can't leave without sparing some men to go after Jessica. The Spider will surely love her as a gift and…"

"Get to the point."

"… She can't be left alone."


The hooded girl snorted as she turned to Ruth.

"First, you offer the Spider a source that you can locate a fugitive hunted by the Aristocrats. Then, you lose that source and now fail to fulfill your end of the bargain. It's interesting, infuriatingly interesting." Furra said.

"I am not lying."

"I know. Cause if you were, I would have known."

An intense conversation was exchanged between the Crow and the Rabbit. Crows keep shiny things hidden, Rabbits run around and get shit done.

That Rabbit called Furra is the Spider's Rabbit, a unique lackey of a unique boss as despite being a lackey, she can sit in front of a Crow like Ruth and put her legs on the table while eating from a plate of snacks.

"Due to the request of the Spider, I will move my operation to do a better service to the organization. I hope this at least shows some faith that I am working hard for this." Ruth said.

"Yeah yeah, so why that Lass Jessica?" Furra asked.

"She will cause trouble."

"Yes, but you are not admitting the truth, Ruth. What are you feeling about it? Be honest." Furra dropped her legs on the floor and walked to Ruth as she started to touch the Madam inappropriately.

Ruth was creeped out not by the touches but by the person who was touching. Bad news happens when you associate yourself with that kind.

"I can smell it, you know, my favorite scent." Furra said as she put her face closer to Ruth's body, "I would love to squeeze more of that smell out of you."

Ruth started to get nervous and her breathing became messy. She then violently moved away from Furra while fixing her dress.

"I am not afraid." She said, "Why would I ever be afraid of Jessica?"

"Oh! You're not afraid of her?" Furra asked.

"I kept her for years for Light's sake. I knew that she would betray me someday. I knew and I was always ready to send that bitch to her slut of a mother in hell."

"Then who's it? Who's causing you to look like that?" Furra asked as she enjoyed more of that smell of fear.

Ruth's went a little stiff.

"Someone's helping Jessica. Someone I didn't account for." Ruth said, "Someone took her right from under my nose in my house, and it is neither Molly nor that miserable Jordi boy."

"Hmmm." Furra seemed to have turned down now that Ruth.

The Smell of Fear is exciting to someone like Furra as it forebodes strong opponents. Sadly, whatever is on Ruth's mind is mostly worthless.

But Karma was known to be a tough bitch and in a situation like this, Furra stopped her actions and her head twitched left and right as if something started to bother her all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" Ruth asked.

"Noises." Furra said.

"Noises?" Ruth didn't hear a thing but after a few seconds, she started hearing noises as well.

"Is that a protest?" Furra asked.

"A protest? In these parts?" Ruth felt strange.

Furra felt a little suspicious but then, she looked at the window overlooking the backyard and opened it to look down.

"You and you! Go find out what's happening over there." She shouted at the two dogs that were standing by the fire.

"It's just a protest, miss." One of them replied.

"I said GO!"

A frightening growl accompanied the last word as the two dogs went pale with fear and immediately ran to the side alley leading towards the street before.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Thud* *Thud*

She heard that and with her superior senses, she felt the presence of the two dogs fading.

An attack!

Without even thinking, she took out a small wooden tube of her vest, aimed it up to the night sky, and pulled a string beside it which acted as an ignition device.

Dwarven Fireworks.

The high-pitched shrill accompanied a line of glittering Mana rising to the sky and covering a fair distance even with the noises of the protest out there.

"Wh… what was that?" Ruth went pale as she saw what happened.

"We're under attack." Furra replied as she grinned widely and closed the window then ran towards the door, "Fortify yourself in the room."

Just as Furra opened the door, a…


… projectile passed by and she slammed the door shut before even taking a step out.

"Get down!"

She didn't even get to step out? Ruth was crouching down with wide eyes looking at Furra.

"That's impossible." Ruth said, "Who's helping her?" Implying to Jessica.

The two looked up towards the projectile that just entered and saw a crossbow bolt stuck into the wall.

"What do we do now?" Ruth said.

"Everyone is dead." Furra replied.

"Wha…" Ruth looked back with a face so scared that is on the verge of tears.

Furra, on the other hand, was calm… so very calm that a smile slowly widened on her face.

"A true hunter is out there… stalking."

The noises of fighting came from the street as the reinforcement which stood by nearby clashed with the protestors. There was no one here for Ruth except Furra and she was focusing on something that completely amused her.

"Hunter! Huh? That's gonna be fun."

She went towards the door and suddenly punched its hinges as if her fists were hammers. The hinges dented and the door came out in her hands.

Furra carried the wooden door as a shield and walked out with it utilizing all her senses to keep the hunter on the other side of the shield.

He was there, hiding behind the counter. She can almost hear his crossbows mechanism ticking when it is getting reloaded slowly.


Immediately, Furra discarded the door midway on the staircase and rushed behind the counter.

There was ticking indeed but the body was dead and…


She immediately jumped out of harm's way and took cover in the counter.

Right now… that projectile… it got her.

Furra couldn't believe it but her shoulder was penetrated by a projectile and she felt like her whole body was screaming from the pain.

"Nice to meet you."

The ticking sound was still there which didn't explain the type of distraction until Furra calmed down.

The ticking of a watch.

She was reckless.

"Would you please step out and talk? I am most fascinated to meet a member of the Feline Tribe."

The voice was that of a young man and it was heard all across the saloon. Ruth heard it as well and with a clueless face, she just uttered the name.


"Good to meet you too, Madam Ruth. Sorry for being late, the Mercenary Expedition took too long this time." Leon said as he could hear it all well inside the saloon.

The girls who were hiding in their rooms and the noises outside were pretty distracting but he is hunting right now.

"Miss Feline, you can come out. I promise you, I won't bite… or shoot if that's what's scaring you." Leon said once again.

Furra felt the threat but this was too thrilling for her kind to suppress their beastly nature and keep cover. Her fingers dug into the wooden floor as her claws started to form on them and so she stood up.

And that was it, the moment she and Leon met eye to eye, the two of them freaked out.

"You?" She screamed.

"Well, I'll be damned." Leon himself recalled the woman's face despite her standing in the background for a long time.

She was there, she was present in many scenes but no one noticed.

"I thought the artist looked familiar…" She spoke to herself further exposing her identity.

"I see." Leon nodded, "It seems the Spider and I have a lot of explaining to do."

Leon looked at Furra closely to see her resemble a human to a great deal but she had some sort of metamorphosis ability. Her claws grew from her nails and her fangs from her teeth. Her hairline used to look weird but it explained her Feline Beast nature now. This was no cute anime cat girl, this was something like a beast and a human partially morphing like some sort of a werebeast without all the fur and stuff.

Ruth shivered once Leon and Furra recognized each other. On the account of that, when did the two actually meet?


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