ReLife Player

Chapter 58

[Dawn Department Store (4)]

«When did we ever say we would let you go?»

The man smiled smugly.

«Yeah, when did we ever say such a thing?»

The man with his shirt unbuttoned said, approaching closer.


Julieta noticed the man’s presence only in hindsight.

She had been so focused on the beanie-wearing man that she hadn’t noticed the other man close the distance and enter from out of sight.


She tried to throw the mannequin’s arm at the man as he approached Euna.

«Uh-huh. You can’t do this.»

A gunshot rang out, and the mannequin was smashed.

The man in the beanie pointed a handgun from his waistband.

«You should play with me instead. Don’t take your eyes off me. If you cry and beg for mercy later, how badly you’ve messed up, I might consider it.»

His tongue flicked out.

Julieta bit her lip.

«Let’s get this over with and get out of here. We don’t know when the Silla guys will show up.»

The man with the unbuttoned shirt swept back his bangs. He caught the folding knife the man in the beanie tossed him and smirked as the blade reflected Euna’s face.

Upon closer inspection, his face was quite symmetrical.

Truly a promising face for the future.

It was a bit disappointing that she was a litle girl.

Well, what can you do?

«We can sell the white girl here and sell the little one in the underground market, right?»

The world is vast, and there are plenty of people. Among them are perverts who have sexual desires toward children.

He could sell her on the underground market and expect to make a handsome profit.

As for their desires, they can be satisfied by that foreigner over there.

«…Oh, don’t come.»


A sensation that scans right through, sending shivers down the spine..

Euna felt an eerie sensation that sent goosebumps down her spine and reflexively backed away.

«Don’t be scared. Oppa won’t kill you. Oppa isn’t a bad person like that man.»

«Stop it. And look at your face. I’m the older brother, and you’re the one who’s an adult.»

«Yeah, I don’t listen to your nonsense about being an adult. Ah, kid, sorry don’t be scared.»

«Do you really think I would lay a hand on a young kid like you? Instead, I’ll sell you.»

The man swallowed his words and held back a laugh.

«Oh… don’t…stop it!»

«Come on, man. You’re making me feel bad.»

She released the mana. Once out of her hands, the mana wriggled around and attacked the man.

Mana that wasn’t even magic.

The man, his shirt untucked, tried to grab the mana as it raced toward him.


At that moment, the man’s eyes glazed over.

The amount of mana she’d unlocked was more than he’d realized. The mana she hadn’t been able to capture struck the barrier like a whip.

«Pretty good, you know?»

He’d only thought she knew a little bit about mana.

But he hadn’t expected her to be able to unleash mana to threaten, let alone deploy a solid barrier.

Whereas the sensing net she had deployed earlier had been crude, the barrier had a solid foundation, as if someone had taught her thoroughly.

«…No, wait.»

He was stunned to see the mana leaking from her.

Now he realized that she was not only from the spirit realm but also a transcendent being.

Indeed, she possessed an irresistible internal mana that stimulated his appetite once again

It made his mouth water.

«…I’ve always had an appetite and didn’t discriminate, but I never expected it to extend to this aspect. Thank you. Thanks to you, I’ve discovered a fetish I didn’t know before.»

He changed his objective.

Foreigners and kids alike.

They were women who would be a waste to kill after tasting them once.

He would take them as they were, enjoy them to the fullest, and then pass the foreigner on to someone else, and sell the girl.

«Little girl, what’s your name? Can you tell your Oppa?»

«…Don’t come.»

With her arms outstretched, Euna built a barrier thicker than the one the man had broken.

The man swung his sword down again, but the tip bent as it touched the outer wall.

«…Tsk. How much did you spread it? Why is it so sturdy?»

The man clicked his tongue as he looked at the barrier she created.

At this rate, he wouldn’t be able to lay a finger─.

─on her.


The man was one of the elites led by Noname.

With so many of them, there was no way he could not break through the barrier deployed by a kid who looked like a middle schooler.

No matter how solid her technique was, it was only based on the premise of a monster.

It was like sticking your hand in water.

Unbuttoning his shirt, the man stuck his hand inside the barrier.

«Uh, huh?»

The barrier didn’t respond.

Euna couldn’t believe what was happening in front of her.

She blinked, staring at the hand that had come so close to her nose in the blink of an eye.

We have to run, now!

She realized with a start, but there was nowhere to run.

The barrier she’d erected had become a cage, trapping her.

And the man’s hand finally-.


He grabbed her wrist.

«Do you want to have some fun with your Oppa?»

A sticky, unpleasant gaze licked her entire body.

«If you’re waiting for the Silla Clan, it’s useless.»

The man in the red beanie didn’t pause for breath.

He kept his hands in his pockets, his other hand aimed at his handgun.

«Ah, I’m all out.»

This was her chance.

Julieta clasped her hands together and assumed a shooting stance.

Magic Bullet.

The bullet flew toward the man without missing a beat.

«Ho, you can do this?»

Impressed by the flying bullet, the man stepped out of the way and dodged the attack.

After dodging the next one, he changed the magazine from his waistband.


It was like dealing with a snake.

The more he fought the man, the more out of breath Julieta became.

Wiping the sweat from her face, she glanced downstairs.

«Bru, come on!

Then we wouldn’t have to deal with these guys.

She searched desperately for Bruno, who must be somewhere in the department store.

He must be scrambling to find her, too.

Euna was also a concern.

Against the man in the red beanie, she was no match for him.

The longer the battle went on, the less stamina she had, and the man in the beanie was relentless.

«I’m telling you it’s pointless.»

The man in the red beanie shrugged. He gestured to the ground floor.

Players were finally pouring in from the outside. They scattered in groups of four or five and began to slay the monsters scattered about the venue.

They must be the players from the Silla clan that the men were talking about.

But what did he mean by saying it’s pointless?

«With mana so ubiquitous, why would only Hounds appear?»

As if the men’s words were a signal.


«What the fuck!»

«Why are they showing up now!»

«Team one, stay here!»

The players shouted as they defeated the monsters on the first floor and tried to climb to the second floor.

Monsters were being born from the ubiquity once again.

It was a monster that could not be taken lightly.

It had no eyes or nose. The slimy, slimy monster shriveled up and took over the center of the first floor.


Julieta bit her lip. Running a hand through her disheveled hair, she was speechless at the sight of the monster at its worst.

«It’s a slime-type. I wonder what hierarchy it belongs to?»

The man sneered.

Slime monsters were usually resistant to physical attacks.

It was better to use magic to defeat them.

The problem was that the majority of Silla Clan’s players were using weapons, not magic.

«The telepath relays the situation in the department store!»

«What the fuck are you doing, it’s going to take a while for the caster to get here, first figure out what rank it is!»

The players from Silla Clan started swearing at each other.

After relaying the situation to the telepath, they decided to divide their forces into two groups, one to destroy and one to rescue, while waiting for the casters to arrive.

While it was important to defeat the monsters in the department store, rescuing the people trapped inside was a priority.

«…Well, we’ve come at a good time, so we can buy some time. Let’s get this over with. Do something about mine, okay? My pants are getting tight.»

The man in the beanie clicked his tongue. With his hands in his pockets, he flapped his pants, emphasizing the bulge.

«Fuck you!!!»

Julieta raised her middle finger.

She didn’t want any help from the Silla Clan anyway.

There was only Bruno waiting for her.

«A horny bastard who can only wiggle his ass.»

The words came out in an impatient tone as she tugged at the hem of her skirt.

She didn’t need the broken heels. If anything, they were uncomfortable because they weren’t the right height.

She was much more comfortable barefoot.


The beanie-wearing man whistled. His gaze never left her bare thighs.

When she saw him look away again, she raised her hand again.

«…I’m not a doll, do you think I ran away from Sicily for that?»

An expletive tumbled from her mouth as she remembered the past she’d tried to forget.

She glared at the man and opened her mouth to speak.

As if talking back to herself.

She pushed back her disheveled hair with her hand and glared at him.

She clasped her hands together. Index fingers together, thumbs aimed at him.

«Is that it again? It doesn’t hurt at all.»

The man grumbled something about being fresh.

He’d already figured out how good she was.

There was no need to be wary.

«Don’t underestimate me.»


It was the result of letting his guard down.

A small bullet pierced through the barrier.

The man realized that the power of Julietta’s bullets had increased as they grazed past him.

The attack was powerful. If he took a direct hit, it wouldn’t end lightly.

«…Where were you hiding this much strength?»

It wasn’t simply a matter of increasing mana consumption.

If that were the case, he wouldn’t have ended up like this.

Mana efficiency had improved. And he knew that mana efficiency couldn’t increase in a short period of time.

Mana efficiency was a talent that manifested in one’s sense of handling mana, developed through long training.

«Is it a gift?»

There was only one possible conclusion.

If it was a gift corresponding to amplification, it was possible. However, even a gift corresponding to amplification didn’t increase power significantly.

«I don’t know what a gift is, but it seems extraordinary.»

The man with the beanie licked his lips.

He had underestimated her easily, but now the battle seemed to drag on unnecessarily.

Meanwhile, Julietta took advantage of this opportunity to create distance from the man.

With a scoffing sound, she aimed at the man with both hands.

«Do you think Sicily’s Julietta Valentine will be devoured by scum like you?»

The golden-infused bullets emitted a fierce sound.

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