ReLife Player

Chapter 188

Unlocked chapter (2/2)

[Valentine’s Day]

Last year the Manticore outbreak caused a series of ubiquitous appearances near Doan Elementary School.

As a result, Doan Elementary School chose to accelerate its winter vacation in order to smooth out the situation.

The children rejoiced, thinking that they had fewer school days, but they hadn’t expected the school reopening to be moved up.

«We’re not even having classes! How can the vacation be over already? What’s going on?»

That’s what Eunha heard on his way to school today.

The kids, who had started school a few days earlier than the calendar given out by the elementary school, were full of complaints.

Eunha was no exception.

Although there were still about a week left until the graduation ceremony, he didn’t like the situation of having to go to school even though there were no classes.

«Captain, don’t be like that. It’s Valentine’s Day today, after all!»

«Who cares about Valentine’s Day….»

Eunhyuk said in a cheerful tone as he came over to Eunha, who was slumped over his desk.

This year, Valentine’s Day was between class days because the winter break ended in early February, unlike in previous years.

Even so, it was a day for handing out chocolates.

Raising his head up on his elbows, Eunha glanced at the boys who were grumbling about how they couldn’t wait for spring break.

It seems so obvious….

The airflow in the classroom has been strange since this morning.

The boys were sighing and muttering, but they were also busy sneaking glances at the girls, and some of them were wandering around near a girl they liked.

In a way, it was their first Valentine’s Day as elementary school students.

It’s not that he couldn’t understand why the boys were unusually restless today.

However, the boys were forgetting one thing.

«Some people get it, and some people don’t….»

Eunha clicked his tongue.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

Very few of those kids went home with chocolate.

It would be better if they just shared chocolates with the whole class.

As Eunha scanned the classroom, the girls didn’t seem to be all that excited about Valentine’s Day.

The girls were passing around chocolates and candy amongst themselves, not even paying attention to the boys.

It didn’t seem like the girls were going to share their chocolates unless you pestered them to do so.

«I heard there was a fight in Class 2!»

«Why!? What happened?»

«Shin Min-young from class 1 got into a fight with the girls from class 2 when she tried to give Hyun-yul chocolate!»

«Really? I’m so jealous of Hyun-yul…, no, that’s amazing.»

«I saw Hyun-yul, it was dropping chocolates like crazy from the shoe rack earlier… He’s really popular.»

Oh, poor little souls.

Eunha patted his chest inwardly.

This world wasn’t an ideal world where one man and one woman were bound together.

Even if a capable man was paired with multiple women, he wouldn’t face societal criticism in this twisted world.

So, there were boys receiving multiple chocolates, and there were boys who didn’t receive a single one.

«What’s the big deal about those chocolates?»

«I don’t like sweet stuff.»

«We came to school to study, not to get chocolates.»

Some of the boys were acting uninterested in Valentine’s Day, but Eunha could tell.

That they were bluffing to protect themselves.

«Let’s go see what Hyun-yul got!»

«Let’s ask for one!»

«I want to see it too!»

Some of the others ran to see Baek Hyun-yul surrounded by girls.

They seemed to think that if they lingered around, he might share chocolates like a kind benefactor.

Or maybe they were just trying to get some self-satisfaction from Baek Hyeon-yul, the handsome kid at Doan Elementary School.

«Oh, poor sentient beings.»

«Captain, why are you talking as if you’re repenting?»

«Just remember this, Eunhyuk.

Valentine’s Day is just a scheme by Luminous and YH.»

«Huh? Uh, uh…, uh, got it.

Still, I envy Hyun-yul for receiving a lot of chocolates…»

«If you envy, you lose.»

«Captain, should we go see Hyun-yul too?»

«If you envy, you lose…»

«Why? Are you going there to get a piece of chocolate or something?»

Eunha and Eunhyuk joked in a playful tone.

Seona, who was talking to the girls in the back of the classroom, suddenly came over.

Her triangular ears perked up, and she stared at them with her lips pouting.

«Why are you going to Hyun-yul’s place?»


«Why do you go where Hyun-yul is?»

Seona asked in a blunt tone.

Eunhyuk stiffened and sneaked a glance at Eunha.

Captain! What’s wrong with Seona?

Eunhyuk, it’s all your fault.

Eunha turned his head as if he didn’t know.

Then Eunhyuk became desperate.

In the meantime, Seona persisted.

«Why. Are. You. Trying. To. Go? Huh? Eunhyuk-ah.»

«Well, I was just wondering how much chocolate Hyun-yul received….»


«If there are too many, I thought I could help a bit… Hehehe…»

«Right, I see. But why are you laughing now?»

«Seona… did I do something wrong?»

«No, you didn’t.»

«You’re lying. You’re so angry right now….»

«Why would I be angry with you? You’re the one going to Hyun-yul’s class… I don’t have a reason to be angry.»

«Right? Is it a misunderstanding? Ahaha…»



There are days like that for Eunhyuk.

He, who is like a bitter medicine in the pharmacy, can’t fulfill his role in crucial moments.


The sigh escaped naturally.

Eunha decided to mediate between Seona, who was wearing a stern smile, and Eunhyuk, whose pupils were shaking back and forth.

«He’s just kidding. Do you really think Eunhyuk would go to another class when I’m here?»


«Isn’t it because you have something to give us?»


Seona was lost in thought.

She looked down at Eunhyuk, who was smiling awkwardly, and thought for a while.

After contemplating for a moment, she sighed and extended her hands that were behind her back.

«Here, this is for Eunhyuk. And this is Eunha’s.

We made them yesterday at church. They might not be as good as the store-bought ones, but they’re for Valentine’s Day.»

«Okay, thanks. I’ll eat.»

Eunha casually accepted the chocolate from Seona.

It was the same chocolate he received from Seona every year anyway.

He was familiar with the taste of her homemade chocolate.

«Thank you! I’ll eat it!»

«Oh, it was a surprise. Why you suddenly shout loudly like that?»

Eunhyuk was almost jumping for joy.

He had received chocolates from her every year, but it felt different to receive them in front of the children.

Seona watched Eunhyuk eating the chocolates she made, laughing softly to herself.

But it’s bigger than mine.

The wrapper is a bit fancy too.

Eunha decided not to say anything since Eunhyuk didn’t notice.

Slowly, he got up from his seat and walked over to Minji, who was talking to Hayang.

He showed her the chocolates Seona had made.

«What’s wrong, Min-ji, don’t you have something for me?»

Eunha bit into the chocolate.

Minji, who turned away from him, expressed her surprise.

«What is this? Why would I give you something?»

Ignoring her astonishment, Eunha tasted the chocolates Seona made.

«You know I have a sweet tooth, there’s no way you didn’t prepare something for me.»

«That has nothing to do with this!

Don’t you think you’re being too shameless?»

«So is it or isn’t it?»

Minji clenched her teeth.

She had been giving chocolates to Eunha since the age when she didn’t even understand the meaning of Valentine’s Day.

She had thought of giving this year too.

She did think of giving but planned to do it quietly, handing it over with an «it’s nothing special» attitude once the kids were out of sight.

But he brazenly came to her and asked for the chocolate as if he were collecting.

No Eunha, this is too much!

But she couldn’t refuse to give him the chocolate.

If she didn’t give, she might show weakness to the remaining Eunha fans in the school.

If that happened, the chocolate war that was currently taking place in Class 2 could escalate to Class 3 as well.

«…When are you going to grow up?»

«Come on. I’m older than you.»

«Just because your birthday is a little earlier, you’re acting like this… Here, take it. Receive it with gratitude.»

«Thank you, I’ll eat it.»

Eunha took the chocolates Minji took out of her bag with both hands.

Until just a moment ago, Minji had been upset, but when she saw Eunha accepting the chocolates like that, she lowered her head and burst into laughter.

«You guys talk among yourselves, I’m going to the teacher’s office.»

«Why the teacher’s office?»

«It’s Valentine’s Day for the first time in school. It’s an opportunity to get some points with the teachers.»

Eunha swallowed his chocolate with an incredulous look on his face.

It was indeed Kim Minji.

She carried a paper bag filled with cheap chocolates available in stores, hung it on her shoulder, and walked out of the classroom.

«She should be a politician, not a player. She’s so good at managing people.»

«Those are the chocolates Minji made when she came to my house yesterday, aren’t they delicious?»

«…Jung Hayang, you didn’t tell me that earlier….»

Eunha turned pale with the chocolate Minji gave him already in his mouth.

If he had heard before he ate, he wouldn’t have even glanced at it.

But the chocolate was melting in his mouth.

The sweetness lasted only a moment.

Spiciness and bitterness exploded at the same time.

A taste like chaos destroyed his taste buds.

«What do you think, do you want some tissues?»


«Minji made it, are you going to spit it out?»

Hayang asked with a mischievous look on her face.

Grimacing, Eunha sighed and ate the rest of the chocolate in his mouth.

He didn’t feel sick to his stomach, but his mouth was tingling and bitter.

«My mom told me not to waste food like that. If it’s not for me, I can understand, but if it’s for me, I can’t not eat it, right?»

«Yeah, right.»

She smiled as she handed her the thermos.

Eunha sipped warm tea and soothed his stomach.

That’s when it happened.

«Here. I made this.»


«You’ll eat what I make too, right?»

A transparent bag tied with a neat ribbon.

Inside, a muffin topped with white chocolate upside down.

Eunha smiled when he saw Hayang handing him the muffin in embarrassment.

«Thank you. I’ll enjoy it. How did you know I like white chocolate…?»

«If it’s something you like, I know.»


Eunha untied the bag and took a bite of the muffin.

Hayang watched him eat the muffin with a smiling face.

The two chatted happily, oblivious to the children’s stares.

When the next class was just around the corner-.

«─No Eunha, Jung Hayang. Didn’t I tell you not to bring food to school?»

Im Dohon scolded.

«I’m back.»

«Eunha, they’re calling you outside.»


His Dad returned home.

Out in the hallway, Eunha listened as his dad took off his shoes.

«Hurry up and go outside.»

«Who’s there?»

Dad chuckled.

Then he ran to his mom and Eunae, who begged for chocolate.

Who could it be at this hour?

It was nighttime.

Eunha left the house, leaving his dad behind, who was busy accepting the chocolate.

The wind at the end of winter slapped his face.

I should have put on something warmer.

While thinking this, Eunha noticed a sedan parked in front of his house.

«What’s my noona doing at this hour….»

It was Seohyun’s car.

Still in his pajamas and with his arms crossed, he knocked on the car’s tinted window, which prevented him from seeing inside.

The window slid down with a thud.

Seohyun stood there, face to face,

«What are you doing here?»

«What are you doing here at this hour?»

«My tutoring ended late, so…, are you going to stay there like that? Get in.»

«Is this going to take long? If not, I’ll listen here.»

It was a cold that could be dealt with by boosting mana.

When Eunha replied nonchalantly, Seohyun frowned and spoke up.

«Do you want to get in trouble?»

Han Seohyun opened the door for him.

Once inside, Eunha sat down in the seat she’d given him.

«Turn up the heater, please.»

A faint scent wafted through the air.

She leaned forward.

The driver nodded and turned up the heat.

«Let’s get you warmed up.»

«My house is just around the corner.»

«Are you sure….»

«Do you want to get in trouble?»

Eunha interrupted what she was about to say.

Han Seohyun stared at him with a chubby face.

She had become a middle school student last year and had changed so much in the short time he had seen her.

He thought she looked pretty with a hint of pink on her snow-white face, like she was wearing makeup.

So was the scent that tickled his nose from her.

«Did you know I’m two years older than you?»

«Huh? I do.»

«Don’t mess with me then.»

«Uh…, sorry.»

Eunha was taken aback by Seohyun’s unexpected reaction.

He had expected her to laugh it off.

He didn’t expect to see her seriously scolding him like that.

Not to mention, he didn’t expect Seohyun to laugh this time.

«What’s with that face?»

«Are you making fun of me?»

«You’ve been making fun of me all along.»

Seohyun replies with a giggle.

This time, Eunha stared at her with a frown.

Feeling the stare, Seohyun smiled a little lighter.

«Now, your hands.»

«Why the hands.»



Eunha did as he was told and held out his hand.

She held out the paper bag at her feet.

«What’s this?»

«Chocolates. There’s some for you, some for Eunae, and some for your family, so give them for me when you get home.»

Eunha gently opened the paper bag.

Inside, there were numerous chocolates with famous brand logos.

Among them, Eunha found chocolates that were only available overseas during this season, and his eyes widened in surprise.

«I told you not to make ugly faces.»

«Am I making an ugly face now? I’ll just go home and enjoy it.»

«Just make sure you tell your family I gave it to you, and don’t eat it all by yourself. If you want more, I’ll get it for you.»


«…Look at what you’re doing.»

Eunha shrugged.

There was no mistaking her personality.

She kept her emotions in check.

«Seohyun I didn’t expect you to give me chocolate for Valentine’s Day.»

«I hadn’t seen your face in a while. I just had some free time and came to see you. I gave you chocolate not because it’s Valentine’s Day, just coincidentally.»

«Aren’t you emphasizing it too much?»

«Do you want to get in trouble?»

«Can I have one?»

«Just don’t eat the whole thing.»

I had brushed my teeth earlier.

It didn’t matter.

From the paper bag, Eunha pulled out a chocolate that was easy to share between the two of them.

Ha Baek-ryeon loved these.

He opened the bag and split the chocolate in half.

Seohyun hadn’t expected him to share the chocolate.

She blinked and rolled her eyes slyly to the side.

«If you eat it at night, you’ll gain weight…»

«You can gain more weight.»

«What do you mean?»

«What do I mean? I just say things as they are. What’s there to it? I think you might look even prettier if you gain more weight than now.»

«…Is that true?»

«Have you ever seen me lie?»

«Well, you can’t fool my eyes.»

Eunha pretended not to hear and ate the chocolate.

The taste of ecstasy from his previous life spread through his mouth.

He forgot to take another chocolate from the bag before she could say anything.

Meanwhile, after looking at the chocolate for a long time, she finally put it in her mouth.


«Isn’t it? Things like this always taste better when shared between two people.»

«You’re talking like you know me, aren’t you?»

«Of course, it’s not the first time I’ve done this.»

In his previous life, he had shared dessert with Baek-ryeon.

Eager to taste more food, Yoo Jung had shared with him desserts again and again.

It wasn’t just the two of them.

During the Mist Flower Party, they had exchanged food they had with others and spent the night.

It was the same in this life.

Whenever Euna tries to eat something with him, he always orders something else.

When his friends have something to eat, they don’t eat it alone, but try to share even a single bean.

It’s double the flavor and double the happiness.

Eunha savored the chocolate and enjoyed the happiness of sharing.

Seohyun, however, disagreed.

«I expect better candy on White’s Day.»

«I thought you said you didn’t give it to me because it was Valentine’s Day!»

«I changed my mind.»

«Hey, that’s a lot of money for what you gave me!»

«Do you want to get in trouble?»

Eunha was frustrated.

He wanted to spit out the chocolate he had just eaten.

Seohyun kept teasing him until the given time was over.


Hey there! Did you know that in South Korea, March 14th is like a second Valentine’s Day? It’s called White Day, and it’s when guys get to show their appreciation for the ladies in their lives by giving them gifts like white chocolates, cookies, or other sweets. And get this, if a guy received a gift from a girl on Valentine’s Day, he’s expected to return the favor on White Day! (like Eunha…lol) It’s not just for romantic partners either – friends and colleagues can exchange tokens of affection too. White Day is a pretty big deal in South Korea and it’s definitely a day worth celebrating!

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