Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Prologue (Volume 7)

Arklight Empire, one of the largest nations in the world, its territory alone occupies almost half of the super continent.

Its economy is stable for a country that hardly trades with others.

Its military might can wipe out a kingdom in a single night.

But it is a nation that does not decide to attack, only to defend itself according to its constitution.

In the imperial capital there is a building called the Ministry of Magic which is shaped like a capitol, in which the court magicians work day by day to improve the lifestyle of the citizens and their weaponry.

In one of the large rooms a disaster was occurring.

"They couldn't find the problem!"

"The numbers don't lie?"

"A new phenomenon has been declared!"

This upheaval is due to the fact that strange natural phenomena known as unbalanced mana zones have been running for several weeks now.

The equivalent of natural disasters such as typhoons and floods.

It is not uncommon for this to happen, the strange thing is that it does not stop.

One of the court magicians known as the Ten Wizard Saints was watching a recording of a magic tool similar to a camera.

"W-what the hell is that..."

He was watching as a mountain in a jungle was covered in snow, in another recording he watched as a desert was turning into a forest, and in another recording he watched as a lake rose into the sky to form an egg. The fish were swimming there normally even though they were floating.

There were more such instances that the minions were showing him.

The Wizard Saint sat up.

"What does this mean?"

"Unbalanced mana zones are normal, but this is abnormal. For the past 4 months we have been receiving reports of strange occurrences happening within the country."

"Every day we receive that these strange phenomena occur... exactly what is going on in the world."

No one knew, but this had an explanation... the world, was coming to its bad end as the world tree, was not working as it should.


In another place, on the other side of the world, a tournament was taking place.

It was the typical strength tournament to test who was the strongest, the only difference was that the contestants are not normal, as they are...



High-level monsters.

A large number of monsters of different shapes, sizes, species and dangerous were making a circle.

It was like a fight club, two monsters enter and only one winner came out, the loser was devoured.

It was the law of the strongest.

The surroundings were full of trees that have never existed in botany books, plants and flowers that are beautiful from afar, but lethal if you get close.

On one of the branches of a gigantic tree was someone lying down eating a strange blue apple-like fruit that tasted like a sour banana.

Its skin was dark almost bluish in color, its clothing was similar to sportswear while on its wrists and ankles was a spiked bracelet.

It had no shoes, it wore bandages so as not to dirty its feet, its hair was tied in a style similar to a pineapple because of how spiky it was, even its yellow eyes and hair were green to stand out more.

Her height was that of a young girl of 16, she watched everything happily as she ate.

"Uhyohyohyo. This year's fight festival is perfect. Without that guy here, the boys can have as much fun as they want-su."

Her voice was like that of a girl's, but her gender was not defined as such, as it was unknown.


After finishing the strange apple, she went for another one, she made a move and the apple was falling several meters away from her position, but a strange thing happened and the apple ended up in her hand.

"This is life~."

"There you are, Izel."

A mysterious voice similar to a tobacco smoker called out to him from behind, turning to see him she is surprised.

"Iskandar-chan, how long has it been-su!"

With that strange catchphrase at the end of her sentence, the man who had a terrifying appearance like his face said to her.

"As usual slacking off."

"Buh~, I'm not slacking off, just enjoying my free time-su."

"Whatever. I have something to tell you."

"What is it-su?"

The monsters shouted in joy, the fight festival was a success, nothing could ruin this moment.

"The other demon king, Desmond hasn't returned."

Except that.

The recumbent by the name of Izel complained.

"What of it-su?"

"Desmond-chan is a basket case. If he ended up dead trying to cross the ocean it wouldn't be unusual. The sea kings would eat him in the attempt."

"He did. Desmond crossed the sea of marine beasts."

Izel's eyes widened like saucers.

"Are you kidding-su!"

"I don't joke, I never do, I don't know how to do it either. But it's real what I'm saying, worst of all, this is a bad omen for us."



The monsters screamed as the festival ended with the victory of a giant gorilla over a dinosaur.

"It's part of my visions."

"Go and get Desmond, before he comes and gets angry and with everyone."

Izel stood up and began stretching.

"Why me-su?"

"Because he wouldn't try to attack you if he sees you. You're the only one that can end this with without destroying part of the island again."

Izel turned around to tell him with a serious expression.

You could see how three V-shaped horns were marked on her forehead and head.

"Can I break his legs and arms if he resists?"

"Yes. If Desmond does not return, this will be treason on his part as it will affect our objectives."

Pointing at Izel he said.

"One of the four demon kings, Izel of the Hungry Beasts. I command you in the name of the demon king Faiviel to bring the demon king Desmond the Destroyer to this place, the Demonic Continent as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, I'm coming-su~."

Izel jumped up and disappeared into thin air.

Iskandar who was observing everything said.

"The world is moving towards the prescribed, but there are variables like Desmond who are capable of destroying it. If we change it, the future we desire will not be within our reach."

He raised his head to look at the sky.

"Isn't that right, goddess Alexia?"


"Well, tomorrow we're going out, so everyone─"

Someone knocked on the door, it was Cordelia who called Eli.

"Elize ojou-sama, there is a visitor who wants to see you and your friends."


"Yes, also a message came."

"Umm, I don't remember requesting anything or having anything pending."

"Let's go."

She said and they all walked out.


"I wonder who could it be?"

A group of girls were walking down the hallway of this huge mansion.

They were a special group.

In the front was the leader, a beautiful well-dressed girl with long blonde hair down to her back, her beautiful cherry red eyes were almost covered by her fringe.

Her name was Eli─ Elize von Rosenberg, the heiress daughter of the Rosenberg duchy.

"No idea. Could it be someone from the academy?"

Behind her stood another girl just as beautiful as her, her light blonde hair was tied in two pigtails that reached down her back, her beautiful aquamarine eyes looked at Eli with intrigue.

She was Lily, a commoner who became Eli's title sister.

"I just hope they're not salesmen, I really hate them since they interrupt you whenever you do something important."

Said a girl with light brown hair styled in a bob cut and turquoise eyes, she was Celia von Algrand, the daughter of a count.

To finish the quartet, the girl who was quiet just listened to their conversation, her light ash blonde hair reached her hips, wavy because of how fluffy it was, much of her hair was tied in two braided buns making her look like a little mouse, giving her an adorable look if you combine it with her amethyst eyes.

She was Evelyn von Exner, the daughter of a marquis, but unlike the other three, she was a homunculus.

This group of girls was special. They were all part of a harem, Eli was the legal wife and the others were concubines.

As they arrived at the door, a servant introduced two people they didn't know.

"H-Hello, nice to meet you... are you acquaintance or relative of someone?"

Eli asked two women who were waiting for them.

One of them was sitting like a dog, watching everything, her hair was long and black as night. Her eyes were golden and sharp like a predator's, she belonged to the clan of the Dire Wolves of Battle as she was a semi-human, her name was Leila.

Next to her was a woman wearing an elegant dress which would serve for any time of the day.

She was tall, long limbed, slender with large breasts like all of them and also a firm ass that showed through her dress. Her skin was snow white and her long blonde hair reached to the small of her back and was combed in such a way that her forehead was fully visible to her crystal blue eyes.

The most important detail was not her body or her beauty, it was her medium-sized ears, the ears of an elf. She was half human half elf, an abomination between the two species, she was Amy.

Amy looked at Eli, as if she was analyzing her, her gaze shifting to all of them and then she sighed.

"They're not bad at all, I guess they'll do."

"Emm, I don't understand what you're talking about miss, who are you?"

Amy felt contempt for humans, she didn't want to see them or talk to them, but she had to at least with them and in a respectable way.

Shaking her hair with her hand as if it were an advertisement for a face cream she said.

"My name is Amy, I came because I've been bored at home."


"Basically, I'm Razel-sama's woman. His first woman."

Amy emphasized the word "woman" in front of them.

Eli grew skeptical. He knew Razel was gaining fame, it wouldn't be uncommon for some evil woman to approach him.

"I'm sorry, but just you saying that isn't proof to believe you."

"If you don't have solid evidence then I'll ask you nicely to leave or I'll call the knights to have you thrown out."

Amy wanted to laugh when Eli threatened her, but she didn't want any trouble.

"Like I said, I've had enough of being at home. So I came to spend time with him. If you think what I'm saying is false, then let me tell you something private about him."

She reached up to Eli's ear, she blushed.

"Y-y-y-you... how come you know that about him?"


"I told you, I'm his woman. We shared a bed several times so it's natural to know things that only in a bedroom would happen."

Eli looked at Amy with a face that indicated she had lost, she turned to look at the other girls.

"Err, how to put it... what she says is true. She is a lover of Razel's."

Lily covered her mouth.

"Razel-kun has secret women?"

"I don't think that's weird, what would be weird would be if that boob maniac didn't bring every big-breasted woman he could find."

"I agree."

Evelyn approved of what Celia stated.

"By the way, who is she?"

Eli asked Amy about the girl who was trying to catch a butterfly with her hands.

"She's Leila... think of her as a pet. She's kind of like a bodyguard."

"I see..."

Eli's cold expression said he didn't believe that last one, but she didn't care after a few seconds, she turned to the servant who opened the door.

"Excuse me, where's the message?"

"He just delivered this letter and left. It was addressed to you."

Taking the letter, she flipped it open. The letters were altered to be opened that way.

Seeing that it had no return address and no coat of arms, she didn't know who it was from.

But when she began to read her expression was horrified in such a way that anyone would think she had been sent a death threat.

"Is it something bad, Eli-chan?"

Lily asked. Eli answers her trembling.

"N-not exactly... but, a certain someone wants to see us."

"See us?"

"Y-Yes. You, me and Razel as soon as possible."

Eli headed into the room to talk to Razel.

Amy and Leila accompanied them, the maid didn't stop them because of what she heard.

"If it's not something bad, why are you trembling?"

"The letter came from a person I never expected to see again."

They reached the door of the room they were in a short while ago.

Eli opened it and inside she saw a scene she never thought she would ever see in her life.

A beautiful woman in her late forties, similar to her, her mother, Barbara von Rosenberg the Duchess.

She was entwining her lips with a strapping, tall boy as plain looking as his eyes and black hair.

It was her fiancé, Razel Bartlet.

Their passionate kiss left the girls overwhelmed, Cordelia, was behind them because she stepped out for a moment.

When she returned, she sighed.

"I figured this would happen."

Razel and Barbara finished kissing, their gazes focused on the people watching them.

"Razel...what were you doing kissing my mother?"

Eli asked her fiancé. They quickly pulled apart.

Celia and Evelyn looked confused, while Lily covered her mouth.

Eli's expression was the most frightened she was, as if she had seen something repulsive.

Her eyes darted to Barbara's hand as she spoke in a harsh tone.

"... A letter from the palace came... the first princess requests to see you as soon as possible... but there is something more important than that..."

"Mom... what's that in your hand? And why is there a plus sign on it?"

"Mom... what were you doing with Razel?"

"Eli... you see, I..."

Barbara was trembling as she didn't want to hurt her daughter.

While Razel was trembling he wondered.

(Why is she here!?)

Because he was looking at Amy without costume as Leila.

That's how it all ended in front of Razel.

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