Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 81: The Boy in the Middle of The Courtyard

"You will teach me how to control my powers"

The two ladies were stunned as Viel stood there, without a trace of hesitation on his eyes, currently holding a spell that could completely destroy the castle once released.

Princess Sofia did not know what to say. Different kinds of scenarios were playing on her mind. But the most dominant of all was, if she did not teach him to control his powers, will he drop that huge chunk of ice on their castle?

If he does, will she be able to guard against it? Maybe she can, but only she will survive. The rest of the castle and its inhabitants will sure be crushed and destroyed.

Shit! Shit! Princess Sofia started biting her nails as she stomped her foot. She then looked at Viel, who seemed to still be waiting for her answer. Should she use that method? It used to work on her younger brother.

Princess Sofia then started to calm down as she took the time to regain her breath and composure.

"What in the world is going on here!?"

It was then that a girl appeared from behind Princess Sofia. Her features were uncannily similar to Sofia's, they were both beautiful and looked high class. The only difference was this girl was smaller and obviously had better eyesight, as she was not wearing any spectacles.

"Sister, what is going on!? Is this another one of your experiments!?", the girl continued her rambling as she approached Sofia, "You know father has prohibited you from doing experiments in the courtyard, right!? How many times do we have to tell you t-"

But her ramblings stopped as soon as she glanced at the figure in the middle of the courtyard. All the thoughts from her mind disappeared as she glanced at the boy who had his arms raised in the middle of the courtyard.

Standing there, he looked like a wandering soul, desperately trying to find his soul mate. His porcelain like skin glimmered, his dark eyes that wanted to penetrate the deepest parts of your soul.

His long and luscious golden hair just flittering away freely in the air. His elegant fingers that were pointed towards the sky, as if longing for something that he could not reach.

The girl's face grew redder the longer she stares at the boy in the middle of the courtyard. But still, she could not deny what her eyes were longing for.

And so, she once again… unwillingly took a glance at the boy. How the ocean reflects on her skin, how the-


They were not near the ocean.

It was then that the girl looked up. Only to see a huge block floating in the sky.

"What did you do, big sister!?", the girl immediately pointed at Princess Sofia

"Suzanne!?", Princess Sofia only noticed her sister, "Why me? I did not do anything!", why was everyone blaming her, Princess Sofia thought.

"Then do something!"

Princess Sofia looked around, everyone present was currently looking at her. What exactly was happening right now, Princess Sofia thought. She was usually the one ordering people, now it would seem that all of them were expecting to do something.

Then, in the midst of her thoughts, a loud cracking sound started to reverberate in the air.

"Okay! Okay! I will teach you to control your powers!", Princess Sofia shouted as she flailed her arms, "So, you can cancel your spell now. I will teach you, okay?", calmly said Sofia as she looked at Viel directly in the eyes.

"I can't", Viel replied instantly.

"Sorry?", Princess Sofia tilted her head, wanting to check if what she heard was right, "What was that?"

"You have to teach me now"

"What are you saying!? This is not the time and place. Just retract your powers and I will teach you somewhere outside the city", seeing as Viel's power was quite enormous, practicing in the city was a huge no, Sofia thought.

"…I don't know how"

"What!?", Princess Sofia could not believe what she heard, "Then why did you cast it here!?"

"To get your attention, of course", Viel nonchalantly replied.

"Are you kidding me!? If you lose control here, a lot of people will die!", howled Princess Sofia.

It was then that Viel's tone started to change, "Then I suppose that is just the price that you have to pay for your sins"

Princess Sofia was stunned, did this boy really not care for the lives of people!?

"What are you doing, big sister!? Teach him!", Princess Suzanne started to hit Sofia at the back repeatedly.

"It's not that easy! I have never taught anyone in my life!"

Princess Sofia gritted her teeth. Now she was really regretting bringing Viel into the castle. How was she even supposed to teach him!?

Sofia shook her head, this was not the time for thoughts. She had to go with her guts!

And with that, she slowly approached Viel. Of course, Ilrina tried to block her path, but then Sofia said that this is what the Great Spirit wanted, was she going to disobey his orders?

With that reasoning, Ilrina could only click her tongue as she stepped aside.

"Try breathing calmly", Sofia only stopped walking when she was a meter away from Viel, "Follow my lead"

Sofia then started to breathe in a very rhythmic way. In which Viel started to do the same as well.

"You are doing it, sister! It is working!", Princess Suzanne shouted as she pointed at the huge block of ice.

"R-really!?", which made Sofia excited.

"Yes, I think it got smaller by an inch!"

"This brat!", how could decreasing it by an inch even be considered "doing it"!?

Princess Sofia shook her head. She should not get distracted by the littlest things. So, after calming herself down, she once again walked towards Viel, this time, only an inch separating them.

"Close your eyes and focus, Viel", said the Princess as she looked at Viel straight in the eyes.

And so, Viel did close his eyes. And it was then that Princess Sofia hugged her, planting his head directly on her bosom.

"Sister!?", Princess Suzanne could not help but gasp at what she was seeing.

"Get away from the Great Spirit!", Ilrina shouted. But even though she did not like the human woman getting chummy with the Great Spirit she had no choice but to let it happen. It was the Great Spirit's orders, after all.

Their shouts, however, were ignored by Sofia. It was as if she was not hearing them at all as she gently spoke to Viel with a calm tone.

"Can you feel it?", whispered Sofia, "The patterns of my breath. The beating of my heart. All of them can be controlled, even down to the flow of your blood…

…you just need to focus"

And then, the cold slowly started to dissipate. And, as if it was in the midst of winter, a snowflake dropped on Sofia's skin.

"Focus… Focus until you feel your powers come to life. Until you hear it breathe at the same time as you. Remember, your powers have as much life as you do, my brother. Once you let it be, it will have a mind of its own, destroying everything in its path"

And soon, buried deep beneath the snow and cold, Sofia felt a warm feeling on her chest. Viel's tears were falling as his breathing slowly relaxed, falling as the beat of their hearts become one.

"T..the Great Spirit… is shedding tears?"

Ilrina watched on as the snow fell on their shoulders, it was truly a bizarre sight. The elves' greatest enemy, and the savior of the Elves, at each other's embrace.

Princess Suzanne, who was watching on the side, could not help but shed a tear as well. "…brother", whispered Suzanne under her breath.

After a few seconds, Sofia slowly released her embrace, "See? It's that easy", Sofia said as she smiled towards Viel.

Maybe she was being overdramatic about the whole thing, but this was the only way Sofia knew how to get across Viel. This was the only way she knows how to teach based on her experience.

"Sister, it's still there"


Princess Sofia instantly looked up as soon as she heard her sister's words.

And there it was, the huge chunk of ice was still floating in the air. Although it was significantly smaller than before, it was still enough to cover the courtyard, with the sun's light still having trouble piercing it.

Sofia's eyes could not help but twitch. She was now slowly starting to get embarrassed by her actions.

However, her embarrassment did not last long as the huge chunk of ice soon exploded.

"No!", Sofia waved her hands as she tried to cast a barrier as fast as possible, but then she immediately paused as soon as she saw the dome of light that was on top of them.

The light instantly evaporated the shards of ice that dared to pass through it. Not even leaving a trail of steam to remember it by.

"G-great Spirit…", once again, Ilrina could not help but be in awe due to the greatness of her Great Spirit!

"Viel… Just…what are you?", Sofia could not help but stare at Viel, who was now slightly floating in the air, a ring of light hovering above his head.

Sofia was now sure of it, Viel was not a cursed child.

Viel then slowly landed on his feet. Sofia felt like the whole world trembled as Viel's feet landed on the ground.

And then, to her surprise, Viel hugged her.

"Thank you, miss"


"Now let's go again", said Viel as he wiped the trail of tears that was on his face.


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