Redo! Last Chance for a Dying World!

Chapter 195: Camping In A Dungeon

For the following hours, the party went through the monotonous task of slaying the legion of wolves.

The Tames took as many last hits as possible, every one of them earning their second Class.

Even Felix was close, lacking only a single Level. He would take priority on their first Sub-Boss.

They didn't run into any trouble until they made it to the back of the line. The last 60 or so wolves realized what was happening and separated.

It became an actual battle instead of a one-sided massacre with them not being packed together.

Even so, with the massive increase in Levels they'd experienced, the party managed to get by with just a few light injuries. Of course, those had been healed by Geth shortly after.

'I need to learn everyone's Classes and new abilities.'

It was becoming difficult to control the battlefield. Even though they worked well as a group, some of the Skills used caused more harm than good.

For instance, Sindri had attempted to use some ability with her shield that seemed to be a smaller version of Geth's old Barrier.

Filthy shot a few arrows around the same time that shattered the shield. This left an opening that the enemy shouldn't have had.

In another situation, Blaze and Rift had cast spells of opposing elements that clashed and canceled each other out.

If they had alternated casting those spells instead of casting simultaneously, the effects on the Direwolves would have been devastating.

The party mainly had had free reign up to this point. Geth usually set up their positions but never told them how or when to use their Skills.

'Will I need to call shots like I did back in my MMO days?'

It was usually the healer's or the tank's responsibility to command the battlefield in the older MMOs. 

Geth had spent countless hours memorizing his guild member's abilities and stats. He'd been responsible for coming up with strategies to beat the new Bosses and Dungeons that were released during updates.

As the guild became more competitive, he'd quit even after being offered compensation to keep playing. It was just too much to juggle between the game, his family, and his former career.

Thinking back to this, he wondered if he could put those old skills to good use.

The only thing was...

'A party wipe back then just meant losing some experience. Now...'

He shook those thoughts out of his mind. If they made the same mistakes as earlier in front of a powerful Boss, they would all die anyway.

Geth just settled on having a discussion about it with everyone. 

It was one thing making some simple decisions. Taking complete control of everyone when their lives were on the line was another matter entirely.

'Blaze could probably handle it as well.'

Geth continued to ponder while they crept down the hallway.

Felix had already cast a group silence spell that heavily muffled their footsteps. Even with their armor and boots, it was no louder than someone walking on carpet.

Geth couldn't help but be interested every time Felix brought out a new spell. He was like a walking utility Class.

His eyes turned to inspect the cave that they were in. It had changed from where they were walking previously.

The other cave they'd entered had looked relatively natural. This wasn't the case here.

The luminescent walls of the arched tunnels were perfectly shaped. If he were told they weren't carved out by hand, he wouldn't believe it.

"Let's head back. We'll set up camp in the previous tunnel."

They would likely be safe here, but the place was throwing him off.

Geth set up Detection Formations all along the wall on their way back.

  It wasn't long before they'd reached the original hall that remained littered with Cores.

The length of the corridor from the Dungeon entrance had been very close to 15 miles. It carved wide spirals down into the earth before they'd finally reached the arched tunnel.

Geth turned toward a nearby wall and used State Change to melt it down into a 50' by 10' open space. 

He walked down the length of this makeshift hallway and made individual rooms for everyone along each side.

He had a feeling that this Dungeon would take some time to clear. It was best if everyone could rest properly between the more significant battles.

The others watched him work in silence. They were exhausted, and seeing a safe place to rest only made them realize just how tired they actually were.

Geth made a much larger room at the end that would be used as a common room.

"Blaze, can you help out with the next part?"

The silence suddenly being broken snapped everyone to attention. Blaze walked into the common room with him.

"What's up?"

"I'm going to close the wall. We need Oxygen Runes, Comfort Runes, Cleansing Runes, and Veil Runes."

Blaze glanced down the hallway he'd just walked through after listening to Geth's request.

"You're really going all out, huh?"

Geth nodded.

"I expect this Dungeon isn't as straightforward as the rest. We may be here a while."

Blaze had that same sensation when the party entered the arched walkway. The Formations he'd sensed were more complex than anything he'd seen before.

Without another word, the two got to work. Eventually, Sindri asked what everyone was wondering.

"What do these markings do?"

"Veil Runes are placed atop the doorways and act as curtains that are impossible to see or hear through.

Comfort Runes keep the place from being stuffy or too hot. Oxygen Runes make it so that we can breathe.

And finally, Cleansing Runes can be stepped on, and the Mana will quickly take care of any dirt, grime, blood, or even bacteria that's built up on you during the day."

Multiple 'oohs and ahhs' came from the others who watched the men work. 

Felix wasn't left out. He set up a few Formations on the outside that would use the surrounding Mana to power his illusions.

A series of spells that would hide their scent and tracks were placed into them.

Once everything was taken care of, Geth closed the entrance, and they all dispersed into their separate rooms.

Sindri bit her lip as she watched Geth and Zolis disappear behind their own veil.

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