Redeeming The Golden Ticket To Life

Chapter 95: Offer

We walked across the lawn and then walked into an outhouse.

"Il tuo studio è qui?" I asked her. (Your Studio is here?)

"Sì" she replied.

We walked in.

As I walked in, my eyes came across various mannequins, who were dressed in designs that are not to be seen outside this place. The whole floor had rows after rows of completed dress sitting on those lifeless mannequins, providing them with a reason for their existence. 

As I looked at the dresses I could already visualise the person who could wear it. There were so many details and so much consideration for the wearer that a buyer would fall in love with the dresses just like that.

"Woohoo!" Lucy whistled as she looked through the dresses, "you can open a high-end fashion boutique with all the designs you have here," she turned towards me and said, "old man how about you retire and in your place I hire her for our fashion house," she excitedly stated.

I pulled her by her ears and reprimanded, "If you do not wish to die, you stay away from her".

"Yeah! That is so true, that cold faced husband of you will simply cut me into pieces and have me for lunch or dinner without even letting out blurbs."

"Hehe, hahaha, bahaha!" Bai Chang laughed out loud, "I didn't know he was this infamous outside. Well if a beautiful lady like you ditches him, then I guess it is his loss. Come here with me, I have a vibe that you and I will get along pretty well."

"You are really cool!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Come on Lucy do not get ahead of yourself here," I cautioned her. Whatever it may, but I do not want to antagonise CEO Hu, so that I can get to collaborate more in future with my muse.

"Sir Pierro, rest assured, Qiang will know nothing that happens here."

She asked us to follow inside. The more we walked inside the place, the more I was amazed. The amount of work that she put up here is more than enough to showcase in more than five Fashion Weeks. 

Then we walked into her design room. The whole room had the aura of a passionate designer. There were so many designs and fabrics rolled and organised against the wall, that it is a dream of all designers to have such a diverse collection at the tips of their hand.

The drawing board had a few unfinished sketches. While the room had a few more sketches lying on her table. Some were put up on a board with their designated fabrics. Looking at all these designs I feel the youth in me flush with vigour, my blood boiled with passion.

"Questi sono l'epitome dell'eccellenza, incredibile Bella, incredibile. Questi pezzi sono un vero gioiello," I exclaimed. (These are on the epitome of excellence, amazing Bella, amazing. These pieces are an absolute gem.)

"Grazie, Pierro" (thank you)

As I continued to look around, my eyes were dazzled while the designer soul in me felt very blessed at the moment; as I could witness the birth of Fashion World's next dominant player.

"Lucy, which Fashion Week were you referring to when you said you are rushing to meet deadlines?" she asked.

"It is Haute Couture Fashion Week in less than a week. We have no designs prepared yet and I have no idea if we will make it at all for this show?"

"Then let me help you if you do not mind my intrusion…" she offered.

"Bella, I appreciate your enthusiasm but we are really short of time on our hands to even piece together a presentable piece for the runway," I answered her exasperatedly.

"Wait for a second, will you?" She said so and moved towards a corner of the design room. As she seemingly touched the wall a hidden cabinet shows up.

From there she looked through the cabinet and carefully pulled out five clothes covers.

"Here, have a look at this," she offered as she placed the clothes cover bag in front of us and casually opened it.

"Sono eccezionalmente Belli!" (They are exceptionally beautiful!)

I jumped at my place as I looked over the dresses, they are a piece of art in itself. I was dumbfounded looking at them.

"Bella signora, progettiamo insieme una sfilata epica. Terminiamo la cultura della moda di quest'anno con una nota alta di arte e moda che si uniscono per suonare una sinfonia," I answered her determinedly.

(beautiful lady, let's plan an epic Runway together. Let us end this year's fashion culture on a high note of art and fashion coming together to play a symphony.)

"These are already made, how do you propose to put it forward Bai Chang?" Lucy asked her without any hesitation to know her interest.

"Lucy, help me launch my line under your fashion house as a protegee trained by Sir Pierro himself. This will help me to disguise myself from too much public scrutiny. I want to walk the frontline, without any media trouble. Is it too much to ask?" 

She had a slight fear of rejection in the very deep of her eyes. Though it was not made obvious by her, she still felt deeply about this collaboration. 

As I looked around the design room, I realised that it would be an honour of mine to introduce her to the world as my protegee, even though I have not trained her, I did discover her. 

"Sarebbe un mio grande onore se potessi presentarmi al mondo come mio protetto e anche come mia musa ispiratrice. Ti va bene la narrazione?" I asked her.

(It would be a great honour of mine if I could introduce to the world my protege as well as my muse. Are you okay with the narrative?)

"Whatever you deem appropriate we will follow along with that," she replied agreeing to it easily.

Lucy found the timing optimal, so she asked out loud, "So does that mean I get to make some calls to fix our models and stage theme?"

"Sure let me help you with it," Bai Chang replied to Lucy.

The girls already had a plan and they were ready to act upon it as soon as possible. I realised they both are go-getter type of person. Once decided upon something they will act upon the same immediately or at the next opportune moment.

"Bella, ho una proposta per te. A mio modesto parere, sento che l'abito da esposizione dovrebbe essere indossato da te per presentarlo al mondo, poiché sento che il vero significato dell'abito e il pensiero dietro di esso potrebbe essere espresso solo da te. Sono molto serio quando ho espresso i miei sentimenti, che trovo te la mia musa ispiratrice. Sento che il mondo dovrebbe vedere quello che ho visto io. E per qualsiasi motivo tu voglia finalmente uscire al mondo, penso che essere un po 'più pubblico ti aiuterà a garantire la tua sicurezza. Pensaci almeno una volta," I proposed an offer to her.

(Bella, I have a proposition for you. In my humble opinion, I feel that the showstopper dress should be worn by you to present to the world as I feel the true meaning of the dress and the thought behind it could only be expressed by you. I am very serious when I express my feelings, that I find you my muse. I feel the world should get to see what I saw. And for whatever reasons you want to finally come out to the world. I... I think being a little more public will help you to assure your security. Think about it at least once,")

"Sir Pierro… do you trust me that much?" she asked with uncertainty.

"Posso scommettere che il mio marchio della casa di moda è serio riguardo all'offerta".

(I can bet my fashion house label that I am serious about the offer.)

"Then sir Pierro, I will depend on your guidance to navigate this coming fashion Week," then she turned to Lucy, "we will need appropriate supermodels to carry the dresses. You think we can arrange that on such short notice?" 

"Leave that on me, I will get you the right fit," she picked up the papers kept along with the designs, "trust me, I have your notes to guide me. Nothing will go wrong".

"Okay, then next is stage designs and music selection."

"On it."

"Where is the venue of the concerned Fashion Week?"

"Where else could it be? Of course, it is in Paris," Lucy replied.


"Any problem Bai Chang?" I asked her.

"No... nothing. I will go and get everything ready for a trip. Please continue the discussion."

Then she rushed out of the outhouse to prepare for the trip while Lucy started to contact supermodels all over the world to see if the required people are free and not already booked with other shows.

The place turned into a temporary working station for us. While I still had my eyes glued to the designs kept on the outer clothes rack.

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