Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 44: I Will End this Nightmare

"Kevin didn't go so far as to actually stab them, but he disfigured them all."

"They even needed the help of faculty members just so they could pull the crazed Kevin away from the bullies and pin him onto the ground. This incident quickly reached the ears of the headmaster. The parents of the bullies came to the school to protest and to put pressure on the school itself..."

"The bullies even brought mannequins with them and displayed on the mannequins the places where they were scratched by the knife and just how disfigured they had become. They all cried the same thing and the same story. They pleaded that if not for their quick reactions at that time, they would've possibly died."

"Everything escalated so fast."

"Kevin's parents were summoned. His kind-hearted and honest mother sincerely apologized to everyone. She kowtowed to the parents of the bullies and begged the headmaster on his knees to not expel Kevin from the school. With all eyes on her, she even slapped Kevin across his face to show to everyone that she was teaching him a lesson."

"When that slap that came from his beloved mother landed on his face, it shattered the last tidbits of Kevin's pride into smithereens. Since then, he had gone silent. The proud Kevin was nowhere to be seen. He was replaced by a soulless sponge who couldn't do anything other than to swallow the humiliation and endure everything."

"Every time bullying was about to escalate to the point of no return. Kevin would voluntarily retreat. No one knew why, but he would always run to the gym storeroom and stay there alone. No one knew what he was doing in there, but no one really cared about him so none of them questioned his actions..."

"What's more, since he would punctually return to class every time the class bell rang. Everyone thought that going to the gym storeroom near the Educational Block was just his way of temporarily stopping the bullying. Yes, that was a logical answer, and this continued on until one day..."

"Kevin ran to the gym storeroom again but he never returned."

"The faculty members of the school, as well as some students, went out to look for him and they found him pale-faced lying on the cold floors of the gym storeroom. His eyes were jaundiced, his breathing shallow, and his lips were chapped... The teachers found that he had drunk anti-freeze, so they made him drink alcohol to rescue him."

"But once rescued, Kevin never uttered a word of thanks."

"He just stood up and walked away as if nothing had happened."

"Of course, a teacher stopped him from walking away just like that but when he did, he accidentally gripped on Kevin's jacket and his hold stripped the jacket off Kevin's body. The small three inches blade that he used to attack the bullies back then fell from the pocket of his jacket. The students also saw the scars on Kevin's body..."

"They thought at first that Kevin was just being edgy and that was the reason why he wore long pants and a jacket despite the hot weather. But at that moment, they finally understood why he liked wearing those clothes."

Leonard explained everything about Kevin to Calvin without holding back anything.

Since Calvin was now sitting on Kevin's chair and was even using Kevin's desk back then. He felt that Calvin needed to know all of these lest he was wronged by someone else. It would be sad for Calvin to suffer under the hands of somebody without him knowing the reason why he was being targeted.

Calvin took a deep breath.

Actually, he felt a lot of resonance with Leonard, Ziya, and Kevin.

That resonance was probably one of the reasons why he had this mysterious urge of helping them.

Even though they were certainly demons, he felt that they were mostly misunderstood.

Like him, back then...

Like him, who once held the title as the Greatest Traitor and Savior of Humanity.

He once saved the world back then but due to his prideful personality, he had a lot of enemies. His enemies numbered to thousands and they all twisted the narrative and the truth and turned everything that Calvin had done in the betterment of humanity against him.

Even now, Calvin was still indignant about that event.

But he knew that it was mostly his fault.

He was indeed too arrogant back then.

Surrounded by the halo of being the Savior of the World.

Calvin got carried away.

When the invaders finally appeared...

He was immediately accused of being a traitor.

And that was the tragic story of the hero who had gone from loving the world, hated it, then loved it again.

Calvin didn't know if he really did love the world or its people.

But one thing was for sure.

Now that he had the chance to re-do everything from scratch.

He would never let that tragedy of him becoming the greatest traitor of humanity happen again!

Calvin's eyes flashed with determination.

He then handed over a note to Leonard.

"I want to meet this Kevin, he's in the infirmary, right? Can you come with me and visit him?"

"No..." Leonard shook his head. Actually, while the conversation was ongoing...

He had been avoiding Calvin, and their conversation was carried on through passing of notes through Ziya as the escrow medium. Speaking of Ziya, the gorgeous little girl remained silent all this while. Her actions while trying to be incognito were practiced.

Her hurling technique with the notes was accurate and swift. It was obvious that she had been talking with Leonard for quite a long time through the use of paper notes. Calvin surreptitiously glanced at Ziya and made a decision.

In order to protect these two from future bullying.

He must not let those bullies see them as targets similar to him.

In other words, Calvin could only visit Kevin in the infirmary alone.

Calvin glanced at Ziya and realized that the little girl also wasn't willing to go with him.

He didn't probe any further.

He knew and understood why they were being like this.

Each and every person in this school were demons that were not tied by morality.

The bullies enjoyed trampling onto the pride of the bullies, while the bystanders looked from afar with detached gazes.

Perhaps, some of them might even join in the fun for the sake of schadenfreude.

In the end, only the bullied were left.

Attacked from all sides and with their so-called bastion of supports that should be their teachers not giving them the attention and care that they needed. They would obviously be inured to the pressure and even get used to the pain that they were suffering.

Calvin swept his gaze across everyone in the class.

All of them maintained that look of indifference, as they calmly listened to the ramblings of the teacher. Everything that happened in the very last row was nothing but a mere show to them. They enjoyed it as bystanders and none of them were willing to change that status quo for it was also fun for them.

"They may be demons, but they were once humans too..."

"Sadly, as far as human nature is concerned."

"I still don't understand how it works."

"However, in this place, all I know is that none of these students were innocent. Bullying is not only the responsibility of the school but also the responsibility of the students..."

"Unfortunately, everyone is just striving to maintain the status quo and just wishes that the same tragedy will not fall onto their heads. They just didn't want to be targeted."

"That's it..."

"And that is sad..."

"Their silence is sad... This silence is sad..."

"Not only for the bullied but also for themselves."

Calvin softly whispered these words, but for some reason...

Both Ziya and Leonard heard what he was saying.

Their figures trembled in response as if they were struggling against something, but in the end...

None of them stood up.

Calvin turned his attention to his notebook and scribbled something on a piece of paper.

He then handed it over to Leonard.

Leonard didn't take it nor did he want to, but Calvin didn't care.

He placed the note face down on Leonard's table before walking out of the class to find the infirmary.

After Calvin walked out of the class...

Leonard slightly shifted his arm to open the note and it read — "You, Ziya, Kevin and all students that are being bullied in this school. I will save you all. Mark my words, I will end this nightmare."

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