Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 232: It Was Only Just a Dream

Calvin's screams continued within the well-hidden room for quite a long time.

It has always been like this. The ink that was used to carve the runic characters on his body must also penetrate his muscles, bones, and nerves. One could only imagine the excruciating pain that he had to endure for every character carved on his body.

In fact, at first, Grace thought that Calvin had lost his mind in pursuit of power.

Just what kind of mortal could possibly endure the pain of literally having words written on their muscles, bones, and nerves?

Grace didn't want to go through with this plan, but when she saw Calvin's determination...

She knew that she had to assist him.

It was obvious that if Grace refused his request, Calvin would probably go through his plan and carve the characters on his own which would be far more dangerous than if the procedure was done in her Heavenly Abode.

First of all, no one could possibly die in Grace's Heavenly Abode if she didn't want that person to die. She could also heal Calvin's wounds an infinite number of times. In other words, if the procedure was done in her Heavenly Abode. Calvin's recovery period would be vastly shortened, and the success rate would also be significantly higher.

Calvin knew this fact and this was why he was grateful for Grace's assistance.

"The Enduring Heart of the Azure Dragon..."

"The Golden Crow's Burning Heaven..."

"The Bakunawa's Fleeting Mirage..."

Grace mumbled. "I really didn't expect that you would have such a deep understanding of these legendary creatures."

Calvin raised his upper body off the bed and revealed a pained smile. "Do they still exist?"

"Do they? You're that confident that they existed?" Grace replied with a smile, "I know the answer to that question, but why should I tell you?"

Calvin's eyebrows furrowed. "Just drop the mysterious act, will you?"

"Since you know everything in this world, why not just answer my question?"

Grace simply shook her head. "As if it's that simple. Did you already forget about the Primordial Cradle? The Primordial Cradle is omnipotent and it has eyes everywhere..."

"I might be able to answer your question, but the price that I have to pay for giving you such information might be something that I cannot bear..."

"Wait!" Calvin suddenly interrupted, "That's a fallacy."

"What?" Grace stared at him in astonishment.

"How could you say something about paying a price when you've already told me everything about the Primordial Cradle?" Calvin stared right at Grace, "Could it be that you have some kind of a hidden agenda and that is why you are not going to tell me the answer?"

"It's not something as bad as what you make it to be."

Grace shrugged, "It's just that... one of those three legendary creatures had been my companion back then."

"Oh?" Calvin was intrigued, "Let me guess—is it the Bakunawa?"

Grace was astonished, "How did you know?"

"Well, you were three times faster when carving the runic characters that signified the Bakunawa, so you're obviously incredibly familiar with that legendary creature." Calvin deduced.

"I see..." Grace let out a sigh, "Yes, the Bakunawa has been my creation."

"Do you know how hard it was for us to create intelligent humans? There was a lot of trial and errors and in the process, there was this time when the world was filled with nothing but apex predators and absolute monsters."

"What?" Calvin was so shocked by what he had heard, "Really?"

"Yeah. When we finally realized just how we should make the humans. It was when that time happened did we discover what we had done."

"Obviously, we cannot just place the humans on the ground below us with those monsters roaming the land."

"And that is when each of us gave birth to the strongest monster that we can possibly create."

"I made the Devourer Bakunawa..."

"Those were some great times. The Bakunawa was able to swallow thousands of great whales in the ocean at once, so it was fun testing its limits as to how much it could actually contain in its stomach."


Calvin was speechless.

He couldn't help but feel pity for the Bakunawa that had just been born, yet was immediately forced to swallow a thousand whales.

"What do you think? It's pretty strong, right?" Grace beamed with a smile.

"Yeah... It is actually pretty strong. It can swallow a thousand whales? With its strength, where is it right now? I don't think that there's anything that could defeat such a monster in this world. In other words, it must still be alive, right?" Calvin asked.

"..." Grace immediately became somber.

A depressing look appeared on her face. "It died."

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Calvin felt that Grace was somewhat pitiful seeing the current look on her face.

"Would you like to know how it died?" Grace asked.

"Wait, why would I want to know how it died? Won't it hurt you if I asked?" Calvin stared at her in astonishment.

"It's fine, it's been so many years I've already moved on from it." Grace nonchalantly waved her hand.

'Says the one who looks so depressed right now remembering the past!' Calvin just couldn't understand Grace's thoughts.

But he sure was curious as to just how did such an absolute monster died in a world that was filled with monsters just like itself.

"How did it die? Did it get into a fight with the others?" Calvin asked.

This was the only sensible way of dying for a monster of such scale. An existence like that wouldn't possibly die a natural death for millions of years, so it only made sense that Calvin assumed that it had died under the hands of monsters that were as strong as itself.

"Nope, it died by indigestion." Grace calmly replied, "You see, Las Felipinas actually had two moons when we made it. But that gluttonous worm thought that one of the moons was a delicious candy so it ascended into the heavens and ate the moon in one gulp..."

"It didn't even chew!"

"It just directly swallowed one of the two moons, and as a result. It couldn't digest what it had swallowed, so it died overnight."

"Oh..." Calvin was speechless.

The piece of information that he had heard was interesting, but he didn't expect that such a monster would die after doing such a stupid mistake.

Looking at Grace now, Calvin could somehow believe that Grace actually made the Bakunawa.

After all, Grace also had the tendency to do stupid things such as using cold water to boil water because cold water was supposed to boil faster than hot water.

After hearing Grace's testimony, Calvin was starting to regret why he chose the Bakunawa as his utility. If the Bakunawa could indeed devour anything in this world apart from celestial bodies, he would've chosen it to house an offensive skill.

But to be honest, he couldn't really blame himself since this was the first time that he heard that the Bakunawa had the ability to devour objects.

The legends that surrounded the Bakunawa only mentioned that it was a magnificent and transient Serpent.

Records showed that the Bakunawa had a movement ability that was so good that it managed to hide from the eyes of the Seven Gods and Goddesses for 69 days before it was discovered.

It turned out that in that game of hide and seek, the Bakunawa hid in the shadow of the Goddess of Compassion and Light.

Calvin made a sidelong glance at Grace before a bitter smile appeared on his face.

He deduced that Grace might have deliberately let out this fake legend of the Bakunawa to prevent the monster's humiliation once the commonfolk discovered how it actually died.

After all, for an existence like the Bakunawa, dying of indigestion was more than embarrassing—it was tantamount to humiliation.

But he didn't voice out his thoughts as a respect to the dead absolute monster and also a form of respect to Grace.

"All right, it's about time for me to leave." Calvin and Grace walked out of the well-hidden room into the living room. Apart from the fact that Calvin was still sweating buckets, there was nothing strange nor anything out of place. Grace also had a light smile on her face as they faced the Mortician, Stephanie, and the Daylight Bride.

The Daylight Bride and Stephanie were staring right at Calvin.

The Mortician, on the other hand, remained steadfast on his own way. In fact, he seemed to be staring a thousand miles out.

They had stayed in this room for a year, yet these three didn't seem to have experienced a change.

Granted, the Daylight Bride didn't seem to be so hostile against him anymore, but that could barely be counted as a change.

"I have already modified the Bloodstone and it now has three independent spaces for each of them. They could also modify those spaces according to their wishes. For example, if the Mortician wants a morgue. He could just will it and a morgue would appear."

Grace presented the Bloodstone to Calvin.

Calvin received it with a smile.

"Are the three of you ready to go out with me?" Calvin turned to look at the three.

"Calvin, I feel like you're missing out on something. There seems to be something that you have forgotten." Grace hinted.

"Hm?" Calvin stared at her in confusion.

Grace couldn't hold it back anymore as she sighed. "You forgot to bestow them a name!"

"Steph Steph doesn't need a name since she already has one, but the Mortician and the Daylight Bride needs their names for you to be able to call upon them from the Bloodstone whenever you need them!"

"You can't just use their titles, right?"

"It's the etiquette for you to call them by their name!" She scolded.

"Oh..." Calvin awkwardly scratched his head.

It wasn't that he didn't know about this issue.

The Spiritualistic Ritual of Name-Bestowal was basically the same as what humans often used to summon demons on earth to do their own bidding.

Names were often taken for granted but in the realm of mysticism...

Names were important and they could often decide whether a ritual involving a demon or more commonly known as familiars would succeed or fail.

Yes, Calvin hadn't forgotten about this important issue.

But there was a problem that he had to face if he wanted to grant them a name.

It was the fact that Calvin had a bad naming sense!

"Uh... The Mortician has dark hair, so I guess I can call him Darkie?"

"The Daylight Bride has pale skin. Whitey suits her I guess."

"..." Grace stared at Calvin as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Are you serious?" Grace asked. She seemed to be doubting her sense of hearing.

"Wait, is there something wrong about it?"

"You're asking me if there's something wrong about it?" Grace's lips curled upwards and she slowly raised her hand. Then, with her fist clenched. She sent a punch directly at Calvin's abdomen and shouted, "Of course, there's a problem with it, you asshat!"

"Pfft!" Calvin immediately curled into a shrimp. Fortunately, the Enduring Heart of the Azure Dragon had further fortified his body.

In addition, Grace wasn't really punching him with her strength.

But of course, the punch of a Goddess would still inevitably hurt...

Calvin had to take a step backward and cough a few times before he recovered.

"Darkie... Whitey, what's wrong with those names?" Calvin said, "Look they aren't even complaining!"

"That's because they cannot properly articulate their feelings yet, you asswipe!"

Grace sent another punch coming his way, but Calvin dodged it by stepping to the side.

"What do you want me to do, then? I suck at naming things!" Calvin retorted.


Grace felt a headache coming her way. "Fine, you don't have to name them right now. Let me just engrave the corresponding technique for the Name-Bestowal Ritual in your brain, so I can finally kick you out of here!" She lifted her hand and pressed a finger on Calvin's forehead.

In an instant, streams of information flooded Calvin's brain as he directly fainted and collapsed from the influx of information

The Daylight Bride, Stephanie, and the Mortician stared speechlessly at what just happened when Grace swept her eyes across them and gestured with her finger.

In the very next moment, the three vengeful spirits were sucked into the Bloodstone, and in one fell swoop—Grace also made a tunnel out of her Heavenly Abode and she kicked Calvin into that tunnel wherein he immediately disappeared from her eyes.

"Wheeew." Grace heaved a sigh of relief when she was done. "I can finally game at peace." 

She immediately ran upstairs and started to play. 

Meanwhile, outside the Heavenly Abode.

Fatty Zachary woke up to find a half-naked Calvin with his ass pointed up to the ceiling.

There was a faint blush on the Fatty Zachary's face for he had just dreamt of a dozen women bending over for him.

Unfortunately, everything was just a dream.

The women eager to place themselves on a silver platter for him was just a dream.


There was actually someone bending over in his direction at this moment.

Albeit, it was a man named—Calvin.

"Fuck, am I still dreaming?" Fatty Zachary scratched his head and judged that he must be seeing things.

How could Calvin be sleeping on the floor when the floor was so filthy?

He turned his back to Calvin's direction and fell asleep once more.

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