Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 221: Purer Than Nature

It was now an hour before high noon.

Calvin had just finished packing his luggage for the three-month-long exodus.

Staring at the clothes that he had prepared for his brand new life, Calvin couldn't help but inwardly comment.

How troublesome...

Furrowing his eyebrows, he had thought for sure that he would be able to use the concept of nepotism to directly become a police officer.

But sadly, he had forgotten that the Ashmelion Police Department might be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice—being a member of the Department of Justice's Special Corps Division still wouldn't give him any tangible benefits.

First of all, the Cavaliers were currently under a lot of flak at this moment.

In fact, the Headquarters of the Cavaliers in Laguna even criticized Ron Samuel for what he had done.

Fortunately, those in the top brass didn't actually care that much about what was going on in a rural region like the City of Ashmelion.

But Calvin was convinced that even the tiger would run out of patience against an ant.

If the Cavaliers tried to push the envelope even further, then they would definitely be severely punished.

This was why Martin didn't allow Calvin to use his identity as a member of the Department of Justice's Special Corps Division...

It can't be helped...

At least, if I don't use that identity then people might not think of me as someone that's too suspicious. After all, I am applying to become an auxiliary police officer with the identity of a commoner and a regular recommendation from the Department of Justice.

No matter what, the primary goal is to find and kill that bastard. Only by killing him would I be able to free Stephanie from her resentment and only with that bastard's death would the Yellow River Gang's influence in the City of Ashmelion truly disappear.

Calvin made a decision in his heart.

Carrying his luggage with him down to the first floor of the coffee shop, Charlotte and the young lass greeted him right outside the door.

"Daddy, will you be gone for long?" Cecilia was downcast. The young lass was obviously unhappy that Calvin would go away once more.

"Yes, your daddy here needs to work to make a living. How else can I spoil my young lass to the limits if I do not work hard?"

Calvin coaxed the child and rubbed the crown of her head.

"Dear, please take extra care on the road. I've heard on the news that there are a lot of thieves lately around the outskirts of Ashmelion. It's said that they are from the Quads!" Charlotte warned severely.

The look on her face was grave.

Obviously, she was still very afraid of what had happened to her back then in the hands of the Yellow River Gang.

"Charlotte, you don't have to worry... I'm somewhat capable myself, and if I am not able to fight... Do you think I won't run?" Calvin winked.

"Still, I'm worried..."

"It's fine, it's fine..." Calvin also rubbed the crown of Charlotte's head and reassured, "I'll be back once I'm done with everything. Stay here and wait for me."

"Okay..." Seeing the determined look on Calvin's face, Charlotte knew that if she insisted—it would be a grave insult against Calvin's resolve.

In the end, she could do nothing other than stare at Calvin's back as he disappeared in the distance.

"Mommy?" Cecilia stared at Charlotte and she noticed that a greenish light seemed to have filled Charlotte's eyes.

What's more, her ears turned visibly pointy as a sweet smile plastered on her face, "May the will of the Goddess of Prosperity and Gold be with you, my dear Calvin..."

As Cecilia was staring at this scene in confusion, unbeknownst to her—the same greenish light also existed within her own bright eyes.

Only it was exponentially purer than Charlotte's...


The air above Ashmelion had always been disgusting due to the smog.

But there was something far worse than the smell of sewage in the late morning.

It was the scorching heat of the sun...

Calvin's body might've been strengthened after he became a predator, but it didn't mean that he was now immune to the heat of the sun.

The carriage-taxi that had a route to the 3rd District of the Southern Borough was located at the terminal behind the wet market.

In short, since he was from the Center Borough. He still needed to cross the Yang Bridge and walk a few kilometers to reach his destination.

Of course, Calvin could've just flagged down a carriage-taxi and go directly to the 3rd District.

But Calvin refused to do so.


Was it because he had no money?

Of course, not!

It was because the drivers around the area were shameless!

They wanted five joselian pesos which were a week's worth of wage for the poorest of the poor in the Northern Borough.

Calvin might have money, but he wasn't stupid as to let himself be ripped off.

However, he finally discovered how foolish his money-saving technique was when he remembered that he didn't have to spend any money in the training facility provided by the Ashmelion Police Department.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Most carriage-taxis in the road he was in were communal and didn't take private trips.

Left without a choice, Calvin was forced to go to the terminal behind the wet market of which he reached after half an hour of walking.

"Fucking finally..."

Calvin paid for a special rush trip and his driver literally took him for the ride of his life.

After weaving through the crowd and the traffic, a nauseous and sickened Calvin walked down the carriage with a sorrowful look on his face.

He had indeed managed to save a few pesos because of the fact that he walked all the way to the terminal instead of taking an express trip from the Center Borough's carriage terminal...

But was it really worth it?

The answer was obvious on Calvin's face.

After taking a short break at a roadside stall, Calvin walked into the barracks of the police station.

In the barracks, Calvin saw many prospective auxiliary police officers taking part in the upcoming medical examination.

There were both women and men, totaling about forty people.

Upon entering, they presented their proof of identities and certificate of recommendations to the two officers in uniform standing on a podium.

One of the two officers used his sundial and stated, "It's about the thirteenth hour of the day, are there any candidates that aren't here, yet?"

"Yeah, there is one..."

"How many minutes do you think are there left before the thirteenth hour comes?"

"Many... five minutes?"

"Okay, we will eliminate that candidate if he's late by even a minute. Someone who does not have a sense of punctuality is not deserving to be a police officer. We already have all the delinquents that we can possibly have. The best that we can do is to reduce their numbers. Let's start with the obvious ones and eliminate those that are showing warning signs."

The two didn't bother lowering down their voices. It seemed that they were trying to set an example to the newbies today.

The trainees couldn't help but shake their heads in pity to that person who was about to be eliminated for tardiness. It sure was pitiful that he was about to be disqualified from being an auxiliary police officer just because he was late for even a minute.

But since this was just how everything worked; the trainees knew that they couldn't do anything to their unseen comrade.

"Ladies, how are you today? The weather sure is hot, eh?"

"Bro, I can see that you don't seem to be a resident of the Southern Borough. Are you perhaps from the Eastern Borough? Damn, you must be rich if you are living there!"

The trainees that had nothing to do until the thirteenth hour came started to introduce themselves to each other.

The place soon became rowdy, but the two officers didn't do anything to it.

They kept waiting and soon, they started a countdown.







"Sorry, I'm late!"

A young man with a rounded face, average height, chubby cheeks, and cauliflower ears came rushing in from the entrance of the barracks.

He was wearing an oversized washed-out shirt and a pair of jeans that looked dirty all over.

Obviously, he had an arduous journey while he was on his way to the barracks as he was panting like a dog and sweated all over his body.

"Officer! Fatty Zac—no! Zachary Casasola reporting for duty! I apologize for my tardiness!"

The young man made a ninety-degree bow as he handed over an envelope to the two officers.

"Hmmm," One of the two officers opened the envelope and a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Sir... This fatty has a recommendation letter from the Department of Justice!"

"Oh..." The officer with an X-shaped scar on his right cheek revealed an intrigued look, "Since I didn't manage to finish my words earlier, I'll say that you've barely managed to arrive here on time. Do not be late ever again, or else I won't be as merciful as I was today!" He glared at Zachary Casasola.

Zachary fiercely responded, "Sir, yes, sir! I will never do it again!"

"Go back in line!"


Since all the listed trainees this time had arrived, the medical examination soon commenced...

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