Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Chapter 34: Farming Wizzos!

Chapter 34: Farming Wizzos!

‘Since it flipped the first Wizzo upside down, I doubt this Granilith is dumb enough to go straight into battle when it’s missing a hand.’ The Paru thought to itself. ‘It’ll fight slowly and buy time to run away.’

As the Wizzos walked closer, their roaring made the injured Granilith slowly step back.

‘I can’t be passive like before. Their size is a problem against me, but as long as I’m not in front of them, their blade isn’t too much of than issue. Their mobility is low when the arm is turned into blade… Ninety degrees, maybe?’

The Paru, using his Invisibility Skill, stood a couple of steps away from the group of Wizzos.

The Granilith roared, but fighting in this situation would be…

Spiderweb Production-

The Wizzo standing at the right suddenly growled and stepped back as it reached for its head.

The two other Wizzos, the one standing in the middle as well as the one standing on the left, were immediately put on high alert.

They turned towards the growling Wizzo.

The Paru had been standing right next to the one standing on the left.

And as that one turned towards its right,



The Paru immediately moved away, licking the blood off its metal-covered arm.


Using Spiderweb Production to hinder one of the Wizzos’ vision, before attacking those concerned for their comrades.

This had allowed the Paru to pierce the left eye of the Wizzo standing on the left side of the group.

‘Even if I can’t damage them much…’ The Paru licked the last drop of blood on his arm. ‘Taking away their eyes one by one would make it easier on the Granilith.’

The Wizzos, bewildered by the events that had just transpired, stood around while checking their surroundings.

‘Come on, big guy…’ The Paru used its Spiderweb Production Skill three times and in quick succession. ‘It’s your turn!’

Noticing the fear and surprise of its adversaries, the Granilith growled and started running forward.

‘Territorial as fuck, huh? Even against three!’ The Paru smiled internally. ‘That’s exactly what I need on my side!’


The Granilith, still heated from its previous fight, threw a powerful punch at the already injured Wizzo.

And as the other two rid themselves of the spiderwebs and turned towards that Granilith,




The invisible Paru had moved in between them, using one arm for each, taking the right eye for one, and the left eye for the other!

‘Quickly… Quickly…!’

Those two immediately turned to face one another, before finding a trail of blood on the ground between them.

But that trail… Led to nothing.

‘The spiderwebs are invisible until I cut them off me. Anything that falls on me remains visible. I need to get rid of the blood quicker!!’

With only one hand, the Granilith was at a disadvantage. But seeing the Wizzo’s eye gave it an idea. To do exactly the same thing!

The Granilith grabbed the Wizzo’s head, and pushed his thumb into that Wizzo’s eyesocket!


The Wizzo instinctively used its arms to push the Granilith away. The latter almost fell right away, but attempting to keep its balance allowed it to take numerous steps back before falling.

The eyeless Wizzo growled and growled while waving its arms around!

‘If I can blind all of them, then…’ The Paru smirked internally as it lowered its tentacle-like arm to the ground.

The next second, the Wizzo felt something hit its side!

Immediately, its arm shook and turned into a long and sharp blade!

A swift horizontal cut!


The attack had hit. It had cut deep! The enemy was…

A punch landed on the Wizzo’s side!


Why is the enemy on the other side?

‘Ha! This is going too perfectly!’

Taking advantage of the Wizzo’s blindness, the Paru had thrown a stone at its side. This was all it took for the Wizzo to attack instinctively.

‘Graniliths have jagged and rocky skin. Of course, sensing a stone hitting your body would get your nerves firing! Still,’ The Paru chuckled internally, as all parties momentarily froze in place. ‘Taking away your brethren’s arm…’ Heaps of blood hit the ground with a Splash. ‘Aren’t you ashamed?’

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Chapter 35: The Alpha Joins The Party!

‘Since they’re much bigger than me and the number of cells is what matters, a couple of them would be more than enough…’ The Paru thought to itself, standing a couple of steps away. ‘I’ll leave the blind one to the Granilith. The Wizzo that has already lost an arm is pretty much useless. They don’t turn both their arms into blades at once because they would, then, lose their balance. The fact that the whole arm changes, and not just the portion below the elbow is such a handicap. A useless ability… I’ll make it better though, as a Paru.’

The two Wizzos, each lacking an eye, had separated themselves from their blind brethren.

There was nothing else to be done. That brethren had already cost one of them an arm after all.

Still, the two Wizzos didn’t let down their guard. Despite the Granilith being far away.

They stared in every direction, moving their gaze from one point to the next, while growling.

‘They’re aware that something is here…’ The Paru chuckled internally. ‘Invisibility really is an amazing thing to have!’

The Paru circled around the two Wizzos, aiming to approach them from behind.

‘The one with only one arm cannot use it. Getting off the ground would mean its body falling. Their bodies were not made to stand on their back legs, so all it can do is growl. The other one is swinging wildly and randomly. I’ll get behind them and…’ The Paru moved its pincers, and the tape that Raya had rolled around them broke. ‘Cut a leg off. Their legs are thin, but even if I can’t the whole thing off, hitting some joints and ligaments would do the job. Plus, there’s my Infectious Cut Skill. I can always cut them and leave them be. The wound will get infected, and sooner or later…’

The Paru started walking closer to the Wizzo’s leg, before chuckling internally.

‘That’s pretty gross, now that I think about it. Infectious Cut… That means my claws are laced with viruses and bacteria, doesn’t it? I’ll have to get rid of that… Wouldn’t want to hurt someone I’m not planning on hurting.’ The Paru shook its head. ‘Now’s not the time.’

The Wizzo’s swings were wild and random. It had no idea where the target was, or even what that target was.

The Paru patiently waited for the swinging to stop for a moment, as it usually did after six or seven swings, to move closer!

But because those swings were random and covered a large angle…



The Paru’s pincers cut the back of the Wizzo’s leg at two different points, but the Wizzo’s swinging proved useful!

The Wizzo roared because of the pain, but stared. It had definitely hit something.

[You have lost 5 Health Points.]

‘Phew… That sent me a dozen steps away.’ The Paru chuckled to itself. ‘I moved so that the hit would land on my tough shell, but being launched away still caused some damage. I’ll be more careful for a bit. Even though…’

One of the Wizzos was lacking an eye and an arm. It was still bleeding at the shoulder.

The other was lacking an eye, and its left back leg could barely be moved. Its left knee rested on the ground, and could only be raised for short moments.

The third was lacking both eyes and…


A powerful leg kick landed on its stomach.

It was being damaged pretty badly.

‘The Granilith is attacking from the sides. Smart.’ The invisible Paru nodded. ‘That one turned its arm into a blade, and is swinging it randomly to keep the Granilith away… Well, to try and keep the Granilith away.’

The Paru decided on a less dangerous approach.

‘Since it basically knows I’m here, and that I’m invisible…’

The Paru took hold of a stone and threw it at the Wizzo.

Despite its injured leg, it quickly turned in the direction from which the hit had come and attacked.

‘I’ll just tire it out this way.’ The Paru shrugged internally.

No third party joined the party uninvited. The plan was going well. As a matter of fact, it was going too well.

‘They’re getting tired fast…’ The Paru’s eyes widened as it noticed. ‘Their skin is different. It doesn’t have that shiny and slimy aspect. Since they came here dripping wet… Adding to that the Splashes I heard earlier… It can only mean one thing!’ The Paru smiled internally. ‘They get dehydrated quickly! Being out of the water, moving so much despite their injuries, and being under the sun… All of those made it so that they can barely move now!’

The Paru raised its gaze above for a moment.

‘Well, I probably shouldn’t call it the sun. The star that lights up this place, I should say.’

The invisible Paru started walking forward, confident.

And why wouldn’t he be? The Wizzos could barely move. Their skin had turned dry and wrinkly. With each move, they staggered.

‘I could let the Granilith finish them, but I’d rather not take chances. Definitely don’t want him to die just yet.’

Before the Paru even got to them, the Wizzo that lacked an arm fell to the ground, unconscious.

‘It’ll probably die soon.’

The second one stared at its fallen brethren for a bit, before turning around.

It was a struggle, but it attempted to run away.

The Paru walked closer until inches separated them, before piercing its side with both of its sharp metal-covered limbs.

It fell to the ground, exhausted.


‘Oho. That’s the sound they make when they die.’ The Paru turned around. ‘You got it. Nice, Granilith!’

Indeed, the Granilith stood victorious.

The Paru proceeded to pierce through the fallen Wizzos’ heads with its metal-covered limbs.



All three Wizzos were dead. Counting the first one, all four were.

The Granilith and the Paru stood victorious.

There was only one problem.


‘Yeah… He doesn’t see me as a friend.’

Indeed, seeing two Wizzos dead is enough evidence.

The Granilith looked around, waiting for the third party to show itself.

‘I would rather not, really…’

[A Side-Quest has been issued.]

[Quest: “Wizzos, A New Alpha Is In Town!”.]

[Objective: Defeat the current Alpha.]

[Reward #1: 1 Skill Point.]

[Reward #2: Enhanced Devouring Skill Levels Up to Lv2.]

‘The Alpha… Since you’re saying it now, that means-‘

Loud footsteps resonated.

The death and cries of its brethren called it onto the scene.

A creature stronger and larger than any of the other Wizzos.

‘How am I…’

Standing at five meters in height, and eight meters in length.

‘Supposed to kill that?’

A behemoth joins the party!

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