Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Chapter 198: You Give The Signal

Chapter 198: You Give The Signal

“Will you take me with you?”

“Can you keep up?”

“Maybe?” The beauty brought a hand to her chin. “Definitely?” She pointed at him suddenly. “Definitely maybe!”

“Well, running might not be necessary.”

“So why ask in the first place?! Hmph!”

She pouted with crossed arms, until a snowball hit her back.


“I can’t tell if there’s more mist or not, if there are enemies or not.”

“Well, of course! It’s normal to forget about anything in the presence of a beauty such as me!”

“Yeah, yeah.” The Paru walked towards one of the tunnel’s walls. “There’s a wall here, right?”

“Mayyybe? What is a wall anyways? It’s something that bars your way! Stands in your path! Bring it down! Break it! Pierce it! Penetrate it! And then me!”

The Paru stared at the beauty for a moment.

“Do I remind you of someone?” She asked with a smile.

“I suppose.” The Paru knocked on the wall a couple of times. “My senses are all messed up, but the wall should still be there? Doesn’t really matter.”

“Wanna go out so soon?”

“Yeah. I’m wasting time here.”

“What would you be doing there?”

“Hmm… A couple of things, I suppose.”

“Among them?”

“Spending time with my wife. Well, the person I see as my wife. Actually, there might be two… Anyways.”

“You’d rather be with them than me?”

The Paru frowned.

“Yeah, obviously.”

“How mean! You don’t have to say it so crudely!”

“Well, you asked.” The Paru shrugged. “And stop talking. You’re distracting me.”


The Paru brought a hand to his chin.

“I can’t swing my arms randomly. The Plasma Rays are shot in a straight line… Yeah, looks like I’ll have to do that.”

“You know who I look like, right?”

“Yeah.” The Paru sighed. “You’re not nearly as cute as she is.”

“…!” The beauty turned away, pouting again. “You really need to work on the way that you talk.”

[For real.]

[I expected better game from my homie.]

“Nobody asked you.” Both the Paru and the beauty said at once.

The Paru turned towards her, frowning.

“You can see it?”

[You can see me?]

“Duh!” The beauty rolled her eyes at them. “Everyone can see it. Anyways, I don’t care about some dumb messages sent by an AI.”


[How dare you?!]

[Do you not know the greatness of Systems?]

“Anyways, I’m planning on blowing this place up.”

[Don’t interrupt me!]

“Blowing it up? That sounds dangerous.”

[I’m talking about the greatness of System for fuck’s sake!!]

“Yeah. It’ll be the easiest way to deal with everything. Kill whatever enemies remain. Burn any mushrooms and mold.”

“As I said, it’s snow!”

“Don’t sniff it then.”

The beauty did the opposite.

“Woooooow!” Her hand suddenly moved to her nose. “Holy shit! Tight! Tight! Tight!”

“Yeah, alright. Time to shut up.” The Paru turned away. “I’ll let out the burning mist, then make it explode. That should deal with most of the issue.”

“But what happens to me thennn?”

“I don’t know. I’ll probably stay high for a while so you’ll still be there.”


[How did I become the third wheel…?]

“It was your destiny!” The beauty chuckled as she winked.

The Paru turned towards the wall.

“So you’re going to blow it up?”


“What happens to me then?”

“As I said-”

“No, I mean… Are you going to blow me up as well? When all I wanted was to blow you?”

“You’re lucky you look like her.” The Paru muttered, obviously annoyed.

“Whatever do you meannn?” She chuckled. “Anyways, the least you should do is shield me with your body!”

“Fuck no. You won’t die anyways. Since you’re not really alive.” The Paru sighed. “It’ll take a bit for this whole area to be filled with the mist though.”

“So we still have some time?” The beauty asked, her eyes sparkling.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“So what are you gonna do once you’re back with them?”

“Have some fun, I suppose.”

“Even though we can have fun here?”

“Yeah… That doesn’t really count.”

“Says who!” The beauty turned away, grinning cheekily. “Take this, spread that, roll it up… Here we go!”

Once she turned around,



“I don’t like them.”

“They’re not real! Just take one!”




“Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?”


The Paru took it into his hands.

“Now what?” He asked.

“Now, you light it up.” The beauty shrugged. “Not for real though. We don’t want it to explode just yet.”

“Right.” The Paru nodded.

He placed the cigarette between his lips, and stared at its end intensely.

“And the Lord said…” The beauty shouted, pointing at the tip of his cigarette. “Let there be light!”

And magically, it was lit up.

“You’re fucking stupid.” The Paru chuckled.

“You’re fucking stupid.” She repeated, before taking a drag of her cigarette and exhaling slowly. “It was a pleasure knowing you.” The beauty nodded repeatedly. “It seems like fate has decided to separate us too soon. But worry not. If I survive this floor, this downpour of earth that will fall from above, this explosion that might blow me to bits and pieces, then surely, we will meet again. And when we do-”

“Shut the fuck up.” He chuckled.

“Can’t even do a dramatic speech?”

The Paru took a drag of his cigarette.

“Doesn’t taste like a cigarette at all.”

“I don’t know what cigarettes taste like.” The beauty shrugged.

The Paru raised his gaze towards the ceiling for a moment, took another drag, exhaled, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it.

“Ah! Doesn’t that burn?”

“Come here.” The Paru said, tapping the wall in front of him.

The beauty timidly moved closer, positioning herself in the tight space between him and the wall.

“Now that we’re so close…” She blushed. “I feel a bit shy.”

“Shut up.” The Paru said rudely, before clearing his throat.

Breathing was getting harder. The combustible mist had filled a large percentage of the area he was standing on.

“Is it ready?”

“Yeah.” The Paru smiled. “You give the signal. I’ll light it up right after.”

“What signal?”

“You know who you look like, don’t you?”

The beauty smiled and looked away, remaining unmoving for a moment.

Her gaze went back to him. She snapped her fingers, and her lips parted.



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