Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 68: Don't Giving the Face

Even though it was night, the Celestial Trade City was not silent, on the contrary, each part of the city was full of life, shouts of merchants mounts running and flying through the city, a bright light illuminating the streets, it was extremely beautiful the view.

Liu Yang was walking the streets looking for herbal stores and forge materials, he wanted to learn other arts, in addition to combat, Xillia Wolf encouraged Liu Yang to do this by saying that in the future this would be extremely important. Liu Yang did not have to forge items for himself because he already had equipment for himself level.

According to Xillia Wolf, there were several famous stores of items that were branches of the first worlds, Liu Yang asked the passersby about the information of these stores. According to the information, if you see a building that is larger than all others and more flashy, this would be what you would be looking for.

Liu Yang began to walk through the busy streets, after a while, he reached the first destination, the store was called Paradise of the Herbs, this was the biggest store of the Nine Worlds in the branch of medicinal herbs and the like.

The building had seven floors, extremely wide, luxurious and exquisite, decorated with some golden bricks to give shine, extravagant lights, there was a plaque with golden letters with the words "Paradise of the Herbs" written hanging above the entrance. There was a crowd of people coming in and out of the store, it was all coordinated, there was no confusion.

When Liu Yang entered he was stunned by the immense amount of people who were inside the store, the amount was very large, Liu Yang realized that the store was larger than it appeared to be.

"Little rascal, if you want to start with alchemy, you should buy the herbs to refine the level 0 pills and elixirs that are the basics and also buy the herbs to refine the level 1 pills and elixirs. As you already have the knowledge of herbs, that makes things easier"

Liu Yang received the memories of the basics of all arts from the inheritance of Arthur Pendragon, so he could only do the basic things. Going to the counter, Liu Yang is attended by a beautiful young woman of 18 - 20 years who was wearing a tight uniform showing her curvaceous figure.

"Good evening young master, my name is Su Qiu, how can I help you?"

"I would like to buy these following herbs: Leaf of the Water Tree, Fire Fruit, Night Flower Stem, Noble Tree Root, Ray Tree Fruit, Fallen Leaves of Fruit, Green-Blue Fruit, Seed of Tree of Metal, ... "Liu Yang listed sixteen kinds of different herbs.

"I apologize young master, but eight of these herbs are quite common, so we do not sell, you can find them in other stores, but the other we do not sell on the first floor, only the second floor on, the young master wants me to follow him? "Su Qiu looked at Liu Yang who had a strange face with eyes full of expectations.

(That again? Why is it that whenever I go to do something in a famous store, that kind of thing happens?) This was the thought of Liu Yang to see this scene.

"Little rascal, it's not what you're thinking, rather, it's not much different, but what this young woman wants is that you let her accompany you upstairs, that way, she earns a commission for what you buy, it's like a prize for getting a customer to the higher levels or at least new customers to the higher floors, but in case the customer wants, it can also take the attendant to bed" Xillia Wolf understood the thought of Liu Yang from the face he did, so she gave him a brief explanation of the situation.

"I understood" Liu Yang was talking to Xillia Wolf mentally.

Seeing that Liu Yang was with a strange face and was not answering, Su Qiu thought that Liu Yang would refuse, his words made her very happy.

"Thank you, you can lead the way." Liu Yang did not care who showed the way, as long as it did the task right and without arrogance.

On the second-floor, there were fewer people than at first, but it was still full, Su Qiu was talking to the supervisor of the second floor to know about the herbs that Liu Yang was looking for, but the attendant was surprised that these herbs were only sold in the third and fourth floor.

Su Qiu apologized to Liu Yang for her mistake, Liu Yang said he did not care about it, and asked to go to the third floor. The third floor was quite empty, there were only a few people, old and young in luxurious and shiny clothes, you could see some attendants cleaning the herb windows.

Si Qiu went to talk to the third-floor manager about Liu Yang's herbs, she was happy to hear that some of these herbs were being sold, she called Liu Yang to the counter to talk to the floor manager.

"Good evening young master, this old man is called Old Fu, I am responsible for the third floor, on this floor we only have the following items: Water Tree Leaf, Night Flower Stem, Lightning Tree Fruit, Tree Seed of Metal. The other herbs you will have to go to the next floor to buy "

"May I know the price of these herbs?"

"The young master must know that these herbs are quite uncommon and each one difficult to find, so prices vary ..."

Liu Yang raises his hand to interrupt Old Fu.

"Old Fu, just go straight to the point" Liu Yang knew that Old Fu was thinking he could not afford the herbs.

"If the young master insists, the price of each of these herbs varies from ten thousand gold coins to thirty thousand gold coins"

"All right, bring me ten of each of these herbs." That was in Liu Yang's estimates because according to Arthur Pendragon's memoirs, the prices of millions of years ago have not yet changed.

Old Fu and Su Qiu were alarmed by this request, ten of each of the items, was a total of eighty herbs, the price of which was not low for an ordinary clan. They began to look at Liu Yang with other eyes.

"Just wait a little young master, this old man will get the herbs that are on the third and fourth floor, the young master can go to the waiting room for tea while waiting, attendant accompany the young master"

"Yes." Su Qiu leaned toward Old Fu who was going somewhere.

Su Qiu took Liu Yang into the waiting room, the place was quite spacious with several tables and chairs, there were some people sitting in groups or alone while drinking tea and talking. The arrival of Liu Yang attracted the attention of some people, but it was only for a short time.

Liu Yang sat down at an empty table, while Su Qiu stood beside him serving tea.

"Miss Su, why do not you sit down?"

"Young master, it is a rule here that prevents us from sitting together with clients"

"Even if I insist that you set down?" Liu Yang found this rule strange, but when he looked around, he understood why. The attendants could only stand behind their client while the guests sat in the chairs, but he noticed that in some situations, the attendants were sitting on the client's lap.

"Young master, do not insist, it is an official rule that can not be changed, we common attendants, we have no right to sit in these chairs, only our superiors can. But if the young master wants me to sit down, I can sit on his lap ... "Su Qiu's voice was soft and firm in the first few sentences, but by the time she reached the end her words were extremely low, and her face began to blush due to the shame of saying such words.

Liu Yang understood why some attendants were sitting on the lap of some clients and their bodies caressed. Liu Yang looked at Su Qiu and saw that she was running out of Stamina, as a first-floor attendant her work was very intense, it made her run out too fast. Liu Yang could only sigh seeing such a thing.

"Miss Su, would you like something to eat?"

Before Su Qiu could speak, two group of people appeared in front of Liu Yang's table, there were boys and girls mixed up. Each group was wearing a uniform, they were from two different sects. The clerk who was leading them opened their mouths to speak.

"Sir, the young master would like you to leave this table, it belongs to them"

People in this group looked at Liu Yang with eyes full of arrogance. Su Qiu recognized the images embroidered on the clothes of the two groups, a claw of some kind of wild beast, and a bottle with a pill inside. They were from the Wild Nature Sect and the Aromatic Sect.

Liu Yang recognized the two images, but he did not care for them, a branch of a sect of the Fifth World and the Sixth World, Liu Yang did not know why they were being so arrogant, because there were cult sects much more powerful, like those sects were branches of the sects of the first three worlds.

The group realized that Liu Yang was not giving them face as he continued to eat and drink tea as if they were not there. This made the group extremely angry, because no matter where they went, people treated them with courtesy and respect, but now they found some strangers who did not even look on their faces, that was a big slap in their faces.

For Liu Yang who acquired part of the memoirs of Arthur Pendragon, among these memories were some stories about the most powerful sects of the Nine World, therefore, to compare a mere branch of some last world sect with a sect of the first worlds, the difference between the two was like heaven and earth. That's why Liu Yang did not understand why this group was being so arrogant.

"Who does this guy think he is, he's not giving us the face, just because we're talking to him should be the biggest blessing of his life !!" One of the people in the group could not stand it and spoke words in a voice high. This sudden rise in voice attracted the eyes of everyone in the room.

Liu Yang just kept eating and drinking tea with his head down, it was as if no one was in the location, Su Qiu was in a different situation, she was starting to sweat cold, because she did not want a mess to start, she wanted Liu Yang just take it and go to another table. Su Qiu thought that Liu Yang belonged to some above-average background, she did not want him hurt because of how he treated her earlier.

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