Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 57: Woman, let's talk about your private area

Liu Yang understood why Xillia Wolf felt sorry for this woman because some more wonderful things in a woman's life would be to be able to marry whom she loves and to have her children, in the case of the woman in black it would be difficult for her to marry such a body physical, and she could never give birth to a child.

The woman in black felt the strange, fixed look that Liu Yang was giving, she was frightened by it and began to raise her guard.

"Little girl, come here for a moment." The woman did not understand why Liu Yang wanted her to come close.

"What you want? You have already completed the challenge, there is nothing else to do here "

"In fact, but I still need to complete the deal I made with those out there, but that's another thing, let's talk about your body, in other words, about your private parts"

Liu Yang felt no embarrassment in talking about one's private parts, in his previous world, in the country where he lived, this kind of conversation was common in a group of friends, because of this, he took some habits that would be extremely embarrassing in this new life.

"What .... What ... What are you talking about? !! You want to talk about the intimate parts of a pure, innocent maiden, perverted!!"

The woman in black was extremely embarrassed to hear that Liu Yang wanted to talk about her private parts, even Xillia Wolf, who had been tortured for years, could not help but feel ashamed as a woman she felt extremely shy when it came to about things like the parts of women.

"I am talking about your sick, or rather, what it should be a sick, but it is not"

"Do you know? Did you see?"

The woman in black felt extremely embarrassed, beneath the cloak that covered her face, you could see that her face was totally red when she thought that a strange man saw her naked body with some skill. But it should be impossible.

"I did not see much, just two great mountains with two pink tips in the chest area, below there was some hair growing on top of a cave that was extremely close"

Hearing the words of Liu Yang, both the black woman and Xillia Wolf were left with extremely red faces, especially Xillia Wolf, she remembered the times when Liu Yang stared with a strange look, she thought he could see through her clothes, that made her extremely ashamed. But she shook her head, telling herself that it was impossible.

"It's impossible, you should not be able to see through my clothes. There is no such skill in every Nine World, there are only skills that show the person's information, items and abilities, there is no skill they can see through people, you are lying "

The woman in black and Xillia Wolf were trying to deny the existence of such a terrifying skill, it would be the worst thing that exists for a woman, to have her naked body seen by a strange man. Such a being would be the number one enemy of women in all Nine Worlds.

"Let's not talk about my skill, let's focus on your problem, if you were an important person for me who asked to help, I would not even look at you"


The black woman was proud of her beauty, where she goes, the men and women look at her, even though her body was all covered, but now a strange man had said that he only looked at her because someone asked, that hurt her pride.

"You do not have to be proud in front of me, you can be beautiful, but in front of my wife, you're still missing out"

"As you know that I am inferior to your wife, you have not even seen my face"

"I've seen her face, I can say that extremely beautiful, but compared to my wife, you're still inferior"


She still could not believe that this guy had any skills he could see through her clothes. The woman in black covered the intimate parts with her hands instinctively.

"It's no good to cover, I can still see, the way I see it, it's even more sensual than before, but stop doing useless things and we'll talk about what's important, if you still do not believe me, I can say that the scar you have underneath the small bush in its low parts is not covered enough "

The woman in black could not take it anymore, she almost fainted with Liu Yang's words, she finally believed he had the power to see through her clothes, the woman adjusted the thought and tried to talk to Liu Yang despite the shame.

"Okay, I believe you."

Unlike the woman in black, Xillia Wolf was still skeptical of this sight skill of Liu Yang being able to see through people's clothing.

"Can I ask you some questions about how this happened to you?"

The woman did not want to answer but nodded.

"Were you born with your body like that? If you do not want to talk, just nod, once for yes, and twice for no. "The woman nodded twice.

"For how many years have you kept your body normal before it changed, I will start counting from one year old, by the time you think it was the year your body changed, nod. Ready? "The woman in black nods.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10..." The woman nodded when Liu Yang arrived at 10.

"Did you feel the pain to go to the bathroom when your body began to change?" The woman waves twice.

"Was there some kind of pain?" The woman nods once.

"Strong or weak. One nod to strong and two to weak. "The woman waves twice.

"When your red day arrives, do you feel a lot of pain or little pain?" The woman waves twice.

"Are your parents alive or dead?"

The woman in black trembled at the question, she lingered to answer, but at the end, she nodded.

"One or both ..." Before Liu Yang could finish the question, the woman in black waves twice.

Liu Yang just sighed at the woman's answers, Xillia Wolf wanted to criticize Liu Yang for being so insensitive to a woman, but when she saw the woman's last response in black, Xillia Wolf understood a few things.

The woman in black was intelligent, she had understood certain things about her body after a few years, but she did not want to accept the facts, she did not want to accept that those who said they loved her and that she was part of them, would do these things with her.

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