Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 50: Almost Dying From Shock

A few months ago, in the Second World, Central Continent, in the northern part of the capital city of the Eastern Empire, there was another built city, which was directly connected to the empire's capital, the name of that city was "City of Thousand Merchants" is due to the fact that the largest mercantile alliance of the Nine Worlds is located. In the northern part of the city was a large Oriental style palace, dozens of courtyards, koi ponds, thousands of guards walking patrolling and guarding entrances in the main courtyard.

Inside the hall, there were three people talking, each had a cheerful face. The elders were a man and a woman, the two had appeared to be middle-aged, the man had short, clear hair, sharp eyes, thin face and thin body; the woman had long hair that came down to her back, big eyes, thin face, long pointed ears, full lips, round breasts and slender body, in her youth, the woman should be a beauty without equal. The younger-looking woman had white skin, pure face, black hair, long and sharp ears, thin eyebrows, thin nose, medium and full lips, medium breasts, seductive curves, plump buttocks.

These people were Xiao Xi and her parents, all three were talking about revealing Xiao Xi's identity to the world.

"My daughter, how is her health after that time?" Xiao Xi's father asked.

"I'm fine, my basic statistics are back to normal, even though I have not leveled, my foundation has returned"

"My daughter, your mother and I want to discuss something important with you"

Xiao Xi nods in agreement, the couple looks at each other for a moment before nodding.

"What we want to do is announce your true identity to the Nine Worlds, after you've picked up a son-in-law for us by own will, we will not intrude on your relationship with him, but we need to show who you are to the world ,you did not tell him about the clan of origin, but only what world you came from, right?"

Being questioned by her parents again, and remembering the things that Liu Yang and Xiao Xi did in those days together, she could not help, but blushing, Xiao Xi nodded. Her parents looked at the embarrassed girl, but they could only nod and sigh.

"What we want is to give it a little pressure, if it knows that you are from a powerful clan, he will probably feel pressured, at least so it should make an extra effort"

"But if he know that I am of the Xiao clan of the Alliance, because of the pressure he leaves me"

At the thought of it, Xiao Xi's eyes began to tingle.

"Silly girl, as you might think much, even though I did not see this son-in-law personally, by the letter you had delivered that day when you returned, what he wrote showed part of his personality, and probably he would make more effort to deserve to be with you. That's what your father and I had to talk to you, you can go back to your courtyard and rest, some day will be the time when the world will know of your existence" It was the turn of Xiao Xi's mother to speak.

Xiao Xi looked at her parents and nodded, before getting up and leaving. Looking at the back of their precious daughter, the couple could only sigh.


"I know, this plan is very risky, but ... For the sake of our daughter we have to take the risk. An unknown enemy is worse than a known enemy "

The man looked at his wife who was under great pressure because of this subject, to try to relieve her stress, he came close to her, hugging that slender waist and kissing her pointed ear. Feeling the warmth of her husband, the woman began to melt in his arms, the two disappear from the place, before the sound of a closing door arises.

A few days later…

Clan Xiao, the leader of the Mercantile Alliance, decided to make a great announcement to the world. A lot of people representing the influential powers came to the City of Thousand Merchants to see this ad, everyone was curious about what would be said.

On the day of the announcement, inside the City of Thousand Merchants, there was a large hall the size of a soccer field, tens of thousands of people were waiting for the announcement. Elders of great and middle clans, princes and princesses, high-ranking members of the great sects of the first three worlds, all kinds of people who could shake the Nine Worlds were present on the spot.

The lights go out, everyone stops talking and they look towards the stage, bright lights appear to give the entrance to a couple that walked slowly up from the stage, they were the parents of Xiao Xi.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I, Xiao Zi, thank you for coming to this special occasion. I will not take up much of your time "

Finishing to speak, the lights focus on a part of the stage, slow steps could be heard, the curtain rises, showing a young woman with a beautiful face, pure and exquisite and little makeup, with skin as white as snow, long black hair, sharp ears had a small golden earring, sharp eyebrows, large eyes, thin nose, full lips, a bright ornament on her neck and a light blue dress that was emphasizing the curves. The young woman walked slowly to the couple, she was Xiao Xi.

(Beautiful, extremely beautiful). The young people who were present, could not take their eyes off the beauty that was standing on stage, they only had a thought.

(Where did this young lady appear? As far as everyone knows, the matriarch has a son and a daughter, this young woman is neither, who is she?). The older generation had a different thought when seeing Xiao Xi.

"I, Xiao Zi and my husband, Ling Xi, apologize if any of you are confused. The announcement we are making is that our son named Xiao Li does not exist. The person who disguised himself as a man all the time was Xiao Xi, our daughter "

When the last words came out of the matriarch's mouth, the whole room was silent, you could not hear a single breath. Seconds later, a commotion erupted inside the hall, several people began to take out communicators and send the message back to headquarters. This news was too shocking.

News spread rapidly through the Nine Worlds: The clan matriarch, Xiao Zi, announced that they did not have a son and a daughter, but two daughters. No matter what kind of power that heard this news, whether big or small, everyone was shocked or heard.

Inside the hall, those who had intended to marry their daughters with the Xiao clan, had their plans frustrate, but there were those who wanted to marry the daughters of the Xiao clan, they where happy. The young princes and heirs of influential powers were looking at the beautiful young woman on stage with eyes full of lust, while the young princesses were looking at Xiao Xi with envy and jealousy of her beauty. No one knew that this fine and exquisite young woman was ever taken by a rascal.

The older ones started having various kinds of thoughts, they wanted to get an opportunity to get a marriage with the two daughters of the matriarch, those who get such a feat would be happening overnight. But the matriarch's words were a bucket of cold water for everyone in the hall.

"I know what some of you are thinking, but it will not be possible. Because my daughter, Xiao Xi is already married "

This was another shocking news that made several people stop breathing for a moment.

(Married? How is that possible?) That was everyone's thinking, there were various kinds of expressions being made by the guests.

The young men were envious and jealous of the person who could marry such a beauty of the Xiao clan, while the young women were laughing and having fun, but also curious to know who the man would be able to marry such a beauty with such a large background.

The older ones looked at Xiao Xi, before nodding and sighing, the aura emanating from Xiao Xi body, steps, skin, all showing signs that the girl was no longer a virgin.

But the next words of the matriarch almost killed some people of the older generation with a heart attack.

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