Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 : The danger never goes away

Weng Weiyi looked around and found that there were all engines in it. He checked the wooden box. Fortunately, there was no fuel, and they didn’t enlarge the fire. They took some safety measures to light the fire at a safe distance. There should be no problem. Xiang Qiang found some discarded engine parts, and then took them over and said, “I’ll make a fire in it. I will close all the engine covers and cover everything I find. It’s no problem if we don’t go up and start the fire.”

Weng Weiyi nodded, she looked around, and then whispered: “Then…just over there, let’s start a fire here, it’s safer over there!”

Xiang Qianjin nodded. He smiled and said, “There is kerosene here. I put all the kerosene out. Then those boxes are useless. We will mix kerosene with these to make a fire.”

Xiang Qianjin they found a relatively safe place. After all, there is nothing here. Just about to start a fire, Weng Weiyi grabbed Xiang Qianjin and said, “Wait a minute, I know a place where a fire can definitely be lighted.”

Xiang Qianjin asked curiously: “Where?”

“There, there is a small warehouse with grade records, there are some spare parts, there are no flammable materials, and they can be used.

Xiang Qianjin nodded, and he followed Weng Weiyi into it. It was a small house isolated in the warehouse. Inside it was the storage list in the warehouse. There was a table, a chair, and a few more in the house. There is nothing left in the cabinet.

Xiang Qianjin whispered: “Okay, then rest here. It can be warmer!”

Xiang Qianjin brought in an empty bucket from the outside. There used to be a woven bag and some sundries. Xiang Qianjin pushed the bucket in, and then found some tools in the toolbox in the warehouse, and then he clanged the side of the bucket. Several holes were cut out, the upper one was for firewood, and the bottom one was ventilated, and there were several holes around the mouth of the barrel. Then, using the iron wire in the corner and some sawn and useless welding rods, he forcibly made a hollow grate. This will allow the combustion to sufficiently prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

There were only a few fire-fighting axes in the warehouse. Xiang Qianjin used the fire-fighting axe to split a few wooden boxes, and Xiang Qianjin buckled the barrel over. Xiang Qianjin smiled and used tools to cut a few small holes in the bottom surface. Xiang Qianjin smiled and stuffed a woven bag and firewood into it, and then poured some kerosene. Xiang Qianjin found the match from the backpack and lit the fire. Finally there is something to keep warm. Xiang Qianjin found a lot of things from the backpack of the young soldier. This backpack contains a stainless steel basin, a kettle, a tea pot, an engineer shovel, and compressed biscuits! Xiang Qianjin whispered: “There are enough things, but the water is a little bit scarce.”

Weng Weiyi whispered: “There is a faucet in front of the fire hydrant.”

Xiang Qianjin asked suspiciously: “The tap?”

“Yes, there is a check to see if there is any water in the reservoir.”

Xiang Qianjin sighed: “Very well, now we have water and food, let’s just stay here!”

Xiang Qianjin found the switch inside the house, there was a light inside. Xiang Qianjin and Weng Weiyi were sitting in the room. Weng Weiyi was sitting on the cabinet. Xiang Qianjin saw that there was a Polaris alarm clock on the table, and he was still walking. Xiang Qianjin smiled: “Very good, at least I know the time. Yeah!”

Weng Weiyi whispered: “I wear a watch.”

Xiang Qianjin twisted the law of the quartz clock a few times, and then said helplessly: “Let’s not talk about those first, we can get out after this gust of wind has passed. There are so many wild wolves outside. We go out for food. Now let’s both. I have to wait here for rescue.”

Weng Weiyi whispered: “It usually takes at least two days after the dust storm to come and see our situation. We can only rest here temporarily. But it’s not bad here, at least there is water and food. ”

“When you designed this place, didn’t you have any emergency life-saving equipment?”

“The stuff here was made in more than six years, but there are air-raid shelters, but the warehouse was designed later. The opening of the air-raid shelter is in the car, not in the warehouse.” Weng Weiyi said helplessly.

Xiang Qianjin sighed: “True pit…”

But there is still one thing here, I guess you will like it.


“The purpose of flushing the toilet is to clean and dump some poisonous fuel here, so the faucet I said is right there! It is filled with underground water, and flushing from the underground river all the way to here, the cesspool is also at the back. Inside that small vegetable patch.”

Xiang Qianjin whispered: “I’m convinced that you can plant land wherever you go.”

Weng Weiyi couldn’t help laughing. She whispered, “So by the way, there is a flushing toilet in it, and it’s the only flushing toilet in the test site.”

“I don’t think this is any funny thing at all!” Xiang Qianjin sighed.

The two people stared at each other in the room, and Weng Weiyi whispered: “Are we waiting here?”

“Otherwise? What else can I do?” Xiang Qianjin looked at Weng Weiyi suspiciously. Weng Weiyi hinted: “With the two of us, can’t we do something? For example, let’s… discuss each other and improve the remaining circuit board design?”

Xiang Qianjin coughed and said, “Then…just go ahead, there is nothing to do anyway.”

The sandstorms outside are screaming, and the sandstorms in the Gobi Desert are often blew up for several days. So two people are ready to wait for a while. Fortunately, there is water to use here. The water here is salty, so you have to boil it to drink a little. The water in the desert is not as sweet as expected. The salt is still relatively large. Xiang Qianjin and Weng Weiyi used marching pots to boil water, and the two of them gathered around the fire to bake their hands.

Weng Weiyi took a notebook and heated her hands and took a mouthful of the ballpoint pen tip. Then she wrote on the paper with a ballpoint pen. Xiang Qianjin glanced at what she wrote on the notebook, which was about the design of the circuit board. After writing the plan for a while, her hands were a little purple with cold. Xiang Qianjin took the contents in her hands, and then said with a smile: “You can cook the fire first and discuss the design, we can do it first. If it’s frozen out, there is no need to study the next project.”

The light in the room was bright enough in the room, but it was so cold that there was no feeling of being in the room. Although there is fire, the effect it can play is extremely small. Xiang Qianjin rubbed his hands and looked at the red and purple frozen hands, and there were many small holes on the back of his hands.

Weng Weiyi glanced at Xiang Qiang’s hand and said, “I have snake oil in my pocket. Would you like to use it?”

Weng Weiyi took out the snake oil ointment and handed it to Xiang Qiang. After receiving the snake oil ointment from Weng Weiyi’s hand, Xiang Qiang smiled, and he whispered, “You are quite careful.”

Weng Weiyi smiled. She looked at Xiang Qianjin and asked seriously: “Let’s not talk about that much. How sure are you about the plan we are studying now?”

Xiang Qianjin said in a deep voice, “It’s not high, but it’s not low, half and half! But there are some things that I have to seriously consider. In fact, our current problems are all details. I am sure of the propeller plan. The key is the assembly, which is prone to failures and other problems. This is more troublesome. So we have to design a backup circuit. Once there is a problem, the backup circuit can be guaranteed to be used.”

Weng Weiyi nodded. She realized more and more that Xiang Qianjin was not an ordinary young man. This young man has a deep foundation in scientific research and rich experience. His knowledge reserve has reached a very rich level, but How did this young man learn so much? This really made Weng Weiyi quite curious.

Xiang Qianjin and Weng Weiyi gathered around the stove to keep warm and waited for the wind and sand to pass. The two of them almost forgot. There were still many wolves outside the warehouse.

After a whole night, Xiang Qianjin and Weng Weiyi fell asleep close together, which is just a nap. Xiang Qianjin suddenly woke up. He listened suspiciously to the outside sound, as if it were soft. Xiang Qianjin moved a bit, and Weng Weiyi moved as well. She just wanted to speak, Xiang Qiang grabbed her hand, then lowered her voice and replied: “Be careful, there is a movement, you listen.”


As if there was something for the sound of the metal window sash, Xiang Qiang opened the door, and he noticed that there was movement on the side of the ventilating fan? ! Xiang Qianjin approached and took a closer look, and then he was frightened in cold sweat!


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