Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 : “Trial run” was successful

Xiang Qianjin looked at Zheng Miaomiao, and he said helplessly: “Miao Miao, you let your grandfather hear what you said. Are you afraid that he will bury you?”

Zheng Miaomiao spit out her little tongue playfully. She smiled and said, “Who knows if you don’t say?”

Xiang Qianjin smiled bitterly, and Weng Weiyi said with a smile: “Miao Miao is here to show that Mr. Zheng is still at ease with you. Let’s not talk about that. Let’s do the experiment first.”

Xiang Qianjin agrees with Weng Weiyi’s words, but who will come first, let’s do the experiment first.

After Xiang Qianjin came to the test site, he found that it was really big. The test platform here was large and small, and the wreckage of the rocket’s thrust engine burnt was still left in the yard. The appearance of the engine should be quite tragic when it was tested.

After all, successful scientific experiments have come through countless failures. For astronauts, this kind of thing is simply commonplace.

Weng Weiyi took the experimental plan and walked into the test workshop of the ion engine. This is an interior of the workshop. Because the work of the ion engine is not so powerful, the space required is not very large, but a safe distance is still needed to prevent explosions. What, after all, anything can happen.

Xiang Qianjin and Weng Weiyi walked to the test bench. The engine had been fixed. Xiang Qianjin looked at the circuit carefully. The circuit was modifying the design according to the design drawing. Xiang Qianjin directs the staff to conduct the welding seriously. Basically every point must be carefully read. The lunch for lunch is simply made up with compressed biscuits here. There is no canteen here, so it would be nice to make do with it.

In the afternoon, all the circuits were finally checked. After Xiang Qiang passed the last check, the test run finally started.

Engine test is basically called “test run”, and the scientific name is “engine ignition test”. The test thing is very simple, that is, whether this thing can meet the requirements and push the satellite to change its orbit in the high-altitude orbit.

Everyone is very good at the test run, and there should be no problem with such a simple circuit test run. After the instructor called 321, the small plasma jet engine ejected a not-so-large plume, and the data on the data panel began to jump. After the computer remote control switch on the base was turned on, the engine really ignited! And in three seconds, the engine actually made a full 1.55KG thrust!

“My God! A single 1.55KG?! The test drive was successful!”

The crowd glared excitedly and shouted, then Xiang Qianjin whispered: “The remote ceasefire experiment, start!”

Then, after the remote control device issued the stop command, the engine really stopped, Xiang Qianjin said excitedly: “Yes! Really good! The delay control is not bad!”

This test drive really made Weng Weiyi regain some confidence, but Weng Weiyi knew that the test drive did not mean anything. After all, if the general direction of the engine is not a problem, the thrust of this engine is expected. The key is that after remote sensing, the engine needs to change direction and it needs to be carried out in a vacuum environment. What should I do at this stage? Can the engine achieve this thrust in a vacuum? There is no guarantee at this time.

To put it bluntly, this time it is confirmed that the general direction of the engine is no problem. The next step is to sort out the details. Although this test drive is exciting, it actually has no real meaning. This is well known to everyone. It’s just that no one said anything.

“Okay, let’s go back first!”

“I won’t go back yet. I will stay here for the time being, because I have to make direct design changes soon. I can complete it faster and more directly in the test field. In addition, according to the experimental plan, we will do it for the second time. The test is to perform remote remote sensing and direction change control. I still have some places that need to be changed on-site to watch the prototype. So I won’t go there!”

“You won’t go back? I won’t go back either. I’ll be here with you.” Zheng Miaomiao heard that Xiang Qianjin would not go back. Weng Weiyi immediately said, “No, this is definitely not possible. There is no heating here. In winter, you must be sick here. How about this, we take the prototype away and take it back to the laboratory. Although we can’t do the start-up experiment, we can simulate the improvement of the steering experiment! It really doesn’t work. Let’s go directly to the vacuum test site. , The vacuum test site is near the base, where there is a vacuum chamber, and we can directly carry out the modification experiments on various parts there in one step.”

Xiang Qianjin sighed: “No, the experiment still needs to be done step by step. Since I intend to make this thing, I have to suffer a bit. Director Weng, I won’t stay here for too long, and I think it should be here. Do you have a dormitory?”

“Yes, but it’s not ours. There is no dormitory for men and women. You can only fall asleep. If you really have to stay here. That’s fine. I’ll stay too. Let’s stay here and do the experiment first. The part of the plan carried out here is all done.”

Xiang Qianjin smiled and said, “Thank you, Director Weng!”

Hearing the captain of the team here immediately said solemnly: “Live back, but you must not run around. There are wolves in this test field. You must be careful!”

Zheng Miaomiao asked in surprise: “And…wolves? Is this Gobi?”

“Who told you that there are no wolves in the Gobi Desert? There are a lot of wolves in the Gobi Desert. You just don’t understand. The wolves on the Gobi Desert have very good endurance. They chase the oasis life, and our test sites will be far away. The water source is not too far away, just in case of accidents. Once a sandstorm occurs on the Gobi Desert, it is often a holy place for animals to escape the sandstorm.”

“My God, there are dust storms? How big is the dust storm here?” Zheng Miaomiao asked in surprise, and the team captain smiled: “Little girl, I am not scaring you. The dust storm here can kill you. It’s not fun at all.”

Xiang Qianjin smiled and said: “It’s okay, we won’t walk around, we are here to make the plan, and we won’t leave the yard.”

“That’s good, but you still have to be careful. That’s it. We will leave two soldiers as guards for you. In addition, we will leave you a few more guns. Do you know how to fire them?”

Xiang Qianjin smiled and said, “I will, who else will you?”

Liu Yan raised his hand and smiled: “I will too.”

“This is almost enough. With four guns, as long as you don’t encounter wolves, there should be no problem. And there are many places to avoid wolves. You should be safe!” Both his pistol and the Bayi bar he was carrying were left behind. Xiang Qianjin took the gun and smiled: “Thank you for the captain!”

“It’s okay, is this all for national construction! You must pay attention to your safety. I will ask someone to send you something necessary for daily life tomorrow. If you need anything you need, please call the base directly to prepare. Then we will send it directly. .”

“Okay, thank you!” Weng Weiyi replied with a smile, the team captain was still a little worried, and after carefully explaining to the two little fighters, he left.

This is indeed the case on the Gobi Desert. It does not seem so peaceful here. The test site was originally located in a very desolate and desolate place. There is no village in front of it, and no shop in the back. Supplies are delivered entirely by the convoy. The price is very high! But there is no way, this is the bitterness of national scientific researchers.

Xiang Qianjin didn’t feel bitter at all. Can’t you endure hardship in China? Then you should go to the sea.

Anyway, the technicians who went to the sea in the 1990s were not one or two.

Their dormitory is a row of bungalows. There are bunks in the house. A small stove is lit in the house. Zheng Miaomiao and Weng Weiyi live in the lower bunk and hang curtains on the bed. Xiang Qianjin and Liu Yan sleep on the upper bunk. This will not be so embarrassing.

Xiang Qianjin sat in the room, drank hot water leisurely on the stove, and then started to redesign on the small table. Everyone followed suit. Liu Yan looked at Zheng Miaomiao curiously and asked, “Student Xiao Zheng, this Xiang Was it like this when I was in school?”

“Yeah! Don’t look at my seniors and young people. They are the ones who convinced foreign experts. The foreign expert who was stunned not long ago was stunned. What my grandfather told me, I heard it all! That foreign country. What did the experts say, we Huaxia people still don’t have the ability to produce high-end production lines. What happened? Not only were my seniors slapped their faces, but they also politely cooperated with our company to jointly research and develop production lines!”

“My God, is this a college student? Now college students are so good?” Liu Yan asked suspiciously.

Zheng Miaomiao smiled and said: “Of course, genuine students of the University of Science and Technology! And I tell you, they all say that my senior is an alien!”

“Huh? Alien? This is a bit withdrawn, right?” Liu Yan asked in surprise.

On the side, Weng Weiyi hugged his shoulders and said, “I believe it. This is not an alien, I really don’t know how to say it!”

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