Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 554

Chapter 554 : (The Finale) The Technological Frenzy

“what did you say?”

“Miss Xinyi’s car was attacked, and the driver was killed. Our investigation and monitoring found that Douglas and the others did it!” Zuo Lingyang whispered.

Xiang Qianjin slowly raised his head. He looked at Zuo Lingyang and asked, “You said Glass?”

“Yes it is.”

“It seems that he wants to die!” Xiang Qianjin gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Liu Ruoxin whispered: “Don’t worry, it’s meaningless to be anxious.”

“No, I can’t wait here. Can you find out where they are?”

“Sister Chen Tong is investigating, and it is estimated that news will be forthcoming soon. They said that he is on a small island, like an island of Douglas.”

“Douglas’s island?”

Xiang Qianjin doubts that he will go to his island?

Xiang Qianjin doesn’t believe it, Douglas is an old spy, so he won’t be so stupid!

If he were to hide, he would definitely hide in an unexpected place.

But where will it be?

Xiang Qianjin thought seriously, Douglas is a cunning old fox, he will use Fang Xinyi as a threat.

But now…

He has nowhere to go.

Over the years, he has failed in character, and many people are eager to catch him and take his skin off.

Xiang Qianjin thought about it, and suddenly there was a place in his mind!

That is Dragon Snake Island!

Correct! Dragon Snake Island!

Xiang Qianjin excitedly said to Zuo Lingyang: “Send someone right away. No matter what method is used, I will scan Dragon Snake Island to see if there are people on the island.”

“You mean Dragon Snake Island?”

“I think this old guy is probably on Dragon Snake Island!”

Xiang Qianjin replied in a deep voice.

Xiang Qianjin’s guess was correct, Douglas sat in the car with his eyes closed.

Fang Xinyi was tied up, and she said in a deep voice, “What’s the point of you arresting me? Do you think Xiang Qianjin will compromise with you for me? What you are facing is Xiang Qianjin.”

“Don’t worry about this. I know you like him. I can just test how well he can do it for you. I wanted to catch Lu Qingxue, but that woman is too dangerous. I’m afraid she will be tricked. ”

Fang Xinyi snorted coldly: “Bullying the soft and fearing the hard!”

“Are you still soft? You killed seven of me. I didn’t settle the account with you! Those are the people I spent a lot of money to train. You kill it if you say it!” Douglas said with a dark face.

To be honest, he was really surprised. Fang Xinyi was able to fight like this. If they hadn’t kidnapped a child, she wouldn’t give up!

“You can be less shameless in the future, don’t you feel particularly shameless?”

“You don’t need to praise me.”

Douglas didn’t want to talk to Fang Xinyi, so he turned his face away and ignored Fang Xinyi.

It is not the time to contact Xiang Qianjin. He has to let Xiang Qianjin look for it slowly. If he is anxious, he will easily get confused.

When he was resting with his eyes closed, he didn’t even know that a drone was camouflaged over their heads with optical stealth and passed them.

When the drone passed by, it received a signal from Fang Xinyi.

“Report! Found Miss Fang! People are on Dragon Snake Island!”

“I knew it!”

Xiang Qianjin stood up suddenly with a black face. When he stood up, everyone was stupid. Because Xiang Qiang sits in a wheelchair on weekdays, everyone is used to it. As a result, this guy actually stood up today.

Xiang Qianjin said to the people around him: “Since he dared to catch my woman, it means he is ready. Immediately mobilize the manpower and drones to encircle Dragon Snake Island. At the same time, investigate and lock all Douglas’s associates. There are all the ships close to Dragon Snake Island, sink them for me!”


Xiang Qianjin then turned his head and looked at Chen Tong behind him and said, “Prepare me a mechanical exoskeleton. I’m going to talk to Douglas!”

Xiang Qianjin got the signal, and the five holy islands were busy up and down. Many people in uniform ran into the weapon arsenal, and they replaced them with mechanical exoskeletons. And they are all armed!

There are also some bullfrog transport planes starting to install spider drones inside. Everyone is starting to prepare. Waiting for the news of landing at any time.

After Xiang Qianjin put on the exoskeleton armor, his body could move easily again.

Just after Xiang Qianjin was about to leave after he was dressed up, Liu Ruoxin hurriedly shouted: “Go!”

Xiang Qianjin turned his head, he looked at Liu Ruoxin and said nothing.

“I won’t stop you, take this with you. Let you take it with you. I told you to inject it on the way.”

Xiang Qianjin received two injections, and Xiang Qianjin asked curiously: “What is this?”

“Strengthening agent is said to allow your metal bones to evolve quickly. Although time is limited, it is a breakthrough anyway.”

Xiang Qianjin looked at the two enhancers and asked, “Does it last?”

“Well, it can only last for a while, you don’t have much chance of hitting that old Thor.”

Xiang Qianjin sneered and said, “Ten minutes is enough!”

“Okay, I am waiting for you to come back!”

Liu Ruoxin stood on tiptoe and kissed Xiang Qianjin. Xiang Qianjin said happily, “Wait for me to come back.”

Xiang Qianjin got on the plane after he finished speaking. This was the first time Xiang Qianjin went out on his own recently.

On Dragon Snake Island, Douglas didn’t even know that Xiang Qianjin had discovered himself. According to his knowledge, no matter how great Xiang Qianjin was, he would never find them, because he should have never thought of it.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Fang Xinyi was sitting in the car, and she kept silent, because she was relieved to know that he had a locator on his body. Not to mention the drone, if the satellite was over the top, she might be spotted.

So Fang Xinyi wasn’t worried at all, she gave Douglas a blank look, and then she didn’t speak with a cold face.

It may be that Douglas was a little uncomfortable after sleeping for too long. He was about to go for a walk and walk alone on the deserted Dragon Snake Island. The Dragon Snake Island is off the beaten track, and there is no fresh water resource here, so no one is idle and has nothing to do on their own to play on their own. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? But Douglas knows one thing, that is, there is an underground fresh water facility here, so he dared to go to the island.

Otherwise, Dragon Snake Island can die of thirst for you alive.

Douglas wandered aimlessly, walking, suddenly seemed to see a figure coming out in front of him. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Douglas subconsciously raised the gun, only to see a person standing right in front of him. This person was wearing a mechanical exoskeleton. He said with a cold face, “Where is Fang Xinyi?”

“Haha? Are you a dog? You can find all of them?” Douglas asked incomprehensibly.

Xiang Qianjin` looked calmly and asked Douglas: “I will ask you one last time, where is Fang Xinyi!”

“Kill me, kill me and you will find it.”

Douglas smiled triumphantly, Xiang Qiang raised his fist and went straight to Douglas to fight. Douglas pulled the trigger at this moment. Nonsense, was he an old man fighting a young man wearing a mechanical exoskeleton?

However, Douglas’ bullet did fly out first, but the bullet did not penetrate the item and advanced, but flew!

When Douglas watched Xiang Qiang suspiciously, Xiang Qiang’s fist came in front of him.

“Don’t move! Or I will kill him!”

Just when his fist was about one centimeter away from Douglas, Douglas’s first nodded against Fang Xinyi with a gun.

Douglas gave a triumphant smile, pointed to his head and said, “Hit? You do?!”

Xiang Qianjin said with a black face: “If you let him go, I will let you make a living.”

“Leave me a way out? Oh, okay! That’s not as good as this one! You buy my stock, and then give me all the equity. If you are willing to do it, I will promise you!”

Xiang Qianjin asked suspiciously: “Buy your stocks and give you all back?”


“Isn’t it good for me to give you money?”

“That doesn’t make sense to me. If you can give me the business stocks I want, maybe I can spare this capable woman.”

Fang Xinyi snorted coldly: “Did you kill me?”

“Do you think I dare? You are no longer useful!”

Xiang Qiang shouted loudly when Douglas turned his head with the gun.

“Okay! I promise you!”

Douglas was scared when he saw Xiang Qianjin. He said in a deep voice, “It seems that you are scared! Very good. I like people like you very much. Xiang Qianjin. Now you buy in front of me. As long as you buy, I will Let her go. Let’s pay with one hand and let go with the other. Don’t worry, I won’t tear the ticket. After all, this is Dragon Snake Island, I’m not that stupid…”

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