Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 546

Chapter 546 : Golden Age Conference

Gores has achieved all his goals today, and it doesn’t make sense for him to continue to fight Du Le today. The port was opened through the plane, and Fang Xinyi’s support was unexpectedly received.

Gores did not continue to meet with Du Le because he did not want to see Du Le as a villain.

After all, for Du Le, the profit he can get is more difficult to obtain. Although the profit of resources is not as high as the high-end manufacturing products, it is more simple and rude, and the manufacturing of large aircraft takes longer. .

But the profit that an aircraft can get is real. As long as the cost of resources can be reduced, the aircraft manufacturing industry will not cut prices arbitrarily. But this can still guarantee high profits, and a slight price reduction will increase orders. If you expand the order, the profit is also great. Moreover, if Huayan can manufacture space transport aircraft and produce aircraft, it will directly put a huge halo on the Rothschild family and increase its reputation in the aircraft industry. It also provides better quality assurance.

So Gores is now in balance in his heart.

After Chen Tong and Fang Xinyi participated in the most spectacular signing ceremony of All White Eagles. The whole white eagle is about to blow up.

I just cooperated in the cooperative business of mobile phones and mobile phone batteries, and as a result, the cooperation in the production of civil aviation airliners began immediately. What kind of magic power does Huayan have?

This makes many White Eagle economists very curious, they are crazy to investigate the cooperation between Huayan and the Rothschild family. During the cooperation, they discovered that Xiang Qiang’s manufacturing capabilities have been among the world’s first-class levels. Even the Rothschild family did not claim to have a technological advantage. There was no question of buying technology at all, but With the technology investment of both parties, it is very easy for Gores to obtain the production license of the aircraft, and the flight license and certification of the aircraft are not a problem for him.

On the contrary, it was Huayan, because it was Huaxia, so it was stuck. In the world trade circle, Huayan has no way to enter the high-end market.

Many countries in the West have interpreted the transition of Huayan and guarded against the transition, so trade simply cannot be realized.

Therefore, Huayan’s high-tech is basically “Asia’s high-tech”. Only the Asian generation played a huge role, but in the European market, as well as the North American market, it did nothing.

But who knows, how long is Xiang Qianjin coming to North America this time? Several big orders have already been signed? !

After the signing of the cooperation agreement, a long time has passed. During this period, the new aircraft alliance group is called the Blue Star Alliance Aircraft Joint Manufacturing Company. The new CU611 is scheduled for production as the first cooperative model. The aircraft manufacturing workshop is fixed. It is mainly for the technical integration of everyone, what Huayan has developed, and what Rothschild has developed. Both sides appreciate each other’s technical capabilities. As a result, the design drawings of the CU611 aircraft are in the Changming Palace and Sano After the cooperation of the design company, it was actually taken out. This time, Huayan was responsible for the electronic equipment of the aircraft, while the Rothschild family was responsible for the manufacture of the airframe. After that, the aircraft with two power systems is an electric propulsion aircraft. This aircraft is a commercial transport aircraft model, and the fuel model is used as a commercial civil aircraft.

Basically, CU611F is a fuel engine, and CU611F is a fuel model.

As soon as these two models were finalized, Huaxia placed an order. Because Huayan is a company of Huaxia, Huaxia has the special treatment of prioritizing orders.

Moreover, domestic assembly plants can directly supply China with no tariffs.

For Huaxia, it can’t be better. It is produced in China, assembled in China, tested directly in China, and then directly handed over. The assembly workshop is located in the Huayan Aircraft Factory in Jiangnan.

Gores was very happy at first, but Shou County people still gave him a very unhappy news…

“This time the Rodmans have made a lot of resources, and their second shipment has already left the port.”

Hearing his first report, Gores slapped the table angrily and said: “This bastard, don’t you know that such shipments will greatly disrupt the raw material market? If the price of rare earths does not stabilize, our efforts will be in vain.”

“Mr. Gores, it’s not just Rodman who is doing this, Krupp is also doing it. It’s not little profit, almost a huge profit.”

Gores, who had originally been immersed in the joy of success, angrily threw the glass in his hand against the wall.

“Damn it! It seems we need to explain a question to them, who is the real boss!” Gores gritted his teeth and said angrily.

In Baiying, watching others make money to bless him? Ignore him? This is not in line with their ideas, especially in the business district. This will cause a lot of anger. Not only will it not bless you, but it will also find ways to ruin you. Because you are broken, I can make this money.

In Gores’ anger, he actually used the special right of the First Family, which is to convene a special round table meeting of the golden age.

A round table was held to recall that this situation was rare. Of course the media will not let it go. Everyone is speculating that this matter is related to Huayan.

Many media believe that it is the golden age to declare war with Xiang Qiang.

In short, all kinds of news are flying all over the world, but they are basically directed at Huayan.

And the more weird thing is that there is no Simon family and Douglas family in this golden age meeting. But the Five Holy Family is listening!

And the families that supported the audit actually had four enough!

In other words, there is still one family! You can enter the golden age directly before the next item of the family goes forward!

In other words, the Five Holy Family has become the world’s largest top super family candidate…

In this super-family meeting that the whole world is paying attention to, it is the first time that a Chinese has appeared, and it still represents a family. This news is hot in the White Eagles, but it is actually even more hot in Asia.

Many Huaxia people feel proud, because Huayan came in under the name of a technology tycoon, and this title is very loud.

Generally speaking, in the eyes of Westerners, a Chinese person who enters the sequence of a super family is at most a textile tycoon or a porcelain tycoon. Hardware tycoon.

Unexpectedly, the Huaxia people who entered the golden age for the first time turned out to be a technology tycoon.

This is unacceptable to many Westerners. They really can’t accept that a Chinese person can become a tycoon. A Chinese person stood at the top of the world.

This is really unacceptable to them.

Came to the lakeside manor again, where vehicles of the world’s six major families are parked, in addition to Rothschild, Rodman, Morgan, and Krupp, there is also the DuPont family of munitions. And the Onassis family of shipping tycoons.

Among them, the DuPont family is one of the oldest super families in the world.

They have a history of more than two hundred years, and they are also one of the longest lasting families.

However, the DuPont family will not have a good relationship with Xiang Qiang, because they have a very good relationship with Douglas. It can be said to exist as an ally.

The Onassis family is different. This family doesn’t like Huayan, but it doesn’t hate it either. It’s basically two parallel lines.

Of course, if Huayan can enter the golden age, then the Onassis family is probably the most likely vote.

Because the Onassis family and the Rodman family have a very good relationship, everyone believes that the Onassis family may become the next identity of Huayan. If that is the case, Huayan has entered the golden age, and it is basically a matter of certainty.

Many companies in North America and big capitalists are basically ready to start contact with Huayan.

If there is one more Huaxia family in the golden age, then this family is absolutely extraordinary!

And the Huaxia market is so big, if it can really establish a friendly relationship with Huayan, this is indeed a very good premise.

In short, the current Five Holy Family has become the focus of everyone. Xiang Qianjin brought his own people and was welcomed into the manor openly in full view. Although it was an observer, the courtesy he received was totally indistinguishable from the normal family!

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