Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 544

Chapter 544 : Show off

Chen Tong smiled silently, and Gores looked at the scenery with his hands behind his back. He seemed to say unintentionally: “Mr. Xiang has always been busy, right? I always think he is missing you, but something is going to happen.”

What does this mean, can Chen Tong not hear it? She smiled and said, “It can be said that he can’t move without me.”

Chen Tong said it very confidently, not at all false. Not too excited, just like the lake in the manor.

Gores nodded. He turned to look at Chen Tong and said, “I want to hear your opinion of Du Le?”

“He is a very characteristic businessman, and his purpose is very clear, and his courage is also great. There are really few such people.” After Chen Tong finished speaking, Gores smiled slightly, and he whispered: “Ambition It is also very big, like a bottomless pit. Du Le has a nickname of a glutton in the business circle. He will eat all his partners without leaving bones. For him, he has no friends or It’s the enemy, only benefits. This person is actually too terrifying.”

Chen Tong smiled, did not speak or deny.

Gores also smiled awkwardly and said: “I said what to do, it is not good.”

Chen Tong whispered: “You are actually very anxious.”

“Oh? Anxious?”

“The Rothschild family is actually very anxious now. You at the top are more sensitive than anyone. You know your position is hard-won, so you know that soon the world will usher in a great upheaval. After all, You can see more comprehensively, and the perspective is more similar to that of God. Right?”

After Chen Tong finished speaking, Gores was stunned. He didn’t expect this young Chinese woman to directly express his concerns hidden in his heart.

Gores looked at Chen Tong suspiciously. He pretended to be stupid and said, “Can you elaborate on it?”

“Then I will show my ugliness and talk briefly. In fact, we found some problems when doing transactions, such as the problem of White Eagle. The output of White Eagle’s physical products has been very small. You are now focusing on finance, and Virtual economy. For example, futures. The main thing is to deal with capital flow. However, if you do this, it will cause a serious problem, that is, the problem of economic hollowing. After the decline of the physical manufacturing capacity, Baiying’s technological research and development capabilities are strong. , The realization ability is weak. Many are just for technical property rights, not for technical products. Whether it can be realized is not in their scope of consideration, they only need to authorize. Therefore, the production capacity is declining.”

“And then, you have another huge hidden danger, and that is the subprime mortgage crisis. Your loans are increasing, but your debt repayment ability is weakening. If this continues, it will not take long for it to be practical, and a global financial crisis will erupt. , This crisis will spread from the White Eagle to the world, and the White Eagle, Chongyak, and Europe will all be spared, while the economic growth of developing countries will slow down, and the world economy is facing the most severe since the 1930s. Challenge”

“You mean, the financial crisis?” Gores looked at Chen Tong suspiciously, Chen Tong smiled, and she whispered, “I need to talk more?”

“Talk about it, I find it very novel.”

“Your country is emerging a wave of neoliberalism, and under this policy gap, excessive innovation in financial products and excessive speculation in financial markets. The deregulation of neoliberal policies will make more and more financial institutions A financial market that is attracted to speculative business and lacks supervision has laid the roots of the financial bubble.”

“The second thing is that if the monetary policy is improperly operated, a very serious crisis will occur. Since the 1980s, your country’s monetary policy has long adhered to the orientation of low interest rates, and the long-term low interest rate has driven the entire white The Eagle stock market has periodic booms and bubbles, and this issue will sooner or later become a global explosion point.”

“In addition, the scale of manufacturing is currently stagnant, but financial innovation is excessively abused. Your country’s financial policy provides external conditions for financial product innovation. Driven by the maximization of benefits, the types and scale of financial derivatives have expanded sharply to After getting too big, I believe you can understand what it will be like if it explodes!”

“Furthermore, the marketization of the old-age security system has stimulated the demand for financial products. Since the 1980s, almost all developed countries have generally implemented pension market-oriented reforms to reduce welfare expenditures. The demand for insurance and liquid financial derivatives has not only promoted the excessive prosperity of the financial market, but also further weakened investment in the real economy. The shrinking of the physical manufacturing industry is doomed to the fundamental shake-up of the market. The fundamental part of the market is the manufacturing industry. , Not finance. You have put the cart before the horse. So, apparently, these have heralded the coming of a catastrophe.”

Gores heard Chen Tong’s account, he frowned slightly, and then asked: “You mean, these are all superficial reasons, what about the deeper reasons?”

“The underlying cause? Oh, the underlying cause of your country’s financial crisis…that is the result of the long-term imbalance between the virtual economy and the real economy! The real economy we generally refer to refers to the manufacturing, construction, and transportation industries, while the virtual The economy refers to finance, insurance services, and real estate and leasing services. Since the war, the internal structure of Baiying’s GDP has undergone tremendous changes, the real economy has continued to decline, the degree of economic “virtualization” has continued to deepen, and the financial industry has become vulnerable. Passed on to the entire national economy. In other words, the White Eagle used to be a very hard and solid economic system. Now, although you are big, you used to be brick walls, and now you are built with building blocks. With such a rapid expansion, do you think it will not fall, is it possible? ”

“Hehe, the imbalance of the real economy… Good point! I didn’t expect Miss Chen Tong to have such insight! I really admire it. But I want to ask, what do you think is the root problem?”

Chen Tong smiled, and she whispered: “The root cause of the problem, this item has always been told to me.”

“Please tell me!” Gores said politely.

“Since the 1980s, the neoliberal economic policies generally promoted by capital countries represented by your country and the international monetary system dominated by the U.S. dollar have constituted the institutional environment underpinning this crisis. From the source Look, this upcoming financial crisis is not only a financial market issue, nor is it simply a problem of imbalance between the real economy and the virtual economy, nor is it a problem of the greed of capitalists, but the basic contradiction of your country in the new historical conditions. The inevitable result of further development.”

“In the final analysis, this is the contradiction between the socialization of production and the private possession of capitalist means of production. It is still the basic contradiction of contemporary society in your country. The relative overproduction caused by this contradiction is the essence of the economic crisis.”

“In addition, the combination of a high degree of monopoly of financial capital and a high degree of speculation has pushed your country’s basic contradictions to a new level. The neo-liberal theory has exacerbated the anarchy of the capital market economy, and the excessive development of the virtual economy has not only caused The imbalance of the economic structure has created huge market risks. Therefore, the fundamental reason is determined by the system, which cannot be avoided. Of course, you can choose to take care of yourself. Avoiding this storm will not cause you to die in this crisis. ”

When Chen Tong talked about it, he didn’t say it again. Gores stopped asking when he heard this.

Because he already had the answers he wanted, Xiang Qianjin could see it through, while Chen Tong, a woman, could be drawn in, because she was a real understanding person! Now, in Baiying, a large number of capitalists seem to be crazy, and they are optimistic about domestic capital. They are frantically using innovation to increase financial projects in order to pursue profits. Make your own capital even bigger. But from Gores’s point of view, the more they do this, the bigger the bubble, and the bigger the bubble, the less investment in the physical manufacturing industry will be squeezed. The end result is that there is only one, the production capacity of the manufacturing industry is lost, and the country built from a reinforced concrete pure land becomes a castle of building blocks.

This kind of economic system, **** if it doesn’t collapse!

Gores’ eyes were full of admiration, and he nodded and said: “Sure enough. It seems that I must meet Mr. Xiang today!”

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