Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 524

Chapter 524 : Madness and arrogance

“The Simon family and the Douglas family have joined forces around the world to cut off all our platinum group element metals supplies. Now we have no suppliers at all.”

“It doesn’t matter, is there any good news?”


Chen Tong smiled and sat in Xiang Qianjin’s arms, her voice slightly raised and said softly: “And it’s very good news.”


“The first batch of rare earths on Wusheng Island has been purified. Production has officially started. Here is the list sent by Ruoxin. Take a look.”

Xiang Qianjin took the list curiously. He glanced at it and his expression changed.

Xiang Qianjin’s eyes widened, and he didn’t speak for a while. After slowly letting go, he exhaled and said, “How did you do it? How could you make so much?”

“Rare earths are produced under quota. Except for China, other parts of the world are in short supply. And we have opened a black market for rare earths, and the quality is high. I don’t know how much. Moreover, a large part of the shipping channels linked to Jiangnan trade have gone out. There is no limit on our mining, we will give as much as they want. The domestic limit continues, and the price is only high or low. And the country can further reduce the amount of mining. It is said that rare earths are in emergency, and we can always transport them back. This kind of gameplay, You can play dumb them now. And it’s hard for them to detect us.”

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: “That’s right. In this case, the longer we play, the greater our advantage.”

“However, you are now besieged by a group of people, and you even use Medusa to help you bring the goods to open up the siege of the sales channels. Obviously, the ones that have been blocked are already under the enemy. But you are still so calm, I really admire it. How about you!”

Xiang Qianjin hugged Chen Tong and asked with a smile: “Do you remember when you first met me?”


“How old am I now? I’m not even thirty years old. What should I do to start again? I’m still young, but what about them? Can they afford to lose? The Simon family has no ability to regenerate, and we do.” When Xiang Qianjin said this with a smile, Chen Tong nodded shyly and said, “Okay! What you said makes sense.”

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: “Our worst situation now is to leave the European market, but the question is how far is the Simon family from their maximum? We have a lot of margin now. I’m not worried. And beautiful. After Dusha brought me the goods, Xiucha’s sales channels have now restarted. And our internal circulation is no problem. They have nothing to do with us!”

“Are you planning to give up Chu Xiu completely?” Chen Tong asked curiously.

Xiang Qianjin coughed and said, “I also think of a way! After all, strong dragons don’t suppress ground snakes, let alone people are not ground snakes, then the whole is a Mediterranean sea monster! It is definitely difficult to deal with. But it doesn’t matter! Sooner or later, it will be necessary. There is a breakthrough!”

“A lot of big shopping malls are closed to us now, what breakthrough do you have?”

“It’s simple, we have to go to the countryside to encircle the city, and start from the retail investors. If they are willing to play this way, we will start the mode of carrying goods. I don’t believe it, I can’t play with them! I’m already ready to start everywhere. Establish some of our franchise stores. For these franchise stores, we started our franchise store model. We changed the franchise stores into a new model, not direct retail, but only recruiting retail investors. We continue to compress the price and reduce the counter The fee is saved directly. Then directly to those members. Let them become our retail accounts, and then directly draw the expensive counter fees to them. Let them make money. You see…”

“Are you planning to give profits to customers and let them continue to do it?”

“That’s what it means. We set an official guide price and retail price on the mall platform, and then we sell it under the membership system, which means that if you want to buy, you must use the membership system. The membership system requires a certain amount of delivery per month. Quantity. He can use it himself, of course, they can sell it directly, and then come back to buy it.”

“This method is good!” Chen Tong said excitedly.

Xiang Qianjin’s mouth twitched, and he whispered: “It’s a **** if you have money but don’t make money! The Simon family doesn’t even know what the people’s ocean is! Medusa takes the lead, and we have to find a few more goods. Large customers, if this is the case, we can have a breakthrough in shipments.”

Chen Tong whispered: “Now Xiucha is better, but what about hardware and small appliances? This is our biggest headache. These things are very troublesome for us!”

“Now the containers in the mall are no longer shipping to us. Now if you want to sell, you have to find a way to do it. You are right, these are not easy to bring goods, and the effect of opening a franchise store will not be any better. Why not, All hardware stores in the European market were shut down, and some were transferred to the land port of the Northern Alliance, and the other part was returned to China.”

“But many electrical components are European standard, and European standard electrical appliances simply cannot be used in China.”

Xiang Qianjin said in a low voice, holding his cheeks in his hands, “This is really a big problem. For small household appliances, if the plug can be replaced, return it to the factory to replace the plug. Take the socket out and dispose of it first. If you want to withdraw a certain product, you must immediately withdraw, don’t hesitate. Then stop all European standard electronic products, all change directions, and the main output is changed to Chongying, Nanbang and China.”

“Yes, I will inform the factory that there is a loss anyway. Rather than waiting to die, it is better to improve our plan earlier! It is better to offend the European market and further improve our activity space.”

“what do you mean……”

“Chu Xiu stopped the supply of civil screws and other hardware parts, and did not provide them. All changed to the internal circulation plan of the land transportation port. We will not sell to the outside world, only supply the manufacturer. What do you think?”

Xiang Qianjin thought for a while, then nodded and said: “It is also a way to reduce our pressure on the distribution of goods, directly recall all of them, and stop supplying them. Since they support Simon, then don’t blame me for being polite!”

Xiang Qianjin adopted Chen Tong’s suggestion.

Chu Xiu stopped supplying goods three days later, and all the unsold goods were recalled. Overnight, the products of Chu Xiu in major European stores soared overnight, but no one was in stock. At almost the same time, Chuxiu publicly announced that the product would go through an internal cycle. Because of the monopolistic crackdown on competitors in the European market, Chuxiu Hardware and Chuxiu Home Electronics were fully launched in the European civilian market. This sentence caused an uproar!


Because many European factories have not joined the land transportation plan, they usually purchase some high-strength screws through the civilian market, and the construction industry and many factories directly purchase Chuxiu’s products from the civilian market. They are not large in scale and are not qualified to enter the land port. Chu Xiu was directly delisted, which caused the supply chain of these factories to be broken.

The only thing they can choose now is to use Chongying Hardware, which is more expensive than Chuxiu’s products and is not as strong as Chuxiu’s products. This cost is not as simple as doubling the price. In seven days, Shigeo’s anti-removal screw has increased tenfold. After all, their output was so large that they didn’t need such a large production capacity in the past. Although there are many orders now, their production tasks have become very serious.

Chuxiu’s production line is much larger than theirs. And most importantly, what Chuxiu uses is that the machine tool technology is better than them, and the latest non-metallic series of conforming material parts completely abuse traditional metal parts. The most important thing is that the models are not complete, and there are not many product models to choose from. Originally, I set the product specifications and sizes by myself, but now I have to customize the product according to the screw cap. Let the product change for the screw cap.

Who is this? In this case, the increased cost is quite terrifying!

Xiang Qiang’s move really worked, and there was a chain reaction in the European market. And those politicians who are looking for Xiang Qian to talk have no way to talk. It’s very simple. Xiang Qianjin is the victim. He didn’t sell it, but couldn’t sell it, so he just broke the confession now. Do they want to live well?

A large number of Chuxiu products were delisted, the hardware market was suddenly emptied, and the cost of living skyrocketed! In the past, one or two euros could buy a very good electric light to turn on, and a few euros to get a very good socket, but now it takes more than ten euros. Moreover, Huayan’s products are very high-end, and Zhongying’s components are good, but the high-level sense of electronic products is not good. Their product power cannot satisfy those who want to spend less to enjoy a high-end life. And now after the delisting, the market has begun to appear turbulent.

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