Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 522

Chapter 522 : His truth

Medusa looked at Xiang Qiang warily, she asked suspiciously, “What do you mean by this?”

“Literally, you are wrong. You are completely wrong. Power supply, such an important matter, do you think I will not consider it at all? Let’s put it this way, each of our land transportation ports now comes with large battery packs. The power consumption of the land transportation port is not so terrible. We can charge the battery pack on weekdays, or we can use the outside AC power at all. Moreover, even if we connect things from the power plant, we actually use DC power instead of AC power. That is to say, even if your power is cut off, our batteries will continue to work, and the fuel cell stack will start to work at this time. So our entire warehouse module can continue to work. And our land shipping port will also maintain the source The continuous delivery of battery modules is just a matter of sending something. As for the cost, you can rest assured of our technology. Huayan’s technology is already mature and can be used to blow up the catastrophe.”

Xiang Qianjin said that he was very confident, after all, technology is what Huayan supports.

Technology is the waist.

Of course, the advancement of this kind of black technology can be mad without explanation.

Hearing Xiang Qianjin’s answer, Medusa whispered: “Fuel cells also need something. What is your fuel cell…”

“You don’t have to guess, it’s methane.”

“That heavy element power generation technology…”

“Haha, you still know a lot, do you know about heavy element power generation?” Xiang Qianjin smiled and walked back to his boss chair and sat down, with a little joking in his expression. But Medusa was not angry about it. She looked at Xiang Qiang and didn’t say anything else.

Xiang Qianjin smiled and explained in a gentle tone: “Yes, this technology is power generation technology, and its full name is Controllable Nuclear Fusion of Heavy Elements.”

“What? Did you achieve controllable nuclear fusion?!”

“Of course, I don’t have to lie, because we have indeed mastered controllable nuclear fusion. This technology can be accomplished by using deuterium in seawater. Of course, we did not actually decide to use deuterium, but chose something else. Energy. That’s all, I don’t think there is any need to go on anymore, right?”

Medusa Zou raised her brows, and she whispered: “Your environment has broken the barrier of energy problems. In this way, will you China start to break away from the mercy of traditional energy in the future?”

Xiang Qianjin whispered: “Business knows no borders, but businessmen do. I am from Huaxia…”

Medusa smiled bitterly, then nodded and said, “I know. Give me another 20,000 cans.”

“What is 20,000 cans?” Xiang Qianjin asked suspiciously.

“I have already found a store, I want to represent your show tea, will you not welcome it?”

“Hehe, you are really an interesting woman. Okay, I’ll give it to you.” Xiang Qianjin followed the invoice and handed it directly to Medusa. Medusa smiled enchantingly while holding the delivery slip: “Thank you!”

Xiang Qianjin watched Medusa walk out, and JK just saw it when she walked in from the door. She watched Medusa walk out and said, “Vixie.”


Xiang Qianjin couldn’t help but smiled. JK took the tea and walked to Xiang Qianjin and asked, “Are you fascinated?”

“Just kidding, you are so beautiful, I will let her hook up? What do you think? I just think Hoffman is no one is available. Now Medusa is his only choice. But Medusa’s means and ability In terms of comparison, it’s totally incomparable if you compare it to you. Then you have to throw it away!” Xiang Qianjin’s extremely eager answer made JK giggle endlessly.

JK took out two pieces of paper from the folder in his arms and said: “The handover of Arthur in North America has been completed, and now you can start operations.”

Xiang Qianjin took a brief look at the document, and then put it on the table. “Now is not the time. This thing should be available at a critical time. Medusa has tasted the sweetness. This beautiful snake is a woman who can find prey on her own. Lord.”

JK looked at Xiang Qiang suspiciously and asked, “Are you trying to induce her to do something?”

“Yes, I’m inducing her. Of course she also knows that this is just a cooperation. And it was done with Hoffman’s acquiescence. In fact, I can’t understand it until now.”

“Why did Hoffman suddenly jump into this fire pit and stir up?” JK asked with a smile.

“Well, I really can’t understand it. The fact is that he is too weird.” Xiang Qianjin replied honestly, looking very honest, but JK understood. This person is not honest at all.

JK pursed his lips and went to clean up the papers on the table. Chen Tong hurriedly walked in from the outside, her face didn’t look pretty. Xiang Qianjin looked suspiciously at Chen Tong and asked, “Have you been chased?”

“How is it possible? It’s something related to you, something happened.”

Xiang Qianjin was taken aback as soon as Chen Tong said these words, he didn’t know why he was tense in his heart.

Chen Tong said in a low voice, “I also accidentally found a piece of news. I saw Hoffman’s case when I was going to get the medical files for the workers. Hoffman had a brain tumor, which was at an advanced stage.”

“What?” Xiang Qianjin’s body tightened, and he felt as if he was frozen. Chen Tong asked incomprehensibly: “How could this be?”

“Where did I know that I stole a photocopy of the case, here it is.”

After Chen Tong handed over the case to Xiang Qiang, Xiang Qiang looked through it.

It really was Hoffman!

And it is the advanced stage of brain cancer! This is the physical examination report from last month. The doctor’s advice above recommends that you go home for recuperation.

“Have you asked the doctor?”

Chen Tong nodded and said: “After asking, the doctor refused to say at first. I took a lot of effort to say it. He said it was Hoffman himself. He has less than two months left. Now Huo Hoffman should have amblyopia. His health is very bad. The possibility of successful surgery is almost zero. So he will die if he has a craniotomy. Hoffman himself intends to give up treatment. Now I can’t understand him. What do you want to do? Your body has become like this, why do you continue to come to Europe for a trip in this muddy water?”

“Because this is what he wants to do most in his life, he wants to see this plan succeed!”

Xiang Qianjin’s tone was very low. He looked at Chen Tong and said, “Hoffman’s purpose in coming to Europe is to choose his last heir. The company is one part, and his dream is another part. And now he really has done it right. chosen……”

“then you……”

“Where does he live, I want to see him first.” Xiang Qianjin said in a very soft voice.

JK whispered: “I know where it is, I’ll take you there!”

Xiang Qianjin nodded, and he whispered: “It’s just right for you to accompany me. Now that you know, go and see!”

JK wasn’t too long-winded, so she hurried to prepare the car. Hoffman’s health is not as good as the day, and he has left early from work these days. It is simply impossible to stay in the company for long. Sitting alone in his yard is just sitting there alone, and he doesn’t want to think about it at all. Whether Hoffman can live to two months is now unknown.

But he worked so hard that he lived to see a ghost.

Xiang Qiang’s car stopped in front of Hoffman’s door. There was only a housekeeper and a maid in the manor. As for the bodyguards, everything had been withdrawn. It didn’t make sense at all. Even if he was killed now, he would only live a few days less. Hoffman doesn’t care about those things anymore. After all, the person has been selected, Medusa’s words, although not the most satisfactory to him. But she can already go on with the company. As for Hoffman himself, he was powerless.

Xiang Qianjin walked in from outside the yard. When he came in, Hoffman sat in a wicker chair and closed his eyes and said, “You still know.”

“Why do you want to do this?” Xiang Qianjin asked rhetorically.

“I admire your cleverness, but I hate you to ask knowingly.” Hoffman said slowly, and he was not angry.

Xiang Qianjin said in a deep voice, “You don’t have to do this, you should know.”

“No need? Just to live a few more days? I am not so afraid of death. I have already signed a will. After my death, my estate will be used as a public welfare fund to benefit the orphans. I have no fear for a long time… Hoffman said with a smile, when Xiang Qianjin suddenly stopped him.

“Thank you, Teacher Hoffman…”

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